ТЕКУЩЕЕ СОСТОЯНИЕ ЦИФРОВИЗАЦИИ ТУРИСТИЧЕСКОЙ ОТРАСЛИ В РЕСПУБЛИКЕ КАЗАХСТАН Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Блембаева Айгерим, Суюнчалиева Майя

Сегодня динамичный международный туризм занимает особое место в мировой экономике. Это направление, которое развивается с каждым днем и стремительно растет, можно считать одной из главных новостей века. Все устремления ощущаются и в том, что в будущем международный туризм претерпит много изменений как в местном, так и в зарубежном опыте. Развитие туризма на территории Республики Казахстан позволит решить ряд важных задач, таких как увеличение туристического потока, что приведет к увеличению денежного потока, улучшит социальную сферу и повысит качество жизни в стране. ИКТ является новым направлением для улучшения и вывода туристической сферы на новый уровень. Сегодня Казахстан является новым экономическим подходом прорыва, постепенно начинает внедрять инновации в каждую отрасль экономики, принимает различные стратегии и программы по развитию и применению инноваций, и особенно в туристической отрасли.

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УДК 379.85

Блембаева Айгерим, Суюнчалиева Майя

Текущее состояние цифровизации туристической отрасли в Республике Казахстан

Аннотация. Сегодня динамичный международный туризм занимает особое место в мировой экономике. Это направление, которое развивается с каждым днем и стремительно растет, можно считать одной из главных новостей века. Все устремления ощущаются и в том, что в будущем международный туризм претерпит много изменений как в местном, так и в зарубежном опыте. Развитие туризма на территории Республики Казахстан позволит решить ряд важных задач, таких как увеличение туристического потока, что приведет к увеличению денежного потока, улучшит социальную сферу и повысит качество жизни в стране. ИКТ является новым направлением для улучшения и вывода туристической сферы на новый уровень. Сегодня Казахстан является новым экономическим подходом прорыва, постепенно начинает внедрять инновации в каждую отрасль экономики, принимает различные стратегии и программы по развитию и применению инноваций, и особенно в туристической отрасли.

Ключевые слова: туризм, цифровизация, индустрия туризма, технологический процесс, ИКТ

Information and communication technologies (ICT) have undeniably changed human life. In the tourism and hospitality literature, a series of research has acknowledged the impact of technology innovations on the transformation of industry practices and tourist behaviours[1] [2].The penetration of ICTs into people's lifestyle, workplace, and communication habits inevitably spills over into the contexts of travel and affects the tourist experience [1]. Nowadays ICT is the new approach of the modern technological worldwide. According for the last statistics database there were contributing to significant market growth, and within 5-10 years new technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, and AR/VR will also expand to represent over 25% of ICT spending [3].

It shows us that new technological world is coming up and tourism sphere is no exception. The emergence of information communication technologies and their widespread use by sectors has been the most important innovation that technological developments have brought to the global structuring. These technologies have been used in the tourism sector as in all other sectors and have been among the indispensable resources of the sector

[4].Currently, in modern conditions, the territories are becoming increasingly difficult to capture the attention of tourists, and as the old marketing tools lose their effectiveness over time, cities, regions and countries are forced to invent new concepts that fully meet the requirements of the modern target audience. In this regard, the concept of digitalization as the aspect in innovation management in tourism has long been used nowadays [5].

Innovation trends in digitalization of tourism industry means that the new aspects will promote and develop the economy of the country, in achieving high results of improvement and attracting investment from the outside, because new direction means the key factor of regulating mechanisms in the whole economy [6].

The key project is the national tourism portal Kazakhstan.travel where foreign tourists can get acquainted with the features and attractions of the country, get the most information for traveling in Kazakhstan.

The level of implementation of the digital economy is largely determined by the development of information and communication technologies (ICT) and the degree of their penetration into the social and economic life of society. Currently, 81.5% of our country's population uses the Internet. In 2018, the percentage of organizations using a computer was 79%. The share of organizations with Internet access was 76.2%. In 2018, the share of organizations using the Internet to receive orders for goods and services was 1.6%, and ordering goods and services-4.9%. Most organizations used fixed (wired) broadband (51%) and a standard modem (25.6%) to access the Internet.

In 2018, organizations ' expenditures on information technologies amounted to 305.2 billion tenge, of which public administration organizations - 36.2 billion tenge. In the next 2019, the tourism sphere has really changed after previous year because of the growth of international tourists from different countries. The statistics database is shown by the World Economic forum that necessitates technology application to cater growing demands of both consumers and businesses. [7]

Traditional spending on hardware, software, services and telecom has been a tale two markets, with declining revenues from most legacy categories as businesses and consumers focus their ICT spending on a narrow selection of platforms; the COVID-19 pandemic only accelerated this divergence. Over the next 5 years, all growth in traditional tech spending will be driven by just four platforms: cloud, mobile, social and big data/analytics. Meanwhile, cost savings generated by cloud and automation will see more spending diverted towards new technologies such as AI, robotics, AR/VR, and blockchain. Next-gen security related to new technologies will also continue to drive significant growth. [8]


1500 1290




1606 1652


2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Figure 1. - Volume of production and sales of goods (services) in the ICT industry and share in GDP, billion tenge

4 3,8 3,6 3,4 3,2











Figure 2. - Share of the ICT industry in total GDP

Source: Report on the development of the information and communication technologies industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan 2019, (JSC "National information and communication holding Zerde").

To optimize the Tourist Information System in the region, the interests of the maximum number of companies and departments must be taken into account. Fairly large information flows circulate not only vertically, but also horizontally: between divisions in a department (for example, a separate travel company) and divisions.

In the field of tourism, it is mainly communications and communications that offer new opportunities and new perspectives. Tourism and tourism already account for half of all Internet revenues. 62 percent of internet users look for hotel and air rates, information on the availability of places in transportation and hotels. Of course, crises are significantly changing the situation on the business card of each country and on the business card of entire regions and continents, and are "eliminating" several players. But

others must move and continue to work not only within their country, but also outside. On the basis of these considerations, tourism enterprises are expected to unite and make full use of the latest ICT tools of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


1. Buhalis D., Law R. Progress in information technology and tourism management: 20 years on and 10 years after the Internet—The state of eTourism research //Tourism management. - 2008. - Т. 29. - №. 4. - Р. 609-623.

2. Kupeshev A. sh., Turgumbaev T. Zh., Efficiency of using information and communication technologies in tourism // International economic forum. - 2014 - Т.25 -4. - Р. 24-28

3. Law R., Buhalis D., Cobanoglu C. Progress on information and communication technologies in hospitality and tourism //International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. - 2014.

4. Gutowski P., Klos-Adamkiewicz Z. Development of e-service virtual museum tours in Poland during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic //Procedia computer science. - 2020. - Т. 176. - Р. 2375-2383.

5. Official website of the statistics Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan - https://stat.gov.kz/edition/publication/collection

6. Report on the development of the information and communication technologies industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan 2019, (JSC "National information and communication holding Zerde").

7. Watkins M. et al. Digital tourism as a key factor in the development of the economy //Economic annals-XXI. - 2018. - №. 169. - Р. 40-45.

8. Ziyadin S.,Saparova G.,Suyunchaliyeva M., Boltayeva A., Madiya-rova A., Blembayeva A. Digitalization Management as the Aspect of New Technologies in Tourism Sphere// 34th IBIMA Conference: 13-14 November 2019, Madrid, Spain - р. 8149-8153

УДК 316.643.3

Тимченко Наталья Станиславовна

Психологические основания конфликтной компетентности врача

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается конфликтная компетентность как составляющая коммуникативной компетентности современного врача, ее психологические основания, факторы формирования и развития. Проведен анализ влияния личностных характеристик буду-

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