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education / innovative activity / innovation methods / education system / teaching process

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ortiqov N.B.

This article dedicated innovative activity, so technological measurement, innovation methods of education and its effect to the effectiveness of teaching process.

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2. Социология молодежи. //Под ред. В.Н.Кузнецова. - Москва: Гардарики, 2007. - с.107.

3. Коэн А. Исследование проблем социальной дезорганизации и отклоняющегося поведения // Социология сегодня. - Москва: 1981. - с.520.

4. Новые направления в социологической теории. - Москва: Наука, 1978. -с.98.

5. Аванесов Г.А. Криминология и социальная профилактика. - Москва: Юрид.лит-ра, 1980. - с.257.

6. Ковалёв А.Г. Психологические основы исправления правонарушителя. -Москва: Юрид. лит-ра, 1968. - с.49-51.

7. Yunusov A. If a teenager breaks the measure the sociologic peculiarities of social deviation in the teenager and youth. Tashkent 2008. - p.7

8. Иваненко С.П. Проблемы социализации современной молодежи. Оренбург, 1999. - с.127.

9. Боенко Н., Глинский А. Социология молодежи. Санкт-Петербург, 1997. -с.138-139.

UDK 37.02

Ortiqov N.B. teacher

Namangan Engineering-Construction Institute


Annotation: This article dedicated innovative activity, so technological measurement, innovation methods of education and its effect to the effectiveness of teaching process.

Key words: education, innovative activity, innovation methods, education system, teaching process.

The technology of teaching in the higher education system means organizational technological arrangement of pedagogical activities, based on a clear objective and social idea, and aimed at the development of moral and ethical qualities in students.

Innovative activity involves a pedagogical creative approach to the acquisition of existing forms and means of improvement of professional skills. The student learning activities and management of innovative activities are important. It is impossible to develop individual ability, creativity and innovation in all students. Innovation - based teaching is part of the curriculum as a separate subject, but it does not provide for the overall involvement of future staff in innovative activities. However, this science is the basis for acquaintance with the scientific bases of this activity, to significantly increase the number of specialists with the potential for independent creativity in this area, and to help the remaining students to evaluate created innovations correctly and to effectively promote their

"Мировая наука" №10(19) 2018 science-j.com

work through reproductive activity.

As the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan I.A.Karimov noted, we should always bear in mind that "the future of our country depends on how our young generation is educated, its moral qualities, how active our children are in life and what their highest goals." Therefore, the idea of expanding and deepening the content and content of education in the first place, in particular, the idea of creating a common human culture, and its relationships with nature, has been aggravated on the agenda. This idea, in our opinion, can fulfill the following components of social life:

- types of activities (material, practical, social, spiritual);

- forms of social consciousness (morality, art, politics, philosophy, science);

- system of social relations (material and ideological);

- interrelation of educational and training.

The traditional approach to education involves the development of general or professional activities, skills, skills through inculcation of prepared knowledge based on didactics and education. In contrast, modern education innovation does not limit itself to delivering ready-made knowledge to an educator, but assumes that the person is actively absorbed in knowledge, knowledge and information transmitted on a variety of sources, and that he has the ability to adapt to his talent and become a participant in the learning process. It is also the primary goal of innovation, with less time consuming and achieving more results.

Traditionally, the acquired ability to create and introduce innovations in the subject of education, as well as the ability to engage in creative work, is the result of the overwhelming appreciation of the general knowledge gained in the curricula. The concept of non-traditional education is based on the personality-focused learning, talent and talent development, as well as on the principles of increasing the effectiveness of the educational process. Therefore, starting from the initial stages, the trainee is involved in both creative and innovative activities, and, according to the principle of continuous education, such a capability is shaped and perfected not only through the educational process, but also with professional activities. Although traditional teaching methods are being emphasized at the present time, it is the basis of traditional teaching methods.

The emphasis is placed on attracting successful trainees to creative activities in the curriculum and curriculum of the traditional education system, and the modern approach involves the creation of such opportunities for all learners. Consequently, the formation of the qualifications required for creative activity is also included in the main pedagogical goals. Of course, such an approach will help to expand the scope of innovative activities.

In rapidly changing conditions, professional competence gains a new meaning, not only the effective use of methods, styles and tools commonly used in vocational training, but also for the creation and implementation of innovative ideas, and the essence of their realization. It is a complex and multidisciplinary educational process to train the future specialist as one of the basic requirements of professional competence, which involves research and entrepreneurship, which

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №10(19) 2018 science-j.com


combines innovative activities. It is desirable to view it as a multidimensional educational task.

Interactive methods of modern computer technologies, such as round table discussions with experts, fair of innovative technologies, Internet forum, innovative project presentation, consulting-forum, seminar-training and other modern educational technologies, will contribute to the consistent implementation of practical lessons. Innovative methods include "Critical Thinking", "Debate Methods", "Methods for Working in Small Groups", "Question Answering", "Intelligent Attack" or "Mashvarat", "Enthusiastic Arro", "Discussion", "Charxpalak", "Boomerang", and other styles have been widely used in the educational system in recent times. In such interactive methods the participant is in the main center. During the training, his skills and qualities will be enhanced. Through interactive methods, trained conscious people understand the problem solving, decision-making and independence.

In summary, the organization of practical exercises with the use of interactive methods in the development of students' vital skills is important for both the student and the teacher. These sessions lead to collaborative resolution, cohesion and comprehension of problems, and their critical thinking, solving complex problems based on current situation and existing information, choosing the best of alternatives, making decisive decisions, participating in debates, respecting and listening to others' the main task facing today's education is to develop students' real life skills, to get acquainted with latest achievements of the region, to create new innovational projects, to form ecological culture in every person, to appreciate today's peaceful and tranquil life, to preserve the spiritual and cultural heritage of our ancestors, and to communicate to future generations.


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"Мировая наука" №10(19) 2018


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