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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Salaydinov B.Sh.

In this article author has analyzed the threats and their types, the origin of information sources in the field of information in these days. It is also stated some opinions about the features of the Internet. The threats facing the international network through the internet have been analyzed on the example of the social network “Odnoklassniki”.

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УДК 130

Salaydinov B.Sh.

teacher of the department "Organization and management

of cultural institutions and art" of the Uzbek State Institute of Arts and Culture PROBLEMS OF FORMATION OF IDEOLOGICAL IMMUNITY FROM THREATS IN INFORMATION SPHERE IN CONDITIONS OF


Annotation: In this article author has analyzed the threats and their types, the origin of information sources in the field of information in these days. It is also stated some opinions about the features of the Internet. The threats facing the international network through the internet have been analyzed on the example of the social network "Odnoklassniki".

Key words: globalization, threats in the field of information, national interests, international network, social networks, religious extremism, fanaticism, ideological immunity.

It is no secret that at the end of the 20th century - beginning of the 21st century, the rapid development of information technologies and the advent of all human activity led to the emergence of threats to information in the world, including new global threats. An argument can be made that the UN General Assembly resolution in December 1999 called for the security threats to be one of the global challenges of the 21st century [1, 38].It is impossible to say that these threats are urgent for Uzbekistan. Because today's management, economy, defense, science, and the media are all based on the speed, accuracy, width, timing, and information infrastructure. Indeed, in the world of nuclear technology and weapons of mass destruction, political and religious radicalism, extremism, arms and human trafficking, terrorism, alien violence, ethnic and interethnic tensions, the threats to information security threatens.President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyayev warned of the dangers posed to the world's population by the festive greetings sent to the Defenders of the Motherland in January 2017, saying, "... Today, cybercrime in the world is adversely affected by unprecedented threats to international security, such as negative informational interaction with communication technologies. it is absolutely impossible to live without neglecting them, without neglecting them "(2, 1-2).We can talk a lot about the threats, their types, sources of origin. But what remains of today's threats today is that the threats they are facing, the form and the means by which our enemies are attacked.We all know that our enemies are using the following ideological weapons to influence the minds of the people, to create a sense of dissatisfaction with their country and government, and then serve them for their own purposes:- extremist literature;- bulk leaflets;- rumors and rumors;- Calls for a breach of stability in our country;-A variety of media, including articles on international internet sites.It is well-known that the media is the main factor manipulating human consciousness. We accept the story based on the interpretation of the media rather than ourselves, and on that basis

our minds are formed. According to experts, the most dangerous part of the media is that they have the ability to communicate the information in the form they want to convey. As a result, in the eyes of the masses of people, instead of objective reality, there is a false, distracting virtual reality of reality. At the same time, the media are considered as one of the most effective means of ideological threat. Their role as a source of ideological influence is primarily related to the creation of the global tele-radio wave, and then the Internet system, with the ability to provide this information to anywhere in the world without any resistance.In particular, foreign mass media outlets have been using different types of organizations called "democratic principles" to publish, disseminate artistic, political, historical, religious literature, leaflets, lectures, interviews, artworks, , computer, fax and cinema to the state, to the public, ideological threats.In general, we need to protect the people of Uzbekistan, especially the youth, from being exposed to the negative information of other countries. True, today in Uzbekistan there are many positive things in this direction, but in practice this problem has not been fully solved. For example, at present, the population is watching and listening to a number of Russian TV and radio channels, and their ideas are based on it. For example, TV broadcasts on Tashkent. It has the capability to receive broadcasts from other countries -Europe, the Americas or the Asian countries, which can be an alternative to TV and radio broadcasts, with very few people in Uzbekistan. The programs and broadcasts of our own NTRCs have not yet become an alternative to them.By the end of the 20th century, global Internet and its rapid deployment programs developed extensively. The development of information and communication technologies has led to the creation of a global Internet network. Access to information, the opportunities for free dissemination and access to the Internet have turned the Internet into an effective tool for ideological impact on the individual and the public.

The globalization of information that has grown in recent years has led not only to the use of information technology, but also to the communication between people. Today, many people, especially young people, have interconnected through e-mail, social networking, chat and forums on the Internet. The number of users of some social networks has increased from 150 to 2 billion. Nowadays, the world's 3 billion. Nearly 2.5 billion Internet users have their own social networking accounts [www.twitter.com, www.facebook.com,odnoklassniki.ru]. As for social networks, the first of them was created in 1995 in the United States, the social network "Classmates" ("Odnoklassniki"). Shortly thereafter, LinkedIn, MySpace and Facebook appeared. Classmates's analogues have also been made in other countries.Among them is Odnoklassniki, which has a great influence on the information-psychological security of Uzbek youth. In recent years, Odnoklassniki has become a popular network used by Uzbek citizens, especially younger generation, towards other networks (Moy Mir, Facebook, Vkontakte).The social network Odnoklassniki was founded on March 4, 2006 by Russian expert Albert Popkov. Today, the network has more than 200 million users, with an average of 49-50 million daily users [www.odnoklassniki.ru].Today, more than 2.5 million users use this network every month. The daily number of users exceeds 1.5 million.

The Uzbek people's interest in social networks

Population Internet users. Internet access

33 000 000 19 000 000 63%

Among the CIS countries, Odnoklassniki is the second largest user in Uzbekistan after Russia.In the network of "Odnoklassniki" every day citizens of Uzbekistan pay 10.5 mln. send emails and messages, and view pictures and messages up to 1.5 million networks a day. Every day, 300,000 people are watching movies and 150,000 games are put on the network by our compatriots [www.kommersant.uz].The results of the research "Globalization processes and the culture of youth socialization", among which more than 1,200 students from 24 higher education institutions in our country, are the proofs of the above.According to data, most of Odnoklassniki users are young people. In particular, more than 60% of Internet users in the country are citizens under the age of 25, chief editor of Infocom Internet magazine Alexander Suchkov said. Currently, 37.7% of these network users are men and 62.3% are women.At the same time, it should be noted that in recent years, the information disseminated on the social network Odnoklassniki has a negative impact on the youth's information and psychological security. Due to the fact that any person in the network has the opportunity to create virtual groups of different types, today's participation of young people in Uzbekistan related to membership or formation of these groups is observed. Most of the virtual groups focus on issues that can lead to psychological, social, political, religious and cultural disintegration of youth. According to experts, these groups are often created by stakeholders and broaden their roles in the field of information, which are not widely discussed in the normal life cycle of young people (eg sexual life, various crime, religion, politics, etc.).The research aimed to analyze the activity of virtual groups that do not meet the national interests of the Internet in the "Odnoklassniki" social network has revealed that virtual groups in the following directions contravene the national interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan and adversely affect the youth's information and psychological security:- groups promoting non-traditional Islamic rules among the people.- Promoting ideas against the existing political system in Uzbekistan. - propagating groups.- Anti-social behavioral groups in the community.In addition to the above, materials posted on the social network Odnoklassniki have a negative impact on the educational process of the youth. In order to attract the attention of the public to these materials, a rating is drawn up to evaluate the roles posted and the young people involved in the rating by submitting a "class" sign. In particular, last year, a college student posted a dashboat of two girls in the college and posted a "class" with 628 users. Also, in order to discredit the teachers in the process of teaching, video footage with teachers' disadvantages in higher education institutions is also being posted and more than 1,000 users will be able to see them.Also, it was found out that over the course of the day, over 50 users of this network were asked "Where are you?", And 29 of the respondents answered that they were "okay" and that the young people were neglecting their main activities.

In general, the fact that today's Odnoklassniki social network among Uzbek youths is a high number of members and access to virtual groups that do not comply with social and political values has a significant impact on their information-psychological security. On the other hand, limitations on the identification and elimination of sources of information and psychological threats from the network can lead to a further increase in the number of such groups and their activities and, consequently, the disintegration of certain categories of young people.

A young Dutch girl recently invited her to Youtube to celebrate her birthday. About 3,000 young men were gathered at the site (at the evening). Those who were waiting for the birthday were surprised. Finally, the fight broke out. Someone's shirt was torn, and someone was injured.

The girl used the power of the social network to break free from the power of knowledge. Unfortunately, there are different political powers, even the states, among these powerful "customers". However, their goals can not be overcome by ignorance or by experiencing the consequences. Incomplete ...

Everyone knows that the social networks occupy an important place in the bloodshed, which is called the "Arab Spring" and the violent clashes in Kiev. Arab Spring was used for political purposes. He gathered people for political forces and led them out. The Egyptian economy, which is a tourist destination, has suffered more than $ 5 billion as a result of instability and riots in social networks. Citizens are divided and hostile, and such a tense social situation still stays in the balance of the country. Societal massacres in Syria, according to sources in foreign media, have killed 60,000 people and half a million people are fleeing and wounding. The massacre in Ukraine continues.

Solving Problems We Have First President I.A.Karimov, "In order to prevent any illness, first of all, the immune system in the human body is created. We have to make a healthy attitude towards the motherland and the sacred religion of our ancestors in the heart of our children, and in the same way we must strengthen their ideological immunity "[4, 74].

So, with the globalization of globalization, the effective use of all opportunities and tools to help strengthen our national ideological immunity, remains a major challenge in protecting our national identity and protecting it from any external influences.

The head of our state has always emphasized the need to timely assess the events and phenomena in Uzbekistan, and to defend the national interests of Uzbekistan in words.

Today, the development of the world has reached such a level that nowadays ideological struggle, spiritual potential is leading. Now, it is possible to move forward, not with weapons, but to fight "the only idea against the thought, the only idea against the idea." Whose ideology, if the national idea is strong, will overcome it.


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