Научная статья на тему 'Развитие навыков письма на английском языке у студентов вуза'

Развитие навыков письма на английском языке у студентов вуза Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
навыки письменной речи / профессиональная конкурентоспособность / требования рынка / английский язык / студенты / writing skills / professional competitiveness / market requirements / English / undergraduates

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Шарлаимова Г. Т.

В статье показана эффективность внедрения авторской методики (А. А. Егурновой) обучения культуре письменного речевого общения на английском языке в образовательную среду высшего учебного заведения. Обоснована значимость развития культуры письма для полноценного формирования профессиональной компетентности современного специалиста, удовлетворяющей запросам и стандартам мирового сообщества.

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Предварительный просмотрDOI: 10.24411/2520-6990-2019-10480
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The paper demonstrates the efficiency of implementing original teaching technique (by A. A. Egurnova) aimed at developing English writing skills in the learning environment of higher educational institutions. It justifies culture in written communication as a significant integral part of undergraduates’ professional competence, which meets the requirements and standards of the contemporary global community.

Текст научной работы на тему «Развитие навыков письма на английском языке у студентов вуза»

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УДК 378.4

Шарлаимова Г.Т.

Тихоокеанский государственный университет DOI: 10.24411/2520-6990-2019-10480 РАЗВИТИЕ НАВЫКОВ ПИСЬМА НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ У СТУДЕНТОВ ВУЗА

Sharlaimova G. T.

Pacific National University



В статье показана эффективность внедрения авторской методики (А. А. Егурновой) обучения культуре письменного речевого общения на английском языке в образовательную среду высшего учебного заведения. Обоснована значимость развития культуры письма для полноценного формирования профессиональной компетентности современного специалиста, удовлетворяющей запросам и стандартам мирового сообщества.


The paper demonstrates the efficiency of implementing original teaching technique (by A. A. Egurnova) aimed at developing English writing skills in the learning environment of higher educational institutions. It justifies culture in written communication as a significant integral part of undergraduates' professional competence, which meets the requirements and standards of the contemporary global community.

Ключевые слова: навыки письменной речи, профессиональная конкурентоспособность, требования рынка, английский язык, студенты

Key words: writing skills, professional competitiveness, market requirements, English, undergraduates

Developing and improving, Russian universities are aware of the need to form their students' multicultural competencies and try to ensure that their graduates' education is highly valued in the international labor market. Multicultural competencies include knowledge of the national culture and its achievements, understanding of other people and their individualities as well as respect for others, tolerance and ability to live and cooperate with representatives of other cultures [10, 12]. In this regard, it should be noted that more attention is paid to the disciplines, providing successful formation of students as competitive professionals in the foreign-language community.

The requirements to the teaching profession today, under globalization and expansion of international relations between countries and society's information awareness and the entry of many universities (including the Russian ones) into the Bologna process, differ significantly from the requirements of a few decades ago. Today it is not sufficient for teachers to know their subject and teach it skillfully to their students. They should be able to pattern their behavior on the market conditions and adapt to them, modify, if necessary, their activity and teach students do the same [4, 5].

In particular, training teachers of foreign languages and cultures features considerable culture of communication, literacy, including well-bred speech, as an essential constituent of professional competence. Culture of communication, in this perspective, is considered as unity of the following linguistic and extra-linguistic skills [1, 6, 7]:

- ability to lead a discussion;

- ability to use expressive linguistic means under different communicative conditions;

- ability to understand humor;

- proper articulation, trained voice;

- reasonable usage of facial expressions and gestures in speech;

- ability to speak and write in standard English.

The ability to communicate not only orally but

also in writing is an integral part of professional competence, a prerequisite for the professionalism of a would-be specialist. Proficiency in writing (knowledge of the basics of writing, types of writing, rules of etiquette and record keeping according to the style of a document, composition laws, techniques of persuasion, argumentation, etc.), literary editing skills, the ability to create one's own works play a very important role in training of linguists nowadays, under active development of international relations and creation of a unified global space [2, 9]. Thus, the problem of forming culture in written English communication in would-be teachers of linguistics comes to the fore.

Moreover, the study of teaching practice and contents of basic educational programs with a major in "Linguistics and Intercultural Communication" suggests that today the process aimed at formation of culture in English written communication in higher educational institutions is slow. The main reasons why such a situation has developed, in our opinion, are the lack of flexibility and adequacy of theoretical and methodological foundation and methodological support of the process of training highly qualified linguists for the future professional activity as well as the lack of systematic, targeted training of students-linguists focused on formation of culture in English written communication.

Striving to find solutions to the mentioned problems we have implemented an original teaching technique of A. A. Egurnova [3, 8, 11], which incorporates a set of activities and practices aimed at developing and improving students' culture of writing. For instance, it includes:

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1)Work on the structure of the written message and constant practice of writing essays;

2)Group discussion of the essay's problem via brainstorming, clustering or mind mapping, outlining, freewriting, etc.;

3)Studying the peculiarities of English and Russian punctuation by learning punctuation rules and analyzing written patterns and texts;

4)Studying word formation of different parts of speech by finding and correcting mistakes, choosing the most suitable synonym / antonym, identifying the meaning of phrasal verbs in contrast contexts;

5)Studying epithets and metaphors in order to enable students to write good topic sentences, discarding of too broad or too narrow ideas, choosing one topic out of multiple possibilities;

6)Analyzing the main lexical and grammatical links, making use of them in various contexts, uniting separate sentences into a paragraph;

7)Learning spelling rules, identifying common patterns in spelling, rectifying mistakes in essays and texts of different genres;

8)Studying introductory words and phrases in order to create a good description of a topic and expand evidence;

9)Determining the time frame of different texts by revising sequence of tenses;

Implication of the teaching technique and a set of activities mentioned above into the studying process has provided significant assistance to undergraduates in composing and assessing written works. The effect of the teaching technique includes a higher level of development of such professional traits and characteristics as:

- organization;

- quick-thinking;

- creativity;

- critical thinking;

- rich vocabulary;

- reasoned and evidence-based opinion;

- ability to find an effective solution;

- self-confidence.

When completing the writing course, the positive shift in students' knowledge and skills in English writing is evident. Only a small proportion of students may still experience some difficulties in composing essays. In contrast, the vast majority of undergraduates demonstrate a significant increase in the level of writing culture as compared with their results at the beginning of studies.

Список литературы

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