Научная статья на тему 'Structure of professional preparation of students and entrepreneurs in the context of European integration'

Structure of professional preparation of students and entrepreneurs in the context of European integration Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Klipa Yuliia Vladimirovna

The article reveals structure of professional preparation of students and entrepreneurs in the context of european integration. An authorial term “structure” is given.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Structure of professional preparation of students and entrepreneurs in the context of European integration»

Section 7. Training for Business and Economics

Klipa Yuliia Vladimirovna, assistant, Banking University E-mail: yu.klipa@gmail.com


Abstact: The article reveals structure of professional preparation of students and entrepreneurs in the context of european integration. An authorial term "structure" is given.

Keywords: professional competencies, Professional and Pedagogical Education of Entrepreneurs, special course, structure of professional preparation.

Problem statement. Modern professional education pays considerable attention to study of problems in methodology of preparing students for future professional activities. Taking into account purposeful preparation of economists of banking, as well as the formed psychological and pedagogical knowledge in the process of learning, the general structure and algorithm of a special seminar for each lesson is developed for the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of students as future entrepreneurs. General theoretical structure includes components and an indicator system, as well as the methodology of professional training of economists and entrepreneurs.

Literature review. Structure of professional preparation was studied by I. Kovchyna [3], T. An-druchshenko [2], L. Stepanenko [4], V. Vasyutkin [5], V. Zinchenko [6] and others.

The purpose of the article. To reveal to structure of professional preparation of students and entrepreneurs in the context of European integration. To give an authorial definition of notion "structure".

Research results. The European Community in 2009, within the framework of Europe 2020 concept,

has set common goals for the training of specialists. There are four of them, they are the following:

• to ensure lifelong learning and mobility to obtain education for all students;

• to improve significantly quality and effectiveness of entire educational process;

• to promote implementation of justice, social cohesion of individuals and support active public position of people;

• to strengthen inclusive creativity and innovation at all structural levels of education and training, including entrepreneurship [1].

All four goals correspond to directions of modern preparation of economists of banking to entrepreneurial activity. Paying attention to the fourth goal, we fulfill the program task of the European concept.

Therefore, the problem of theory and method-olody of professional education of future banking professionals needs to be modernized according to the context of European integration. This induces an in-depth study of the stated scientific problems at the theoretical and applied levels.

By fulfilling the qualification requirements for preparation of future entrepreneurs and economists,

a graduate must conduct training in accordance with the requirements of specifics of subject, that is, a special seminar. Requirements also include:

a) to promote the fulfillment of social tasks;

b) the formation of competencies;

c) the usage of innovative methods and means of classroom and non-classroom work, which ensure a high level of preparation of students in banking in the European format.

Therefore, we have identified three key parameters for professional preparation of students:

1. to motivate effectively future entrepreneurs in studing theory and methodology of professional education;

2. to provide students with information, to form competencies, necessary for them in the further work on the basis of transferred information, received knowledge, skills and abilities;

3. to develop professional education of a student as an entrepreneur's activity strategist according to human factors.

Since the future entrepreneur is, first and foremost, an owner of a company and a manager of human resources, during classroom and non-classroom studies we will create just pedagogical situations related to relations with human resources and teach them to cooperate professionally, using the existing knowledge on theory and methodology professional education.

This problem is highlighted in scientific works by T. Andruchshenko, who considers education as high social and spiritual value. This is manifested in availability of education, while stimulating individual's choice according to his own needs [2].

Another scientist on theory and methodology of professional education I. Kovchyna believes that it is necessary to preserve intellectual potential of nation, improve teaching of disciplines, and recreate experience of foreign countries in Ukrainian higher education institutions [3, p. 32-34].

Supporting new teaching concepts L. Stepanen-ko argues that the contradiction, various conceptual

approaches in education direct process of knowledge to development of theory and methodology of professional education, to update the structure of student preparation [4, p. 76].

By definition, N. Vasyutkin, the enterprise is an independent economic entity. It is created for the production of products, works and services. The ultimate goal of the company is to meet public needs and profit. The basis of life of all people, main link of national economy are enterprises [5,p. 18].

To use professional education in entrepreneurial activity, to be able to organize the work of a team, to pick up a team, to manage a team without loss ofboth emotional and financial is a requirement of time.

In our opinion, professional and pedagogical competence of future economist and entrepreneur is an integrative complex, which is filled with knowledge about basic pedagogical methods and technologies, an ability to use existing knowledge for solving applied problems, skills in using pedagogical technologies, an ability to transfer pedagogical information to other employees in available form. All this is accumulating in shaping the readiness of future economists to enterpreneurial activity.

On the other hand, it is determined that system of preparation of students, future economists of banking to entrepreneurial activity includes motivational (reflects the attitude of the person to the professional activity), cognitive (includes theoretical and technological knowledge), professional and activity (includes skills, skills based on the results of the developed knowledge) components

Consequently, the structure of system of preparation of students and economists ofbanking to entrepreneurial activity consists of two parts - theoretical, methodological and technological and it covers the following elements:

1) intersubject connections; components of a specialist - an object of activity, functions, tasks for solving skills; activation of knowledge by means of psychological, methodological and managerial mechanisms; activation of activity, which includes motive,

purpose, means and results; components - motivational, cognitive, professional and pedagogical.

2) five levels of professional preparation - three theoretical and two practical; - explanatory, diagnostic, experimental, informational, projective, reflexive, activity;

3) approaches: innovative, systemic, competency;

4) special course "Professional and Pedagogical Education ofEntrepreneurs", which covers theoretical and practical lessons (lectures, seminars, individual and independent work, final control).

According to the object of our survey, we pay attention to issues related to structuring of the process of professional preparation of future economists of banking to entrepreneurial activity as one of components of the theory and methodology of professional education.

Under the structure is understood a certain number of interconnected elements, which has a stable unity and integrity, and all of them possess properties and laws that integrate with each other. The structure lets to encompass the whole process of student preparation, which inherently integrity and specificity of substructural parts, the existence of interconnections between substructural parts, the integration of all parts, the beginning and final result of the structure, that are interconnected between eachother by internal parts [au-

thor Yu. V. Klipa]. In theory and methodology of professional education, structure includes pedagogical conditions through which the professional preparation of student is realized.

Applying pedagogical conditions to educational process, as believes V. Zinchenko, they provide effective formation of professional orientation of students of economic specialties, namely: integration of educational material of fundamental economic disciplines with the content of enterpreneurial activity. Students and economists must have motivation to acquire professionally relevant knowledge and skills that will facilitate the process of preparing students for practical work of an economist of a modern enterprise [6, p. 70-79].

Conclusions. Analyzing sources on structuring of system of professional preparation, we can state the significance of such research.

Note, as a rule, theresearchers are developing a model of professional preparation for students. It features a multitude of components and multi-vector design. The model is developed in the case of an experimental study from the first to the fifth year. Since our research is devoted to the professional preparation of students in the fourth year, we build a structure of professional preparation for economists and entrepreneurs, structuring of the pedagogical process.


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