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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Balakireva Viktoriia Anatoliivna

The article substantiates the personal-activity approach of future teachers preparing for the work activity of junior schoolchildren. The relevance of the mentioned problem in the conditions of modern Ukraine is proved. It is found out that pedagogical science has accumulated considerable experience in determining the essence and ways of implementing the personal-activity approach. The personal-activity approach to organization of work activity of schoolchildren as a complex personal formation, which includes structural components, personality qualities and ability to self-improvement, is determined, mastering of knowledge, teaching skills and experiences in elementary school. The purpose of educational activity in the process of future teachers preparing for the organization of work activities of schoolchildren is to build mechanisms for self-regulation learning, substantive activities and acts of interaction with like-minded people and teachers from the maximum assistance to students in solving educational problems. The contents of personal-activity training should include socially significant motives of professional activity; pedagogical abilities; pedagogical, methodological and psychological knowledge and skills; social activity of the personality of the future teacher of the primary level.

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У статті обґрунтувано особистісно-діяльнісний підхід підготовки майбутніх учителів до трудової діяльності молодших школярів. Доведено актуальність означеної проблематики в умовах сучасної України. З’ясовано, що педагогічна наука накопичила чималий досвід з визначення сутності та шляхів реалізації особистісно-діяльнісного підходу. Визначено особистісно-діяльнісний підхід до організації трудової діяльності учнів як складне особистісне утворення, що включає в себе структурні компоненти, якості особистості та здатність до самовдосконалення; оволодіння знаннями, уміннями і навичками викладання у початкових класах. Метою навчальної діяльності в процесі підготовки майбутніх учителів до організації трудової діяльності учнів є побудова механізмів саморегуляції навчання, предметної діяльності й актів взаємодії з однодумцями і викладачами від максимальної допомоги студентам у вирішенні навчальних задач. Зміст особистісно-діяльнісного навчання повинен включати соціально значущі мотиви професійної діяльності; педагогічні здібності; педагогічні, методичні та психологічні знання та вміння; соціальну активність особистості майбутнього вчителя початкової ланки.



Balakireva Viktoriia Anatoliivna,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogical Technologies of Primary Education of State Enterprise K. D. Ushynsky South Ukrainian

National Pedagogical University, torri.kosenko@gmail.com Odessa City, Ukraine


Balakireva Viktoriia c. Anatoliia,

kandydat nauk pedagogicznych, profesor nadzwyczajny, kierownik Katedry Technologii Pedagogicznych w Szkolnictwie Podstawowym Uczelni Pahstwowej « Poludniowo Ukraihski Narodowy Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny imienia K. D. Uszynskiego», torri.kosenko@gmail.com

Ukraina, m. Odessa


W artykule uzasadniono jest podejscie personalnie aktywizuj^ce do ksztalcenia przyszlych nauczycieli zaj?c plastycznych w szkole podstawowej. Udowodniono aktualnosc wspomnianego problemu w warunkach wspolczesnej Ukrainy. Stwierdzono, ze nauka pedagogiczna nagromadzila znaczne doswiadczenie w okreslaniu istoty i sposobow realizacji podejscia personalnie aktywizuj^cego. Okreslono podejscie personalnie aktywizuj^ce do organizacji dzialalnosci plastycznej uczni jak zlozonego utworzenia personalnego, ktore obejmuje elementy strukturalne, cechy osobowosci i zdolnosc samodoskonalenia; do opanowania wiedzy, umiej?tnosci i kompetentnosci, niezb?dnych do pracy w szkole podstawowej.

Celem dzialalnosci edukacyjnej w procesie ksztalcenia przyszlych nauczycieli do organizacji zaj?c plastycznych uczniow jest budowanie mechanizmow samoregulacji uczenia si?, dzialalnosci przedmiotowej i interakcji z podobnie mysl^cymi ludzmi i nauczycielami na podstawie maksymalnej pomocy dla studentow w rozwi^zywaniu problemow edukacyjnych.

Tresc nauczania personalnie aktywizjcego powinna zawierac spolecznie istotne motywy dzialalnosci zawodowej; zdolnosci pedagogiczne; wiedz? i umiej?tnosci pedagogiczne, metodologiczne i psychologiczne; aktywnosc spoleczn^ osobowosci przyszlego nauczyciela szkoly podstawowej.

Slowa kluczowe: podejscie personalnie aktywizujqce, uczniowie szkoly podstawowej, ksztaicenie przyszlych nauczycieli, zaj^cia plastyczne.

Балатрева Вiкторiя Анатоливна,

кандидат педагог1чних наук, доцент, 3aeidyea4 кафедри педагогiчних

технологш початковог освти Державного Закладу «Швденноукратсъкий нацюналъний педагогiчнийутверситет iменi К.Д Ушинсъкого», torri.kosenko@gmail.com

Укртна, м. Одеса


У статп обгрунтувано особистiсно-дiяльнiсний пiдхiд пiдготовки майбутнiх учителiв до трудово! дь яльностi молодших школярiв. Доведено актуальнiсть означено! проблематики в умовах сучасно! Укра!ни. З'ясовано, що педагогiчна наука накопичила чималий досввд з визначення сутностi та шляхiв реалiзацü' особистiсно-дiяльнiсного пiдходу. Визначено особистюно^яльнюний пiдхiд до органiзацii трудово! д!я-льностi учнiв як складне особистюне утворення, що включае в себе структурш компоненти, якостi особи-стостi та здатнiсть до самовдосконалення; оволодiння знаниями, умiннями i навичками викладання у по-чаткових класах.

Метою навчально! дiяльностi в процесi пiдготовки майбутшх учителiв до органiзацii' трудово! дiя-льностi учнiв е побудова механiзмiв саморегуляцп навчання, предметно! дiяльностi й акпв взаемодi! з однодумцями i викладачами вiд максимально! допомоги студентам у виршенш навчальних задач.

Змют особиспсно-дгяльшсного навчання повинен включати соцiально значущi мотиви професшно! дiяльностi; педагогiчнi здiбностi; педагогiчнi, методичнi та психологiчнi знання та вмiння; соцiальну ак-тивнють особистостi майбутнього вчителя початково! ланки.

Ключовi слова: особисткно^яльтсний nidxid, молодшi школярi, пiдготовка майбуттх учителiв, трудова di^bHwmb.

Балакирева Виктория Анатольевна,

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, заведующая кафедрой педагогических технологий начального образования

Государственное учреждение «Южноукраинский национальный педагогический университет имени К.Д Ушинского», torri.kosenko@gmail.com

Украина, г. Одесса


В статье обосновано личностно-деятельностный подход подготовки будущих учителей к трудовой деятельности младших школьников. Доказано актуальность этой проблематики в условиях современной Украины. Установлено, что педагогическая наука накопила большой опыт по определению сущности и путей реализации личностно-деятельностного подхода. Определен личностно-деятельностный подход к организации трудовой деятельности учащихся как сложное личностное образование, включающее в себя структурные компоненты, качества личности и способность к самосовершенствованию; овладение знаниями, умениями и навыками преподавания в начальных классах.

Целью учебной деятельности в процессе подготовки будущих учителей к организации трудовой деятельности учащихся является построение механизмов саморегуляции обучения, предметной деятельности и актов взаимодействия с единомышленниками и преподавателями от максимальной помощи студентам в решении учебных задач.

Содержание личностно-деятельностного обучения должно включать социально значимые мотивы профессиональной деятельности; педагогические способности; педагогические, методические и психологические знания и умения; социальную активность личности будущего учителя начальной школы.

Ключевые слова: личностно-деятельностный подход, младшие школьники, подготовка будущих учителей, трудовая деятельность.

The article substantiates the personal-activity approach of future teachers preparing for the work activity of junior schoolchildren. The relevance of the mentioned problem in the conditions of modern Ukraine is proved. It is found out that pedagogical science has accumulated considerable experience in determining the essence and ways of implementing the personal-activity approach. The personal-activity approach to organization of work activity of schoolchildren as a complex personal formation, which includes structural components, personality qualities and ability to self-improvement, is determined, mastering of knowledge, teaching skills and experiences in elementary school.

The purpose of educational activity in the process of future teachers preparing for the organization of work activities of schoolchildren is to build mechanisms for self-regulation learning, substantive activities and acts of interaction with like-minded people and teachers from the maximum assistance to students in solving educational problems.

The contents of personal-activity training should include socially significant motives of professional activity; pedagogical abilities; pedagogical, methodological and psychological knowledge and skills; social activity of the personality of the future teacher of the primary level.

Key words: personal-activity approach, junior schoolchildren, future teachers preparing, work activities.

Problem definition in its general terms and its relationship with important scientific and practical tasks. One of the strategic tasks of education reforming in Ukraine is the formation of an educated, creative personality, the formation of its physical and moral health. The solution of this problem involves a psychological and pedagogical substantiation of the content and methods of the educational process aimed specifically at the development of the student's personality. However, this process still lacks sense of purpose and scientific and methodological support.

The personal approach is progressively asserted as a key psychological and pedagogical principle of

the organization of the educational process, from which the effectiveness of the reorientation of the education system on the development of the student's personality depends to a large extent. However, the level of its scientific and methodological justification does not satisfy the teachers and psychologists.

Analysis of currently important researches. The scientific prerequisites for the emergence of a personality-oriented approach were gradually determined in individual studies in various aspects that were carried out by such representatives of classical psychology as B. Ananiev, O. Bodaliov, L. Vygotsky, V. Jems, O. Ko-valiov, G. Kostiuk, O. Leontiev, J. Piazhe, S. Rubinstein, Z. Freud, K. Yung and many others. For now,

world science associates such names as: K. Goldstein, A. Maslow, J. Olport, C. Rogers, R. Mey, E. From, K. Horney, V. Frankl, R. Burns and others with personal education and upbringing. Modern requirements for the formation of a personal approach were gradually determined in the studies of such well-known psychologists as K. Abulkhanova-Slavska, O. Asmolov, V. Davydov, V. Moliako, L. Prokoliienko, V. Stolin, V. Tatenko, T. Titarenko, I. Yakymanska and others.

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the personal-activity approach of future teachers preparing for the work activity of junior schoolchildren.

Presentation of the main material. In recent years, interest to the personal approach has grown considerably in pedagogical psychology and practical pedagogy. Taking into account the complexity of developing such an approach, researchers consider it expedient to carry out its development on the way to transition to it from other, more developed approaches. Therefore, such forms are offered as "personal-social-activity approach" (O. Barabanshchykov and M. Fedenko), "the principle of activity-personal approach" (V. Andreiev), " personal-activity approach" (I. Zymnia), "systemic personality-activity approach" (L. Derkach), "individual-personal approach" (O. Savchenko), etc.

Personal approach should be regarded as an important psychological and pedagogical principle, as a methodological tool, the basis of which is a set of initial conceptual representations, goal sets, methodical psycho-diagnostic and psycho-technological tools that provide a deeper, holistic understanding, perception of the child's personality and on this basis - its harmonious development in the conditions of the existing educational system.

Person-centered education is realized through activity, which has not only external attributes of the community, but also involves cooperation, self-development of subjects of the educational process, the identification of their personal functions with its internal content. It relies on fundamental didactic studies devoted to the personality-developing functions of education and upbringing. On the CIS territory the studies of person-centered education are carried out by I. Bekh, V. Rybalka, V. Sierykov, I. Yakymanska and others.

Investigating the nature of work, L. Vygotsky, O. Leontiev, O. Nikiforov, V. Shevyriov consider the action of its participants as one of the important characteristics. They argue that work is a form of activity, the structure of which consists of: goal-setting, behavior and result. Behavior, being a component of the action, is in personal manner. Behavior and action are the sides of human activity. Forming the activity of the future teacher is determined by the comprehension of the goals of pedagogical work, the desire to realize their capabilities and abilities in the professional field, nonstandard approach to the solution of vocational and pedagogical tasks.

Thus, O. Leontiev defines work as not an addictive unit of the physical, material subject. He writes: "In a narrower sense, that is, on a mental level, it is a unit of

life intermediated by a psychic reflection, the real function of which is that it orients the subject in the objective world. In other words, work is not a reaction and not a set of reactions, but a system having a structure, its internal transitions and transformation, its development". The theoretical and methodological principle of O. Leontiev is stated that for mastering "the product of human activity it is necessary to carry out work adequate to work that is embodied in this product". Based on the massive experimental material the scientist confirmed the fact that learning is the process of individual creation of the product (theoretical material) of that person who created it [3].

The complicacy of the tasks of preparing the younger generation for life, the formation of the needs of young people in lifelong education, the acquisition of moral behavior greatly complicates the functions of the modern teacher of elementary school, increase the requirements to the level of his professionalism, confirm the need for creative style of activity and active professional position.

The scientist E. Bondarevska believes that the laws of spiritual development, processes and changes occurring in the inner world of personality, should become the main reference points in the training of a professional teacher. "The main mechanism of this process, she believes, is the personal activity of the individual, included in the educational process as its subject and object" [1, c.34]. E. Bondarevska considers activity as the main means of formation of individuality, value orientations of the individual. In her opinion, the basis of studying at a high school should be the person-centered education of the future teacher of elementary school, whose values are "people as a subject of education, culture as an environment that grows and feeds the person; creativity as a way of human development in culture » [1, c.36].

The process of formation of the personality of the future teacher of elementary school is connected with communication and joint activities of people. It is defined as the process of assimilating the individual's social experience when entering the social environment and professional sphere, the reproduction of the system of social connections through the active entry into the world around.

The task of high school teachers is to teach future teachers of the primary level to withstand the negative effects of the environment, to create conditions under which students could gain experience of active influence on the process of professional development, adjust its course, be able to make decisions and freedom to choose ways of mastering this experience.

In the process of studying at a higher school future teachers of elementary school should understand the content of pedagogical work, which consists of organizing a "eventful community" with a student, assisting in the development of the position of the subject of his own life and activities. It is important for students to know that the main task of the teacher, who carries out person-centered learning, is to help the growing person to identify and improve his attitude towards himself, other people, the world around him, towards his chosen career.

It is possible to overcome the contradiction that occurs in school practice, between the requirements for the nature of pedagogical work, which should be individually-creative, and the typical formalized preparation of the future teacher for pedagogical work, if the basis of the educational process will be based on the formation and development of the personality of a teacher who has a creative individuality and activity. The task is to personify the professional training of future teachers, to direct all efforts of schoolchildren not only to master the technology of the student's personality development, but also his own personality. The most significant is the change in their position from the passive participants in the learning process to its active members and organizers.

Therefore, the content of the personal-activity approach to learning necessarily includes: content of the subject for students from the standpoint of productive learning (creative use of knowledge); final training product of teaching subjects to students; psychological and pedagogical mechanisms of achievement of each element of the subject being taught; techniques and methods of developing training manuals on the mechanisms of achieving each element; receptions and methods of diagnosing the achievement of students; technology of educational process designing with children; technology of taking into account the individual peculiarities of children in the pedagogical process; technology of learning-making in designing the learning process.

Considering the training of future teachers of the primary level as one of the indicators of pedagogical professionalism, many modern researchers (O. Bida, E. Bondarevska, V. Maksimova, M. Marusynets, O. Ko-mar, I. Palshkova, V. Sierikov, I. Yakymanskyi, etc.) speak about the necessity of changing the outdated educational-disciplinary models of education into a person-centered paradigm, that is, the implementation of information, forming, developing, activating aspects of modern education. The old principle - to work with the logic of the subject, the assimilation of the amount of knowledge and skills does not correspond to the changed conditions. In a situation of competitiveness and demand of the future teacher needs qualitative professional training, which is based on person-centered education.

C. Rogers tried to reveal the essence of personal-activity approach. He spoke of "meaningful learning", that is, learning that helps a person to become a person. Investigating the essence of personal-oriented learning, he considered it as learning meaningful, self-initiated. C. Rogers considered the development of meanings as elements of personal sense as the important element in his structure. In a full-time learning of life problems, he saw the source of the activity of the learner. At the same time, in the interaction with schoolchildren, of C. Rogers gave the leading role to the teacher, which should be congruent, that is to behave adequately experienced feelings and states, to show their human qualities in interaction with students, namely: to accept the student as he is and understand his feelings; to have a positive attitude towards those who study; to take a dialogue po-

sition; to rely on the self-actualizing tendency of students; to provide such personal relationships in the educational process and a psychological climate that would contribute to the free manifestation of self-development and self-affirmation trends of the individual [5].

Introduction to the works of K. Rodgers makes it possible to state that, justifying the humanistic approach to the definition of the essence and the role of learning, he saw the source of development of activity and autonomy of the individual in the person-centered orientation of this process.

Best practices of a new understanding of the purpose of study belong to I. Unt. She believes that the complication of forms and sources of information has passed the time of reproductive learning. Complex forms of intellectual activity include, in her opinion, "multi-stage decision-making processes based on orientation in situations of uncertainty, in conditions of unsatisfactory criteria for evaluating solutions and the need for individual identification of strategies for the search and use of information. "The scientist emphasizes that the criterion of education in this case will not be the reproduction of knowledge in the form of standard solutions, and the phenomenon of "intellectual initiative" as a continuation of the decision outside the specified requirements, and depending on the level of acceptance of the problem situation. Educational value, thus, acquires not science itself, but a human-oriented scientific picture of the world. "Human Dimension" of scientific knowledge and knowledge - is a system of non-scientific regulators of thinking (values of human being), which contribute to the identification and confirmation in the field of science of human essential forces [7, p.11].

Noting the increase of the personality-developing functions of the educational process, I. Unt considers the intellectual initiative, independence and activity, serving as indicators of the essential forces of man as purpose and result of this process.

In this study, we will take M. Kuznetsov's definition as the basis. He considers personal-activity approach as a socio-cultural mechanism of personal growth of participants in the educational process. According to his figurative expression, person-centered learning is a "process of creating an image of a person in an individual" [2, p. 65]. He calls "educational process, which gives each student the basis of his natural abilities and related propensities, interests, values orientations, the ability, through productive activities, to realize themselves, to reveal their natural potential in cognition, in learning activities and educational behavior in accordance with the values and interests of society" personality-oriented [2, p. 64-65].

The purpose of the personal-activity approach, he sees in the self-actualization of the individual, which suggests, on the one hand, the professional and personal growth of the teacher, and on the other hand - the personal growth of those who learn in their organic unity.

V. Sierikov's approach to the role and functions of the educational process in the development of personality is interesting. He regrets that the attitude to the person in the educational process corresponds to the

paradigm: the person is considered as that is necessary to "intensify", "direct for the implementation of plans and programs". In his opinion, the personality in education, as well as in society as a whole, so far serves as a means. Personality, its free creative development is not yet practically carried out by the function of learning. Subjectivity, creativity, criticality, and other personal qualities are still not considered in their educational practice as a self-value. The priority is not the person, but what can be obtained from it: the implementation of certain social functions, the implementation of behavior patterns [6, p. 12].

V.Sierikov devotes a special role in changing the paradigms of teaching to the teacher and his professional training. He believes that in order to implement the personal-activity approach in the practice of higher education, it is necessary to abandon the traditional doctrinal approach to issuing a "social order" for the educational activity of a higher school. The definition of the goals of higher education should ensure the waiver of universal models of "learning" and orient the educational process for the formation of an individual lifestyle and thinking, socio-cultural and ideological self-determination of future teachers. He sees the task in solving the fundamental problem - through what situations of knowledge and life is necessary to conduct a student, so that he mastered the active and creative experience of professional activity, comprehended the creative nature of pedagogical work and ways of its implementation in pedagogical practice.

Trying to understand the essence of the personal-activity approach, O. Piekhota believed that it is based on the methodological principle of the unity of the two plans of the pedagogical process - the macrodidactic (external procedural) and the microdidactic (internal psychological). Only through the revelation of the relationship between the didactic conditions of the learning process and the internal mechanisms of personal development that ensure its formation and functioning, understanding of the essence of the conditions of the implementation of the personality-oriented approach is possible [4].

That is why, she saw the main goal of the personal-activity approach in the organization of the process of psychological and pedagogical assistance to man in the formation of his subjectivity, cultural identity, socialization, life self-determination. She allocates such tasks as the main ones: to develop individual cognitive abilities of each; maximally identify, initiate, use, "cure" the individual (subject) experience; help the person to know himself, self-determination and self-realization, and not to form pre-set qualities; to form a person's culture of life, which makes it possible to productively build their daily lives [4, p. 34].

Personal-activity approach as a process of organization of work activities of students represents an integrated system of mutually determined measures and actions aimed at achieving goals, creative mastery of professional knowledge, skills, experiences and methods of vocational and pedagogical activities.

The substantiation of the possibility and expediency of applying person-centered pedagogical technol-

ogies is an important conclusion in the personal-activity approach. Their essential features are the training and education of the individual with the maximum possible individualization, the creation of conditions for self-development and self-education, meaningful definition of their capabilities and life goals. This type of learning is based on dialogue, modeling of selection situations, free exchange of ideas, and the advance of success. Hence, higher education becomes not only a means of training specialists for various fields of activity, but an objective stage of personality development.

From the standpoint of the training of future teachers of elementary school to the organization of work of students the necessary prerequisites is the ability of the individual to reflect on their own experience; author's approach to setting objectives for the content of innovative processes, development of means for creating situations for students; interaction with all subjects of the process, taking into account their individual-style features, joint activity and creation of goals, means, expected results; the unity of personal and cognitive development in the process of professional activity.

Conclusions. In our opinion, the purpose of educational activity in the process of future teachers training for the organization of work activities of students is to build mechanisms for self-regulation of learning, substantive activities and acts of interaction with like-minded people and teachers from maximum assistance to students in solving educational problems. Thus, the generalization of theoretical analysis allows to determine the person-activity approach to the organization of work activities of students as a complex personal formation, which includes the structural components, the quality of personality and the ability to self-improvement; mastering of knowledge, skills and experiences of teaching skills in elementary school.

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Klipa Yu.V.

Assistant, Banking University



Summary: The article reveals features of competency-based approach to professional preparation of future economists and entrepreneurs.

The author presents the results of her own special course "Professional and Pedagogical Education of Entrepreneurs", which was held with the first, second and the third-year students in Banking university. An authorial term "multicompetent preparation" is given

Key words: economic competency, Professional and Pedagogical Education of Entrepreneurs, professional competence, special source, multicompetent preparation

Problem statement. Professional education of future economists and entrepreneurs needs specialists of a new generation. They must be prepared according to European requirements for higher education.

The modern education of Ukraine is characterized by two components in preparation of future specialists. The first component includes the cooperation of leading European universities, which logically include the universities of Ukraine. The second component requires the unification of educational systems and structures at the state level into a single European space with common results in professional preparation. The results in professional education include in competences, that is, the indicators which will be used by future economists and entrepreneurs in their further activities, that have uniform requirements in standards of training and criteria. Such unification will significantly increase the competitiveness of our specialists in the European labor market.

Literature review. The study of problem of developing a competency-based approach in professional education of future economists and entrepreneurs was considered by outstanding scholars as M.S. Holovan [2], Kostrychenko V.M. [3], I.M. Kovchyna [4], R. P. Lisna [5], L.S. Ostroshchenko [6], O.Yu. Slavgo-rodskaya [7] and different others

The purpose of the article. On the personal experience to prove the necessity of competency-based aoproach in professional preparation of modern economist and entrepreneur. To stablish the necessity of pedagogical education in higher education institutions of banking ,using the survey by author . To give the authorial defenition of «multicompetent preparation»

Research results. Preparation of Ukraine for joining the European Community has put the problem of

theory and methodology of professional education in a priority position throughout the education system. Students, who are highly qualified in future activities, especially in the economic field, must study throughout the whole life. Studying during a lifetime, a person acquires, first and foremost, basic knowledge in the educational branch. Therefore, it is so important to teach students exactly the professional education in higher education institution of banking.

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The organization of professional preparation of economists for performance of entrepreneurial activities is a complicated process. The content of the training is filled with exact sciences and disciplines that will be needed above all. Therefore, economic competencies are formed in the first instance. When studying humanitarian, especially psychological and pedagogical disciplines, students do not want to study them, subconsciously referring them to secondary ones, considering that it is precisely this knowledge they will not be needed in their future work. This is the reason why economists are unprepared to carry out social activities, study during all their life, gain authority through humanitarian means.

So, preparing future economist and entrepreneur, we assured that students have positive intentions to gain knowledge from the professional pedagogical education. We developed a mini-questionnaire, which included such inconvenient questions for future banking professionals. The questions were the following:

• Who do you plan to be in ten years?;

• Do you plan to have a family?;

• What you know about children upbringing?;

• What is pedagogy?;

• What you know about professional education?

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