THE WAYS OF TEACHING READING FOR ESP LEARNERS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
reading skills / communicative methods / jigsaw technique / metacognition / comprehension / metacognitive strategies

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Nasiba Maxmanazarovna Ibragimova

This article is devoted to the formation and development of reading skills of ESP learners of students’ in English. Currently, the goal of ESP learning is not only reading and understanding texts by profession, but also expressing content in speech. That’s why there are used some innovative techniques of communicative methods as make them guess, think break, picture prompt,working with text, post text questions, paraphrasing, choosing the endings, fish-bone method and others. The effectiveness of these techniques showed by their implementation during the class. Besides these some recommendations and suggestions are given in order to improve the effectiveness of the lesson at the end.

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Nasiba Maxmanazarovna Ibragimova

Senior teacher, the Uzbek State University of Physical Education and Sport


This article is devoted to the formation and development of reading skills of ESP learners of students' in English. Currently, the goal of ESP learning is not only reading and understanding texts by profession, but also expressing content in speech. That's why there are used some innovative techniques of communicative methods as make them guess, think break, picture prompt,working with text, post text questions, paraphrasing, choosing the endings, fish-bone method and others. The effectiveness of these techniques showed by their implementation during the class. Besides these some recommendations and suggestions are given in order to improve the effectiveness of the lesson at the end.

Keywords: reading skills, communicative methods, jigsaw technique, metacognition, comprehension, metacognitive strategies


The basic reason for learning foreign languages that all people have in common is communication in any mode. It is a two-sided process, which requires the ability to understand each other, to be able to code a message that someone wants to convey to someone else in a way, which will be comprehensible to the receiver and appropriate to a concrete situation and status of all participants. Vice versa, the person should be able to interpret a message that someone else is conveying to them. To acquire a good skill of communication in foreign language it is necessary to be familiar not only with vocabulary (single words and their meanings, collocations, phrases and phrasal verbs etc.) but also with language structures and above all with strategies for using them in right context according to concrete situations.


Cooperative learning is an educational approach, which aims to organize classroom activities into academic and social learning experiences. There is much more to cooperative learning than merely arranging students into groups, and it has been described as "structuring positive interdependence." Students must work in groups to complete tasks collectively toward academic goals. Unlike individual learning, which can be competitive in nature, students learning cooperatively can

capitalize on one another's resources and skills (asking one another for information, evaluating one another's ideas, monitoring one another's work, etc.). Furthermore, the teacher's role changes from giving information to facilitating students' learning. Everyone succeeds when the group succeeds. Ross and Smyth (1995) describe successful cooperative learning tasks as intellectually demanding, creative, open-ended, and involve higher order thinking tasks.

Five essential elements are identified for the successful incorporation of cooperative learning in the classroom:

• positive interdependence

• individual and group accountability

• promotive interaction (face to face)

• teaching the students the required interpersonal and small group skills

• group processing.

According to Johnson and Johnson's meta-analysis, students in cooperative learning settings compared to those in individualistic or competitive learning settings, achieve more, reason better, gain higher self-esteem, like classmates and the learning tasks more and have more perceived social support.

Formal cooperative learning is structured, facilitated, and monitored by the educator over time and is used to achieve group goals in task work (e.g. completing a unit). Any course material or assignment can be adapted to this type of learning, and groups can vary from 2-6 people with discussions lasting from a few minutes up to an entire period. Types of formal cooperative learning strategies include:

1. The jigsaw technique

2. Assignments that involve group problem-solving and decision making

3. Laboratory or experiment assignments

4. Peer review work (e.g. editing writing assignments).

Having experience and developing skill with this type of learning often facilitates informal and base learning. Jigsaw activities are wonderful because the student assumes the role of the teacher on a given topic and is in charge of teaching the topic to a classmate. The idea is that if students can teach something, they have already learned the material.

Informal cooperative learning incorporates group learning with passive teaching by drawing attention to material through small groups throughout the lesson or by discussion at the end of a lesson, and typically involves groups of two (e.g. turn-to-your-partner discussions). These groups are often temporary and can change from lesson to lesson (very much unlike formal learning where 2 students may be lab

partners throughout the entire semester contributing to one another's knowledge of science).


Discussions typically have four components that include formulating a response to questions asked by the educator, sharing responses to the questions asked with a partner, listening to a partner's responses to the same question, and creating a new well-developed answer. This type of learning enables the student to process, consolidate, and retain more information. Effective comprehension strategy instruction can be accomplished through cooperative learning, which involves students working together as partners or in small groups on clearly defined tasks. Cooperative learning instruction has been used successfully to teach comprehension strategies. Students work together to understand texts, helping each other learn and apply comprehension strategies. Teachers help students learn to work in groups. Teachers also provide modeling of the comprehension strategies.

Research shows that explicit teaching techniques are particularly effective for comprehension strategy instruction. In explicit instruction, teachers tell readers why and when they should use strategies, what strategies to use, and how to apply them. The steps of explicit instruction typically include direct explanation, teacher modeling ("thinking aloud"), guided practice, and application.

• Direct explanation

The teacher explains to students why the strategy helps comprehension and when to apply the strategy.

• Modeling

The teacher models, or demonstrates, how to apply the strategy, usually by "thinking aloud" while reading the text that the students are using.

• Guided practice

The teacher guides and assists students as they learn how and when to apply the strategy.

• Application

The teacher helps students practice the strategy until they can apply it independently. There are some basic strategies to teach students reading.

1. Monitoring comprehension

Students who are good at monitoring their comprehension know when they understand what they read and when they do not. They have strategies to "fix" problems in their understanding as the problems arise. Research shows that

instruction, even in the early grades, can help students become better at monitoring their comprehension.

Comprehension monitoring instruction teaches students to:

• Be aware of what they do understand

• Identify what they do not understand

• Use appropriate strategies to resolve problems in comprehension

2. Metacognition

Metacognition can be defined as "thinking about thinking." Good readers use metacognitive strategies to think about and have control over their reading. Before reading, they might clarify their purpose for reading and preview the text. During reading, they might monitor their understanding, adjusting their reading speed to fit the difficulty of the text and "fixing" any comprehension problems they have. After reading, they check their understanding of what they read.

Students may use several comprehension monitoring strategies:

• Identify where the difficulty occurs

"I don't understand the second paragraph on page."

• Identify what the difficulty is


This article is focused on the importance of reading activities used in teaching ESP classroom. Being a teacher of English, one must know every discipline of English language and methods of how to teach effectively. High quality of teaching plays an important role in students' success. It is strongly believed that teaching is successful only if we cause learning related to purpose and important task of the teacher, should not be just fulfillment of his profession, but it should exceed it and become a realization of his mission as a distributor of knowledge and education of new generations.


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