ROLE-PLAYING GAMES AS A METHOD OF TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
communicative abilities / open scripting / role-playing games / innovative methods / opportunities for real language

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Feruza Ahmedovna Egamnazarova

Present article is devoted to the role – play that is a very important part in coping with a foreign language. It encourages thinking and creativity, helps students develop and practice new language and behavioral skills in a relatively no threatening setting, and can create the motivation and involvement necessary for learning to occur. The author has explained the fact that the types of role-playing games can be different depending on the level of difficulty and language skills of the students, and that the correct choice of role-play appropriate to the level of the group knowledge is required. The article demonstrates that role-playing games are extremely useful and can help students to root their knowledge and to learn a foreign language for professional purposes. The practical significance of the article is that role-play is methods of teaching focused on students and it develops their communicative competence. The authors have the opinion that role-playing games contribute to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, thus bridging the gap between theory and practice.

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Feruza Ahmedovna Egamnazarova

The Uzbek State University of Physical Education and Sport


Present article is devoted to the role - play that is a very important part in coping with a foreign language. It encourages thinking and creativity, helps students develop and practice new language and behavioral skills in a relatively no threatening setting, and can create the motivation and involvement necessary for learning to occur. The author has explained the fact that the types of role-playing games can be different depending on the level of difficulty and language skills of the students, and that the correct choice of role-play appropriate to the level of the group knowledge is required. The article demonstrates that role-playing games are extremely useful and can help students to root their knowledge and to learn a foreign language for professional purposes. The practical significance of the article is that role-play is methods of teaching focused on students and it develops their communicative competence. The authors have the opinion that role-playing games contribute to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, thus bridging the gap between theory and practice.

Keywords: communicative abilities, open scripting, role-playing games, innovative methods, opportunities for real language


In recent years, language teaching has focused on the learning process rather than language teaching. The emphasis is placed not only on the language competence of students, but also on the development of their communicative abilities. For the development of communication skills, the teacher needs to create a scenario for teaching the target language in a bright, active and interesting form. Many English teachers are learning and trying new and innovative methods in the classroom. They turned to dialogue, open scripting, and role-playing games.

The utilize of a variety of teaching methods helps to consolidate linguistic phenomena in memory, create more persistent visual and auditory images, maintain the interest and activity of students. The game, namely the role-playing game, provides ample opportunities for enhancing the educational process. Role-playing game- a methodological technique related to the group of active methods of teaching

practical knowledge of a foreign language. The teaching methodology has been going towards role-playing game for a long time. Exercises such as "read by role", "stage dialogue" take a firm place in the arsenal of methodological techniques, since in the process of dramatization there is a fuller understanding of the meaning of the text and, at the same time, a deeper perception of the linguistic material.


Jacob Moreno (1889-1974) discovered that the activities of dramatic improvisation were therapeutic for his actors and began to think about applying this approach as a type of individual and family treatment.

Moreno had a very prolific mind and tied together many ideas about social psychology and group dynamics. He was one of the pioneers of group psychotherapy and even went about his own type. Philosophy, emphasizing the need to understand the fundamental importance of creativity in life.

Role-play has several useful characteristics in language teaching, and one of the goals of this work is to present and discuss the benefits of using role-play in teaching English in lower grades.

It should be noted that role-playing games are not limited to language practice, as language learning certainly happens during games as well. For role-playing games to be effective in this way, they must be part of the category of language learning methods. Role-playing games open up opportunities for real language use. RPG also provides deep learning opportunities along with the process of confronting our existing ideas of how and why.

Some things happen, breaking them down and proposing a new model or set of postulates to replace old ones.

There are many types of role-playing games that can be used in elementary school classrooms. The purpose of all of these methods is to engage younger students in real-world thinking and problem solving.

One type is called "option display". This method works well in situations where a controversial issue is being addressed and the answer is not very clear. The procedure would be to list the problem / question and then build a display with possible solutions and decide on the correct solution. In such a situation, students may be given role assignments by their teacher; by doing this, the student is then forced to see the problem as best as possible through the eyes of the person. Role-play is useful for practicing appropriate behavior in more complex social interactions, where students must choose from a wide range of possible behaviors. Good RPG topics include material exchange,

Including classmates in activities, and supporting someone who makes a mistake. Role-play allows the teacher to recognize the complexity of these situations and give students practice in making responsible decisions.

Larsen-Freeman (1986) explains that role-play, structured or less structured, is important in a communicative approach because it gives students the opportunity to practice communication in different ways.


Role-play is a highly flexible learning activity that has ample room for variation and imagination. According to Laduss (1987), role-play uses a variety of communication techniques and develops fluency in language, facilitates classroom interaction and increases motivation. Here, equal learning is encouraged and responsibility is shared between teacher and student in the learning process. Role-play can improve students' speaking skills in any situation and help students interact. As for the stern students, role-play helps by providing a mask where students with difficulty in conversation are released.

In addition, it is fun, and most students will agree that contentment leads to better learning. Traditionally, the roles of learners have been specifically defined in the role-play method using verbal instructions or role cards. However, Kaplan (1997) objects to role-playing games that focus exclusively on prescriptive topics that emphasize specific areas of vocabulary, as they do not capture the spontaneous, reallife flow of conversation.

The teacher should take on some additional responsibilities in the role play. In particular, the teacher should keep students motivated by stimulating their curiosity and keeping them relevant material, creating the so-called tension to learn».

Since RPGs are real-world scenarios, the content should mimic material that would be used in the real world. For example, sugar blocks or cubes can be used to simulate a construction problem. In the role-playing game, "extraterrestrial" toothbrushes, watches, light bulbs and keys can be used.


Role-playing can be a fun way to engage students more actively in the classroom. When using role-play to teach learners, the teacher's goal is to suggest which types of activities. The activities will be easiest for their students and which will be most difficult and which other roles and situations will be appropriate for role-play in their classrooms.

The procedure for role-playing was described by Laduss (1987). Laduss considers 11 factors in role-play. These factors are level, timing, purpose, language, organization, preparation, warm-up, procedure, follow-up, comments and variations. There are various role-playing exercises. Level indicates the minimum (and sometimes maximum) level at which activities can take place. Timing may vary depending on whether students need to read articles, four, etc. Indicates the broader purpose of each activity, such as developing confidence or sensitivity to concepts expressed in language.

Language teaching can be a fun challenge when teachers make the effort to learn different approaches. Role-playing is just one of the many methods available for exploitation. With some attention paid to the needs of the learners, both the teacher and the learners can play an active role in the classroom, making language classes more lively, challenging and, above all, rewarding.


So, role-play increases motivation. Always talking about real life can get very boring, and the ability to imagine different situations adds interest to the lesson. Role-playing provides an opportunity to use language in new contexts and for new topics. Children, adolescents and even adults often imagine themselves in different situations and roles when playing games. It is an effective method of teaching foreign languages to young learners because "fun" should be the most important part of their learning.


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