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Modern European Researches
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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Latysheva A.I., Razumov Anatoliy, Mukhina Inna, Perevoshchikov Yury

Experts from regional universities, using innovative methods in the study, performed evaluation of self-determination quality among school-age youth and professional quality of agri-food cluster economists. They revealed appropriateness between negative motivations and low professional skills. According to scientists of Perm State Agricultural Academy, Perm State Humanitarian University, Izhevsk Institute of Economics and Management, it is important to determine how the quality of competence will change by increasing the quality of self-determination. Taking this into account, the researchers turned to the data of long-term observations obtained during the work on vocational guidance in rural schools. The cost evaluating approach allows you to compare the cost effectiveness of these activities, improve them, being an effective development tool. Preliminary studies using this approach have shown that the difference in the quality of a specialist's skill and the quality of self-determination is of great importance. But some uncertainty is also allowed because the parameters in them, such as those that describe motivation, are ranging. It should be noted that according to the results of analysis carried out by the "New Economic Laboratory - Agro" and the laboratory of the Psychology Institute of Perm State University, this pattern is not significant. Despite these small differences, the results of studies show - the effectiveness of economists' professional activity is higher when qualified vocational guidance work had been done with them. They have positive motivation, fewer breaches. Experts were also interested in negative characteristics changing. On the basis of these data, recommendations were developed for responding to quality declining. Scientists believe that their results may be used for evaluation of staff potential effectiveness.

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Experts from regional universities, using innovative methods in the study, performed evaluation of self-determination quality among school-age youth and professional quality of agri-food cluster economists. They revealed appropriateness between negative motivations and low professional skills. According to scientists of Perm State Agricultural Academy, Perm State Humanitarian University, Izhevsk Institute of Economics and Management, it is important to determine how the quality of competence will change by increasing the quality of self-determination. Taking this into account, the researchers turned to the data of long-term observations obtained during the work on vocational guidance in rural schools. The cost evaluating approach allows you to compare the cost effectiveness of these activities, improve them, being an effective development tool. Preliminary studies using this approach have shown that the difference in the quality of a specialist's skill and the quality of self-determination is of great importance. But some uncertainty is also allowed because the parameters in them, such as those that describe motivation, are ranging. It should be noted that according to the results of analysis carried out by the "New Economic Laboratory - Agro" and the laboratory of the Psychology Institute of Perm State University, this pattern is not significant. Despite these small differences, the results of studies show - the effectiveness of economists' professional activity is higher when qualified vocational guidance work had been done with them. They have positive motivation, fewer breaches. Experts were also interested in negative characteristics changing. On the basis of these data, recommendations were developed for responding to quality declining. Scientists believe that their results may be used for evaluation of staff potential effectiveness.


agri-food cluster; labor resources "price-quality" correlation, qualimetry of professional self-determination, motivation mechanisms improvement


Yury S. Perevoshchikov

Doctor of Economics, Professor Udmurt State University, Scientific Consultant NOTsEMiKT.

1, Universitetskaya St., bld. 1, 426034, Izhevsk, Russia E-mail: editorial@udsu.ru

Anna I. Latysheva

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Industrial and Territorial Economy Chair Perm State Agricultural Academy named after academician D.N. Pryanishnikov.

23, Petropavlovskaya St., 614990, Perm, Russia E-mail: Latysheva.pgsha@rambler.ru

67 Modern European Researches No 3 / 2017 Inna A. Mukhina Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Economics Chair Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy. 11, Studencheskaya St., Izhevsk, 426069, Russia

E-mail: editorial@udsu.ru

Anatoliy I. Razumov

Director of LLC (IIP) "NELA" 43, Krasnykh Zory St., Perm, 614053, Russia E-mail: nela.perm@rambler.ru

1. Introduction

1.1. Relevance of the problem

In the organization of vocational guidance work it is necessary to take into account the interaction of dynamic external processes (the market demand for economic specialties, the structure of the agri-food cluster, etc.) and internal processes (positive motivation of rural youth to agricultural occupations, positive emotional background, etc.). Rural youth self-determination assistance management presumes constant monitoring of development trends in the profession "economist" for the agri-food cluster. Systematic prognostic studies are necessary. They will help to take into account changes in society, in the labor market, including economics sphere, in the vocational guidance activities (Latysheva, 2012). The content of professional self-determination should be aimed, above all, at the positive changes in the training of the future professionals of the economic sphere, contributing to their employability and successful career (Razumov, Ivanova, Latysheva & Getashvili, 2016).

1.2. Problem importance exploration

1. Scientific understanding of the current situation in the training of specialists for the economic sphere has led to the search for new approaches to its transformation on the basis of professionally motivating activities. The problem of rural youth self-determination in the specialty "economist" in the conditions of the region should be solved, first of all, from the general position of didactics and taking into account the specific features of the future profession. An example is the regional project on self-determination of rural youth "AgroPROFI" by the Perm Region Ministry of Agriculture and Food, which was approved for implementation in 2011 and was further developed in 2017. It must meet the agricultural cluster needs for highly qualified specialists at various levels among the rural youth through the integration of educational institutions, agencies, organizations and agricultural companies. Here we can see the unified efforts of higher and secondary agricultural education, agricultural companies (providing work for probationers) and the administration of rural areas, who pay special attention to the quality of young professionals' life that acts both as a condition and as a result of the vocational guidance work content organic integrity implementation as a meaningful social experience (Abramova, Mukhina, 2013; Kosenko, 2017; Latysheva, Razumov, 2017). In this context, the training of young people for "economist" profession in a region with a developed agri-food cluster requires a systematic approach, using innovative research methods that reveal the essence, content and characteristics of the profession at different levels of professional education.

1.3. Innovative development of the rural economy

At the moment, the rural economy, namely its industrial sector, is on the threshold of the fourth industrial revolution. This would mean the introduction of intelligent systems in all production processes of agri-food cluster. It will make the production "smart". Rural economy needs innovative development, which is essential to ensure long-term and sustainable competitiveness. Consequently, at the regional level, the agri-food cluster needs an effective development strategy and this strategy should focus specifically on innovative aspects. And this determines the importance of "economist" profession (Prudsky, 2017). Qualitative indices of economists in agricultural area represent plurality of interaction elements and factors that are not of minor importance in improving agricultural business efficiency. The need of labor market for highly professional personalities is high today. This resource, which has high consumer price in terms of education, success and performance, is an important indicator of social production. This market is a complex system of social and economic relations arising between its subjects about self-determination, professional competencies, training and distribution (Sheshukova, 2011).

1.4. Research hypothesis

The analysis of theoretical works and practical activities in the vocational guidance of rural youth showed that the issues related to the regional peculiarities of rural young people self-determination for "economist" profession remain today as insufficiently studied field of scientific knowledge and practical activity. That allowed to suggest a hypothesis for researching of this problem: professional self-determination of rural youth for "economist" profession in regional agri-food cluster will be efficient if the territorial and sectoral component of general and economic disciplines content is developed determining the professional motivation of rural youth.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. The goal of the research

In the course of the study, the following issues were considered:

1) Selection of experimental and control groups of rural youth;

2) Conducting vocational guidance activities in the field of "economics" using innovative methods with the youth of the experimental group; training rural youth of the control group in the field of "economics" by traditional methods;

3) Comparison of the personality's motivational sphere (goal, motive, emotions, etc.) of experimental and control groups in the process of vocational guidance activities;

4) Analysis of the experimental work results, effectiveness evaluation, rural youth self-determination systems quality evaluation.

2.2 Theoretical and empirical methods

To test the hypothesis, a set of various methods was used, an innovative approach was applied, mutually complementing each other:

- Theoretical; analysis of literature, normative, legislative, instructive and methodological, working documents and materials of managerial and procedural nature on the researched problem; cost evaluating approach in determining the quality of

69 Modern European Researches No 3 / 2017 vocational guidance activities was applied; study and generalization of innovative pedagogical-psychological experience, analysis and synthesis;

- Empirical; monitoring of "economists' "career growth; included observation, ascertaining and shaping pedagogical-psychological experiment, questionnaires, testing, interviews, discussions, studying the results of rural youth educational and extracurricular activities, methods of mathematical statistics.

2.3. An innovative method of studying the youth self-determination problems

With the help of innovative methods, the problems of agri-food cluster economic services human resources potential forming are investigated. Interuniversity group of researchers performed quality evaluation of rural youth self-determination, defined indicators of aggregate market demand for "economists", where employment plus vacant places were reflected. With the high competition on labor market the importance of vocational guidance increases. Professional growth and personal development of agri-food clusters labor force occurs in the process of economic and social interaction (Latysheva, 2013).

2.4. Research base

The base for the research were the state and public organizations: the Faculty of Economics, Finance and Commerce of Perm State Agricultural Academy, the Economics Department of Izhevsk Institute of Economics and Management, the "Trajectory-Psi" Project of Perm State Pedagogical University Psychology Institute, the "AgroPROFI" project of Perm Region Agriculture Ministry, the inter-university organization "New Economic Laboratory - Agro", public organization "Popov Union of Inventors", Krasnoufimsk Agricultural College, Kungur Agricultural College, Osinsk Agricultural College, Perm Agricultural Industrial College, MEO Sylven Secondary School, School No. 114, Secondary School No. 1, Ordinsk Secondary School, Asapsk Secondary School, Lensk Secondary School, Kalininsk Secondary School , Secondary Schools No. 101, 37, Sher'inskaya Basic School, JSC "PF Permskaya", PLC "ZapadUralFond", PLC "EKAT" and others.

2.5. Essence of "economist" professional activity

Professional activity of economist is multifunctional both as a way of livelihood earning and as a way of self-expression. Structural changes in society influenced agri-food cluster. Many restrictions and limitations, for example, on unemployment, on combine jobs and additional employment were eliminated. They have given greater flexibility and dynamism to the labor market. But, at the same time, they have brought new challenges such as violation of rights, unreasonable wage cuts, delayed payments, working conditions worsening. The motivation of professional activity has also changed -the wage worker performs his labor activities as a precondition for his personal income, while improving the quality of the final economic result has become the prerogative of the business owners. But the market forces agri-food companies to invest in activities that increase the competitiveness of products. The efficiency of innovative engineering agricultural projects introduction depends on the economic specialties labor resources quality.

2.6. Cost evaluating approach-new means of research

To study the interdependence of agri-food company staff resources "price-quality" parameters and the effectiveness of future economists' professional self-determination the researchers used a new method - cost evaluating approach. This scientific and practical approach synthesizes the bases of qualimetry methodological organization, which are described in the works of well-known qualimetry experts, such as Azgaltsev GG, Alekseev BP, Bobkov VN, Kaznacheev VP, Perevoshchikov Yu.S., Nemirovchenko NM, Solnyak VV, Subetto, Orefkov VV, AI, Zelenov LA and others. According to A.I. Subetto, qualimetry of economic education is a synthetic qualimetry of professional training, which reflects the methodological organization of qualimetry at all three levels: general, special, professional - qualimetry of labor activity, management, designing, qualimetry of future specialists training. The term "qualimetry" means "quality measurement". The article "Qualimetry - the science of products quality measuring", published in the journal "Standards and Quality" (Azgaldov, Gliches, 1968) notes that the origin of qualimetry was due to the emergence of many quantitative quality evaluation methods. It has its own specific object of study - the general principles and methods of quality evaluation; its specific subject of study - a set of human labor products properties; its specific mathematical apparatus with the help of which any economic and noneconomic results can be measured quantitatively and thus be included in the calculation of social and economic efficiency. Efficiency - in the language of qualimetry is "integral quality". Any product, service or process can be represented, based on the principles of qualimetry, quantitatively by use of mathematical apparatus that connects various parameters, attributes and properties into a single integral quality criterion:


Q = ^PiKq


where Q - total qualimetric index, "integral quality";

Pi - i- value of manufactured products, services and processes kind;

Kq - general qualimetric index of manufactured products, services and processes i-


i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, ...,

r - the serial number of the product.

Thus, the formula enables one to quantify qualimetric index of products, services, processes as the products sum of product kinds basic parameter value on their overall qualimetric index. Overall qualimetric index quantitatively expresses what kind of quality has the given parameter ("economist's" characteristic), that is, what accounted signs and properties are acquired (Perevoshchikov, 2005).

2.7. Stages of research

The research was conducted in three stages. At the first stage an experimental site was established on the basis of Perm State Agricultural Academy, Economics Department of Izhevsk Institute of Economics and Management, "Trajectory-Psi" Project of Perm State Pedagogical University Psychology Institute, the "AgroPROFI" project of Perm Region Agriculture Ministry, the inter-university organization "New Economic Laboratory - Agro", public organization "Popov Union of Inventors", Krasnoufimsk Agricultural College, Kungur Agricultural College, Osinsk Agricultural College, Perm Agricultural Industrial College, MEO Sylven Secondary School, School No. 114, Secondary School No. 1, Ordinsk Secondary School, Asapsk Secondary School, Lensk Secondary School,

71 Modern European Researches No 3 / 2017 Kalininsk Secondary School, Secondary Schools No. 101, 37, Sher'inskaya Basic School, JSC "PF Permskaya", PLC "ZapadUralFond", PLC "EKAT" and others. Original projects and programs of rural youth self-determination were developed and implemented in vocational guidance process, career orientation plans aimed at creating positive motivation were created.

At the second stage, the researchers made the analysis of activities, programs, projects on vocational guidance work with young people, specializing in "economist" profession at both regional and local levels. The unified space of the agri-food cluster economic activity sphere was analyzed.

At the third stage, programs and projects were developed and improved to test the content effectiveness of agri-food cluster component in general professional and economic disciplines that determine the professional motivation of rural youth in the "economist" profession, and the research materials were systematized and formalized.

2.8. Quantitative characteristic of "economist" profession criteria (indicators and parameters)

To evaluate the labor market efficiency in the "economist" specialty a number of indicators can be used: indicators of regional market system status, which characterize the labor market as a static system. This group of indicators include: the quantity of regional agri-food cluster "economists" labor potential; the number of agri-food cluster potential personnel; unemployment level (total and officially registered); the number of unemployed "economists" looking for work for over a year; unemployment level among "economists"; the employment rate among "economists"; tension ratio on the labor market for "economists"; wages of specialists in the regional agricultural companies. Indicators of the region's human resources and agri-food cluster development are characterized as a dynamic system. This group of indicators includes: absolute growth, growth ratio and growth rate of the regional markets system state indicators and agri-food cluster "economists" manpower indicators; the number of people who have undergone retraining and advanced training in "economist" profession in the region and in companies; the proportion of people who have undergone retraining and advanced training of "economists" in the total number of people employed in the region's economy; the number of newly created workplaces for "economists" in agri-food cluster during a year; share of newly created workplaces in the rural economy for the year period among total number of workplaces in the region; the number of new spheres of training in "economist" profession opened by educational institutions of the region; employment rate of economic institutions graduates of agrarian profile, defined by the ratio of the graduates number employed in the specialty this year to the total number of graduates per year (Latysheva , Nikitenko 2016). Calculating this ratio, we must take into account graduates employed as economists both within the region and outside it; - migration increase / decrease of the population. Indicators of "economists" regional market system sustainability characterizing the region's market ability to withstand disturbing influences of external and internal environment factors and return to equilibrium: the unemployment rate, calculated as the ratio of natural unemployment level to the level of actual unemployment among "economists"; turnover ratio for the reception and dismissal of economic personnel, calculated by experts according to the kinds of economic activities as the ratio of received / dismissed employees number to the average number of workers engaged in this kind of economic activity during the reported period; replacement ratio - ratio of the employed number.

2.9. Quantitative quality measurement

Ensuring of "economists" resources quality requires certain costs. In domestic and foreign literature, they consider such concept as" human resources costs. "In Russian practice the cost method of measurement and evaluation of agricultural economists labor resource is actively applied. For example, VN Avdeenko offers to include in labor force costs, besides the value of labor costs, also the costs connected with the training of professionals, retraining and advanced training. Keeping this in mind the cost of agricultural company labor resource is determined by the formula: LRC = WF + BF + TC + RC + ATC, where WF- wage fund of company's economists; BF - bonus fund; TC - the cost of staff training; RC and ATC - costs related to their retraining and advanced training.

In the foreign theory and practice a different approach of agricultural company labor resource evaluation has developed. The researchers try to measure the value of each "economist" by defining the expected company's revenue from the operation of the individual. They take into account the following parameters: *labor productivity; * mobility; * career; * job satisfaction (Andersen, and Per - Gaute Pettersen, 1996).

Compensation measurement model (Schwarz) suggests that the future compensation of the person is his value surrogate:

. M )

/ A (1 +r)t-T)


Where V t - human resources costs; J (t) - annual income of a person until dismissal; r - discount rate for a given individual; t - the time (period) of dismissal; T -the number of staff and freelance professionals (Razumov, 2015).

3. Results

3.1. Problems and prospects of rural youth self-determination in the "economist" profession

In the process of general education and economic cycles disciplines studying, integrated programs and original projects based on the agri-food cluster component have been developed and implemented in the vocational guidance process, the main purpose of which is the acquiring of basic knowledge professionally significant for the economic sphere and the development of individual motivation to this knowledge assimilation. Developed programs and projects for the self-determination of youth in "economist" profession are as close to practice as possible, they implement the principle of professional motivation and meet the content of youth training in "economist" profession in the conditions of developing agri-food cluster. The training programs on the following profiles "Economics of enterprises and organizations", "Accounting, analysis and audit", "Finance and credit" require professional competence:

- the ability to analyze necessary economic and socio-economic indicators characterizing the activity of economic entities;

- the ability to analyze and interpret financial, accounting and other information and to use the information for management decision making;

- the ability to use modern facilities and information technologies for solving communication problems concerning the development and validation of proposals for their improvement with regard to the criteria of economic efficiency, risks and possible social economic consequences.

73 Modern European Researches No 3 / 2017 3.2. Economists' job placement in Udmurt Republic and Perm

The main problem of manpower training for agricultural companies economic services is mismatching of agricultural educational organizations graduates to real employers' requirements. Consequently, the job placement of a young "economist" in the region is quite a complicated issue. The problems experienced by the regional agri-food cluster concerning the qualified personnel shortage push the company's management to engage interaction process with educational institutions. An important factor influencing this process is government stimulation. In a rapidly changing social economic situation in the country, the idea of professional self-determination quality is changing. To get highly qualified professionals, who do not have to be retrained in the course of work, the companies must be actively involved in their education. This is not just about attracting students for practical training or providing them with topics for projects and degree works, they must actively participate in the development of educational programs, projects, enlisting companies' experts to teaching.


120,0 100,0 80,0 60,0 40,0 1 20,0 0,0

58.3 54,8 5°,2 52,7 51,8

31.4 35,4 38,5 36,2 36,3 10,2 9,7 11,3 11,1 11,8

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Имеют начальное проф.образование Имеют среднее спец. Образование Имеют высшее образование



Regional innovation "AgroProfi" project of Perm region is focused on economic thinking development among rural youth, on enhancing the rural way of life prestige by showing them the history of agricultural business success. It solves the problem of strengthening the relationship between agricultural business and agricultural education. It is an effective tool for improving vocational guidance with future "economists" (Latysheva, Opalkova & Razumov, 2015). Already at school, participating in competitions of "AgroProfi" project, future "economists" get serious "motivational impact." In this situation, it is necessary that both the state and companies, and agricultural educational institution would joine their efforts in order to preserve and increase the motivation, to interest a young man, to teach him modern technologies and to offer him decent wages comparable with other industries (Latysheva, Razumov, 2015).

According to the monitoring data of Perm region and Udmurt Republic Ministries of Agriculture and Industry only half of higher agricultural institutions graduates can find job. 47% of these work in chosen profession. From the total number of economics agricultural education graduates, no more than 17% come to work in the industry. 46% of them come for further work in the agricultural organizations in the next five years. All this was the result of coordination lack between the proposal and employers' request (Latysheva, 2017).

4. Discussion

4.1. Quality of professional self-determining should be better

This problem has received wide-ranging discussion on forums, roundtables and interviews. At the exhibition center "Perm Fair" alone during the study period a large number of arrangements on the subject were performed. The Perm Engineering-Industrial Forum at federal level, "Career and Education" forum at regional level, as well as industry-specific and departmental exhibitions and conferences were particularly interesting. There issues concerning the future self-determination were discussed urgently, the participants demonstrated permanent interest to the price and quality of labor resources - the main indicator of competitiveness. However, due to poor methodology of specialists training quality parameters quantitative measurement and professional self-determining parameters quality evaluation, the proper efficiency (integral quality) of "economists" was not researched. From all this we can conclude that the high price of "economists'" labor resources depends on the quality of the education, as well as the quality of professional self-determination. The main problem of labor force training for the agri-food cluster is mismatching of agricultural educational organizations graduates to real employers' requirements. Consequently, the job placement of a young "economist" in the region is quite a complicated issue.

4.2. Youth self-determination financial incentives evaluation

The cost evaluating approach in the financial incentives evaluation shows the following. Perm Region Ministry of Agriculture makes lump-sum payments to young economists employed in agricultural companies. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, about 40 to 50 young specialists get these payments annually. A precondition for the payment is a duty of the young specialist to work for the company at least 5 years. According to the researches, about 18 to 20% of young professionals quit during the first three years of employment. The reason for the dismissal as a rule is getting a new job, often - not in an agricultural company. So, we can identify a trend in the professional self-determination that the existing lump-sum payments are not the decisive factor in keeping a young specialist in the company. Measurement and quality evaluation of the second tool retaining young professionals - contracted targeted training in Perm State Agricultural Academy at the expense of the federal budget shows that the presented tool is also ineffective as there is no responsibility of companies for a specialist, with whom they signed a contract (Latysheva, 2017). Here, the problem of self-determination can be defined that the Ministry has not created the tool motivating the company to train young professionals for themselves.

5. Conclusion

Summarizing the research results, it is possible to identify the main problems of future "economists" professional self-determination in the regional agri-food cluster:

- a motivational methodology of agri-food cluster in the educational process for "economist" profession preparation is not developed;

- training programs for "economists" do not meet the requirements of agricultural business, thus, specialists are not in demand in the labor market;

- financial parameters are not decisive in young specialist retaining in the agri-food cluster;

75 Modern European Researches No 3 / 2017 - teachers of agricultural education are divorced from practice.

Because of this, the industry's prestige rises slowly, industry professionals also think in terms of Soviet agriculture, they do not form a business approach to their activities. Researches lead to the conclusion that the influx of young professionals in the industry depends on vocational guidance quality at all stages.

6. Recommendations

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In the future, it is necessary to improve the motivational mechanism for attracting young professionals and businessmen from the best students of colleges and universities to the industry.

It is necessary to develop "AgroProfi" project as effective "motivator" for rural youth. Studies using cost evaluating approach for innovations have proven the project effectiveness, and that it has a high integral quality of self-determination for "economist" profession.

System analysis of the problems confirms the conclusion about urgency and importance of qualimetry as a scientific and practical direction in the vocational guidance work for "economist" profession. First of all, this is due to the synthetic paradigm of education qualimetry, sublimated with the anthropocentric concept of modern economic education development, the implementation of which is also possible in case of professional self-determination quality quantitative measurement providing, interpolated into integrated measure of "economic education quality". In this regard, integrated monitoring and rural youth individual professional self-determination measurement can be considered as scientifically determined and practically oriented qualimetrical technology of the future "economists'" vocational guidance. That generally characterizes youth self-determination qualimetry as a scientific and practical direction of high quality professional training for agri-food cluster.


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