РАЗРАБОТКА ИННОВАЦИЙ В СФЕРЕ ЭКСКУРСИОННОГО ТУРИЗМА Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Yessenov science journal
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Ключевые слова
тур / инновации в туризме / туристическая индустрия / интерактивный тур / инновации / индустрия туризма / инновационные подходы / электронный туризм. / tour / innovation in tourism / tourism / interactive tour / innovation / tourism industry / innovative approaches / e-tourism.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — А.Б. Кизимбаева, Л.Г. Кирбасова, И.В. Таранова

Целью статьи является рассмотрение теоретических основ экскурсионного туризма и его инноваций, регулирование экскурсионной и туристской деятельности в Казахстане нормативно-правовыми актами и анализ зарубежного и отечественного состояния внедрения инноваций в экскурсионный туризм. Туризм и экскурсии тесно связанные понятия. Экскурсии определяют идеализм и познавательность любого путешествия. Современный туристический рынок, как один из основных туристических продуктов, требует новых методов и подходов к организации экскурсий. Предоставление качественных туристических услуг невозможно без качественного экскурсионного обслуживания. В сфере экскурсионного туризма можно в короткие сроки создать высококачественный отечественный продукт, который будет удовлетворять потребности разных категорий потребителей и обладать определенными свойствами. Инновации в любой отрасли, в том числе и в туризме, качественно отличаются от новизны. Инновационные изменения в туризме создают внутреннюю энергию эффективного роста. Эти изменения нарушают баланс, но создают основы для дальнейшего развития, перехода системы в новое качество. Поэтому именно профессиональное внедрение инноваций в жизнь является залогом развития конкретной отрасли. Современные эксперты по социальному развитию утверждают, что ни одна из проблем, с которыми сталкивается бизнес сегодня, не является более важной и сложной, чем проблема инноваций. Методологической основой исследования является комплексный подход и диалектические принципы, которые позволили выявить существенные характеристики изучаемых процессов экскурсионного туризма, внедрения инноваций в экскурсионную деятельность, выделить присущие им противоречия и определить тенденции их развития.

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The purpose of the article is to consider the theoretical foundations of excursion tourism and its innovations, the regulation of excursion and tourist activities in Kazakhstan by regulatory legal acts and the analysis of the foreign and domestic state of introducing innovations in excursion tourism. Tourism and excursions are closely related concepts. Excursions define the idealism and knowledge of any trip. The modern tourist market, as one of the main tourist products, requires new methods and approaches to organizing excursions. The provision of quality tourist services is impossible without quality excursion services. In the field of excursion tourism, it is possible to create a high-quality domestic product in a short time that will satisfy the needs of different categories of consumers and has certain properties. Innovation in any industry, including tourism, is qualitatively different from novelty. Innovative changes in tourism create the internal energy of effective growth. These changes upset the balance, but create the foundations for further development, the transition of the system to a new quality. Therefore, it is the professional introduction of innovations into life that is the development of a particular industry. Modern social development experts argue that none of the problems that business faces today is more important and complex than the problem of innovation. The methodological basis of the study is an integrated approach and dialectical principles, which made it possible to identify the essential characteristics of the studied processes of excursion tourism, the introduction of innovations in excursion activities, highlight their inherent contradictions and determine their development trends.


UDC 379.85

DOI 10.56525/PXQF9153





Caspian University of Technology

and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov

Aktau, Kazakhstan

E-mail: kizimbaeva@mail.ru


Caspian University of Technology

and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov

Aktau, Kazakhstan

E-mail: amlm13@mail.ru


Stavropol State

Agrarian University

Russia, Stavropol

E-mail: taranovairina@yandexThe.ru

*Corresponding author: kizimbaeva@mail.ru

Annotation. The purpose of the article is to consider the theoretical foundations of excursion tourism and its innovations, the regulation of excursion and tourist activities in Kazakhstan by regulatory legal acts and the analysis of the foreign and domestic state of introducing innovations in excursion tourism. Tourism and excursions are closely related concepts. Excursions define the idealism and knowledge of any trip. The modern tourist market, as one of the main tourist products, requires new methods and approaches to organizing excursions. The provision of quality tourist services is impossible without quality excursion services. In the field of excursion tourism, it is possible to create a high-quality domestic product in a short time that will satisfy the needs of different categories of consumers and has certain properties. Innovation in any industry, including tourism, is qualitatively different from novelty. Innovative changes in tourism create the internal energy of effective growth. These changes upset the balance, but create the foundations for further development, the transition of the system to a new quality. Therefore, it is the professional introduction of innovations into life that is the development of a particular industry. Modern social development experts argue that none of the problems that business faces today is more important and complex than the problem of innovation. The methodological basis of the study is an integrated approach and dialectical principles, which made it possible to identify the essential characteristics of the studied processes of excursion tourism, the introduction of innovations in excursion activities, highlight their inherent contradictions and determine their development trends.

Key words: tour, innovation in tourism, tourism, interactive tour, innovation, tourism industry, innovative approaches, e-tourism.

Introduction. Tourism is one of the most important economic clusters and as a cluster is included in the list of seven important sectors of the economy of Kazakhstan. Tourism contributes to the creation of jobs, the formation of GDP and an active foreign trade balance in many countries of the world. Excursion activity is one of the prerequisites for the development of tourism, economic growth, competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets [1]

The relevance of the research lies in the fact that the modern tourist market requires an innovative approach to the organization of excursion activities as one of the main tourist products.

The purpose of the study is to develop recommendations for improving excursion tourism through the development and introduction of innovations.

Research objectives: assessment of the level of development of excursion tourism; formulation of innovations and their comparison with the possibilities of implementation; development of recommendations for the development of innovations in the field of excursion tourism.

The rapidly developing tourism industry, using obvious reserves of development lying on the surface, needs a new impulse, in search of innovations to justify its positions in the competitive struggle. The ability to interest travelers in their activities is a guarantee of stable income and business development. This is possible only by applying innovations that will distinguish the company from others. The scale and dynamics of changes in innovation activity have determined the need for research, systematization and ordering of scientific knowledge in this field. Innovations in tourism bring new ideas, services and products to the market, which allows the service and the level of supply to move to a higher stage of development.

The methodology of the research consists in the use of abstract-logical, economic-statistical, complex-factorial, analogy, comparative and expert method, and extrapolation. The provision of high-quality tourist services is impossible without high-quality excursion service [2].

Materials and methods. In modern and rapidly changing conditions, innovations play a crucial role in ensuring the competitiveness of an enterprise. Innovation is a tool for translating and applying the achievements of scientific thought. From this point of view, tourism is an extremely wide field for innovation, since it is a complex intersectoral socio-economic system. Tourism not only creates a new product or service, it also uses innovations introduced in other areas of management [3].

The theoretical and methodological basis of the article is the work of such scientists as A.D. Zharkova, E.D. Balabanova, V.A. Kvartalnov, N.N. Malakhova exploring innovations in tourist systems. The issues of innovative development are also reflected in the works of foreign scientists J. L. Gibson, P.F. Draker, M. Robson. In describing the problems inherent in the excursion component of tourist complexes, the works of B.V. Yemelyanov, A.V. Svyatoslavsky, N.A. Sedova, G.V. Yakovenko, Lyakh O.A. were used.

The authors chose scientific works and research works of Kazakhstani and world authors on the topic of innovations in excursion activities as the basis of the article. In addition, multi-level legislative and regulatory acts, information from scientific and practical events dedicated to this topic were studied.

The main part. After analyzing several large Internet portals of famous museums, we can conclude that many museums around the world are already betting on interactivity [4]. Classical excursions in rating positions have shifted a lot, especially now, during new technologies and globalizations. Tourist enterprises providing excursion services should apply new methods and forms of information submission [10]. Over time, the classical excursion is transformed into an interactive one, these excursions have significant differences (Table 1).

Table 1 - Comparison of classical and interactive excursions

Stages of the tour Traditional excursion Interactive tour

At the stage of preparing the excursion The route and the text of the excursion are being developed The route, text and animation component are being developed

During the tour Offered by a guide to a group of tourists In addition to the guide and sightseers, support staff are required and

preliminary preparation

During the tour The guide takes the main information load on himself;

Tourists act as spectators and listeners;

Tourists are a single group. The guide plays the role of a manager who organizes the joint activities of sightseers and animators;

Tourists independently obtain information about objects using their own knowledge, the Internet, etc.

Presentation of material about excursion objects Material about objects of tourist interest is presented

tour guide Material about objects of tourist interest in whole or in part

taken by tourists.

In the process of pricing The guide's remuneration is taken into account The wages of the guide and assistants involved in the organization of the interactive tour are taken into account.

Note - compiled according to the source [4]

European countries are the favorites of highly developed countries in terms of sightseeing tourism. As for the statistics of the development of sightseeing tourism in Europe, the intensive and steady growth of international visits shows that sightseeing tourism has become more accessible since its development (Figure 2).

Figure 1- Number of international arrivals, billion people

Note - compiled according to the source [10]

In the figure we can see that the number of international arrivals of tourists is increasing every year. But due to the global situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, this indicator may not grow so significantly in 2021. The above statistics prove that a lot of income can be obtained from tourism. The leading countries of tourism are the leaders in the popularity of sightseeing tourism after a beach holiday (Table 2).

Table 2 - Types of tourism and its popularity among tourists in 2021, %

№ Types of recreation (tourism) Share,%

1 Beach holidays 26

2 Excursion 20

3 Health resorts 10

4 Sports tourism 8

5 Fishing 7

6 City tourism 4

7 Hunting tourism 2

8 Scientific tourism 2

9 Business tourism 2

10 The rest 19

Note - compiled according to the source [5]

Based on the data in Table 2, we can conclude that sightseeing tourism is popular in the world, has great potential in development.

During the tour, tourists often visit museums to get to know the life of the local population, its history and culture (Table 3).

Table 3 - The most visited museums in the world in 2021, people

№ Name of the museum Location Number

of visits, people

1 The Louvre Paris, France 10 200 000

2 National Museum of China Beijing, China 8 610 092

3 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, USA 6 953 927

4 Vatican Museums Vatican City 6 756 186

5 Tate Modern London, Great Britain 5 868 562

6 British Museum London, Great Britain 5 820 000

7 National Gallery London, Great Britain 5 735 871

8 National Gallery of Art Washington, USA 4 404 212

9 Hermitage St. Petersburg, RF 4 220 000

10 Victoria and Albert Museum London, Great Britain 3 967 556

Note - compiled according to the source [5]

According to the "Association of Tourism of Kazakhstan", 149 tourist enterprises are engaged in organizing excursions, of which 20% are engaged in domestic tourism. Among these tourist companies there is a well-developed network of tourist companies in Nur-Sultan and Almaty, Almaty, Pavlodar, Karaganda, East Kazakhstan and South Kazakhstan regions. Travel companies can organize sightseeing services in different directions [8].

Tourists coming to Kazakhstan show great interest in culture and history, so they often visit museums.

The total number of visitors was 6450.2 thousand people, including children - 2841.0 thousand people or 44.0%.

The number of exhibitions held by the museums of the republic in 2021 amounted to 9206 units, of which 10 were held abroad. Out of 240 museums, 203 museums are connected to the Internet, 149 museums have their own Internet resource. The number of exhibits in museums is growing every year. And some of the exhibits can be found in electronic format (Figure 3).

In 2020, the number of exhibits increased by 1.8% compared to 2019, that is, to 2.5 million. And the number of exhibits in electronic format increased by 14.1%, to 837.4 thousand.

The lowest indicator in terms of the number of museums is in the western part of Kazakhstan, but many tourists from neighboring Russia, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan come to the West Kazakhstan and Mangystau regions. Consequently, there is a great opportunity to increase income in these regions, so it is necessary to develop the activities of museums in these regions, as well as organize various sightseeing routes that may interest more tourists [11].

Figure 2 - The volume of excursion services rendered in 2017-2020, thousand tenge

Note - compiled according to the source [6]

According to the figure above, we see that in 2019, 17,999,760.9 thousand tenge of tourist services were provided, including excursion services in the amount of 229,863.0 thousand tenge, which is 0.12% of the total volume of tourist services. In 2020, excursion services were provided for a total amount of 534,438.4 thousand tenge, which is 3.8% of tourist services. Excursion services were provided in the amount of 178,911.4 thousand tenge for outbound tourism, 301,723.4 thousand tenge for domestic tourism. In 2021, excursion services were provided in the amount of 614,329.5 thousand tenge, of which the volume of excursion services amounted to 7.4% for inbound tourism, 22.6% for outbound tourism and 69.4% for domestic tourism. In 2022, compared to 2019, the volume of excursion services increased by 384,466.5 thousand tenge.

Kazakhstanis prefer holidays abroad more. Especially in countries such as Egypt, Thailand, Turkey, UAE, Sri Lanka. Below you can see which countries the travel agency sold more tours to in 2021 (Figure 4).

Figure 3 - Customer demand for tours to foreign countries, 2021 [9]

Note - compiled by the author

From the diagram above, we can conclude that outbound tourists of our country prefer countries with a hotter climate, I also want to note that tours to these destinations are lower in cost than the rest.

Tourist companies offer many sightseeing routes in the cities of Nur-Sultan, Borovoye, Almaty and other cities of Kazakhstan at the request of customers [6]. Since excursions are not in great demand, the travel agency conducts them according to the standard methodology, without using new techniques or technologies (innovations). Basically, the company's activities are aimed at outbound tourism - abroad.

In the course of the study, the following problems were identified for the introduction of innovations in excursion tourism: financial, managerial and organizational problems faced by enterprises during practical activities (Figure 4).

Figure 4 - Problems of innovation implementation identified by respondents

Note - compiled by the author

The lack of funding for innovative areas of development was shown by the majority of respondents as the main obstacle to the introduction of innovations: “You can offer anything, but everything depends on money.”

Most of the respondents defined innovation as the introduction of something new, still missing but with prospects, new directions, a new way of promotion. The statements of the respondents can be assessed as the most consistent with scientific and bookish definitions of innovation. A number of respondents believe that funding is a key factor in the development of innovations.

From the figure below, we can see that a large share of the cost of innovation falls on private property. Many state departments and regional executive bodies should be interested in the development of tourism (Figure 5).

Figure 5 - Costs for product and process innovations by ownership, million tenge

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Note - compiled according to the source [7]

The large tourist and recreational resource potential of Kazakhstan determines unlimited opportunities for the development of the excursion industry. It is known that Kazakhstan has a large number of historical, cultural attractions, as well as other objects of tourist display. These, according to the statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, include 245 museums, 68 theaters, 18 zoos, 8 national parks and more than 25 thousand historically and culturally significant places.

Particular attention should be paid to the lack of qualified guides and guides who speak different foreign languages. 96 people are registered in the official register of guides and guide-interpreters, most of them belong to Almaty - 67 people, and in Akmola region - 14 people, in Taraz - 7 people, in Aktobe - 3 people, in Karaganda - 2 people, in Pavlodar - 1 person and in Uralsk - 1 person. The lack of guides and guides in areas where many tourist attractions are concentrated increases the cost of the tour due to the need to import guides from Nur-Sultan and Almaty [12].

In the Republic of Kazakhstan, there are the following problems related to the creation of a favorable information environment for tourists (Figure 6).

Figure 6 - Problems of creating an information environment for tourists in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Note - compiled by the author

The above is very important for Kazakhstan, in particular: it is necessary to immediately start developing a professional national Internet platform that combines the main functions of marketing and booking, and promote it on the international market as part of the country's national marketing strategy [13].

Conclusion. Kazakhstan has the necessary potential for the development of new forms of excursion tourism. For this you need [14].

- to attract promising young professionals, to create a progressive system of tourism education, to improve the skills of the staff of tourism firms and enterprises of the tourism industry;

- attract both domestic and foreign investors in the tourism industry;

- ensure the safety of recreation and health improvement of the population;

- tour operators creating a tour product must have their own original brand, take into account consumer demand and service differentiation. The creation of new routes leads to the emergence of new excursion objects, a variety of products. Travel agencies need to create new, more interesting excursion routes for all categories of tourists;

- improve the regulatory and legal framework for tourism at the regional and state levels;

- development of a tourism information support system using innovative technologies.

A modern tourist product, and sightseeing tourism is part of it, cannot exist without the introduction of new technological means. To promote tourism, it is important for the state to allocate funds for the implementation of innovative projects.

The development of sightseeing tourism will have a positive impact on the country's economy and bring great profits to the state.


1. Zharkova A.D. Excursion as a pedagogical process: textbook. - M.: Tourist, 2017

2. Balabanova E.D., Zakharova E.O., Lavrushina E.G. The use of innovative technologies in excursion activities // Modern scientific research and innovation. - Minsk, 2014

3. Kvartalnov V.A. Organization of tourist and excursion services: textbook / V.A.Kvartalnov, V.S.Senin.-M.: TSRIB "Tourist", 2017

4. Malakhova N.N. Innovations in tourism and service: textbook / D.S.Ushakov, N.N.Malakhova. - M.: ICC "March", 2015

5. Most visited museums of 2018 - [electronic resource]// access procedure: www.theartnewspaper.com (accessed 01.04.2020)

6. State Program for the development of the tourism industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2019-2025 - [electronic resource]//access procedure: http://adilet.zan.kz (accessed 10.04.2020)

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9. Ageshkina, N. A. Fundamentals of travel agency and tour operator activity: a textbook / N.A. Ageshkina. - Moscow : INFRA-M, 2020.

10. Ш.Е.Альпеисова, Ж.С. Булхаирова, А. Кизимбаева “Культурный туризм Казахстана на современном этапе развития” Экономическая серия Вестника ЕНУ им. Л.Н. Гумилева с.312-326, № 4/2023.

11. A. Kizimbayeva, A.K. Adyrbergenova, G.T. Akhmetova, A.T. Zhanseitov “Foreign direct investment in developing countries (the case of the great lakes countries of Africa)” Вестник Национальной академии наук Республики Казахстан Том 6. с 413-425, № 406 (2023).

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13. Kostadinović I., Stanković S. Organizational Learning and Innovation in the Tourism Industry as a Basis for Creating Value for Tourists // Economic Themes, 2021, no. 59(1), pp. 153–172.

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А.Б. Кизимбаева

Экономика ғылымдарының кандидаты

Ш. Есенов атындағы Каспий технологиялар және инжиниринг университеті,

Ақтау қ., Казақстан

Л.Г. Кирбасова

Профессор ассистенті

Ш. Есенов атындағы Каспий технологиялар және инжиниринг университеті,

Ақтау қ., Казақстан

И.В. Таранова

Профессор, э. ғ. д.

Ставрополь мемлекеттік аграрлық университеті

Ресей, Ставрополь қ.


Андатпа. Бұл мақалада экскурсиялық туризмнің теориялық негіздері және оның инновациялары, Қазақстандағы экскурсиялық және туристік қызметті нормативтік-құқықтық актілермен реттеу және шетелдік және отандық жағдайды талдау, экскурсиялық туризмге инновацияларды енгізу қарастырылады. Туризм және экскурсиялар-тығыз байланысты ұғымдар. Экскурсиялар кез-келген сапардың идеализмі мен танымын анықтайды. Қазіргі туристік нарық негізгі туристік өнімдердің бірі ретінде экскурсияны ұйымдастырудың жаңа әдістері мен тәсілдерін қажет етеді. Экскурсиялық туризм саласында сіз қысқа мерзімде тұтынушылардың әртүрлі санаттарының қажеттіліктерін қанағаттандыратын және белгілі бір қасиеттерге ие сапалы отандық өнімді жасай аласыз. Бұл мақалада экскурсиялық туризмнің теориялық негіздері және оның инновациялары, Қазақстандағы экскурсиялық және туристік қызметті нормативтік-құқықтық актілермен реттеу және шетелдік және отандық жағдайды талдау, экскурсиялық туризмге инновацияларды енгізу қарастырылады.Зерттеу мақсаты инновацияларды дамыту және енгізу арқылы экскурсиялық туризмді жетілдіру бойынша ұсыныстар әзірлеу. Зерттеудің міндеттері: экскурсиялық туризмнің даму деңгейін бағалау; инновацияларды қалыптастыру және оларды енгізу мүмкіндіктерімен салыстыру; экскурсиялық туризм саласында инновацияларды дамыту бойынша ұсынымдар әзірлеу. Зерттеудің әдіснамалық негізін кешенді тәсіл мен диалектикалық принциптер құрады, бұл зерттелген экскурсиялық туризм процестерінің маңызды сипаттамаларын анықтауға, экскурсиялық қызметке инновацияларды енгізуге, оларға тән қайшылықтарды бөліп көрсетуге және олардың даму тенденцияларын анықтауға мүмкіндік берді. Зерттеу әдістемесі абстрактілі-логикалық, экономикалық-статистикалық, кешенді-факторлық, ұқсастық, салыстырмалы және сараптамалық әдіс және экстраполяцияны қолданудан тұрады.

Кілт сөздер: экскурсия, туризмдегі инновация, туризм, интерактивті экскурсия, инновациялық қызмет, ақпараттық орта, туризм индустриясы, инновациялық тәсілдер, электронды туризм.

А.Б. Кизимбаева

Кандидат экономических наук

Каспийский университет технологий и инжиниринга им. Ш.Есенова

Казахстан, Актау

Л.Г. Кирбасова

Каспийский университет технологий и инжиниринга им. Ш.Есенова

Казахстан, Актау

И.В. Таранова

Профессор, д.э.н.

Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет

Россия, г. Ставрополь


Аннотация. Целью статьи является рассмотрение теоретических основ экскурсионного туризма и его инноваций, регулирование экскурсионной и туристской деятельности в Казахстане нормативно-правовыми актами и анализ зарубежного и отечественного состояния внедрения инноваций в экскурсионный туризм. Туризм и экскурсии - тесно связанные понятия. Экскурсии определяют идеализм и познавательность любого путешествия. Современный туристический рынок, как один из основных туристических продуктов, требует новых методов и подходов к организации экскурсий. Предоставление качественных туристических услуг невозможно без качественного экскурсионного обслуживания. В сфере экскурсионного туризма можно в короткие сроки создать высококачественный отечественный продукт, который будет удовлетворять потребности разных категорий потребителей и обладать определенными свойствами. Инновации в любой отрасли, в том числе и в туризме, качественно отличаются от новизны. Инновационные изменения в туризме создают внутреннюю энергию эффективного роста. Эти изменения нарушают баланс, но создают основы для дальнейшего развития, перехода системы в новое качество. Поэтому именно профессиональное внедрение инноваций в жизнь является залогом развития конкретной отрасли. Современные эксперты по социальному развитию утверждают, что ни одна из проблем, с которыми сталкивается бизнес сегодня, не является более важной и сложной, чем проблема инноваций. Методологической основой исследования является комплексный подход и диалектические принципы, которые позволили выявить существенные характеристики изучаемых процессов экскурсионного туризма, внедрения инноваций в экскурсионную деятельность, выделить присущие им противоречия и определить тенденции их развития.

Ключевые слова: тур, инновации в туризме, туристическая индустрия, интерактивный тур, инновации, индустрия туризма, инновационные подходы, электронный туризм.

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