READING STRATEGIES FOR NON-PHILOLOGICAL HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
reading / reading culture / ways to make reading interesting / strategies / productive teaching. / чтение / культура чтения / способы сделать чтение интересным / стратегии / продуктивное обучение.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Zaripova, Aziza Shaxobiddinovna, Juraboyeva, Gulmira Sherali Kizi

Reading strategies for students can help students in their studies across the board, which will require considerably more reading and good comprehension skills. It is therefore important to learn about effective reading strategies for both students and teachers.

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Стратегии чтения для студентов могут помочь студентам в учебе по всем направлениям, что потребует значительно большего количества навыков чтения и понимания прочитанного. Поэтому важно узнать об эффективных стратегиях чтения как для учеников, так и для учителей.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 6

educational, natural and social sciences ( ) ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423


Zaripova Aziza Shaxobiddinovna

Teacher of Samarkand state institute of foreign languages Juraboyeva Gulmira Sherali kizi

Student of Samarkand state institute of foreign languages


Reading strategies for students can help students in their studies across the board, which will require considerably more reading and good comprehension skills. It is therefore important to learn about effective reading strategies for both students and teachers.

Keywords: reading, reading culture, ways to make reading interesting, strategies, productive teaching.


Стратегии чтения для студентов могут помочь студентам в учебе по всем направлениям, что потребует значительно большего количества навыков чтения и понимания прочитанного. Поэтому важно узнать об эффективных стратегиях чтения как для учеников, так и для учителей.

Ключевые слова: чтение, культура чтения, способы сделать чтение интересным, стратегии, продуктивное обучение.


Reading is one thing that many students struggle with. Some students get the underlying messages right away, while others need a little extra help. One of the most important reading strategies for non-philological higher education students is to increase a students' motivation to read. Reading comprehension, discussion and high standards won't help a student to excel in reading if they aren't motivated to read in the first place. Students can be encouraged to read more if the text they are reading from is at the correct reading level for them. Nothing is more discouraging than to constantly struggle with the reading material. Students that learn to read from text at the appropriate level will become readers that are more confident and will therefore excel. By the time students reach the high school level, we hope their reading levels have improved from their elementary years. While the majority of students' understanding have improved by the time they reach high school, there are still many students who get frustrated and struggle to read. Below, I will explain and discuss five important and helpful strategies that teachers can incorporate into their lessons, in any class that they teach:


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

Scientific Journal Impact Factor



VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 6 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2021: 5.423

1.Inference: As we read, we can use inference to further reading comprehension. When we infer while reading, we use knowledge that we already have and combine that with evidence from the text passages to come to conclusions with what we are reading. Students can formulate a question they may come upon while reading. In order to answer that question, they need to first determine what they already know about the subject in the text and then look for evidence in the text that supports their question. This information will help to lead them to their answer.

2.Questioning: While students are reading their text, they can start to create questions as they go along. They need to actively question what they are reading. Questions they have may be about the text, or about what the author means by a specific sentence or paragraph. By questioning, students are now thinking about what they are actually reading and can analyze passages more deeply and thoroughly. There comes a connection between the reader and the text, which also helps to increase comprehension.

3.Summarizing: One of the more difficult types of reading strategies is summarizing, mainly because students don't know what they are supposed to do. Some students end up providing too many details, while others not enough. By doing either, they may miss the main point and end up making no sense at all. With proper and frequent practice, summarizing will help students to write down the main ideas of a longer passage, help them to focus on key points and ideas that the author wants the reader to understand, and be able to use keywords and phrases properly.

4.Main Idea: Finding the main idea of a text is sometimes difficult for students to understand. Students need to first understand the focus of the text, then they can figure out what is so important about that focus. Combining the two creates the main idea of a passage. Students can do this with any text by finding supporting evidence in the text that describes the focus [1].

6. Synthesizing: Synthesizing is another difficult strategy for students, so frequent practice and modeling is essential for students. Synthesizing works as a reading strategy by breaking down all of the parts of a text into pieces, such as the characters, the plot, the climax, and the setting, while discussing or thinking about how they all come together to create one whole text. As the students read the text, they will begin to think differently about the text. They will learn more information about characters that will promote them think differently. Their opinions will change, as their comprehension increases.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 6

educational, natural and social sciences ( ) ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423

Below are 4 primary suggestions that can help you support all students' reading progress:

1.Teach students at their instructional reading levels. Organize strategic reading groups so you can meet students where they are and move them forward by offering them experiences that build self-confidence and self-efficacy.

2.Provide students with reading and vocabulary strategies. The purpose of the reading strategy curriculum is to give students problem-solving tools that enable them to recall content, construct meaning from diverse texts, synthesize ideas across texts, and create new understandings.

3.Give independent reading a prominent place in your curriculum. Becoming an independent reader, like improving in football or in playing the piano, requires practice. Encourage students to choose books they're interested in reading—books that are easy and enjoyable, just like the materials you read for pleasure, on vacation, and in your spare time. This practice can build stamina and the ability to focus and concentrate, as well as enlarge students' vocabularies and background knowledge.

4.Use the read-aloud as a common text to model reading. Think aloud with an anchor text to make visible how you use prior knowledge and apply reading strategies to comprehend and create new understandings. In addition, students will observe you thinking about issues and exploring essential questions they've helped you develop to deepen their comprehension and recall of information [2].


In conclusion, Improving students' reading skills can be challenging. However, I truly believe doing this can develop the reading expertise needed for becoming productive, contributing members of their community and the world. Students' success in reading and learning will show them the value of setting reasonable goals and meeting them through hard work, as well as give them the incentive to strive and achieve for the rest of their livesAs mentioned above, a number of recommendations go through the pedagogical and psychological processes that every parent should take into account and pay attention to when choosing a book. As a child grows older, his worldview expands under the influence of rapidly evolving innovations in books and information technology. Parents are the first foundation in the interest in reading, and in the pre-school period, if the child reads the book according to the interests of the child, inspires him with love, tells him what the book is, its secrets, The child's interest in books expands and the desire to read books is formed. There is no doubt that by regularly monitoring the student's interest, giving him the opportunity to read


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

Scientific Journal Impact Factor



VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 6 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2021: 5.423

a book, and supporting him, the student's desire to read will become stronger and the reader will become a reader. Regular reading has a positive effect on the student's mastery of other subjects. So, in order to nurture and develop the child's mind in the spirit of our values in this period of rapid development of modern technologies, it is necessary to strengthen their love for books.


1. Saidov, S. (2021). IBN AL-MUQAFFANING ISLOM TARJIMA SAN'ATIGA QO 'SHGAN HISSASI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 7(1).

2. Jurayev, S. S. O. (2021). ABU ALI IBN SINONING FALSAFIY QARASHLARIDA BAXT-SAODAT MASALASI. Academic research in educational sciences, 2(Special Issue 1)

3. Sulaymonov, J. (2021) ABDURAHMON IBN XALDUNNING TAMADDUN TARAQQIYOTI HAQIDAGI QARASHLARIDA JAMIYAT TAHLILI/Academic Research in Educational Sciences, Vol. 2 Special Issue 1, 2021. 451-455 R.

4. Sulaymonov, J. B. (2021). IBN XALDUNNING „MUQADDIMA "ASARIDA JAMIYAT TARAQQIYOTIGA TA'SIR QILUVCHI OMILLAR TALQINI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 7(4), 732-737.

5. Sulaymonov, J. Karimov, N.Contribution of Abu Isa Tirmidhi to the Science of Hadith //International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-1, November, 2019. P. 593-599.




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