УДК 61
Mamadaliyeva N.
teacher Egamberdiyeva G.
Annotation: This article discusses the innovation process as an integral part of education. The concepts of "innovation" and "innovation"are defined.
Keywords: innovation, innovation, innovation process, educational innovation.
Today, a variety of pedagogical innovations are used in education. This depends primarily on the traditions and status of the institution. However, the following are the most characteristic innovative technologies.
Innovations or innovations are characteristic of any professional activity of a person and therefore, of course, become the subject of study, analysis and implementation. Innovations do not arise by themselves, they are the result of scientific research, advanced pedagogical experience of individual teachers and entire teams. This process cannot be spontaneous, it needs to be managed. The concept of "innovation "in Latin means" update, innovation or change". This concept first appeared in research in the XIX century and meant the introduction of some elements of one culture into another.
At the beginning of the XX century, a new field of knowledge, Innovatika — the science of innovation, which began to study the laws of technical innovations in the field of material production. Pedagogical innovation processes have been the subject of special study in the West since about the 50s and in the last twenty years in our country. In relation to the pedagogical process, innovation means introducing new things into the goals, content, methods and forms of training and education, and organizing joint activities between the teacher and the student.
The Modern concept of "education" is associated with the interpretation of such terms as "training", "education", "education", "development". However, before the word "education" was associated with enlightenment, it had a broader meaning. Dictionary meanings treat the term "education" as a noun from the verb" to form "in the sense of: "to create", "to form" or "to develop" something new. Creating new things is innovation.
Innovations in the educational system have been discussed since the 80s of the XX century. It was at this time in pedagogy that the problem of innovation and, consequently, its conceptual support became the subject of special research. The terms "innovations in education" and" pedagogical innovations", used as synonyms, were scientifically justified and introduced into the categorical apparatus of pedagogy.
Pedagogical innovation — innovation in pedagogical activity, changes in the content and technology of training and education, aimed at improving their
"Мировая наука" №1(34) 2020 science-j.com
effectiveness. Thus, the innovation process consists in the formation and development of new content and organization. In General, the innovation process is understood as a complex activity for the creation (birth, development), development, use and dissemination of innovations. In the scientific literature, the concepts of "innovation" and "innovation"are distinguished.
Innovation is precisely a means (a new method, technique, technology, program, etc.). p.), and innovation is the process of mastering this tool. Innovation is a purposeful change that introduces new stable elements into the environment, causing the system to move from one state to another. Innovation in such a context is understood as the result of innovation, innovation process is seen as the development of three main stages: generating ideas (in a case of scientific discovery), the development of ideas in the applied aspect and the implementation of innovations in practice. In this regard, the innovation process can be considered as a process of bringing a scientific idea to the stage of practical use and implementing related changes in the socio-pedagogical environment.
Activities that ensure the transformation of ideas into innovation and form a system for managing this process are innovative activities. There is another characteristic of the stages of development of the innovation process. In it there are the following steps:
□ determining the need for changes;
□ information gathering and situation analysis;
□ preliminary selection or independent development of an innovation;
□ decision-making on implementation (development);
□ actual implementation itself, including trial use of the innovation;
□ institutionalization or long-term use of the innovation, during which it becomes an element of everyday practice.
The innovation process acquires a special status in connection with the new state educational standards. The introduction of new educational standards requires the teacher to improve the quality of education, introduce new methods of teaching and educating the younger generation. The change in the role of education provoked the development of the innovation process. Until now, the focus of education has been the development of knowledge, skills, information, and social skills. Now education is focused on the development of technologies and methods of influencing a person who is ready and capable of self-development and self-determination.
Thus, new elements have started to be introduced into the activities of educational institutions, but in practice there are contradictions between the current need for innovation and the inability of teachers to carry out innovative activities. In order to properly develop their activities, the teacher must be free to navigate the concepts of "innovation", "innovation", "innovation" and "pedagogical innovation". The term "innovation" comes from the Latin innovati-innovation. There are two approaches to the concept of "innovation": innovation as a process.
At the beginning of the 20th century, a new field of knowledge appeared-Innovatika-the science of innovation, in which the laws of technical innovations in the field of material production are studied. The key concept in innovation is the
"MnpoBaH HayKa" №1(34) 2020 science-j.com
innovation process. Innovative processes in education are considered in three main aspects: socio-economic, psychological and pedagogical, and organizational and managerial. These aspects determine the overall climate and the conditions in which innovation processes take place. Existing conditions may contribute to or hinder the innovation process. The innovation process may have the character of both spontaneous and consciously controlled. Introduction of innovations is primarily a function of managing artificial and natural processes of change.
Pedagogical innovation is innovations in pedagogical activity, changes in the content and technology of training and education. Pedagogical innovations are aimed at improving the effectiveness of education and upbringing: introduction to the goals, content, and organization of joint activities of the teacher and the student.
So, we believe that innovation is a means (a new method, an original technique, new technologies, programs, etc.), and innovation is purposeful changes that bring stable elements in the human environment that cause the transition from one qualitative state to another. Innovations are developed and implemented not by state bodies, but by employees of organizations in the education and science system. Thus, innovations in education are considered as innovations that are specially designed, developed, or accidentally discovered as a pedagogical initiative. The content of innovation can be: scientific and theoretical knowledge in a certain novelty, new effective educational technologies, completed project, effective and pedagogical experience, ready for implementation.
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"Мировая наука" №1(34) 2020