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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Klipa Yu.V.

The article reveals features of competency-based approach to professional preparation of future economists and entrepreneurs. The author presents the results of her own special course “Professional and Pedagogical Education of Entrepreneurs”, which was held with the first, second and the third-year students in Banking university. An authorial term “multicompetent preparation” is given

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Reference list

1. Bondarevska E.V. Theory and practice of person-centered education / E.V. Bondarevska - Rostov-on-Don.: Publishing house of Rostov State Pedagogical University, 2000. - 352 p.

2. Kuznetsov M.Ye. Pedagogical bases of personally oriented educational process in school: Monograph. / M.Ye. Kuznetsov - Novokuznetsk, 2000. - 342 p.

3. Leontiev A.N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality / A.N. Leontiev. - M. Publishing House of Political Literature, 1975. - 304 p.

4. Piekhota O.M. Teachers' Individuality: Theory and Practice / O.M. Piekhota. - Mykolaiv: Ilion Firm LLCTOB, 2010. - 272 p.

5. Rogers C. Take on psychotherapy. Formation of a person / C. Rogers. - M. «Digest», 1994. - 425 p.

6. Sierikov V.V. Education and Personality / V.V. Sierikov - M.: Peremena, 1999. - 376 p.

7. Unt I. Individualization and differentiation of education / I. Unt. - M.: Pedagogy, 1990. - 189 p.

Klipa Yu.V.

Assistant, Banking University



Summary: The article reveals features of competency-based approach to professional preparation of future economists and entrepreneurs.

The author presents the results of her own special course "Professional and Pedagogical Education of Entrepreneurs", which was held with the first, second and the third-year students in Banking university. An authorial term "multicompetent preparation" is given

Key words: economic competency, Professional and Pedagogical Education of Entrepreneurs, professional competence, special source, multicompetent preparation

Problem statement. Professional education of future economists and entrepreneurs needs specialists of a new generation. They must be prepared according to European requirements for higher education.

The modern education of Ukraine is characterized by two components in preparation of future specialists. The first component includes the cooperation of leading European universities, which logically include the universities of Ukraine. The second component requires the unification of educational systems and structures at the state level into a single European space with common results in professional preparation. The results in professional education include in competences, that is, the indicators which will be used by future economists and entrepreneurs in their further activities, that have uniform requirements in standards of training and criteria. Such unification will significantly increase the competitiveness of our specialists in the European labor market.

Literature review. The study of problem of developing a competency-based approach in professional education of future economists and entrepreneurs was considered by outstanding scholars as M.S. Holovan [2], Kostrychenko V.M. [3], I.M. Kovchyna [4], R. P. Lisna [5], L.S. Ostroshchenko [6], O.Yu. Slavgo-rodskaya [7] and different others

The purpose of the article. On the personal experience to prove the necessity of competency-based aoproach in professional preparation of modern economist and entrepreneur. To stablish the necessity of pedagogical education in higher education institutions of banking ,using the survey by author . To give the authorial defenition of «multicompetent preparation»

Research results. Preparation of Ukraine for joining the European Community has put the problem of

theory and methodology of professional education in a priority position throughout the education system. Students, who are highly qualified in future activities, especially in the economic field, must study throughout the whole life. Studying during a lifetime, a person acquires, first and foremost, basic knowledge in the educational branch. Therefore, it is so important to teach students exactly the professional education in higher education institution of banking.

The organization of professional preparation of economists for performance of entrepreneurial activities is a complicated process. The content of the training is filled with exact sciences and disciplines that will be needed above all. Therefore, economic competencies are formed in the first instance. When studying humanitarian, especially psychological and pedagogical disciplines, students do not want to study them, subconsciously referring them to secondary ones, considering that it is precisely this knowledge they will not be needed in their future work. This is the reason why economists are unprepared to carry out social activities, study during all their life, gain authority through humanitarian means.

So, preparing future economist and entrepreneur, we assured that students have positive intentions to gain knowledge from the professional pedagogical education. We developed a mini-questionnaire, which included such inconvenient questions for future banking professionals. The questions were the following:

• Who do you plan to be in ten years?;

• Do you plan to have a family?;

• What you know about children upbringing?;

• What is pedagogy?;

• What you know about professional education?

For our respondents, questions of professional education were inconvenient and not clear. Therefore, on the first poll, they left empty spaces for answers. Then we asked them to bring the questionnaire home and answer with their parents. The results, after processing, provided positive information. Respondents, third-year students and bachelors, realized that they needed pedagogical knowledge, since they all plan to be heads of different specialities. No one could give the defenition of the term «professional education» without the help of the Internet. The answers ranged from «learning» to «education» Few students have guessed about the importance of pedagogical relationships in the team, work and family. Thus, we not only encouraged students, future economists, but also studied their individual characteristics, which helped us in the further realization of the pedagogical experiment.

At lessons of second and third-year students we conducted on-line training for checking individual and independent (home) tasks with students. For example, during the study of the subject «History of establishment of international business in Germany» on the discipline «Professional Foreign Language and International Business Communications» on sophomore course in the third semester in the subtopic, on the proposal of a future economist Alexander S., students were given material by Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer «The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception from the book Dialectics of Enlightenment», which was published in 1947. There was a lively discussion of views about professional education that somehow does not exist abroad and , in particular, in Germany. From the context students tore out the phrase «In the technological processes involved millions, so they require identical goods». As the material in question was written in the 20th century, after the end of the Second World War, then the question arises of where to take the millions of people with economic education who know what a «state standard» is. During studying of the article, we came to conclusion that it was directed against both positive and negative cultural achievements of that time, and the name was directed at criticizing that time government. We came to conclusion that it is necessary to provide information and its interpretation about future specialty and specialization of future economists and entrepreneurs precisely in the context of the theory and methodology of professional education.

So, while continuing to study at sophomore course, we found that modern students, doing their own work, find additional information and try to transform it into understanding of the future profession. We need effective control over the executed training tasks that we process and adjust during on-line work.

Analyzing the experience of college students in preparing economists and improving their own experience, we see how the processes of theory and methodology of professional education has changed. In the recent past, there was no question of on-line consultations, it was necessary to contact a teacher-student and a feedback student-teacher. This was the

only way to make sure that each student had a homework assignment individually.

Today, a teacher has a goal, which combines: transfer of information, formation of knowledge, skills, abilities. They are united in competence that a student must master at every stage of study and during the study of each discipline and be competent in the specialty.

A present day social conditions in Europe require the search for new mechanisms for the preparation of future economists and entrepreneurs, that must be solved today. We are confident that this can be achieved under the following conditions:

1. Preparation for the future professional activity should be started from the first year, introducing into the economic disciplines the module with educational and pedagogical filling. This should be, so-called, social orientation.

2. The introduction of a special course on professional education "Professional and Pedagogical Education of Entrepreneur".

Let's comment closely the general competencies that a student, future economist receives while listening to a special course on "Professional and Pedagogical Education of Entrepreneurs".

A scholar A.Yu. Slavgorodskaya, developing staff competence as a component of the labor activity of the enterprise in the field of economic sciences, proves that employees of enterprises should have the following general competencies:

The first general competence is theoretical, which includes theoretical knowledge and their practical application.

The second one refers to social competence or an ability to effective interaction in a team through communication.

To the third competence the scholar relates to methodical competence or an ability to organize own work independently and solve problems.

The fourth one is a personal competence, which includes personal characteristics of a person, such as real self-esteem, responsibility, a culture of labor.

Fifth one - an individual must adapt to life and the collegues.

The sixth and the last competence contains that an employee must self-develop and self-educate [7]

We can not agree with the definition of the scholar of the second competence as a social one, which indicates interaction through communication. The students of the higher educational establishment are more likely to be able to communicate with colleagues in team. It is a communicative competence. We do not consider a social competence because it is not a subject of our research. With the definition of other competencies, we agree and fully support their definitions.

In the introduction lesson of a special course, we begin to form a general competency of students, which includes the motivation for acquiring professional information. We start lessons with the revision of information they have already studied. We apply such format for activation of already acquired knowledge by future economists and entrepreneurs. Though our students are studying in the first and second year, it is easy for us to communicate with them. We propose to

revise the key terms of their future profession - «economics», «government», «economist», «person», «labor», «communication», «profession», «professional education», «desire», «joy», «happiness», «freedom». Such number of terms is not chosen by chance.

Students have already studied economics of their country and the world, the basics of psychology have passed, so, they know «concepts of communication», «desire», «joy» and «happiness». From unfamiliar terms, «professional education» and «freedom» are left. We associate them with the terms, such as, «economy» and «entrepreneurship» from different point of views, which are needed for the future entrepreneur and head. With the help of a teacher, students in groups of 4-5 people, work themselves on the definitions of the conceptual framework. We supervised how future entrepreneurs sincerely wondered about how much they needed pedagogical knowledge, as they discovered a new world of professional education, as enjoyed by their own techniques of leadership of a virtual enterprise using pedagogical knowledge. At the end of the mini-training, interesting terms were appeared. This was the first link in the acquisition of knowledge and the first, the easiest, level of formation of professional competence.

So, on the introduction lesson of the special course on the professional education of future economists and entrepreneurs, we begin to use the specialized conceptual knowledge acquired during training in previous semesters from the first till the seventh. And, as our practice shows, it is possible to use successfully mini-trainings in a group work during which skills are acquired to use general scientific and creative methods of knowledge in the future professional activity. Let's note that tips from Internet resources were supported.

Since the aim of the special course should fully respond a learning process, during the presentation of the disciplines in the first, second and third year courses we held the meetings of the scientific groups of students. The tasks included professional and educational trainings, role playing games, mini-exercises with pedagogical course and the subsequent discussion of thoughts and mutual wishes for the future.

Our five-year teaching experience shows that because of the introduction of a special course with a full-fledged educational and pedagogical content, it has the advantages of preparing bachelors in the seventh and the eighth semesters.

Advantages include:

• Professional education as a science is very quickly updated, therefore the student receives updated content, get acquainted with the latest achievements of the leading humanitarian sphere;

• The special course is based on integrative principles, it allows to establish inter-subject connections and to implement them during both classroom and non-classroom lessons;

• Such a specific training of economists and entrepreneurs encourages them to study throughout their lives and will provide a motivation to a social orientation to a specialist as a person. Practically students are admitted to such educational and pedagogical types of

activities, which gradually update their basic economic preparation.

Professional preparation for future activity should be carried out gradually, as required by the conceptual framework of the European Community. Therefore, our structure includes the main basic components contributing to the economic preparation of students - motivational, cognitive and professional and pedagogical.

It is highlighted three components, that are basic in the preparation of future entrepreneurs. We do not stop on professional preparation, because it is not the subject of our research. But we must study how students, future economists, are ready for entrepreneurship in terms of professional and educational pedagogy.

When studying special course «Professional and Pedagogical Education of Entrepreneurs», future economists and entrepreneurs form educational and pedagogical thinking, creative scientific basics, show a comfortable and positive attitude towards people, children, education. Students in a new way perceive the humanities, for example, watch with great attention TV-broadcasting about education, ecological culture, human behavior in society and in a social environment. They get new, highly specialized knowledge, how brain works in a creative, emotional direction and when changing behavior. When studying a special course, students get skills in scientific basis for the organization of entrepreneurial activity. They get new knowledge, skills and abilities. All this contributes to the formation of competences of European-type, while contributing to the acquisition of new competencies.

When preparing to a special course, during classroom lessons students produce knowledge and skills that support life, and so-called multicompetent preparation is carried out.

We did not find in the scientific sources the term «multicompetent preparation», therefore, we will present the author's definition from the point of view of professional training of economists and entrepreneurs.

Multicomponent preparation of economists and entrepreneurs is carried out on the basis of the theory and methodology of professional education, taking into account competency-based preparation. Multicompo-nent preparation is an integral preparation in the sense of a combination of economic and pedagogical sciences and is carried out taking into account the interests of national and European educational systems [author Yuliia Vladimirovna Klipa].

Conclusions. It is important for the future entrepreneur to learn a system of professional education, poor developed in the field of business. Only this this strategy is determined by the social demands of European society. In our opinion, the economist-entrepreneur, who has the strategic tasks of the future development of society, is already a successful and free individual.

Only new political, economic conditions that dictate necessity specialists of a new formation who carry out entrepreneurial activities, have professional educational and pedagogical knowledge, skills, abilities, and hence - competencies.


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3. Kostrychenko VM. Formuvannia kompetentsii fakhivtsia z ekonomiky pidpryiemstva na osnovi obhruntuvannia hospodarskykh rishen. [Forming of competencies of a worker in economic sphere of an enterprise on the basis of business decisions] Rezhym dostupu: Kostrychenko V. Formuvannia kompetentsii fakhivtsia z ekonomiky pidpryiemstva na osnovi obgruntuvannia hospodarskykh rishen / V. Kostrychenko // Nova pedahohichna dumka. - 2013. - № 1.1. - S. 268. -Rezhym dostupu: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Npd 2013 1 70.

4. Kovchyna I.M. Pidhotovka sotsialnykh pedahohiv do sotsialno-pravovoi roboty [Preparation of

social teachers to socio-law work][monohrafiia]. - K.: NPU imeni M.P.Drahomanova, 2007. - 373 s.

5. Lisna R.P. Tryhub V.O. Formuvannia profesiinoi kompetentsii u protsesi praktychnoho navchannia. [Forming of competencies during practical education] Rezhym dostupu: http://fkd.org.ua/arti-cle/viewFile/25168/22619.

6. Otroshchenko L.S. Formuvannia profesiinoi kompetepntnosti maibutnikh ekonomistiv-mizhnarodnykiv [Tekst] [Forming of professional competency of future international economists] / L. S. Otroshchenko // Pershyi krok u nauku: materialy Vseukrainskoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii -Luhansk, 2009. - Tom 7. - S. 75-78. Rezhym dostupu: http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/bitstream/123456789/5675 5/5/Otroschenko_Future_economists_professional_co mpetence_forming.pdf.

7. Slavhorodska O.Iu. Kompetentnist personalu yak skladova trudovoho potentsialu pidpryiemstva.[Competencies of the staff as a part of enterprise potency] Rezhym dostupu: http://www.confcontact.com/2008dec/6 slavgorod.ph E

Лоренц В.В.

Омский государственный педагогический университет

доцент кафедры педагогики кандидат педагогических наук Lorentz V. V. Omsk State Pedagogical University Associate Professor of Pedagogy Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences


Аннотация: Автор представляет результаты исследования условий реализации профильного обучения на старшей ступени обучения, направления профориентационной работы в школе. По результатам анкетирования выявлены уровень мотивации при выборе профиля и типы профессий, вызывающие интерес у современных школьников. Проблема профессионального самоопределения заключается прежде всего в мотивации учащегося, в осознании им своих возможностей, индивидуальных особенностей, в определении смысла жизни, профессиональных приоритетов.

Ключевые слова: профессиональное самоопределение, профильное обучение, старшеклассник, система образования, профориентационная работа.

Abstract: The author presents the results of the study of the conditions for the implementation of profile training at the senior stage of schooling. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the main directions of the profile training, the problems encountered by the students in selecting the study profile, were identified. The article suggests a scenario of an educational event that helps high school students decide on their choice of profession. The problem of professional self-determination lies primarily in the motivation of the student, in understanding his abilities, individual characteristics, in determining the meaning of life, professional priorities.

Keywords: professional self-determination, profile education, senior pupil, education system, vocational guidance work.

Актуальность темы исследования: Основные направления реформирования общеобразовательной школы и переход к профильному обучению привлекло наше внимание к проблеме формирования профессионального самоопределения

учащихся, изучению его закономерностей, психологических особенностей на каждом возрастном этапе, ведь Российская система образования уже перед учащимися 9 класса общеобразовательной школы, ставит задачу выбора будущего профессионального пути.

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