UDK 37.02
Ashurmatova N.A.
teacher school №26 Uzbekistan, Ferghana region
Annotation: The article provides a theoretical justification for the need to apply innovations in education, as a necessary element of the current reform of the system as a whole, substantiates the most important areas of innovation in this area.
Key words: modernization of the educational process, portfolio, organizational support, scientific and pedagogical support, innovative orientation.
Recently, considerable attention has been paid to modernizing the social and economic components of society. This is not just about working out certain mechanisms for interaction and implementation of a number of state programs, but rather about the effect associated with their implementation.
Today, when evaluating the quality of educational services, it is necessary to allocate a number of negative symptoms:
• low qualification of a considerable part of administrative personnel does not allow for the development of the education system based on implementation of effective forms and methods of organization and management;
• weak sensitivity of the traditional system of education to external needs and the lack of trained personnel;
• underdeveloped mechanisms for attracting public and professional organizations to address issues of formation and implementation of educational policy;
• there are no conditions for the development of independent forms of assessment of the quality of education, as well as mechanisms for determining, supporting and distributing the best examples of innovative educational activities.
On the other hand, we cannot fail to note positive trends in the implementation of priority national projects, as well as comprehensive material and technical modernization of education. The latter is a process that, in our opinion, should be based not only on past world and domestic experience, but also forecast general trends in the future. It is necessary not just to adopt modern technologies in the region and adapt them in the country, but to work out and create qualitatively new educational institutions on the existing material and technical base with active public and private investment.
In Uzbekistan, a new education system is being formed, focused on the global educational space. This process is accompanied by significant innovations both in the theory of pedagogical activity and in the practice of educational work. The main vector of the innovative approach to learning is the personal-oriented
"MnpoBaH HayKa" №3(36) 2020 science-j.com
interaction between the teacher and the student. Innovation becomes the most optimal means of improving the effectiveness of education. In the context of pedagogical activity, it is an update on the basis of modern information technologies and humanistic principles of all components of the pedagogical system.
In this article, we will look at priority innovations that, in our opinion, could improve education. Improving the organizational support of the education system. The development of continuing education, including additional professional education, as a means of ensuring current and future socio-economic needs for professional personnel with the necessary qualifications helps to meet the demand of employees and enterprises for relevant knowledge, skills, and competencies that correspond to rapidly changing trends in scientific, technological and social development, as well as the creation of institutional conditions that allow enterprises to most effectively carry out professional development, training and retraining of personnel, and employees should actively participate in various forms of continuing education. In recent years - it has been the subject of numerous disputes and discussions among teachers, officials, and the teaching community. But in fact, this innovation has led to problems that negate the positive expectations of modernization. The teacher, as one of the main subjects of education, is excluded from evaluating the results of his students, thereby depersonalizing education.
The most important areas of innovation in education: improving the scientific and pedagogical support of the education system. Innovations, are characteristic of any professional activity of a person and therefore naturally become the subject of study, analysis and implementation. Innovations do not arise by themselves, they are the result of scientific research, the best teaching experience of individual teachers and entire teams. This process cannot be spontaneous, it needs to be managed. In the context of the innovative strategy of the integral pedagogical process, the role of the school director, teachers and educators as direct carriers of innovative processes increases significantly. With all the variety of teaching technologies: didactic, computer, problem, modular and otherthe implementation of the leading pedagogical functions remains for the teacher. With the introduction of modern technologies in the educational process, the teacher and educator are increasingly mastering the functions of a consultant, adviser, and educator.
This requires special psychological and pedagogical training, since in the professional activity of a teacher, not only special, subject-specific knowledge is realized, but also modern knowledge in the field of pedagogy and psychology, technology of training and education. On this basis, the readiness to perceive, evaluate and implement pedagogical innovations is formed. In understanding the essence of innovative processes in education, there are two major problems of pedagogy the problem of studying, generalizing and distributing advanced pedagogical experience and the problem of implementing the achievements of psychological and pedagogical science in practice.
"MnpoBaH HayKa" №3(36) 2020 science-j.com
Therefore, the subject of innovation, the content and mechanisms of innovation processes should lie in the plane of combining two interrelated processes, considered so far in isolation, that is, in the field of innovation. the result of innovation processes should be the use of innovations, both theoretical and practical, as well as those that are formed at the intersection of theory and practice. All this emphasizes the importance of management activities for the creation, development and use of pedagogical innovations. This means that a teacher can act as an author, developer, researcher, user, and propagandist of new pedagogical technologies, theories, and concepts. Management of this process provides targeted selection, evaluation and application of the experience of colleagues or new ideas and methods proposed by science in their activities. The need for innovative orientation of pedagogical activity in modern conditions of development of society, culture and education is determined by a number of circumstances.
Thus, our education needs many more improvements to become better and more accessible. But mainly, education can be improved through the development of motivation to learn in children. The level of education also depends on the competence of teachers.
Sources used:
1. Innovations in education. Makarova Svetlana EdvardovnaStankin MSTU candidate of philosophy, associate Professor of the Department of philosophyhttp: / / web. snauka. ru/issues/2015/01/45538
2. Innovative processes in education. The most important innovative activity in education. http://otveti-examen.ru/pedagogika/22-voprosy-k-ekzamenu-po-innovatsionnym-protsessam-v-obrazovanii.html?start=11
Мировая наука" №3(36) 2020