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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Kuznetsov A.S., Zekrin F.Kh., Nagovitsyn R.S., Chernova G.M.

Objective of the study was to determine the influence of the psychological training of Greco-Roman wrestlers on the basis of taking into account the types of temperament at the pre-competitive stage of the training process.Methods and structure of the study. In a scientific experiment conducted with the help of a questionnaire, 30 sportsmen took part, engaged in Greco-Roman style wrestling, stages of improvement of sports skills and higher sports skills. To determine the types of temperament of spores, we used G. Eysenck's test.Results and conclusions. In the Greco-Roman wrestlers of the experimental group, under the influence of the developed methodology on the basis of taking into account individual peculiar properties of the psyche at the pre-competitive stage, the state of mental readiness of the wrestlers changed statistically significantly with a confidence probability q= 0.95. The data obtained testify to the need for purposeful work to improve the sports training of Greco-Roman style wrestlers, taking into account the individual properties of the psyche.

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Psychological training of wrestlers taking into account the types of temperament at the pre-competitive stage

UDC 796.853

Dr. Hab., Professor A.S. Kuznetsov1 PhD, Professor F.Kh. Zekrin1 G.M. Chernova1 R.V. Mustaev1

1Tchaikovsky State Physical Education and Sport Academy, Tchaikovsky

Corresponding author: kuznetsov-as@mail.ru


Objective of the study was to determine the influence of the psychological training of Greco-Roman wrestlers on the basis of taking into account the types of temperament at the pre-competitive stage of the training process.

Methods and structure of the study. In a scientific experiment conducted with the help of a questionnaire, 30 sportsmen took part, engaged in Greco-Roman style wrestling, stages of improvement of sports skills and higher sports skills. To determine the types of temperament of spores, we used G. Eysenck's test.

Results and conclusions. In the Greco-Roman wrestlers of the experimental group, under the influence of the developed methodology on the basis of taking into account individual peculiar properties of the psyche at the pre-competitive stage, the state of mental readiness of the wrestlers changed statistically significantly with a confidence probability q= 0.95. The data obtained testify to the need for purposeful work to improve the sports training of Greco-Roman style wrestlers, taking into account the individual properties of the psyche.

Keywords: psychological preparation, stage of preliminary preparation for competitions, types of temperament, individual properties of the psyche.

Introduction. Studying the competitive activity of Greco-Roman style wrestlers, domestic experts note that in modern sports you cannot achieve high sports results only by increasing the volume and intensity of training loads [9, 12]. In this regard, more and more importance is attached to the psychological support of the training process.

The problem of improving the process of psychological and logical preparation of wrestlers for competitions has been repeatedly emphasized by scientific research [2, 3, 5, 6, 7], however, specific work on the preparation of wrestlers, taking into account the individual properties of the psyche there are no disputes between athletes, in particular wrestlers of the Greco-Roman style.

In connection with the foregoing, there is a need to search for new means and create, on this basis, new approaches in preparing sportsmen for competitions, taking into account the types of temperature.

Objective of the study was to develop a methodology for the psychological and logical training of Greco-Roman wrestlers on the basis of taking into account the types of temperament at the pre-competitive stage and experimentally substantiate its effectiveness.

Methods and structure of the study. Scientific work was carried out on the basis of the Sports School of the Olympic Reserve "Vityaz" named after M.Sh. Bibishev, Naberezhnye Chelny and the Sports School of the Olympic Reserve in Almetyevsk in the period 2019-2020. To determine the types of temperament of the wrestlers, G. Eysenck's test was used. The experiment involved 30 athletes, stages of improvement of sportsmanship and higher sportsmanship, of which two groups were formed: control and experimental, 15 wrestlers in each group. Athletes had a qualification not lower than I sports category.

Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I February I № 2 2023

The structure of the training microcycles included methods for regulating the mental state of the wrestlers, taking into account the types of temperament, pedagogical techniques were used, which were ways to optimize the training of the wrestlers.

In this study, G. Eysenck's test was used to determine the types of temperament, which is based on a complex disclosure of the psychological status of the sporesman. According to the test results, the experimental group was divided into 4 subgroups: sanguine (22%), choleric (27%), phlegmatic (41%) and melancholic (10%).

In the process of developing the experimental methodology, the mental o logical status of wrestlers was taken into account. The figure shows a general scheme of the developed methodology for the psychological training of wrestlers of the Greco-Roman style on the basis of taking into account and types of temperament at the pre-competitive stage.

The experimental methodology includes determining the types of temperament of Greco-Roman wrestlers, the nature of the mental and logical status, the

methods of mental regulation, the stages of the formation of the state of mental readiness, taking into account the individual-peculiar properties of the psyche and pedagogical techniques used to implement the methods of psycho-regulation. The effectiveness of the experimental methodology was confirmed by the study of the state of mental readiness, personal and situational anxiety, psycho-emotional state and the effectiveness of the wrestlers' competitive activity during the experiment.

According to the results of the study, four types of logical groups spore smen s disputes were identified:

- strong mobile (sanguine-choleric introverts and intero-extroverts);

- strong inert (phlegmato-choleric);

- weak inert (melancholic);

- strong and weak inert (sanguine-choleric).

The pre competitive stage of wrestlers' training was chosen for the experiment. During this period, there is intense preparation for competitions and is characterized not only by ups and downs, but also by recessions after competitions.

Scheme of the methodology for the psychological and logical training of wrestlers of the Greco-Roman style on the basis of taking into account and types of temperament at the pre-competitive stage

Table 1.


Changes in indicators of the state of mental readiness of wrestlers in different periods of training

Group Indicators On the eve of the competition During the competition t cr.

EG The need for sensation 9,6+2,04 12,5+1,36 2,31

CG 9,3+1,81 9,7+1,45

EG well-being 5,7+1,05 6,6+0,96 2,31

CG 5,4+0,96 5,8+1,20

EG Activity 5,9+1,02 6,6+1,20 2,31

CG 5,5+1,30 6,0+1,55

EG Mood 5,2+1,24 6,2+1,14 2,31

CG 5,3+1,38 5,4+1,26

During the formation of the state of mental readiness of the wrestlers of the experimental group, we solved the following tasks:

- analysis from information about the conditions of the upcoming competition and about possible opponents;

- the state and level of one's own readiness were diagnosed;

- the purpose of participation in the competition was determined.

To achieve the set goal, a set of special measures was used according to the developed methodology. The collected information about upcoming opponents was provided to the wrestlers taking into account their types of temperament.

Investigating the state of mental readiness of wrestlers in different periods of the pre-competitive stage, the processing of the results was carried out according to the following parameters:

- needs in search of sensations;

- indicators of self-feeling;

- activity and mood.

Results of the study and their discussion. Under the influence of the developed methodology for the training of wrestlers of the Greco-Roman style on the basis of taking into account individual peculiar properties of the psyche at the pre-competitive stage, the state of mental readiness of the wrestlers of the experimental group changed statistically significantly with a confidence probability q= 0.95 (Table 1).

Analyzing the dynamics of the state of mental readiness of the wrestlers involved in the experimental

group, with the help of comparison, we revealed significant changes in all the parameters of the state of mental readiness considered by us.

The need to search for sensations or a tendency to take risks in the competitive period among the wrestlers of the experimental group significantly increases. It also increases self-feeling, activity and mood. This is due, in our opinion, to the fact that competitions play a significant role for wrestlers of all types of temperament, because hope to achieve a better result.

Changes in indicators of mental readiness of wrestlers of the control group, who trained according to an exemplary program of sports training for the type of sport "Sports wrestling" (discipline "Greco-Roman wrestling"), mental regulation of their mental ic state were engaged in on their own on their own. Their indicators of mental readiness change insignificantly, this can be seen from the presented Table 2.

Analyzing individual data obtained with the help of the above methodology, we found that the value of indicators of wrestlers in the control and experimental groups varies significantly. This is due to the fact that the main criterion and the leading component of the state of mental readiness is expressiveness in the desire to win the fight and in self-confidence.

Analysis of the indicators of the components of the state of mental readiness of the experimental group, we see that all of them increased during the competition, this is facilitated by setting goals for competitions, as well as between bouts in this competition and maintaining the setting on success.

Table 2. Indicators of the state of mental readiness of wrestlers (c.u.)

Researchedindicators Competition period

Before the competition During the competition

Goal Achievement Motivation 0,56±0,14 0,65±0,12

0,57±0,14 0,57±0,12

Risk appetite 0,47±0,10 0,51±0,10

0,45±0,12 0,48±0,10

Confidence 0,50±0,09 0,54±0,12

0,51±0,07 0,52±0,07

Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I February I № 2 2023

Carrying out psycho-regulation within the framework of the implementation of the experimental methodology made it possible to qualitatively increase the level of the state of mental readiness of wrestlers of all types of temperament.

Conclusions. The adaptation of temperament to activity consists in the individualization of the requirements for a dispute. This is possible due to taking into account the individual characteristics of the athlete, including the properties of temperament, which will allow to form the individual style of the wrestler, and this is the key to high sports results.

Implementation of the methodology of mental o logical training of Greco-Roman style wrestlers on the basis of taking into account types temperament, the use of teaching techniques, content and means form formation of the state of mental readiness during competitions, competitions Struggle with overvoltage led to an increase in sportsmanship, an improvement in the state of mental readiness, which contributes to an increase in performance at competitions.


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