Научная статья на тему 'Raising motivation in teaching preschool age learners foreign languages'

Raising motivation in teaching preschool age learners foreign languages Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Khayitova Mokhigul Khamidullo Qizi, Mirzaakhmedov Mirjalol Mansurjohn Ugli

Данная статья посвящена вопросам повышения мотивации в обучении детей дошкольного возраста английскому языку. Авторы статьи считают, что роль мотивации при овладении любым иностранным языком велика, особенно при обучении английскому языку, т.е. необходимо вызвать интерес у учащихся к учению в целом и к иностранному языку в частности и тем самым повысить внутреннюю мотивацию дошкольников. Чтобы воспитать у ребенка здоровое стремление к достижению намеченной цели, учителя должны испытывать искренний интерес к своей деятельности и объективно относиться к успехам и неудачам учеников. Для того чтобы учащийся по-настоящему включился в работу, нужно, чтобы задачи, ставящиеся перед ним в ходе учебной деятельности, были не только понятны, но и внутренне приняты им, т.е., чтобы они стали значимы для него и ученик видел практическое применение теоретических знаний.The article under discussion is devoted to the issues of raising motivation in teaching English to preschool children. The authors of the article consider that the role of motivation in mastering any foreign language is great, especially when teaching English, i.e. it is necessary to arouse students' interest in learning in general and in a foreign language in particular and thus increase the internal motivation of preschoolers. In order to teach a child a healthy desire to achieve the intended goal, teachers should have a sincere interest in their activities and objectively relate to the success and failures of students. In order to engage a young learner in the work, it is necessary that the tasks assigned to him in the course of learning activities are not only understandable, but also internally accepted by him, so that they become meaningful to him and the student sees the practical application of theoretical knowledge.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Raising motivation in teaching preschool age learners foreign languages»


LEARNERS FOREIGN LANGUAGES 1 2 Khayitova M.Kh.\ Mirzaakhmedov M.M.2

Email: Khayitova687@scientifictext.ru

1Khayitova Mokhigul Khamidullo qizi - Teacher, ENGLISH LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT;


Abstract: the article under discussion is devoted to the issues of raising motivation in teaching English to preschool children. The authors of the article consider that the role of motivation in mastering any foreign language is great, especially when teaching English, i.e. it is necessary to arouse students' interest in learning in general and in a foreign language in particular and thus increase the internal motivation of preschoolers. In order to teach a child a healthy desire to achieve the intended goal, teachers should have a sincere interest in their activities and objectively relate to the success and failures of students. In order to engage a young learner in the work, it is necessary that the tasks assigned to him in the course of learning activities are not only understandable, but also internally accepted by him, so that they become meaningful to him and the student sees the practical application of theoretical knowledge.

Keywords: preschool age, interest, motivation, technique, foreign, memorize, learn, process, learning, theoretical knowledge.


1Хайитова Мохигул Хамидулло кизи - преподаватель, кафедра английского языка;

2Мирзаахмедов Миржалол Мансуржон угли - студент, направление: филология. Обучение языкам,

факультет иностранных языков, Ферганский государственный университет, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: данная статья посвящена вопросам повышения мотивации в обучении детей дошкольного возраста английскому языку. Авторы статьи считают, что роль мотивации при овладении любым иностранным языком велика, особенно при обучении английскому языку, т.е. необходимо вызвать интерес у учащихся к учению в целом и к иностранному языку в частности и тем самым повысить внутреннюю мотивацию дошкольников. Чтобы воспитать у ребенка здоровое стремление к достижению намеченной цели, учителя должны испытывать искренний интерес к своей деятельности и объективно относиться к успехам и неудачам учеников. Для того чтобы учащийся по-настоящему включился в работу, нужно, чтобы задачи, ставящиеся перед ним в ходе учебной деятельности, были не только понятны, но и внутренне приняты им, т.е., чтобы они стали значимы для него и ученик видел практическое применение теоретических знаний.

Ключевые слова: дошкольный возраст, интерес, мотивация, методика, иностранный, запоминать, усваивать, процесс, обучение, теоретическж знания.

| 77 | ВЕСТНИК НАУКИ И ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ № 9(87). Часть 3. 2020.

UDC 372.881.1

In order to make the lesson interesting, exciting, to develop the cognitive interest of young learners, and to grow their creative thinking activity, the teacher must awaken in the child's soul such motives that will constantly direct him to the process of learning, he must create in the minds of students a harmony of interests, aspirations and desires associated with learning [4]. And at the same time, take into account one psychological pattern, which was expressed by Gordeeva T.O.: "In order to engage a student in the work, it is necessary that the tasks that are set for him/her in the course of learning activities are not only understandable, but also internally accepted, that is, that they acquire significance for the student and thus find a response and a reference point in his/her experiences" [1].

The learning process will not be successful unless there is a motive for every speech or language activity, exercise or task. The motive acts in the person's mind as the object or purpose for which the behavior is ultimately directed. Motive is always connected with the processes of cognition: perception, thinking, memory, speech. Nowadays, there are many motives for learning a foreign language. One of these motives may be the words of Kashintseya V.G. She noticed that "knowledge of a foreign language doubles and triples a person's knowledge for creative self-realization and enjoyment of the fullness of life in travel, communication and work" [2].

For many years, pedagogy and psychology have paid much attention to the issue of motivation. Nowadays, it is generally accepted that motivation plays a huge role in learning foreign languages [3].

There are some tips for teachers to raise young learner's motivation in teaching foreign languages:

• Apply songs and rhymes in English at lessons. Experience with songs and rhymes has shown that they perform a number of functions: they create a favorable, emotional climate, liberate the students, perfectly relieve fatigue and tension, stimulate the active thinking process in students, show interest in learning. This is one of the most effective ways to influence the feelings and emotions of schoolchildren.

• The use of imaginative visual aids (pictures, toys, various subjects corresponding to the lesson theme). They support and develop the interest of the student, contribute to the development of sensual perception, imagination.

• Use different games to motivate and intensify the learning process. Note the peculiarities of the game: the game is highly motivating, requires a full commitment, students are able to use the stock of knowledge and skills. During the game there is an emotional rise, which has a positive impact on the quality of learning.

• Motivate the learning process with the help of English theatre. Theatre is of particular interest. The use of theatre in lessons has shown the effectiveness of this method, especially in developing the skills and abilities of unprepared oral speech. Children do not remain indifferent to the opportunity to try their hand at acting. Theatrical performances in class and in extracurricular activities are the strongest motive for language learning, they help to create a language environment, etc.

• Individual work. This work is based on a differentiated approach. In the process, we find out the individual abilities of each student, and then begin to develop various options for individual and collective work in class. The individual tasks stimulate the child's sense of responsibility for learning and give him the opportunity to express himself as an individual.

Thus, the issue of motivation at the primary level is of particular importance, as the foundations for children to be able and willing to learn are laid at an early age. It is motive that is the source of activity and serves as an inspiration and meaning education. Creativity is impossible without the cognitive activity that a teacher can and should develop, combining those forms of activity that give truly positive results and increase the interest and desire of the student to learn English with pleasure [6].

ВЕСТНИК НАУКИ И ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ № 9 (78). Часть 3. 2020. | 78 |

References / Список литературы

1. Gordeeva T.O. Motivational factors influencing achievements in educational activity or motivation of learning: five conditions of success // Psychology at Higher School, 2005. № 4. P. 101.

2. Kashintseya V.G. Development of intercultural competence at English lessons and in extra-curricular work // Methodist, 2006. № 5. P. 56.

3. Khayitova M.K., Mirzaakhmedov M.M. Teaching EFL (English as a Foreign Language) in kindergarten // The problems of science, 2020. № 3 (148). [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n7teaching-efl-english-as-a-foreign-language-in-kindergarten/ (дата обращения: 13.05.2020).

4. Hayitova M., Mirzaahmedov M. Basic problems in the teaching of English for kindergarten children. // "Мировая наука". № 9 (30), 2019. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https://science-j.com/domains_data/files/30/Hayitova.pdf / (дата обращения: 13.05.2020).

5. Razzoqova D.A., Habijonov S.K., Akramova N.M. Problems encountered in learning a foreign language. // Questions of science and education, 2018. № 29 (41). [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/problems-encountered-in-learning-a-foreign-language/ (дата обращения: 13.05.2020).

6. Akramova N.M., Umaraliev Z.B. Overcoming behaviour problems in teaching process // Questions of science and education, 2018. № 10 (22). [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/overcoming-behaviour-problems-in-teaching-process/ (дата обращения: 13.05.2020).

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