PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF TEACHING VOCABULARY AT THE MIDDLE STAG Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
vocabulary / speech activities / psychological development / preschool institutions / perspective / phraseological units / word combinations / вокабуляра / речевая деятельность / психологическое развитие / дошкольные учреждения / перспектива / фразеологизмы / словосочетания

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Sayyora Khudaybergenovna Kenjaeva

This article is devoted to psychological aspects of teaching vocabulary at the middle stage. Modern linguistics regards language as a hierarchical structure, consisting of a series of levels, each of which is characterized by its own set of linguistic signs. At the lexical level of interest, such units as words, phraseological and other stable combinations, clichés, etiquette and speech formulas function. Changes in the field of orientation from studying the language as a formal system, abstracted from the conditions of its use, to the consideration of language as a means of communication and communicative impact proved to be very fruitful and promising for learning a foreign language in general and vocabulary in particular.

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Данная статья посвящена психологическим аспектам преподавания словарного запаса на среднем этапе. Современная лингвистика рассматривает язык как иерархическую структуру, состоящую из ряда уровней, каждый из которых характеризуется своим набором языковых признаков. На лексическом уровне функционируют такие единицы, как слова, фразеологические единицы и другие устойчивые комбинации, клише, этикет и речевые формулы. Изменения в области ориентации от изучения языка как формальной системы, абстрагированной от условий его использования, до рассмотрения языка как средства коммуникации и коммуникативного воздействия оказались очень плодотворными и перспективными для изучения иностранного языка в целом и словарный запас в частности.




Sayyora Khudaybergenovna Kenjaeva

The Uzbek State University of Physical Education and Sport


This article is devoted to psychological aspects of teaching vocabulary at the middle stage. Modern linguistics regards language as a hierarchical structure, consisting of a series of levels, each of which is characterized by its own set of linguistic signs. At the lexical level of interest, such units as words, phraseological and other stable combinations, clichés, etiquette and speech formulas function. Changes in the field of orientation from studying the language as a formal system, abstracted from the conditions of its use, to the consideration of language as a means of communication and communicative impact proved to be very fruitful and promising for learning a foreign language in general and vocabulary in particular.

Key words: vocabulary, speech activities, psychological development, preschool institutions, perspective, phraseological units, word combinations




Данная статья посвящена психологическим аспектам преподавания словарного запаса на среднем этапе. Современная лингвистика рассматривает язык как иерархическую структуру, состоящую из ряда уровней, каждый из которых характеризуется своим набором языковых признаков. На лексическом уровне функционируют такие единицы, как слова, фразеологические единицы и другие устойчивые комбинации, клише, этикет и речевые формулы. Изменения в области ориентации от изучения языка как формальной системы, абстрагированной от условий его использования, до рассмотрения языка как средства коммуникации и коммуникативного воздействия оказались очень плодотворными и перспективными для изучения иностранного языка в целом и словарный запас в частности.

Ключевые слова: вокабуляра, речевая деятельность, психологическое развитие, дошкольные учреждения, перспектива, фразеологизмы, словосочетания


In our country in recent years, the experience of teaching children a foreign language in preschool institutions has been undertaken. Foreign vocabulary is an object of consideration in many psychological and methodological developments of domestic and foreign researchers.


Psychological aspects of teaching vocabulary were considered in the works of B.V. Belyaeva, I.A. Winter, A.A. Leontyev, etc. At the same time, the teaching methodology for expanding the active vocabulary has not been sufficiently developed.

There is no doubt that this experience of the study will only yield positive results. The vocabulary side of speech activities should be taught in such a way that students constantly feel the tension of communicative tasks, i.e. that they need words to express thoughts and recognize them.

Only a clear speech perspective determines the motivation and successful mastery of the vocabulary. In this case, the imprinting (imprinting), the psychological phenomenon described by A.N. Leontiev: "Fortunately, our memory works not only and not so much on the type of memorization. It works and by another mechanism, which recently became known as the mechanism of "imprinting", i.e. Impressions of the type "once and for all".


We do not know much about the mechanism of this process, but the main thing we know. In order for imprinting to occur, it is necessary that what is remembered, would meet the needs and be immediately reinforced by its satisfaction. With respect to the words of a foreign language, that there must be a certain tension of 11 the speech need. Then a memory is formed, as it was, a trap for the word, due to which it is imprinted.

"One cannot disagree with the English Methodist G. Palmer, who attached great importance to the beginning in the study of a foreign language. So he wrote: "Take care of the first two stages and the rest of all take care of itself". It is at the initial stage that a methodical system is put in place, which is the basis for teaching a foreign language, which, from the first steps, allows the teacher to enter this system and carry out the educational process in accordance with its main provisions.

When learning the functional characteristics of vocabulary, there are difficulties associated with remembering the volume of meanings of words, which in

most cases does not coincide with the native language, the multiple meanings of words, the20:26nature of the compatibility of some words with others, and the use of words in specific communication situations. The vastness and mobility of vocabulary, the variability of the meaning of words, the creation of new words constantly increase and deepen the discrepancy between languages.

Under the influence of the phonetic and derivational rules of any language, the words undergo changes that somewhat obscured their similarity, and yet the borrowed words are a powerful source of replenishment of the potential dictionary. The common difficulty for all languages is that the same concept is often expressed in terms of lexical means different in terms of the semantic structure, for example, thin soup (thin soup).

Particular complexity is represented by phraseological units - stable word combinations of different types, the meaning of which is independent of the meaning of their components. They differ in unique originality and can be transferred to another language either by a phraseological phrase close to meaning, or description. To increase the effectiveness of teaching vocabulary requires a differentiated approach to the selection of vocabulary, its presentation and consolidation. Such an approach is carried out on the basis of a methodological typology, which provides for a gradation of difficulties in mastering vocabulary.


The analysis of foreign and domestic literature testifies to various approaches to the establishment of lexical difficulties. In the domestic methodology, there are also typologies of vocabulary taking into account the native language. Some authors base the gradation of difficulties on the relationship between the meaning and form of lexical material, as well as the nature of the resulting interlingual interference. Of all the major aspects of a foreign language that should be practically learned by students in the learning process, the most important and significant from the psychological point of view should be considered vocabulary, because without a stock of words, even if only insignificant, it is impossible to speak the language.


Meanwhile, the practice of teaching shows that it is with vocabulary that the situation is often most deplorable. The teacher sometimes complains that students quickly forget previously learned foreign words. Even in cases where students seem to own these words, it is found that they sometimes misuse them or use words in their speech that do not need to be used. When mastering the vocabulary, it is important

that students form the appropriate concepts, for which it is necessary in each case to use not one object, but several that would reflect the different manifestations of the concept being formed.


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