Научная статья на тему 'Propaganda and pr in social networks as an element of anti-crisis marketing of certain'

Propaganda and pr in social networks as an element of anti-crisis marketing of certain Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
social networks / anti-crisis marketing / target audience / reposts / certain territories / соціальні мережі / антикризовий маркетинг / цільова аудиторія / репости / окремі території

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — A. Jasnikowski, A. S. Rosokhata, A. S. Reva

This article examines the role of social networks in the lives of people in war crises. Social networks play an important role in informing and disseminating information. The average user spends about 6 hours and 43 minutes a day online. This is more than 100 days per user per year. One person spends 2.7 years out of 10 years on the Internet. Social networks have become a tool for influencing people of different genders, nationalities, and wealth. If your post is considered important by close friends, they will repost it. So having 100 friends your post can be seen by millions of people. It seems to be fantastic, but in the Ukrainian world it is the norm now. In February 2022, the war in Ukraine began. After the aggressor invaded Ukraine, people needed immediate help. It was social networks that helped spread the word. Assistance was needed in transport, gasoline, food, medicine, medical care, and money. Older people aged 65+ receive information from television and family, and people aged 18 to 65 receive information on social networks. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has 17 million Instagram followers. The president or his team publishes daily news, important posts, and video appeals. Ukraine has a population of about 44 million. Using official websites to obtain information is not a convenient method. People decide that it is easier and faster to find important information on social media. It happened suddenly and unplanned. This is the first war in which social networks play such an important role. It is important to understand that where there is a lot of good, there is a lot of evil. Pages began to appear on social networks that collected money for the needs of the military or refugees, and then they disappeared with the money. To prevent this from happening, there will always be good and bad people, bad and good deeds. Social networks can both help and harm. Any platform should be treated with caution and follow the rules of conduct on the Internet. Everyone should be able to use the tools of social networks. The purpose of the article is to study social networks as an element of anti-crisis marketing of certain territories during the war in Ukraine. The article carries scientific and practical knowledge about the impact of social networks on society. The conclusion of the article is the importance of maintaining and using social networks not only in good times as a "place for entertainment" but also as a mouthpiece of truth and an "island of security".

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Пропаганда та pr у соціальних мережах як елемент антикризового маркетингу окремих територій

У цій статті розглядається роль соціальних мереж у житті людей під час війни. Важливу роль в інформуванні та поширенні інформації відіграють соціальні мережі. Середній користувач проводить в мережі близько 6 годин 43 хвилини на день. Це більше 100 днів на одного користувача на рік. Одна людина проводить в Інтернеті 2,7 року з 10 років. Соціальні мережі стали інструментом впливу на людей різної статі, національності та достатку. Якщо близькі друзі вважають ваш пост важливим, вони його перепублікують. Таким чином, маючи 100 друзів, вашу публікацію зможуть побачити мільйони людей. Начебто фантастика, але в українському світі зараз це норма. У лютому 2022 року почалася війна в Україні. Після вторгнення агресора в Україну люди потребували негайної допомоги. Саме соціальні мережі допомогли поширити інформацію. Потрібна була допомога транспортом, бензином, продуктами харчування, медикаментами, медичною допомогою, грошима. Люди похилого віку 65+ отримують інформацію з телебачення та сім’ї, а люди віком від 18 до 65 років – у соціальних мережах. У президента України Володимира Зеленського 17 мільйонів підписників в Instagram. Президент або його команда щоденно публікують новини, важливі пости та відеозвернення. Населення України становить близько 44 млн осіб. Використання офіційних сайтів для отримання інформації не є зручним способом. Люди вирішують, що знайти важливу інформацію в соціальних мережах легше і швидше. Це сталося раптово і незаплановано. Це перша війна, в якій соціальні мережі відіграють таку важливу роль. Важливо розуміти, що там, де багато добра, є багато зла. У соцмережах почали з’являтися сторінки, які збирали гроші на потреби військових чи біженців, а потім разом із грошима зникали. Щоб цього не сталося, завжди знайдуться добрі і злі люди, погані і добрі вчинки. Соціальні мережі можуть як допомогти, так і нашкодити. До будь-якого майданчика потрібно ставитися обережно і дотримуватися правил поведінки в Інтернеті. Кожен повинен вміти користуватися інструментами соціальних мереж. Метою статті є дослідження соціальних мереж як елемента антикризового маркетингу на конкретних територіях з моменту настання війни в Україні. Стаття несе науково-практичні знання про вплив соціальних мереж на суспільство у цих кризових умовах. Підсумком статті є важливість підтримки та використання соціальних мереж не лише в хороші часи як «місця для розваг», але й як рупора правди та «острівця безпеки».

Текст научной работы на тему «Propaganda and pr in social networks as an element of anti-crisis marketing of certain»

UDC 338.001.36 https://doi.Org/10.35546/kntu2078-4481.2022.2.29


Sumy State University, Fundacja "EUROWEEK"

ORCID: 0000-0002-5695-2364 A. S. ROSOKHATA

Sumy State University

ORCID: 0000-0001-6944-1515 A. S. REVA

Sumy State University

ORCID: 0000-0003-1575-0552


This article examines the role of social networks in the lives of people in war crises. Social networks play an important role in informing and disseminating information. The average user spends about 6 hours and 43 minutes a day online. This is more than 100 days per user per year. One person spends 2.7years out of 10years on the Internet. Social networks have become a tool for influencing people of different genders, nationalities, and wealth. If your post is considered important by close friends, they will repost it. So having 100 friends your post can be seen by millions ofpeople. It seems to be fantastic, but in the Ukrainian world it is the norm now.

In February 2022, the war in Ukraine began. After the aggressor invaded Ukraine, people needed immediate help. It was social networks that helped spread the word. Assistance was needed in transport, gasoline, food, medicine, medical care, and money. Older people aged 65+ receive information from television andfamily, and people aged 18 to 65 receive information on social networks. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has 17 million Instagram followers. The president or his team publishes daily news, important posts, and video appeals. Ukraine has a population of about 44 million. Using official websites to obtain information is not a convenient method. People decide that it is easier and faster to find important information on social media. It happened suddenly and unplanned. This is the first war in which social networks play such an important role.

It is important to understand that where there is a lot of good, there is a lot of evil. Pages began to appear on social networks that collected money for the needs of the military or refugees, and then they disappeared with the money. To prevent this from happening, there will always be good and bad people, bad and good deeds. Social networks can both help and harm. Any platform should be treated with caution and follow the rules of conduct on the Internet. Everyone should be able to use the tools of social networks. The purpose of the article is to study social networks as an element of anti-crisis marketing of certain territories during the war in Ukraine. The article carries scientific and practical knowledge about the impact of social networks on society. The conclusion of the article is the importance of maintaining and using social networks not only in good times as a "place for entertainment" but also as a mouthpiece of truth and an "island of security".

Key words: social networks, anti-crisis marketing, target audience, reposts, certain territories.


Сумський державний ушверситет, Фундацш "EUROWWEEK"

ORCID: 0000-0002-5695-2364 А. С. РОСОХАТА

Сумський державний ушверситет

ORCID: 0000-0001-6944-1515 А. С. РЕВА

Сумський державний ушверситет

ORCID: 0000-0003-1575-0552


У цш cmammi розглядаеться роль соцгальних мереж у життг людей nid час вшни. Важливу роль в iнформу-вант та поширенш гнформацИ вгдгграють соцгальш мережг. Середнт користувач проводить в мережг близько 6 годин 43 хвилини на день. Це бшьше 100 дтв на одного користувача на ргк. Одна людина проводить в 1нтер-нетг 2,7 року з 10 роюв. Соцгальнг мережг стали гнструментом впливу на людей ргзног статг, нацгональностг

та достатку. Якщо близью друзг вважають ваш пост важливим, вони його перепубл^ють. Таким чином, маю-чи 100 друзгв, вашу публжацт зможуть побачити мшьйони людей. Начебто фантастика, але в украгнському свт1 зараз це норма.

У лютому 2022 року почалася вшна в Укра'т. Шсля вторгнення агресора в Украшу люди потребували негайно'г' допомоги. Саме соцгальт мереж! допомогли поширити 1нформац1ю. Потргбна була допомога транспортом, бензином, продуктами харчування, медикаментами, медичною допомогою, грошима. Люди похилого в1ку 65+ отримують 1нформац1ю з телебачення та сш'г, а люди в1ком вгд 18 до 65 ротв - у сощальних мережах. У президента Украгни Володимира Зеленського 17 м1льйон1в п1дписник1в в Instagram. Президент або його команда щоденно публгкують новини, важливi пости та вгдеозвернення. Населення Украгни становить близько 44 млн оаб. Використання офщшних сайтiв для отримання шформацп не е зручним способом. Люди виршують, що знайти важливу шформацт в соцiальних мережах легше i швидше. Це сталося раптово i незаплановано. Це перша вшна, в якш соцiальнi мережi вiдiграють таку важливу роль.

Важливо розумти, що там, де багато добра, е багато зла. У соцмережах почали з'являтися стортки, ят збирали грошi на потреби вшськових чи бiженцiв, а потiм разом iз грошима зникали. Щоб цього не сталося, завжди знайдуться добрi i mi люди, поганi i добрi вчинки. Соцiальнi мережi можуть як допомогти, так i нашко-дити. До будь-якого майданчика потрiбно ставитися обережно i дотримуватися правил поведтки в Iнтернетi. Кожен повинен вмiти користуватися тструментами соцiальних мереж. Метою статтi е до^дження сощ-альних мереж як елемента антикризового маркетингу на конкретних територiях з моменту настання вшни в Укра'т. Стаття несе науково-практичш знання про вплив соцiальних мереж на суспшьство у цих кризових умовах. Шдсумком статтi е важливiсть пiдтримки та використання соцiальних мереж не лише в хорошi часи як «мiсця для розваг», але й як рупора правди та «острiвця безпеки».

Ключовi слова: соцiальнi мережi, антикризовий маркетинг, цшьова аудиторiя, репости, окремi територп.


On February 24, 2022, a full-scale war broke out in Ukraine. The uniqueness of the event lies in the digital environment. It is difficult for Ukrainians to imagine how people lived without social networks, television, and telephones during the war. How did they find out about the news? How did you get help from volunteers? How to contact security services? How did you find out about your relatives? Some territories of Ukraine were especially in need of help and information. This article will consider the phenomenon of propaganda and PR in social networks as an element of anti-crisis marketing in certain areas.

The article is extremely relevant. It will be useful for people who want to help Ukrainians and do not know exactly where to spread information about help. The article will be useful for Ukrainians who want to learn about relations between Poland and Ukraine. The article will draw the attention of the adult population to modern social networks. What's the impact of social networks on the salvation of Ukrainians?

Literature Review

The phenomenon of crisis marketing is widely studied by many marketers, scientists and scientists. M.O. Bagorka, B.B. Pisarenko, Kadyrus I.G. and Yurchenko N.I. Created a textbook "Crisis Marketing'' recommended by the Academic Council as a textbook for students of higher education [1]. Most scholars study the topic of enterprise management in a crisis. For example Krivovyazyuk I.V, Kuzmenko O., Vasileva T., Chygryn O., Yelnikova J. & Kwilinski A. studied these questions from the position of influencing of Covid-19 an from others international crisis [2-4]. The State Service of Ukraine for Emergencies has published a manual Survival in emergencies: a practical guide where was made analyse how to hold social process in crisis fast and effective [5]. By analysing the events that have taken place and continue to take place, it is possible to analyse the impact and role of social networks [6-10]. In current situation in Ukraine a lot of authors of publication on the topic of influences of social media on society used method of observation [11-13].

Setting objectives

The work aims to systematize scientific knowledge on the transformational processes in marketing development in socal ,edia during the war in Ukraine. The objectives of the work are to understand the content and characteristics of existing facts and research on transformational processes in social media that was started on certain territories: Ukraine and Poland, to understand the role and connection people via social media and how marketing processes had influenced it, and to identify areas of research for next periods.

Results and Discussion

The average user spends 6 hours and 43 minutes a day on the Internet, which is more than 100 days per user per year. More than 40% of the time when we do not sleep - we spend online. Target audience - a group of people who are designed for a particular product, product, work of art, service, and more. It is typical to select the target audience based on gender, age, income, education, place of residence, profession, etc.

Each social network is created for a specific audience. The number of social network users is growing. As of October 2021, 4.55 billion people use them. 57.6 percent of the world's population uses social networks. WhatsApp, Viber, and Telegram were created as messaging programs, but they have many other features. Now they can also be called social networks (Table 1).

Table 1

Comparative characteristics of the number of users on social networks in Ukraine and Poland

The name of the social network A number of users in Ukraine. Characteristics of the target audience. A number of users in Poland. Characteristics of the target audience.

Facebook The total number of 16.8 million users: 1.8 million - 18-24 years; 4 million - 25-34 years; 4.2 million - 35-44 years; 3.1 million - 45-54 years; 3.6 million - 55+ years. There were 18 279 100 Messenger users in Poland in April 2022, which accounted for 48.3% of its entire population. The majority of them were women -54.7%. People aged 25 to 34 were the largest user group (4 600 000). The highest difference between men and women occurs among people aged 55 to 64, where women lead by 550 500.

Instagram The total number of 17.3 million users: 4.1 million - 18-24 years; 5.3 million - 25-34 years; 3.8 million - 35-44 years; 1.9 million - 45-54 years; 1 million - 55+ years. 16 million users. Instagram most often included people aged 18-24 - 35% of the total number of users. Instagram is a portal that reaches young people.

TikTok Total number of 12 million users: 5.5 million - 18-24 years; 3.7 million - 25-34 years; 1.9 million - 35-44 years; 1 million - 45-54 years; 3.6 600 thousand - 55+ years. The total number of 8 million users. Most are young users under 24.

YouTube Total number of 23.5 million users: 2.8 million - 18-24 years; 5.3 million - 25-34 years; 5.9 million - 35-44 years; 4.1 million - 45-54 years; 5.8 million - 55+ years Total number of 24 million users. It is most popular among young people and adults aged 25-34. But the portal is used by both children and the elderly

Sources: developed by the authors based on [14].

Ukraine stays in the Top-3 among leading European countries and neighbours by Instagram's reach.

d Facebcok I Instagram


Fig. 1. Facebook and Instagram in Ukraine

Sources: developed by the authors based on [15].

Depending on the functionality of social networks are divided into seven types:

1) social networks for communication (relationship networks);

2) social networks for media sharing networks. This type includes Flickr, Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo, Vine, and Snapchat;

3) social networks for reviews and reviews. Examples of such networks are Airbnb, Uber, Yelp, Urbanspoon;

4) social networks for collective discussion. They are communities, forums, and Q&A services. For example, Quora, Reddit, and Digg;

5) social networks for authoring records. This type of social media includes blogging and microblogging platforms where users create and publish textual media content, including popular ones such as Twitter, Medium, and Tumblr;

6) bookmarking sites. Examples of such social networks are StumbleUpon, Pinterest, and Flipboard;

7) interest-based networks. The most popular opportunity provided by social networks is to find like-minded people and users with similar interests. For example, Last.FM - is a network for music lovers and Goodreads - is for lovers of literature (Table 2) [6, 16-17].

Table 2

Activity of using social networks by types in Ukraine and Poland in the context of the war

Types of social networks Examples of social networks User activity in Ukraine in the context of the war User activity in Poland in the context of the war

Social networks for communication Telegram, Viber Maximum active use Average usage activity

Social networks for the exchange of media content Instagram, YouTube, Facebook Maximum active use Maximum active use

Social networks for reviews and reviews Airbnb, Uber Active use Average usage activity

Social networks for group discussions Quora, Reddit i Digg Minimum usage activity Minimum usage activity

Social networks for authoring records Twitter, Medium Average usage activity Average usage activity

Social bookmarking services Pinterest, Flipboard Minimum usage activity MimMantHa aKTHBHicTL KopHCTyBaHHH

Social networks of interest Last.fm, Goodreads Minimum usage activity Minimum usage activity

On the first day of the war, Ukrainians began to leave their cities for the western borders. As of April 28 (for two months), the following statistics: 5 million people moved to other western regions of Ukraine, and 4.24 million people went abroad. About 2.5 million Ukrainians left for Poland (March 2022) [18].

In the first days, chat rooms and help groups were set up. Telegram became the most popular messenger of help, followed by Viber. Help groups can be divided into topics:

1. Chats with people transporting long distances.

By 2021, the number of cars in Ukraine is about 10.5 million cars per 41 million population. (https://www. autoconsulting.com.ua/article.php?sid=48496) Some families have several cars, some families do not have cars, and some cars are in poor condition. There are two types of communication in these communities: passenger appeal and water appeal. Passengers are greeted with requests for transportation, drivers write announcements about vacancies for the trip.

2. Regional, local chats.

Ukraine is divided into 24 regions and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea has about 44 cities and 882 urban-type settlements. Most often in such chats, they ask about the availability of hard-to-reach medicines, products, and help with the elderly.

3. Chats with information about animals.

Some breeders of animals and dogs have been forced to give away animals for free to save their lives. Some people have left their pets in a panic without access to food. Volunteers feed such animals in different ways.

4. Foreign chats.

Ukrainians receive information and assistance from foreign chats. For example, chats "Help Ukrainians in Poland" (more than 25,000 subscribers) and "Poland Chat" (17,000 subscribers).

5. Chats to find housing in safer areas of Ukraine.

Chats are created by ordinary people. Users are joined by a search engine and a sundress radio. Some bloggers promote and promote chats for free among their subscribers.

Each region of Ukraine has an official source in the Telegram. It is through the Telegram that people learn about the threat of an airstrike and the call to go to the shelter. Every Ukrainian between the ages of 18 and 65 has, on average, subscribed to more than 10 groups with up-to-date information and news.

Ukrainians use Instagram. From the first day of the war, Ukrainian Instagram has turned from a platform for bright happy moments into a poster with sharp announcements of help. Instagram has become a tool for raising money for volunteering, a tool to help in the search for missing relatives, and a tool for finding an apartment. On average, a Ukrainian makes more than 10 reposts every day. Ironically, people who did the minimum number of stories in the period before the war did the maximum number of stories, reposts, and vice versa. (author's observations).

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted Bill № 7189 "On Amendments to the Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes of Ukraine to Counteract Unauthorised Dissemination of Information on Sending, Moving International Military

Assistance to Ukraine, Movement, Movement or Deployment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine or Other martial law or state of emergency («Criminal liability is introduced in Ukraine for photo and video shooting of movements of servicemen, weapons and equipment» (2022) Published by Ministry of Internal Affairs). Thus, the number of reposts with Ukrainian or occupiers' equipment decreased to one. Dissemination of unofficial information about the consequences of the bombings is prohibited. In the first weeks of the war, there were tens of thousands of reposts with the consequences of the bombing, now there are only a few. The news agenda has changed. People who are safe have started to set up thematic stories as before the war: they talk about their lives abroad, and ordinary people share photos with photos from abroad. People who have close contact with the Armed Forces or have remained in Ukraine continue to write about the war, reposting more vital information.

In Ukraine, there is a proverb "A friend is known to be in trouble." Poland turned out to be a true friend of Ukraine. Thanks to Poland, millions of people have been saved. Poland is a country not of words but deeds. The social network Facebook in Poland took the fastest turn. In wartime, content could be divided into 2 categories. The first category is an offer to help. For example: "We can help women and children. We provided free housing during the war". The second category is the assistance report. For example: "Raised money and bought 200 bulletproof vests for Ukrainian soldiers". For Ukraine, Poland has become an island of security, a manifestation of moral and material assistance. Poland is a manifestation of concrete actions.

How did Poland support Ukraine? Poland's contribution cannot be described in 1,000 pages. Poland treated Ukraine as its own. Poland fully supported the Ukrainian people. Poland extended a helping hand to Ukraine in the darkest times. The Polish company LPP Group has completely left the Russian market. The owner closed all Cropp, House, Mohito, Reserved, and Sinsay stores

Assistance to migrants.

Poland became the first country to be visited by Ukrainians fleeing Russian missiles. Poland has become a refuge for millions of Ukrainians. The neighbouring country promptly organised humanitarian aid for Ukrainian citizens who were forced to leave their homeland. Poland greeted Ukrainians with hot drinks, sweets, free housing, warm clothes, words of support, sincere smiles, and kind eyes. Poland has prepared baby food for young children and provided personal hygiene products. After the transport arrived at the Polish checkpoint, border guards brought water and pastries to the Ukrainians. Border guards treated Ukrainians to sweets in the hall of the passport border. Heating stations were set up at the checkpoint, where many people met Ukrainians. Boxes with various clothes and warm things were placed near the border. Every day, Poland sends to Ukraine about 100 trucks with various aid. These are mainly medicines, clothes, hygiene products, long-term storage products, sleeping bags, mats, fire-fighting equipment, and fire extinguishers.

Housing for migrants.

Not far from the checkpoint, the Poles offered their help to Ukrainians - free housing. The Polish government has supported its citizens: those Poles who take in Ukrainian refugees will be paid by the state - about $ 8.7 per day, or about $ 263 per month. Centres for Ukrainian refugees have been set up in large cities. Poland has allowed Ukrainian refugees to live and work legally in the country for 18 months, which may be extended later.


Not indifferent Poles offered Ukrainians free travel to major cities in Poland. Free travel by Polish railways has been introduced for Ukrainians who have crossed the border with Poland since February 24. And Ukrainian drivers in Poland were allowed not to exchange driver's licences until the end of 2022. Poland has simplified travel for Ukrainian humanitarian aid carriers. To make it easier for Ukrainians to navigate the Polish application with the schedule of public transport added the Ukrainian language.

Health care.

Ukrainian refugees are entitled to free medical care in the country. 100 thousand Ukrainians will be able to receive 500 zlotys for the purchase of medicines. Poland accepts children with cancer from Ukraine who need urgent treatment. The country's authorities have declared their readiness to receive wounded Ukrainians in their 120 medical facilities. On February 28, the mandatory wearing of masks and quarantine for people who came from abroad was abolished.


Thanks to the Polish special law on providing comprehensive support to refugees from Ukraine, Ukrainian pupils and students have the opportunity to study in schools and universities. Free Polish language courses are available in Poland. Ukrainian-language radio has also been set up in Poland so that refugees can receive all operational information.

Defence assistance.

Poland handed over mortars, ammunition, drones, and other weapons to Ukraine. Poland handed over more than 200 T-72 tanks and several dozen infantry fighting vehicles to the Armed Forces. Poland has already provided more than $ 1.6 billion in military assistance to Ukraine.

Financial assistance.

The National Bank of Poland has decided to provide the National Bank of Ukraine with a currency pillar worth PLN 4 billion (about $ 1 billion). The Polish government insists that the EU should develop a plan to rebuild Ukraine after the war for 100 billion euros at the expense of the European Union. Poland has launched a government program to support

Ukrainian families with children, which will pay Ukrainian refugees 500 zlotys per child. The Polish government has passed a bill to create a special fund of $ 1.75 billion to help Ukrainian refugees.

Political assistance.

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Poland has launched an energy blockade of Russia. On March 1, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki called on the EU to refrain from purchasing Russian coal. On March 6, Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Pavel Jablonski said that Poland considered a full embargo on all energy resources from Russia the only way to stop the war against Ukraine. On April 26, Poland imposed new sanctions on Russia over its attack on Ukraine. On April 27, Poland declared full independence from Russian gas. Following the events in Bucha, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Polish President Andrzej Duda demanded tough sanctions on Russia from the EU and called for severing all trade relations with Russia. Poland has expressed readiness to become a guarantor of Ukraine's security at the request of Kyiv, along with other countries. The Polish President is in favour of Ukraine's accession to the EU on an express basis. Poland has taken the initiative to exclude Russia from the United States from the group of large economies G20.

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has started '' everyone '' on billboards across the EU to "build Europe's conscience". He plans to divert the West from economic cooperation with Russia. The prime minister has satisfied the #StopRussiaNow advertising network with Western European politicians, whom he accuses of wanting too fast results in good relations with the Kremlin.

Fig. 2. Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki launched a promotional meeting across the EU.

Photo: Mateusz Morawiecki (2022) [19]

War is an event that radically changes positioning. People are behind any brand. A brand cannot exist without the people who created it. The reaction of brands to the war can be divided into 2 categories.

1. Neutral attitude to war. Brands pretended not to notice or brands said they would not leave the aggressor market. Remained in both markets.

Brands that have shown a neutral attitude to the war in Ukraine are many times less than brands that have a negative attitude to the war. Which brands chose money instead of conscience? German chocolate and confectionery maker Ritter Sport said it remained in the Russian market for fear of losing some money. Russia accounts for about 7% of Ritter Sport sales. Nestle will not close its business in Russia as there are 7 factories producing food, sweets, and animal feed. But after criticism from Nestle, they announced that they would stop selling products under the KitKat and Nesquik brands. The American company Kellogg's, which produces chips under the Pringles brand, remains in Russia. The American fast-food chain Burger King operates 704 establishments in Russia. The franchise owner, the Canadian company Restaurant Brands International, insists on closing the business, but partner Alexander Kolobov refuses to comply. The American corporation Kimberly-Clark (engaged in the production of health, personal, professional, and industrial hygiene products), the Spanish manufacturer of candy on a stick Chupa Chups, the French brand of decorative cosmetics Vivienne Sabo, the Italian manufacturer of lingerie and beachwear Calzedonia and Max Mara, which has 13 outlets across Russia, Miele, Japan's Yamaha, France's Auchan food hypermarket chain, which owns 241 stores in Russia, Tesco, Britain, Leroy Merlin, France, LC Waikiki, Austria Bank International remains in Russia. One can only imagine how the war will affect the brands that remain in Russia. Most of the world is consciously no longer using the services of these companies. Ukrainians try not to buy these brands. Remaining in the Russian market - brands thus support the war. It is impossible to be good for both Russia and Ukraine. You have to make a choice. History cannot be rewritten.

2. Sharp negative attitude to the war. Brands began to support Ukraine morally or financially and left the aggressor's market.

World fashion brands supported Ukraine and abandoned the occupier's market and closed their stores. The clothing brand Balenciaga has dedicated a new collection to Ukraine, donating funds to help refugees. Fashion brands that helped Ukraine financially: Chanel, Jacquemus fashion house, luxury conglomerate LVMH (which includes Dior, Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Fendi, Tiffany, Celine), GUCCI, Valentino, Giorgio Armani, Jimmy Choo, and others. Instagram has become a tool for spreading your opinion.

It is through the official pages on social networks that brands have informed their consumers about their attitude to the war. Anti-war users have begun to write negative comments about war-neutral brands. Users thanked the brands against the war in their comments for supporting Ukraine. The majority of the Ukrainian population is trying to avoid buying branded products that are neutral to the war. Lists of "good" and "bad" brands have spread on social networks Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. Some shoppers go to stores with a list of "bad" brands so as not to sponsor the war.

Guerrilla marketing is a set of marketing activities that include scandalous and provocative actions that allow you to effectively demonstrate products to potential consumers. Unlike traditional marketing tools, the product is not openly imposed on the customer, and therefore does not cause negativity and ignorance. Guerrilla marketing is aimed at evoking the emotions under which consumers make purchases [20].

Ordinary people, bloggers, and organisations create Google forms and Google spreadsheets, which ordinary users distribute through social networks. People who need help can write a table with the address on Google. People who can help look at the table and offer to help. Google spreadsheets were themed. Examples of topics: "Housing in Poland", "Humanitarian aid to migrants", "Work for migrants", "Help with documents for migrants", and more. With this tool, people find each other and help. Specialists also create Google spreadsheets and Google documents with official contact information, where to go, and in what situations. Where to turn to migrants with serious illnesses? Where to go for humanitarian aid?

Many posts on social networks received 10,000 reposts from people with up to 1,000 subscribers. This is the effect of social influence, propaganda in the modern world [21]. Social networks and messengers are a tool that has helped and is helping to save millions of lives. Using social networks, you can notify anyone about important news, even if it is subscribed only to their friends through reposts [22]. People use this tool every day to solve the problems of the whole country and the nation. This is the first war when 90 percent of people learned information not through newspapers, and city meetings, but through posts on Instagram and Facebook.

During the war, social networks became the most active tool of information. The more information, the more lies. How can social networks be harmful in wartime? Let's divide the problems into the following groups:

1. Problems of fraudsters. As soon as the war broke out, a lot of money was organised for the army, refugees, and victims. Ordinary people organised gatherings for food, cars, medicines, equipment, bulletproof vests, and more. Fraudsters have begun to realise that people are willing to waste money without checking information. Many swindlers collected money for help and spent it on themselves. The money disappeared together with the "volunteer".

Here are some tips on how to donate:

1) Try to send funds to official funds, and organisations, through the application Action (Ukrainian official application), the Ukrainian Red Cross, and others. You can check the formality of the funds on the Internet by checking their registered number. The number can be found on the company's official website. All data is available and free.

2) Send money only to those volunteers with whom you know personally. If you have been in contact with a volunteer for many years, have seen him in real life, or have mutual friends or acquaintances - most likely a "volunteer" who can be trusted.

3) Send money only to those volunteers who have daily or weekly reports with checks, and photos. Despite the unpaid work of the volunteer, the volunteer must make reports. Verify your photos for authenticity with Google Image Search. If a photo of the volunteer is not found at all or found on the volunteer's page, it is most likely a real volunteer.

4) If you want to help people, and animals in the city where you are now - do it offline. If you want to send money to animals for food - buy the food yourself and bring it to the shelter. If you want to donate money for medicines - buy medicines yourself and bring them to those who need them.

5) Beware of reposts asking for help with financial support. Even if the ad was reposted by your best friend, understand that it could be a fake. Go to the page of the person asking for financial help. Analyse the page for previous tips.

6) Don't spend big money at once. It is better to send a small donation to many foundations, organisations, and volunteers. The amount spent will be the same, but the probability of honest "volunteers" will increase.

2. Problems of haters. Social networks are the most democratic space for expressing opinions. That's why haters are more common online than in real life. After several weeks of the war, Ukrainians and Russians began arguing in the comments. Everyone expressed their own opinion and did not compromise. How do react to hate? Bad comments most often appear under the posts of famous people or posts that have received many likes and reposts. The most important rule is to avoid any contact with the hater. Ignore the hater the most. A hater is a person who has a lot of problems in real life. Heather does not care about the outcome of the conflict, he cares about the process. The more brutal the conflict process in the comments, the better for the hater. Hayter is a mentally ill person. The best way to avoid conflict is to ignore the hater. Just don't reply to messages. Don't feed haters with emotions. You may think you can change the hater's mind, but it's impossible. Be human! Better do something good for the offline world.

3. Problems of fakes in the news. Fakes and untruths are weapons used on social networks and on the occupiers' television. Trust only the official news. Do not trust unknown reposts and pages on social networks. Read foreign news. Follow the news around the world. The truth is always somewhere in the middle.

4. Problems with reposts. Many people make reposts without thinking about the authenticity, relevance, and consequences of information in the report. If your friend reposts, that doesn't mean you have to. Think with your head. Write, and repost only verified information. One repost can save and ruin a life.

Ukrainians and foreigners who have free time leave information about the war where they can. Google Map has become such an unexpected platform. On Google Maps, there are many places where you can leave feedback about the cafe, shops, restaurants, and government agencies. Comments and reviews about the Russian attack began to appear on Google Maps. Comments were left in those institutions that support the war. To date, Google has blocked users from editing Maps in Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus. The company also deletes all user-submitted locations and materials, such as photos, videos, and business information taken in these countries, taken from February 24. Google made the decision "with great caution" after people said on social media that the Russian military relied on tags created by users in Maps to coordinate airstrikes on Ukraine.

Social networks are catalysts for news and real-life events. The final of the Eurovision show took place on May 14, 2022. Eurovision is an annual song contest held since 1956 between the member countries of the European Language Union (EMU). In 2022, in their performance, the Ukrainian band Kalush addressed the audience and said: "Save Mariupol! Save Azovstal". This speech was not political, but humanitarian. After the speech of the soloist of the band Kalush, the number of queries "Azovstal" and "Mariupol" in the Google search engine increased. The video of the soloist's speech spread on social networks. Social networks have become a catalyst for humanitarian aid. After that, more and more people became more interested in the problem of the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. The problem of Azovstal and Mariupol has been raised many times since the beginning of the war. Ukrainian military and ordinary civilians are stuck in Azovstal captive among missiles, and bombs, without a large supply of food and water. With each passing day, the forces of the occupiers increased, and food and water became less and less. The wives and mothers of the fighters begged to pay attention to this problem on social networks. Ordinary people do not have direct access to political leaders, but there is the power of social networks. Ukraine wrote posts in all languages of the world about Azovstal and Mariupol, addressed the presidents of different countries through social networks, and begged to save people. Most of the ordinary civilian population had to be rescued and deported to Ukrainian territory. On May 17, the heroes of Mariupol were taken to the occupied territories of Novoazovsk. 53 seriously wounded soldiers were evacuated to Novoazovsk Hospital, and 211 soldiers were taken to Elenovka. Now the fighters are captured by the occupiers, but they are alive! Ukraine is discussing their return to their homeland. The whole world hopes for the best. It is important to understand that the power of people increases hundreds of times when they use social networks as a way to promote their ideas, appeals, and requests.


Social networking is an effective anti-crisis marketing tool. There are various causes of the crisis in society or in the enterprise. This time the cause of the crisis was the war in Ukraine. During the war, social networks became a reliable guide to information. With the help of social networks, people found housing in other safe areas of Ukraine, Poland and other countries. After the aggressor's invasion of Ukraine, people needed immediate help. It was social networks that helped spread the word. Assistance was needed in transport, gasoline, food, medicine, medical care, and money. Using official websites to obtain information is not a convenient method. People decide that finding important information on social media is easier and faster. It happened suddenly and unplanned for people. Despite all the troubles that have happened and continue to happen, a person can rely on his phone and the power of the Internet. One person can convey information and call for help to millions of people around the world. Any actions that have been implemented in real life against the war: a photo exhibition, a collection of humanitarian aid, a fundraiser for military equipment are closely linked to social networks. In Ukraine, people do not hand out brochures and do not stick posters on stands. In Ukraine, people are calling for help through social networks.

This research was funded by the European Union (the project No. 101047530 - HEPE4U - ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH)


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12. Rosokhata, A., Jasnikowski, A., Kropyva, V., Deryzemlia, M. Financial Market Trends as a Part of Regional Development: Manifestations of Behavioral Reactions and Impulses. Financial Markets, Institutions and Risks, 2022, 6(2). P. 112-121. DOI: 10.21272/fmir.6(2).112-121.2022

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22. Saher L., Kolesnyk D., Syhyda L., Fisunenko N. The influence of brands on consumer behaviour in conditions of COVID-19 pandemic: Bibliometric and visualization analysis. E3S Web of Conferences, 2021, 307, 08003.

23. Schneider B., Gonzalez-Roma V, Ostroff C., West M.A. Organizational Climate and Culture: Reflections on the History of the Constructs in the Journal of Applied Psychology. Journal of Applied Psychology, 2017, 102(3). P. 468-482.


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3. Kuzmenko O., Vasileva T., Chygryn O. (2020) Why do regions differ in vulnerability to Covid-19? Spatial nonlinear modeling of social and economic patterns. Economics and Sociology, 13(4), рр. 132-147. DOI: 10.14254/2071-789X.2020/13-4/20

4. Yelnikova, J., & Kwilinski, A. (2020) Impact-Investing in The Healthcare in Terms of the New Socially Responsible State Investment Policy. Business Ethics and Leadership, 4(3), P. 57-64. DOI: 10.21272/bel.4(3).57-64.2020.

5. Volyansky P.B., Barilo O.G., Guryev S.O., Dolgiy M.L., Yevsyukov O.P., Iskra N.I., Mykhaylov V.M., Poteryaiko S.P., Terent'eva A.V (2016) Survival in emergency situations: a practical guide. Kyiv: FOP Panov A.M., 189 p. [in Ukrainian].

6. Letunovska N.E., Khomenko L.M., Lyulyov O.V. et al. (2021) Marketing in the digital environment: a manual / textbook /. Letunovska N.Ye., Khomenko L.M. (Ed.). Sumy: Sumy State University, pp.153-158.

7. Khomenko L.M., Saher L.Yu., Letunovska N.Ye. (2021) Segmentation as a base for digital marketing strategies in blood service: A cluster analysis for classifying healthy regional subjects. E3S Web of Conferences, 307, 03001.

8. Vasilieva T. A., Lieonov S. V., Makarenko I.A., Sirkovska N. (2017) Sustainability information disclosure as an instrument of marketing communication with stakeholders: markets, social and economic aspects. Marketing and management of innovation, 4. P. 350-357. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21272/mmi.2017.4-31

9. Ceren Hayran, Melis Ceylan. Impact of social media brand blunders on brand trust and brand liking. (2022) International Journal of Market Research. DOI: 10.1177/14707853221132216. URL: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/ full/10.1177/14707853221132216 (Application date: 15 November 2022).

10. Rosokhata A.S., Letunovskaya N.E., Makerskaya V.O., Kropyva V.V. (2021). Consumer behavior in the digital environment under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic: the importance of health and business transparency. Bulletin of Economics. 3. pp. 98-109.

11. Kovalchuk V. (2015) New approaches to managing socio-economic development of regions. Theory and practice of public administration and local self-government. VIP. URL: http://el-zbirndu.at.ua/2015_1Z8.pdf (Application date: 3 March 2022)

12. Rosokhata, A., Jasnikowski, A., Kropyva, V., Deryzemlia, M. (2022) Financial Market Trends as a Part of Regional Development: Manifestations of Behavioral Reactions and Impulses. Financial Markets, Institutions and Risks, 2022, 6(2). P. 112-121. DOI: 10.21272/fmir.6(2).112-121.2022

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15. Facebook and Instagram in Ukraine. (2022) Plusone social impact. URL: https://plusone.com.ua/research/en/ Facebook%20and%20Instagram%20in%20Ukraine%20-%202021%20July.pdf (Application date: 1 December 2022).

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17. Rudenko, L. A., Smiianov, V. A., & Smiianova, O. I. (2020) Basic principles ofbehavioral economics and prospects for their application in the public health system. Wiadomosci Lekarskie, 73(9), pp. 2026-2030. DOI:10.36740/wlek202009225.

18. Ukrainian refugees: attitudes and assessments. (2022) Razumkov centre. URL: https://razumkov.org.ua/napriamky/ sotsiologichni-doslidzhennia/ukrainski-bizhentsi-nastroi-ta-otsinky (Application date: 1 December 2022). [in Ukrainian].

19. Prime Minister of Poland shamed Western Europe as part of a bloc-wide pro-Ukrainian campaign. (2022) EURACTIV.PL. URL: https://www.euractiv.com/section/politics/short_news/polish-pm-shames-western-europe-in-bloc-wide-pro-ukraine-campaign/ (Application date: 1 December 2022).

20. Bagorka M.O., Pisarenko V.V., Kadyrus I.G., Yurchenko N.I. (2021) Anti-crisis marketing: textbook / - Dnipro: Porogy, 340 p. [in Ukrainian].

21. European institute of further education. (2022) European Institute Of Further Education. URL: http://dspace.pdaa.edu.ua:8080/bitstream/123456789/11466/1/EUROPEAN%20INSTITUTE%20OF%20 FURTHER%20EDUCATION%20%D0%A02%20%282%29.pdf (Application date: 1 December 2022).

22. Saher L., Kolesnyk D., Syhyda L., Fisunenko N. (2021) The influence of brands on consumer behaviour in conditions of COVID-19 pandemic: Bibliometric and visualization analysis. E3S Web of Conferences, 307, 08003.

23. Schneider B., Gonzalez-Roma V., Ostroff C., West M.A. (2017) Organizational Climate and Culture: Reflections on the History of the Constructs in the Journal of Applied Psychology. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(3), pp. 468-482.

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