Научная статья на тему 'Problems of forming of suckling cluster are in the Saratov area'

Problems of forming of suckling cluster are in the Saratov area Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Bobrysheva A.A.

В статье рассматриваются проблемы формирования молочного кластера на территории Саратовской области. В работе также показаны преимущества создания молочного кластера для Саратовской области. На основе анализа сформулированы соответствующие выводы.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Problems of forming of suckling cluster are in the Saratov area»


ISSN 2410-6070



UDC 334.764.44

A.A. Bobrysheva

A student is 2 courses of faculty of economy and management Saratov state agrarian university named after N.I.Vavilov

Saratov, Russian Federation



В статье рассматриваются проблемы формирования молочного кластера на территории Саратовской области. В работе также показаны преимущества создания молочного кластера для Саратовской области. На основе анализа сформулированы соответствующие выводы.


In the article the problems of forming of suckling cluster are examined on territory of the Saratov area. Inprocess advantages of creation of suckling cluster are also shown for the Saratov area. On the basis of analysis corresponding conclusions are set forth.

Key words

Молочный кластер, Саратовская область, молочная продукция.

Suckling cluster, Saratov area, suckling products.

A cluster is the most progressive form of organizational cooperation between the enterprises of different patterns of ownership now. The developed countries demonstrate the increasing socially economic value of clusters. Prime examples it is served as : the Detroit motor-car cluster (THE USA), electronic cluster of Newport ( Great Britain), forest cluster ( Finland), shoe cluster in Italy, vine-making cluster in the state California (THE USA) and many other.[1,p.74]

Clusters began to be mentioned in home federal and regional projects, but nevertheless, attitude toward this form of organizational cooperation of enterprises is watchful. It is therefore necessary to expose essence of the created clusters.

Essence of cluster consists in association of different enterprises. It is basis of any cluster.

Examples of sucklings clusters in Russia and abroad not so much. To date a suckling cluster is known in Denmark. Other clusters are abroad created in other spheres of economy.

In February, 2015 an agreement was signed about creation of cluster the "Don dairies" [2]. It is planned to build a farm on 3,6 thousand heads in the north of area, in Millerovskiy district.

The Don agrarian university will decide the problem of deficit of specialists. Institution of higher learning will take up educating, retraining and in-plant training of workers.Not only productive enterprises but also processors of milk, agrarian institutions of higher learning, jars and government bodies will be involved in a project. It is planned that a cluster for five-seven years must grow a production of milk volume on 100 thousand t/ies on agricultural enterprises and in farms. A project will cost approximately three milliards of roubles.

From data of Russian State Statistics the Saratov area now occupies 7 place on PFD and 22 place on Russia on production of цельномолочной goods volumes [3, p.180].

It is possible to draw conclusion on the basis of these data, that products of the suckling cluster created in the Saratov area will be highly sought in many regions of Russia. In the Saratov area there are enterprises on the base of that it is possible to create a suckling cluster. Among them: Group of Companies «White Valley», OAO «Volsky Gormolzavod», «Saratov suckling combine».

But, nevertheless, enterprises do not hurry to enter into a cluster. Problems prevent it, such as:

1. mistrust to the new form of organization of enterprises;

2. High cost of project;

3. Deficit of shots;

4. Slow recoupment of project.


МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ НАУЧНЫЙ ЖУРНАЛ «ИННОВАЦИОННАЯ НАУКА» №7/2015 ISSN 2410-6070 The included in a cluster will allow to the enterprises to get the guarasntees of government of the Saratov area for access to the credits and to attract state subsidies. During literate realization of idea of suckling cluster of risks will be equipartition between his participants, and all will win from partnership.


1. Tsikhan T.V. A cluster theory of economic development // is Theory and practice of upravleniya.-2005.-№ 5.-p.74.

2. http://www.rg.ru/2015/02/02/reg-ufo/klaster.html

3. Statistical collection - it is Saratov: the Territorial organ of Federal service of state statistics on the Saratov area, 2015. - 180 p.

©A.A.Bobrysheva, 2015


A.N. Erykhailova

Student of Credit Faculty, Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation

Research Advisor: A.B. Bass, PhD in Economics, Associated Professor, Department of Monetary Relations & Monetary Policy Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation

Moscow, Russia



This article describes the situation in the area of risks of using international payment systems in domestic banking system and a possible disconnect of Russian banks from the SWIFT system, the possibility of using similar SWIFT systems for information transmission for cross-border operations.


Risks of international payment system, SWIFT system, payment cards, national payment system.

The imposition of sanctions against Russia, including restrictions for a number of banks to make operations with the use of international payment systems (IPS) Visa and MasterCard, as well as calls to disconnect Russian banks from the SWIFT system, which are proposed by political figures and structures of the EU and the US, revealed the risks associated with the operation of the international payment services’ providers within the framework of the national payment system.

Today, the Bank of Russia registered 30 payment systems. Within the frame of 11 payment systems, operations with use of payment cards are carried out. The largest payment processors, engaged in the transfer of funds using payment cards, are subsidiaries of MPs — Visa and MasterCard, which account for predominant part of the more than 200 million cards issued by Russian banks.

This situation and the lack of a single operational payment clearing center on the national level, which could, independently from the IPU, carry out processing operations conducted on the territory of Russia with the use of payment cards (issued, including MEAs), has led to the risk of suspension of operating services and payment clearing services of the Russian participants of the IPU.

The above mentioned situation has led to the adoption of the Federal law dated 05.05.2014 No. 112-FZ "On amending the Federal law "About national payment system" and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation", developed with the direct participation of Bank of Russia. This law is primarily aimed at ensuring continuity of the provision of payment services under the payment systems functioning on the territory of the Russian Federation. [1]


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