THE DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURE EDUCATION BY THE EXAMPLE OF PERM REGION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Latysheva Anna, Getashvili Irina, Razumov Anatoly, Zhmaeva Svetlana

The paper deals with the problems and directions of development of agricultural education in the Perm territory at the beginning of XX and XXI century. It is shown that the origins of modern agricultural vocational education were laid during the Stolypin times. The analysis of this problem in historical perspective proves that one of the main factors of rural development is people. This article details the public agricultural courses beginning of XX century on individual sectors of agriculture of Russia, on the example of the southern districts of Perm province. Beliefs of Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin that life in the country, the rural economy directly depends on people who are strong, sober, capable of creating modern and up to date nowadays. The ideas of the beginning of the last century, was continued at the present time in the project called «Agroprofi». The project took a creative approach to the heritage of the Stolypin reforms of education of the village and on the basis of advanced information technologies embodied advanced economic and pedagogical thought in life. Scientific work covers social, economic problems of formation of personality, professional, agricultural workers. «Agroprofi» groups - it is a kind of "elite units" of the village, which are designed to implement these ideas to life. This is one of the first and contemporary articles on this topic, which increases its significance.

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Abstract. The paper deals with the problems and directions of development of agricultural education in the Perm territory at the beginning of XX and XXI century. It is shown that the origins of modern agricultural vocational education were laid during the Stolypin times. The analysis of this problem in historical perspective proves that one of the main factors of rural development is people. This article details the public agricultural courses beginning of XX century on individual sectors of agriculture of Russia, on the example of the southern districts of Perm province. Beliefs of Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin that life in the country, the rural economy directly depends on people who are strong, sober, capable of creating modern and up to date nowadays. The ideas of the beginning of the last century, was continued at the present time in the project called «Agroprofi». The project took a creative approach to the heritage of the Stolypin reforms of education of the village and on the basis of advanced information technologies embodied advanced economic and pedagogical thought in life. Scientific work covers social, economic problems of formation of personality, professional, agricultural workers. «Agroprofi» groups - it is a kind of "elite units" of the village, which are designed to implement these ideas to life. This is one of the first and contemporary articles on this topic, which increases its significance.

Keywords: agriculture education, agrarian reform, the project "Agroprofi", the principles of humanism, advanced educational technologies, quality of personnel potential.


PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, chair of Branch and Territorial Economy, Perm State Agricultural Academy by D.N. Pryanishnikov, Perm latysheva.pgsha@rambler. ru IRINA GETASHVILI

Head, Department of Human Resources Development and Management Resource Provision of Agro-Industrial System and Agrifood Market of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Perm Region, Perm

itgetashvili@agro.permkrai.ru ANATOLY RAZUMOV

Competitor, Perm State Agricultural Academy by D.N. Pryanishnikov; deputy director, closed joint-stock company "West Ural Fund", Perm nela.perm@rambler.ru SVETLANA ZHMAEVA

Coordinator of international study tours for farmers, Perm s6312513@yandex. ru

At all times the land fed people. At the beginning of the last century Stolypin reforms have helped the rural economy to go to a qualitatively new level. Agricultural courses helped farmers to receive modern knowledge about the management of their own business. At the end of XX century agriculture went out again to the market economy, and other spheres of the economy, but now the industry is not profitable and of a little prestige. Today there is an acute problem of attracting new qualified personnel in the industry, which would be implemented and used innovative approaches to farming.

The Ministry of State property was established in 1838 and from this time agricultural education was developing. The Ministry made a system of agricultural education - high, middle, low. St. Petersburg agricultural Institute was standing at the head of this system. Secondary schools appeared largely in place of abolished "educational farms" - these are primary schools for education of the state and landowner farmers. Then agricultural schools began to emerge, designed to educate salesmen, supervisors and for general purposes in order to popularize agricultural knowledge among people.

Beside special schools, the government took other measures. To give teachers knowledge in fruit-growing, gardening and other branches of agriculture, the Ministry organized courses on these subjects during the agricultural and horticultural establishments. Under the guidance of specialists, there were talks about local farms and the most accessible means of its improvement.

School gardens and apiaries in the agricultural education system served to spread common knowledge among farmers and other small owners. Teachers in the summer willingly were engaged in agriculture on the school's land. In 1889 school gardens were in most regions of European Russia. The huge contribution to development of agricultural education was made by A.A. Kofod. He has developed basic principles and program of study, the conditions and specific requirements for the trainees. The foundation for learning served domestic and foreign experience, which was successfully realized on term courses for farmers: "it is obvious, that the training was too solid - she opened the graduates broader horizons than those they were intended to have. There was nothing to blame young people, if they went to work to the place with better earnings. The school is a beautiful thing, but let the student visit it at the end of the practice, then science will become a kind of a revelation for them, explaining the reasons known to them already in practice phenomena. As for the place of study, of course it would be better to organize them in Russian peasant farms. It's hard to doubt in the fact, that practical knowledge is best absorbed by the participation in allied activities".

At the beginning of XX century in the agrarian reform great attention was paid to the development of persons' creative abilities. The reform included a large training program for the population. "Realizing the need for using great efforts to raise economic welfare of the population, the government is clearly aware that efforts will be fruitless, while educating people is not delivered to the proper level". The ideas expressed by Pyotr Stolypin hundred years ago are still relevant today. In the reform period, farmers were always under the great agricultural and economic assistance. In towns and large villages courses were organized for cooperation, accounting, dairy, butter-making, cheese-making, beekeeping and flax with terms of study lasted from two weeks to six months. If in 1905, the number of students in agricultural courses amounted to 2 thousand people, in 1912 that was 58 thousand. In 1913 in Russia already worked 9000 employees of the agricultural extension service.

In such way, there was a search of the peasantry in the most convenient form of adaptation to the market economy, forms the most relevant to Russian conditions, traditions, cultural values. Bu the main thing is that Russia continued to accumulate human potential, and that was the main contribution of Stolypin. The success of the reform can be estimated based on the unprecedented population growth: from 139 million in 1902 year to 175 million people in 1913 year.

The made analysis of archival sources shows that a considerable part of the rural population of the Perm province was supported by agrarian transformation. The attitude of the peasants to agricultural courses conducted in accordance with the Stolypin views was favorable. The development of agricultural education and the impact of the reforms undertaken in Russia of that time can be clearly seen in the example of southern villages and districts of Perm province. Fertile soils and a lively transport road junction promoted the development of agriculture. In a small number of urban settlements there was a high density of villagers. The Urals region always attracted people because of forests, where there is a great amount of different kinds of animals, rivers which are abundant in fish, fertile lands.

On the basis of the industrial College in 1911 the first public dairy courses were organized in Krasnoufimskii County. The report «The state of the dairy sector and the needs in Krasnoufimskii County to 1 August 1910», presented for consideration of the local meeting of Krasnoufimsky district in 1910, said that "it is advisable and appropriate" for improvements in the field of dairy farming to organize "special systematic courses". Attention was drawn to the fact that thanks to these courses it will be easier to instill the idea of team-work production of oil and selling it."

The courses in Krasnoufimskii County in the first year of studies had to give the amount of basic information, constituting the known degree of novelty and prepare for the lectures, to take the audience probably less time- "the period which is not exhausting for unaccustomed listeners to special lectures and more sufficient for initial result". It was stated that the courses should be available for all local citizen men or women over the age of 16-18 years, who are interested in the whole amount of the issues of milk production". The results of the courses in Silvenskii rural municipality (according to the County agricultural statistics - 1287 yards) were the following: 89 men and 47 women visited them. Sum total is136 people. 18 lectures were read.

The teaching courses on agriculture for adult peasants in Ohanskii county were various in using devices: lectures, using notes and handouts, visual AIDS, drawings, tables, etc. At that time there were a few books for teaching agriculture sciences, so part of the necessary of them was prepared by local forces.

The program of the courses was by agronomists of Ohanskii county under the General guidance of the provincial agriculturist V.N. Vargin. Later it was revised, but the general content of the courses, the distribution of theoretical and practical knowledge, the order of lectures was not changed. The courses visited the students from different areas of the county, were even from other districts of the region (table 1). The date and duration of the courses were settled in advance. T is significantly increased their popularity and availability.


Town Themes of the courses Applicants Graduates

Zyukayka milk dairy 58 26

Merkushenskaya farm beekeeping farm 14 8

Nytva village agriculture 89 45

Ocher city agriculture 104 42

Siwa village agriculture 81 32

Markushenskaya farm agriculture 48 30

Sheria village household 64 30

Pavlovskiy factory agriculture 110 50

Karagai village 82 34

Bolshaya Sosnova village agriculture 81 40

Nozchovka factory agriculture 32 17

Thus, in these examples, we see that at the turn of the twentieth century, special attention was paid to agricultural education of Permskii Krai. At a scale and at this level such work was not carried out earlier. Methods of training in the form of courses have been and remain one of the main ways of obtaining of agricultural knowledge. Today, at the turn of the century, with a high degree of urbanization, the rural population is extremely slowly acquires and develops new information. The relevance of agricultural courses only increases. Moreover, the training should be based on modern information technologies and modern approaches to the development of personality.

In the modern economy of the village the dominant factor is people. Professional and practical approach in agricultural education now is a leading, at the same time supporting the traditions of humanism, which help comprehensively and fully reveal the human abilities and talents[7]. P. Stolypin said about the necessity of humanistic principles in agro education. Humanists, scientists felt themselves teachers and considered their main task to bring up the perfect man who can become an ideal citizen thanks to education.

In the modern realities and problems of agricultural education, we see that the solutions have already been proposed and partially implemented by P. Stolypin. In connection with the fact that the bulk of the main workers are specialists of middle professional level, it is necessary to solve problems of increasing the quality of agricultural professional education in order to provide cooperation between representatives of agribusiness and educational establishments of agrarian profile, to form the desire of young specialists to work in the industry.

As can be seen from table 1, in the sector of agriculture has been a trend of increasing the share of specialists with higher education. On the contrary, the share of workers with primary vocational education is reduced. The major part of agricultural workers has secondary or basic vocational education [8].


Specialists for the agroindustrial complex in Perm Krai prepares 22 secondary and primary vocational agricultural education institutions with branches in which about 5,900 students study . Annually about 2000 specialists graduate from Perm State Agricultural Academy by D.N. Pryanishnikov.

Due to weak cooperation with employers, low attractiveness of the sector and weak awareness of the possibilities of self-realization in agriculture, only from 15 to 22% of graduates work on their qualification.

Thus, in the Perm region, as in Russia in general, there is an important aim to attract young people in the industry, to train them on the basis of modern technologies, to increase the professional level of workers of agriculture and farmers, to increase literacy of the rural population in general.

The government develops issues of agriculture sector using program-target method, i.e. a long-term target programs, such as "The development of agriculture and regulation of markets of agricultural products, raw materials and food in the Perm region for 2013-2020".

Concerning the development of personnel potential of agroindustrial complex of the region, Perm Ministry of agriculture has 2 basic directions - support of rural youth and agricultural education, development of professionals who already work in agriculture.

Young people are the engine of progress. Education and training of young specialists for villages is very relevant now. And we investigate this issue in this article in a more detailed way.

One of the main mission that stands before the government is building of agroeducational cluster in the region "school - College - UNIVERSITY - agro business". The development of this system and cluster approach is explained by the fact that there is a clear mismatch between the skills given by agrarian educational institutions for experts' needs that demand intensive and innovative development of the AIC. The problem is aggravated by migration of the rural population, especially young people.

The vocational education system should closely cooperate with business, to fulfill its needs, to form the competencies necessary for business development. Therefore, the main element affecting the quality of personnel potential is the business itself, the leaders of successfully developing enterprises, which can become an example for others, can share their experience. This provision on obligatory participation of agribusiness in system of improvement of quality of personnel potential of agro-industrial complex is the main one.

Effective mechanism of inclusion of agricultural enterprises were the projects of the Ministry of agriculture and food "Agroclasses" and "Agroprofi". These projects are focused on the formation of business thinking in the young generation, to improve prestige of agro branch by demonstrating the success stories in agribusiness, as well as on the formation of a professional orientation to work in the agricultural sector.

The project "Agroprofi", developed and implemented on a pilot basis since September 2011, it uses the best traditions of agricultural education of the last century in combination with modern technologies of delivering them to the participants. This project is an effective tool for increasing

the prestige of the industry, attract young entrepreneurs and the formation of cluster links between the agribusiness, education and government.

In the framework of the project in the agricultural technical schools and colleges are formed and trained agrogroups. Agrogroup - is a kind of "elite group", whose members receive additional support, experience and knowledge from representatives of big agribusiness and successful farmers, teachers of universities and business trainers, representatives of authorities of region. In agrogroups were selected students with an active life position, seeking to obtain additional knowledge and skills and are prepared in the future to realize themselves in agro industry.

The main advantage of training in the agricultural group is the practical orientation of the course. Classes withvideo lectures, meetings with representatives of successful agricultural enterprises of the region and small agribusinesses, practice. During the school year, children will learn about the basics of agro-business, business-planning, financing, forms of state support of small business. As a result, participants of agrogroup develop their business plan in agribusiness.

Thus, the project "Agroprofi" solves the problems connected with the inclusion into the educational process of the representatives of agro business, and is a step on the way of formation agro cluster - existing system of the order of specialists, their training in theory and practice, employment, formation of communication business education-authority. The function of government is to co - ordinate action in the initial stages of cooperation between the enterprise and education, support these interactions, primarily informational and ideological.

The next step on the way of development agro cluster should be the consolidation of the results of the project "Agroprofi" and distribute it to all the technical schools of the region, the formation of platforms for training of students on the basis of successful agricultural enterprises.

On the Perm forum "Man. Society. The country» was repeatedly raised the topic about that in the Urals region a lot of interesting ideas and projects, which should be demonstrated at the Federal level and in other regions as example of development in a particular area. However, the projects are not ready for the si called format "technology", its a standard that can be broadcasted on[9].

Returning to the issue of the need to improve the quality of personnel potential in agriculture, we can say that the project "Agroprofi" affects its positive resolution. First, in the process of teaching and teachers, and students receive current information on the development of the industry. Second, its constant contact with farmers, specialists and managers of successful agricultural enterprises of the region, that allow educational institutions to invite them to the educational process, to articulate the requirements of the employer to future specialists not at the level of claims and complaints, but at the level of language competence. Third, students have faith in themselves and their own strength, and they see support from government and business. "In general, incentives to work it's a spring, which forces people to work. Its impossible to accustom a lazy person to be hard-working, a stupid one to working age. Consequently, the cultural level will decrease. A good host its a host - inventor. The goal of the government is certain - the government wants to see peasants rich enough because that is where the wealth is, there is, of course, and education, there is real freedom" (P.S tolypin)[10 c.46].


1. Rural education in Russia at the end of 1894. Reference book published by the Department of Agriculture.- St. Petersburg., TBC. Vconsole, 1895.

2. PV Alikin, Development A.A. Katodom organization of practical training of Russian peasants and abroad "Letters peasants" in Society "Russian grain" (1909 -1911) // to the 100 anniversary from the day of publication of the Regulations on land management" dated may 29, 1911/ Materials of the International conference "Land management: history and modernity".- Perm, 2011. p.6

3. Mpoc, the memories of my father Pastolienes.-M., Association "A.N. Cetin and K0".1992.-s

4. Etherally "Philosophy of humanism. The educational aspect. History and modernity"//proceedings of the thematic excursion "the Stolypin agrarian reform beginning of XX century" dedicated to the 150th anniversary from the birth P.A.Stolypin.- Perm, 2012. HKBU "State archive of Perm region".

5. The first public courses dairy in Krasnoufimska County. PGCE FP

6. Courses on agriculture for adults peasants in Ohanskom County.- Perm, alth. Foot of MT,1913.

7. Ahillesova, Humanization of educational process as one of the conditions of professional training of modern specialists to the village // Concept: scientific-methodical electronic journal.-January You.-URL: http://www.covenok.ru

8. The data of the Ministry of agriculture of Perm region, 2011/ www.agro.perm/ru/press/picture

9. Etherally, Humanitarian innovations in agricultural science and education // materials of the XXIII International scientific-practical conference "Science as the guarantor of stable development".- Ukraine, Gorlovka. 2012 p.46

10. Smolyanov, Stolypin agrarian reform and education of the village (yesterday and today)// Materials of all-Russian scientific-practical conference devoted to the 150th anniversary from the birth of Stolypin "agrarian policy: from Stolypin to the present".- Krasnoyarsk, 2012. To G And U.

The development of agroobrazovanie on the example of the Perm region.


Abstract. The paper discusses the provincial cities of the Middle Poochye before the new administrative division of the country on provinces and governorship. The paper views such important issues as identifying leading cities of the region, which played the most prominent role in the mid-1770s and describing social structure, commerce, industry, crafts and occupations of local residents.

Keywords: Middle Po-ochye, province, governorship, city, commerce, factory, plant, craft classes. EUGENIY LOMAKO

PhD in History, senior researcher, Department of Russian and World History, Moscow State

Regional Socio-Humanitarian Institute, Kolomna


Since the mid-1770s Russia continued its development in a qualitatively different way, because the Russian-Turkish war was won, Pugachev's peasant revolt was put down, various reforms were over. The country was on the verge of serious legal and administrative changes. For a better understanding of the changes, we must clarify the state of urban settlements of that period, especially the ones that have historically tended to capital cities or served as a transit corridor, supplying capital cities with food and goods from the southern regions and neighboring countries. The paper focuses on provincial cities, which can be historically and geographically united by the name Middle Po-ochye, constituting in the late 1770s - early 1780s the Moscow and Ryazan province governorships.

The following analysis is based on "The Description of the Moscow Province Cities in 1776", according to which by 1775 the Moscow province included 51 cities (except Moscow): 10 provincial and 41 registration cities [1]. In 1719 such cities Dmitrov, Klin, Ruza, Volokolamsk, Mozhaisk, Borisov, Zvenigorod, Vereya, Borovsk, Yaroslavets Malyi, Serpukhov with Tarussky and Obolensky counties, Kashira, Kolomna were attributed to Moscow and Zaraysk, Mikhailov, Gremyachev, Pronsk, Pecherniki, Sapozhok to were attributed to Pereyaslav-Ryazan [2]. The Ryazan Viceroyalty, established on August 24, 1778, included twelve counties: Ryazan, Dankovskiy, Elatomsky Egoryevsky, Zaraysky, Kasimovsky, Mikhailovsky, Pronskiy, Ryazhskiy, Sapozhkovskiy, Skopinsky and Spassky [3]. A year later Elatma was ranked to the Tambov governorship and the Ranenburg village became a district city of the Ryazan governorship [4].

The decree "On the Establishment of the Moscow Province" on October 5, 1781 introduced 14 counties into the province structure: Moscowskiy, Voskresenskiy, Bogorodsky, Bronnitsky, Kolomtnsky, Serpukhovsky, Nikitsky, Podolsky, Zvenigorodsky, Ruzsky, Mozhaisky, Volokolamsky, Klinsky and Dmitrovsky [5]. The decree "On the Addition of the 15th district with district city Vereya to the Moscow Province" was resolved on May 8, 1782 [6] Thus, it seems reasonable to consider such cities, as Vereya, Volokolamsk, Dmitrov, Zvenigorod, Klin, Kolomna, Mozhaisk, Ruza and Serpukhov (which have historically tended to Moscow) and Zaraysk, Mikhailov, Gremyachev, Pronsk, Pecherniki, Sapozhok (constituted the Pereiaslavl-Ryazan province) for the cities of Middle Po-ochye.

B.N. Mironov made a true remark: "by law in the second half of the 1720s all urban estates received the general name of merchants and were divided into three guilds. ... large and medium traders and manufacturers represented the first and second guilds and the merchants of the third guild were small traders, shop men and craftsmen, workers for hire, or 'laborers' and 'gardeners' [7-8]". The Manifesto on March 17, 1775 entered bourgeois into the city life, which named all the

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