Научная статья на тему 'Problems and prospects of information technologies development in the banking sector'

Problems and prospects of information technologies development in the banking sector Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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European science review
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Ключевые слова
information technologies / banking / client service / information protection

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Lazarev Aleksandr Dmitrievich

Information technologies are playing an important role in banking business. These technologies are not only an integral part of the banking system, but also a significant competitive advantage. The use of information systems involves a number of difficulties.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Problems and prospects of information technologies development in the banking sector»

Section 18. Economics and management

of an academic load of students, the level of preparation of graduates of educational institutions, as well as the basic requirements to ensure the educational process (including his logistics, teaching laboratory, information and methodical, staffing).

On the basis of the standard developed specific educational programs, educational complexes, which can implement educational programs; built control system.

State educational standards exist at all levels of education. They set the standards for general, secondary vocational, higher professional and postgraduate education.

State educational standards are not frozen once and for all entities. Time imposes new requirements, changing lives, changing the flow of information, so the need to develop new models of standard, future-oriented.

In modern conditions, management of education — is, above all, control of the process of its development, and not just institutions and people. Measures of state support for education must be combined with the strengthening of the role of government in ensuring that the needs of the educational activities of individuals and society [4].

The most important task and one of the priorities of modernizing the educational system — modernization of the existing sectoral management model of the system.

Conducting a unified state policy in the education system is an important task of management education, both in Russia and in many other countries. Only high priority to education in public policy can provide the necessary level of management in the sphere of education in the modern world. The priority of education should not only be proclaimed, but consistently implemented in political practice.

The global nature of the emerging educational system requires effective management of development processes at the international, internationally. This requires not just the in-

ternational contacts of the ministries of education, and implementation of major interstate, global programs in the field of formation of a new educational system.

Education Management in modern conditions is focused mainly on solving problems:

- the organization of access to education, which would satisfy the educational needs of people in the XXI century (education should be available from early childhood throughout life);

- ensure equal access to education for all people at all levels of education;

- improve the quality of education and achieve a more complete its compliance with the needs of society;

- sharp increase efficiency, productivity of the education system [2].

These problems should be resolved in a increase in the number of students with almost universal reduction of public spending per student.

One form of implementation of the state educational policy, which has the legal and substantive in nature, may be an agreement on the delimitation of powers between the federal authorities and the authorities of the Russian Federation. These agreements are designed to implement a flexible policy, differentiating and individualizing work with the regions, while preserving a single educational space by the presence of agreements shared content blocks, combine efforts to improve the work of regional educational systems.

Agreements between federal authorities and state authorities of the Federation, creating a real basis of interagency coordination effort, the responsibility for solving the problems of education lies not only in education authorities, but also directly to the highest executive authority of the Federation. This should give clarity and validity of the prospects for the development of education in the regions.


1. Abraham E.M. and others. The requirements of employers to the system of vocational education. - M.: MAX Press, 2006.

2. Andiev M. S. Features of management education in the Russian Federation: legal aspects//Law and Education. - 2003. - № 6.

3. Bratanovsky S. N. State management of education in Russia. Saratov, 2003.

4. Korotkov A. V. Quality management education. - M.: Academic Project, 2006.

5. Kurton E. B. Education Management in the market. - M.: The New School, in 2007.

6. Potashnik M. Quality of education: problems and management technology. - M.: Russian Pedagogical Society, 2005.

Lazarev Aleksandr Dmitrievich, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, undergraduate student, Faculty of Business E-mail: alexlz56@me.com

Problems and prospects of information technologies development in the banking sector

Abstract: Information technologies are playing an important role in banking business. These technologies are not only an integral part of the banking system, but also a significant competitive advantage. The use of information systems involves a number of difficulties.


Problems and prospects of information technologies development in the banking sector

Keywords: information technologies, banking, client service, information protection.

Electronic technologies development which has been very intensive in particular over the last 15 years has created new challenges and requirements for the financial sector on the whole.

Banks and other financial institutions have always played a key role in electronic technologies development and have pioneered application of many technological innovations. It is due to necessity of continuous interaction between banks and their contractors: clients, regulators, other banks, financial markets and so on. Since the earliest times interaction of enterprises and individuals with banks has been effected with the help of the most advanced communication systems. Moreover at present time banks are still involved in the process of money granting and transaction and consequently the role of information technologies applied in banks is steadily growing.

In the light of the above mentioned we claim that by this time information technologies represent not only a necessary component of a bank functioning. The information systems used for customer service are already estimated not as a must-have but as a competitive advantage to meet all requirements of both retail clients and enterprises duly and punctually.

Electronic technologies have been used in the bank sphere since their early introduction. With the advent of electric telegraph, banks started to apply it to maintain interaction with stock exchanges and transmit information about the prices. “Wire Transfers", one of the first means of funds transfers, was first carried out through telegraph in the 19th century. The first commercial use of a telephone also took place between two bankers. Since the first “online” technologies emerged banks have been obliged to use electronic networks to carry out clearing operations through the Federal Reserve System.

As electronic communication means (smartphones, laptops) are widely available at present, banks have started to pay special attention to customer service making use of various software programs and applications.

All modern means used for bank customer service are multifunctional and interconnected. But in general one can name four innovative directions for electronic banking:

1. Electronic bill payment. This term denotes the system based on the use of a personal computer, smartphone or interactive television with Internet-connection through which clients can remotely pay all their bills, fines, taxes and other charges. Electronic check payment may also be enlisted here.

2. “Home-banking”. This term refers to communication between a client and their bank via Internet through the client’s “online account” to fulfill various operations: opening or closing of accounts, money transfer, debt repayment (loan or mortgage). In addition nowadays many US and European banks include service of individual investment accounts and their analogs into the “Home-banking” programs.

3. Internet transactions. This term names all money transfers made by means of Internet.

4. Electronic payment cards. This term implies electronic credit or debit cards (with a magnetic strip or a microchip) used to pay for various goods and debts, take cash from ATMs and perform other monetary operations.

Despite the fact that the technologies listed above were used even more than 15 years ago, overwhelming number of bank clients prefer conventional service. There are some reasons of such attitude towards the given technologies. And the main ones are sociological. Major bank customers are people from 30 to 50 years old who do not trust these systems. While bank clients from 20 to 30 years old use the named systems rather often and consider them very convenient due to the time saved for bank operations. Therefore we can eventually claim that information technologies in the bank sphere intended for remote customer service, will get more popular.

Introduction of such technologies is very favorable for banks; besides it is a necessary investment project. The matter is that despite the high cost of the necessary software development and implementation, banks receive very essential benefits as a consequence. First, as in this case the computer does the job, the cost of service and processing of operations is reduced that leads to salary and collateral materials saving. In the long run, it leads to economy on scale allowing repaying these expenses rather quickly. Secondly, using electronic systems we facilitate a document flow that ensures more effective performance and mistakes minimization. Besides clients are attracted by this more convenient way of interaction with a bank that plays an important role and induces them to carry out as many operations through these programs as possible.

Standardization of information technologies is a very important aspect of their development. One can hardly imagine that it is impossible to withdraw money from a card in the ATM of another bank, or that the card of a certain bank is valid to pay only in certain shops. Due to these uniform standards such operations as payment of goods and services, money withdrawal and transfer can be executed virtually all around the world with no regard to technological barriers.

With uniform standards development a synergetic effect between information technologies is observed. For example, bank cards which earlier could be used to pay in the shop are now used to pay on the Internet or by phone. This effect allows creating very convenient multipurpose services which will attract new clients to use bank services and regular customers to use remote ways of service.

However the use of uniform information systems is not safe both for a bank and for its clients as they are subject to harmful influence of hackers who can intercept personal messages, operation information, bank cards numbers and other data which may result in writing off from accounts. Nowadays many bank and remote services users realize the danger of such interaction. But nevertheless they are completely satisfied with the quality of the service provided and are ready to


Section 18. Economics and management

assume these risks and thus use very convenient programs and applications.

At present time there is a number of ways to ensure bank operations safety. They pay special attention to enhancing safe bank cards operation which is most strongly subject to risks because of unreliable contractors’ participation in the majority of transactions. To ensure bank cards safe use they provide certain protection rating. Apart from a widely known magnetic strip most modern bank cards are equipped with a special microchip which represents an additional protection element.

Therewith many card holders presently use them not only for acquisition of goods in shops but also for various purchases and bill payment on the Internet. These operations disclose information on payments as no protection at bank card data input on the Internet is provided; at all rates reliability of the site security system can be very doubtful. If payments are made through Home-bank system, one needs to enter a special code to confirm the payment; it is sent to a card holder by SMS and is valid for some minutes. But using internal site applications puts payment safety under threat. Due to this reason many modern banks equip their cards with 3D-SECURE technology. In practice this technology represents a bank card operation check through an additional code which is sent by SMS to the card operator to allow a transaction. After the confidential password given to the card holder together with a PIN code is entered, restriction on transaction is lifted and the server gets permission to transfer the specified sum. This technology is effective as in this case swindlers need not only to have card data to carry out their frauds but also to intercept SMS messages and send them from the card holder phone number that complicates the manipulation.

But one cannot stop developing protection systems as hackers are also upgrading their technologies. Therefore banks

and the processing centers constantly work on improvement of their product safety. One of the ideas to implement is a bank card binding to the smartphone by means of a geolocation. In this case the satellite identifies the smartphone and the bank card location and if they are separated, the server blocks the transaction. But many potential users of this technology treated it with skepticism. Firstly, many banks clients do not want anyone to know their location as well as their smartphones and bank card location. Secondly, geolocation systems are still not reliable enough; therefore even if a phone and a bank card are in one pocket, the transaction can be suspended until the satellite updates geolocation data. Thirdly, the smartphone can be discharged or simply left at home. In these circumstances it will be impossible to pay by card even if it is vital.

One more proj ect which bank cards holders see in a more positive light is PayTouch system which was created by a group of young developers from Barcelona. The system is based on the payer’s fingerprints verification. By means of a specially equipped POS terminal the card holder or the person having access to this card prints their two fingers which are verified with the prints stored in a bank database. If the prints coincide, the transaction is allowed. The technology was first applied in 2014 and is now widely used in many ATMs, petrol stations and supermarkets in Catalonia. The company owning the patent for this technology is planning to develop a network of biometric ATMs and terminals across the territory of Europe and America.

It is obvious that innovative technology use in banking has facilitated interaction of banks, both with their clients and with other contractors. But still there is a very high probability of hacking these technologies or their malfunction which can result in very serious consequences both for a bank and for other participants of the electronic interaction.


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