УДК 504.75
Krivopustov I.V.
Novosibirsk State Technical University (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Kolomeitseva E.V.
Novosibirsk State Technical University (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Abstract: the aim of this research is to determine air pollution in Novosibirsk by analyzing snow cover using a bioindicator watercress, to study the concentrations of sulfates, chlorides and nitrates in the waters of the city's tributary rivers.
Keywords: primary analysis, air pollution, condition of water, bioindicator, watercress, chlorides, nitrates, sulfates.
Determination of air pollution
The main sources of atmospheric air pollution in the Novosibirsk region for many years have been enterprises of the industry of production, transmission and distribution of electricity, gas, steam and hot water and automobile transport. According to the information of state report "On the state and environmental protection of the Novosibirsk Region in 2021", the share of pollution from thermal power facilities was 41.3%, and from cars 32.1% [1, p. 10].
To determine the air pollution, research of the snow cover was carried out, which accumulated pollution over a period. It is logical that the closer to the road, the greater pollution from automobile exhaust.
A bioindicator - watercress was used to analyze snow. Watercress, a plant of the genus Cruciferous. It has good sensitivity to pollution, fast germination, small size.
Methodology of the experiment
Snow sampling was carried out at several points in the open place and in the pine forest: near the highway, 10 meters from the road, 25 meters and 50 meters away. Then the snow was placed in numbered containers.
Then the meltwater was used to be tested samples for toxicity. 50 watercress seeds were placed in Petri dishes on a filter paper soaked in melted water. Distilled water was used as a control. Watercress of the Dansk variety, LLC "Dachnaya Akademiya"
When observing the seedlings, the number of germinated seeds was taken into account on the 3rd and 7th day after the beginning of the experiment, samples were compared in the forest and in the open area, the results were entered in the table.
near the road 10m 25m 50m control
■ 3rd day ■ 7th day 1 The number of germinated seeds in samples from an open space
On the third day, there is no special dependence of seed germination on the distance to the road, but on the seventh day there is a decrease in the number of
60 50 40 30 20 10 0
germinated seeds in samples taken closer to the road, which may indicate an increase in pollution.
near the road 10m 25m 50m control
■ 3rd day ■ 7th day
Pic. 2 The number of germinated seeds in samples from the pine forest
According to the results of the third day, it was caried out that germination was better at a greater distance from the road. On the seventh day, there is no dependence of the distance from the road, which may indicate a delay of different types of pollutions by trees.
Examining of the state of water in small rivers of Novosibirsk
According to the information of the state report "On the state and environmental protection of the Novosibirsk Region in 2021", the current state of most surface water bodies and coastal territories does not meet the current environmental and urban planning requirements.
The small rivers of the city of Novosibirsk are poorly used, more often they serve as a place for landfills, are wound up in pipes, closed by garages, etc., although they could be well-maintained places for citizens to rest.
For examining, water samples were taken from the Yeltsovka 1 River flowing on the territory of Kalininsky and Zaeltsovsky districts and from the Cherbuza River flowing in the Sovetsky district of Novosibirsk, and for comparison, a water sample was taken from the sources of the Berd River located outside the city of Novosibirsk in the Maslyaninsky district of the Novosibirsk region.
Research methods
Sallow urban rivers were selected to collect samples of water: Yeltsovka 1, Cherbusy and the river outside the city - Berd.
Then, with the help of indicators, a PH test and tests for the presence of: nitrates, sulfates and chlorides were carried out, the results were entered in a table.
To determine the mass concentration of chloride ions in water, an argentometric analysis method based on titration of chlorides in a neutral medium with a solution of silver nitrate in the presence of a potassium chromate indicator was used.
A visual colorimetric method was used to determine nitrates.
The concentration of sulfates was determined by titrimetric method based on precipitation of sulfate ions with barium chloride followed by titration of excess barium ions with a solution of trilon B.
The results of the study of water samples from the rivers Yeltsovka 1 and Cherbuzy are similar. Berd turned out better in comparison with the samples of water from Yeltsovka 1 and Cherbuzy.
Nitrates are present in all types of natural waters, anthropogenic ways of entering nitrates into water: fertilization, domestic and industrial wastewater. MPC (maximum permissible concentration) for nitrates for drinking water and household drinking water is 45 mg/l. Samples from Yeltsovka 1 and Cheburza twice exceed these standards. In the Berd River, the data does not exceed the MPC.
Sulfates do not significantly affect health, but they worsen the taste of water and contribute to the deposition of precipitation in pipelines, the sources of sulfates entering the water are various industrial effluents. MPC for sulfates is 500mg/l. In all samples, the content of sulfates is noticeably less than the MPC.
The concentration of chlorides in all samples also does not exceed the MPC equal to 350 mg/l.
The PH allowed for drinking water are 6.5 - 8.5. All samples correspond to the standards.
Based on the results of the analysis, it can be established that the ecological state of the city of Novosibirsk is far from the best. With the help of a bioindicator, it turned out that the air was polluted near highways. The situation improves if there is vegetation along the road, but there are no plantings along most roads of the city.
The small rivers of Novosibirsk are also in a deplorable state, especially when comparing urban rivers with a river located outside the city.
This analysis is primary and in order to obtain a complete picture of the ecological state of the city, further analysis is needed, namely, the determination of concentrations of pollutants in the air and a more detailed study of the composition of the waters of small rivers in Novosibirsk, which will also allow us to assess the impact of the environmental situation of the city on humans.
A report on the state and environmental protection of the Novosibirsk Region in 2021. - Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Novosibirsk Region, Novosibirsk, 2022. - 180 p.