Секция 7. Педагогика
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11. Федiрчик Т. Рiвнi розвитку педагопчного професiоналiзму викладача вищо! школи/Тетяна Федiрчик//Освi-та на Луганщинi. - 2013. -№ 1 (38). - С. 83-87.
12. Федiрчик Т. Фахово-педагопчна компетентнiсть як складова педагогiчного професюнамзму викладача вищо! школи/Тетяна Федiрчик//Науковий вшник Чернiвецького унiверситету: Збiрник наукових праць. -Вип. 530. Педагопка та психологш. - Чернiвцi: Рута, 2011. - С. 166-176.
13. Федiрчик Т. Д. Технолопя монiторингу професiоналiзму викладача як iнструмент забезпечення якосп вищо! освгги//5с1епсе and Education a New Dimension. Pedagogy and Psychology, I (7), Issue 14, 2013. -С. 208-214.
Dejneka Elena Nikolaevna, Graduate student of NPU named after N. Drahomanova.
Shyshkin Gennadiy Aleksandrovich, Ph. D. Candidate of NPU named after N. Drahomanova,
E-mail: ur3qugs@gmail.com
Formation of the fundamental physical and technological knowledge in formation of teachers in the field of technology
Annotation: The article analyzes the problem of formation of fundamental knowledge in the study of physics students’ educational area “Technology”. Attention is paid to improving of the efficiency of the educational process through interdisciplinary communication of the natural, mathematics sciences and practical vocational disciplines. The article justifies the necessity to improve the structure and content of the course in physics for this specialty. Keywords: physics, fundamental knowledge, integration, training, technology teacher.
Statement of the problem: In the new economic environment, society requires new approaches to teacher training system. High professionalism of the young generation is the guarantee of economic development.
Higher pedagogical education focuses on individual interests and personality traits of the student, professional competence, capacity for physical and technical creativity, creation of a common culture and erudition of the future teacher.
This approach to teacher training in the field of technology is possible in the implementation of the concept of fundamental nature of professional knowledge. Only specialist who has freedom of thought, profound theoretical knowledge can improve the technique, technology and production.
Level training specialist determined by the character and structure of the relationships between scientific and special professional knowledge.
Analysis of recent researches and publications
shows that modern education is beyond the scope of intra-national education and requires educational strategies in the global educational space. Practice-oriented concept of the Bologna model is based on competency paradigm. Bologna reforms act as a tool for strategic development and contribute to the mobility of teachers and students at the European level.
In modern models of specialists the fundamental component of training is becoming increasingly import ant. Fundamental knowledge contributes to a more rapid perception of the techniques and technologies by youth and this knowledge is a fundamental factor in the further professional development of young professionals.
The fundamental nature ofeducation serves as the leading trend of training. Modern educational strategy is based on the Memorandum of UNESCO International Symposium “Fundamental University education” (1994) [5].
Section 7. Pedagogy
Transforming the concept of fundamental knowledge on the system of the future experts in the field of technology, we believe that they should be deep and be a basic framework for the study of the disciplines of technical and technological training cycles.
Providing professional mobility of graduates by fundamental knowledge is a priority way of the
education [1].
In our opinion, in the modern educational researches not enough attention is paid to the relationship between the fundamental components and professional training of future teachers in the field of technology. Some scientists recognize the fundamental nature of knowledge as more in-depth training in this area [3]. The fundamental aspect includes discipline, basic concepts and laws which are primary and not a consequence of other disciplines or sciences. This approach allows us to rank disciplines and to determine the role of each in the formation of the fundamental base of professional knowledge.
In the scientific and methodological literature they discuss the issues of fundamental training of future specialists and development of the concept of the creation of the fundamental natural science courses in the light of the new paradigm of education [2]. Fundamental education is focused on the deep-rooted relations between different phenomena and processes faced by the specialist.
The main material: Problem of the fundamental nature ofthe vocational education arose as a consequence of the increasing amount of technical information and the tendency to update it every two or three years.
Unfortunately, the decline in production in Ukraine has reduced the requirements for theoretical training. This situation is caused also a significant reduction in the number of hours of classes, which were allocated to the study of natural and mathematical sciences in training of graduates in pedagogical Universities.
The level and quality of knowledge defined ability to use them in the new conditions that are constantly changing. Contemporary social and economic conditions of the development of society have changed the goals and objectives of training specialists with higher education. The main priorities of training focused on the interests of the student’s personality, the formation of cognitive activity and independence, the ability to improve their professional skills.
According to the new educational paradigm, schools tend to form the students’ generalized ideas about the nature and processes taking place in it, the effect of human activities on it. Dialectical basis of integrity of
the disciplines of natural and mathematical training is the commonality of the methodical and methodological approaches to the construction ofthe educational process. Discipline training should reflect the unity of the various areas of knowledge and promote their interdisciplinary synthesis.
The result of the study of natural and mathematics disciplines cycle should become the formation of naturalistic worldview. This approach is important from the standpoint of the students’ knowledge of fundamental nature, but its implementation is difficult because of insufficient development of single technical and methodological approaches to their teaching.
The fundamental nature of education is focused on the identification of the essential relationship between the various processes of the surrounding world. Learning process becomes integral when natural, mathematical disciplines and training combined by the common target fundamental nature, the object of study, the methodology for constructing oriented on the interdisciplinary communication [4, 23].
Basic unifying factor of natural, mathematical and practical vocational disciplines in the training of future teachers in the field of technology is physics. The fundamental nature of education is a basic principle of physics teaching. Fundamental physical education involves the formation of a basis for the study of the vocational training disciplines. The physical course of the pedagogical Universities content should promote the physical and technical picture of the world. From this perspective, we overview physics as an integrated discipline, combined with the general methodological principles of natural science and vocational practical disciplines through the interdisciplinary integration.
Teaching physics, which is based on the relationship with the professional disciplines, includes practical issues related to the study of the laws, processes and phenomena that directly refer to the future professional activity of teachers in the field of technology. The building of the physics course on the principles of practice-based learning is connected with objective difficulties: increased volume of educational material in conditions of limited number of hours of classes; possible violation of the logic in the construction of the course; difficulty in the formulation of educational problems.
Our analysis of the practice of organizing and conducting of the physics classes in Universities which form the future teachers in the field of technology, academic curriculum and programs, qualification characteristics and the questioning of teachers revealed
Секция 7. Педагогика
a number of problems:
— Programs in physics for technological specialties do not reflect sufficiently professional orientation course.
— Course content of physics for the teacher of the field of technology is not significantly different from the content of the corresponding rates for non-physical specialties of the other areas of training.
— Not enough textbooks, reflecting the practical application of physics in engineering and technology.
— The problems of the methodology of teaching physics for the students of the technological specialties are poorly developed.
— The constructing methodology of the physics course for the correspond specialties on the basis of interdisciplinary connections with the disciplines of practical training is absent.
The results of our research show that many students do not realize the importance and role of physics in their future career. The level of practical skills in engineering and technology is not sufficiently formed.
In today’s professional education, there are certain contradictions between the demands of society in the preparation of specialists under the new social and economic conditions and the lack of the concept of methodical system of training future teachers of physics technology. The concept must correspond to the educational paradigm, which is characterized by such features as: solidity, integrity and focus on the interests of the individual student.
In methodical system of teaching physics of the teachers in the field of technologies three principles must be implemented: fundamental nature, technical and technological focus and focus on teaching. The interrelation of these principles suggests the need for their integration and revision of the content, aims
and objectives of the discipline.
Teaching physics in the preparation of future teachers in the field of technology is based on a complex, systemic principle and is directed on the final result — the future profession. Based on the requirements of a specialist in the field of technology education which are laid down in its qualifying characteristics, we include in the goals of teaching physics, in addition to deep fundamental preparation, formation of physical knowledge which is needed to study objects of technology, process and organization of technical creativity of students. When designing a methodical system of teaching physics, defining the scope, methods, forms and means of training the fundamental principle should be considered as a basis of qualitative formation of graduate training. In this regard, there is a need to develop methods of this principle in each component system. Physics course as an basis of the fundamental training should include additional sections systematizing knowledge of various academic disciplines.
The implementation of the principles of fundamental and professionally-directed training are based on the selection of appropriate educational material that can be made on the basis of logic and genetic analysis of the physical and technical knowledge.
Conclusions: The main objects of Basic Training based on the integration of disciplines are:
— Production of integrated interdisciplinary courses that contain the most generalized knowledge and serve as a basis for the formation of professional knowledge;
— Introduction of the material of a practical nature to the discipline of natural, mathematical training which orients the student for future professional activities;
— Overcoming the contradictions between the basic and vocational education.
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