Научная статья на тему 'Political View at the St. Petersburg EAEU Summit'

Political View at the St. Petersburg EAEU Summit Текст научной статьи по специальности «Политологические науки»

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Регион и мир
Ключевые слова
summit / meeting / integration process / trade / influence / cooperation / саммит / встреча / интеграционный процесс / торговля / влияние / сотрудничество

Аннотация научной статьи по политологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Баласанян Григор А., Акопян Эрик А.

В мире XXI века международные экономические структуры все больше усиливают свое влияние на мировой рынок, что напрямую влияет на экономический потенциал стран-членов этих организаций, развитие и процветание национальной экономики. Одной из таких структур считается ЕАЭС, которая за почти 10 лет своей деятельности оказала большое влияние на внутреннюю продукцию государств-членов, а также на обеспечение межгосударственного экономического сотрудничества и процесса экономической интеграции. Особую роль и значение в рамках ЕАЭС имела петербургская встреча, в ходе которой была выдвинута стратегия, регламентирующая и координирующая дальнейшую работу структуры, и подписан документ, создающий видимые перспективы в ближайшем будущем для уточнения ее действий и предстоящие шаги. Авторы научной работы, учитывая важность и стратегическую значимость данного документа, посчитали необходимым изложить в форме статьи, какое перспективное положительное влияние может оказать документ для организации и ее стран-членов и каковы его цели.

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Политологический взгляд на Санкт-Петербургский саммит ЕАЭС

Միջազգային տնտեսական կառույցները 21-րդ դարի աշխարհում գնալով մեծացնում են իրենց ազդեցությունը համաշխարհային շուկայի վրա, ինչը ուղղակիորեն իր հետևանքներն է ունենում տվյալ կազմակերպությունների անդամ երկրների տնտեսական ներուժի և ազգային տնտեսության զարգացման ու բարգավաճման վրա։ Այդպիսի կառույցներից մեկն է համարվում ԵԱՏՄ-ն, որը իր մոտ 10 տարվա գործունեության ընթացքում մեծ ազդեցություն է թողել անդամ պետությունների ինչպես ներքին արդյունքի, այնպես միջպետական տնտեսական համագործակցության և տնտեսական ինտեգրացիոն գործընթացի ապահովման ուղղությամբ։ ԵԱՏՄ-ի շրջանակներում առանձնահատուկ դեր և նշանակություն ունեցավ Սանկտ Պետերբուրգյան հանդիպումը, որի ընթացքում առաջ մղվեց կառույցի հետագա աշխատանքը կարգավորող և համակարգող ռազմավարություն և ստորագրվեց մի փաստաթուղթ, որը տեսանելի հեռանկարներ ստեղծեց ոչ հեռավոր ապագայում վերջինիս գործողությունների և առաջիկա քայլերի հստակեցման նպատակով։ Գիտական աշխատանքի հեղինակները, հաշվի առնելով տվյալ փաստաթղթի կարևորությունն ու ռազմավարական նշանակությունը, անհրաժեշտ համարեցին հոդվածի տեսքով ներկայացնել, թե ինչ հեռանկարային դրական ազդեցություն կարող է ունենալ փաստաթուղթը կազմակերպության ու անդամ երկրների համար և ինչ նպատակաուղղվածություն ունի։

Текст научной работы на тему «Political View at the St. Petersburg EAEU Summit»

Регион и мир, 2024, № 5 (54)


Political View at the St. Petersburg EAEU Summit

Balasanyan Grigor A.

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations

and Diplomacy, Yerevan State University (Yerevan, RA) © https://orcid.org/0009-0003-0133-669X grigorbalasanyan@mail.ru Hakobyan Erik A. MA degree student, Faculty of International Relations, Yerevan State University (Yerevan, RA) https://orcid.org/0009-0009-7491-0Q51 erik.hakobyan.2020@gmail.com

UDC: 341.1; EDN: DPJJAK DOI: 10.58587/18292437-2024.5-9

Keywords & phrases: economic, summit, meeting, integration process, trade, influence, cooperation

Политологический взгляд на Санкт-Петербургский саммит ЕАЭС

Баласанян Григор А.

к.и.н., доцент кафедры Международных отношений и дипломатии, Ереванский государственный университет (Ереван, РА)

Акопян Эрик А.

студент магистратуры, Факультет международных отношений, Ереванский государственный университет (Ереван, РА)

Аннотация. В мире XXI века международные экономические структуры все больше усиливают свое влияние на мировой рынок, что напрямую влияет на экономический потенциал стран-членов этих организаций, развитие и процветание национальной экономики.

Одной из таких структур считается ЕАЭС, которая за почти 10 лет своей деятельности оказала большое влияние на внутреннюю продукцию государств-членов, а также на обеспечение межгосударственного экономического сотрудничества и процесса экономической интеграции.

Особую роль и значение в рамках ЕАЭС имела петербургская встреча, в ходе которой была выдвинута стратегия, регламентирующая и координирующая дальнейшую работу структуры, и подписан документ, создающий видимые перспективы в ближайшем будущем для уточнения ее действий и предстоящие шаги. Авторы научной работы, учитывая важность и стратегическую значимость данного документа, посчитали необходимым изложить в форме статьи, какое перспективное положительное влияние может оказать документ для организации и ее стран-членов и каковы его цели.

Ключевые слова и словосочетания: экономика, саммит, встреча, интеграционный процесс, торговля, влияние, сотрудничество

£unugu^uh Ишцидр bUSU" Uuh^m--^hmhppnLpq| qiuqiiipiiidniiin||iii

Рш1шишй]шй Q-pfrqnp U.

щ.^р., U^2шqqшJ^й hшpшpkpпLрJпLййkpfr к фtf_шйшqfrwпlрJшй шйр^пй^ цпдЬйш,

Ьркшйр. щкшш^шй hшйш|uшpшй (Ьркшй,

■^шЦпщшй Epfrfy U.

UшqfoumpшmпlpшJfo пшшйпц, Ufr2шqqш|frй hшpшpкpпlрJпLййкpfr фшЦпцткт,

Ьркшйр. щкшш^шй hшйш|uшpшй (Ьркшй,

Uiïiliniliuiq|i|i. Ц^шОДифЬ шЬшЬиш^шЬ ^nmjgbhpp 21-pq цшр^ m2famphnitf qbmp^ ùhômgbniiï hb ftphbg mqqhgnipjnibp hшiïш2faшphшJftЬ 2nLUuyft фш, ftb^p тщш^прЬЬ ftp hhшkшЬgЬhpЬ t nibhbniiï щ^ш! ^шд^ш^Ьрщт^тЬЬЬр^ шЬцш^ hp^pbhpft шЬшЬиш^шЬ bhpmdft k шqqшJftЬ тЬтЬит^шЬ qшpqшgiïшЬ ni pшpqш4шfitfшЬ фш:

Ujq^ftuft ^mnnijgbhpfrg rîhftb t hшiïшp4nliï bUSU-Ь, npp ftp tfnrn 10 шшp4ш qnpônLbhnip^b рЬршдрпЫ rîhô шqqhgnLpJnLЬ t pnqh шЬцш^ щhшnLpJnLЬЬhpft ftb^hu bhpgftb шpqJnLЬgft, шкщЬи ф2ЩЬшш4шЬ шЬшЬиш^шЬ hшiïшqnpôшftgnLpJшЬ k шЬшЬиш^шЬ ftЬшhqpшgftnЬ qnpôpЬpшgft шщшЬпФшЬ rnqqnLp^iïp:

bUSU-fr 2P2m&m4&kpnLtf mnmb&bmhmmnL^ qhp k b2mbm^mpjnLb mbhgm^ Umb^m ^hmhppnLpqjmb hmbqfr^nLtfp, npfr pbpmggnLtf mnmg tfq^hg Umnmjgfr hhsmqm m2fammmbgp ^mpqm^npnq k hmtfm^mpqnq nmqtfm^mpmpjnLb k umnpmqp^hg tffr ^mummpnLqp, npp mhumbhjfr hhnmb^mpbhp umhq&hg n hhnm^np m^mqmjnL^ qnp&nqmpjnLbbhpfr k mnmgfr^m pmjihpfr humm^hgtfmb b^mmm^n^:

^frmm^mb m2fammmbgfr hhqfrbm^bhpp, mnbhjn^ m^jmi ^mummpqpfr ^mpknpmpjnLbb nL

nmqtfm^mpm^mb b2mbm^mpjnLbp, mbhpmdh2m hmtfmphgfrb hnq^m&fr mhugn^ bhp^mjmgbhi, ph frb^ hhnmb^mpmjfrb qpm^mb mqqhgmpjnLb ^mpnq t nLbhbm^ ^mummpnLqpp ^mqtfm^hp^nipjmb nL mbqmtf hp^pbhpfr hmtfmp k frb b^mmm^mnLqq^m&mpjnLb nLbfr:

suiiiqim|uipuinh|i k pwnw^w^w^gnLpjnLhbbp' mbmhum^mb, qmqmpmdnqn^, hmbqfr^nLtf, frbmhqpmgfrnb qnp&pbpmg, mnkmmp, mqqhgnLpjnLb, hmtfmqnp&m^gmpjnLb

The declaration, with its principled approach, gives a new beginning in the issues of EAEU member states and future activities and visible prospects within the framework of this international economic organization, as the document circulates such provisions that create a high probability of acquiring a new status for the EAEU in the near future. In the analytical article, several points recorded in the document will be highlighted and clarified, which will be analyzed through studies and presented to a wide range of readers. [1].

Increasing the likelihood of accepting new members

The existing provisions in the document contain such approaches that further increase the scope of EAEU activities and transform it from the purely economic sphere to the economic and political sphere. In particular, the introductory part of the document states that the parties express their support for the further growth of the Union as a regional integration organization. This provision clearly and firmly points to the further process, according to which the number of EAEU member states can increase. This seems to be a simple reality, but it contains such a series of historical and modern events that, if not mandatory, it is preferable to investigate and make the necessary conclusions. The reason lies in the fact that in the event that member states included in other economic organizations wish to leave the organization, they can consider the EAEU as a new alternative, by joining which the given state will not face serious obstacles and will be able to restore the lost in a short period of time.

The provision applies not only to the states in the post-Soviet region, but also to those countries that were not part of the Soviet Union before, but are considered regional international entities. In other words, EAEU sees in the perspective of 2030 and 2045 that the number of countries included in the organization will increase, which will simultaneously increase the authority and political weight of the organization in international economic relations. [2].

As the increasing role of the EAEU as an international economic organization will include not only post-Soviet countries, but also third countries,

the organization must set before itself the task of forming an institution that will have supervisory, representative and organizational activities and will be able to coordinate the processes. A similar institution is usually formed in the form of such a body, which is compared to the legislative power of the state administration system, in other words, the parliament. However, since the institute will belong to an international organization and not to the state, it is customary to call it a parliamentary assembly. With the formation of this institution, the EAEU, changing its position and status in international relations, will be able to present a new application to the processes taking place in world politics and ensure its participation in other, more large-scale formats. It will introduce a new system, because unlike the CIS Parliamentary Assembly, which also operates in the political sphere, this new political body will include representatives of member states that will not only be from post-Council countries, but also from third countries, which in its activities it will have a different course and a different scope of powers, which will fundamentally differ from the CIS parliamentary assembly. [3].

The "open borders" approach

In one of the following provisions, the document presents that as a result of active and joint cooperation within the EAEU, the aim is to ensure the free movement of goods, services, capital and labor, which will be implemented between the member states of the Union. In this context, the document presents that by 2030 and 2045, it prospectively sees that in the not-too-distant future, as a result of its economic activity and large-scale works, the EAEU market will reach the final goal that the circulation of goods between the member states and, in general, the scope of activities will take place even more easily and the current obstacles will be quickly resolved, as the borders between the member countries will become more "transparent", the connection between the members will increase, which will have positive results for all the beneficiary countries. As we know, within the framework of international organizations that have an economic orientation, the economic integration process is divided into several stages, reaching the highest point of which has been set as the final goal

Peeuon u Mup, 2024, № 5 (54)

for all international organizations operating in this field. The creation and provision of a free trade zone is considered as the first integration action, and the final goal is the formation of a single economic and political union. Placement, example and comparative analysis will make the reader's perception of reality clearer. The European Union has gone through these stages since its creation. as a first step, it reached the situation where a free trade zone was established between the member countries, which over time turned into a "common market", later into a single financial credit zone, after which into a single monetary currency, and there was only one stage left for the organization to to achieve general economic and political unification. In any case, currently the borders between the member states do not actually exist, and the transition from one country to another is free for all citizens. [4].

Taking into account the experience of the European Union, it is applicable for the EAEU to use the free movement of goods between member states as an initial measure. The document clearly separated what kind of subjects could be in circulation between them. Since the economic factor is still considered the main player here, according to the document, conditions are created so that products are put into circulation in the initial period, then services, capital are added to it, and as a result, there is an easier, simpler and faster movement of human labor between member countries.

Ensuring open borders within the framework of EAEU is necessary, because in the case of specific types of products between the member countries of the organization, instead of cooperation, competition takes place, which leaves negative consequences for both sides and the beneficiaries who benefit from this type of product circulation. In particular, between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, there has been a "fierce battle" for dairy

products for quite a long time. the parties do not want to tolerate the consumption of dairy products of another state in their own territory, because, according to their approach, it will harm the national economy operating in their territory. For this reason, Kazakhstan creates some border barriers for Kyrgyz dairy products (for example, higher than average value customs tax on products) so that Kyrgyz products are offered at a higher price in the Kazakh market and as a result have consumption problems. As a response to this reality, Kyrgyzstan takes countermeasures in the case of dairy products coming from the Kazakh market, which again negatively affects the parties and hinders the implementation of goods circulation in a calm environment. [5].

It is recommended to create an open border zone in order to smooth similar problems and record

positive results, so that a favorable environment is created and the free movement of products (in this case, the export and import of dairy products) is carried out in a more coordinated manner. Almost identical zones are defined for companies operating in regions within different economic organizations and even countries with a federal government system, so that control over circulation, ensuring the free movement of products and improving the national economy of each subject (in this case, the state) lead to an international organization within which circulation, raising the reputation and realizing the prospects of becoming a new actor and a new position in the international economic and political processes.

From a free trade zone to a common market

In international economic relations, the scale describing the integration process is used as a basic principle approach for international organizations operating in the economic sphere, and if it is one step higher than each level, the economic integration between the countries operating in the given organization will be considered closer and with inter-century agreements. As such, the formation of a free trade zone is on the first level, which is the most liberalized circulation of specific and essential products agreed between the parties, for which the countries that have signed the agreement will provide certain privileges. This agreement on the EAEU market was signed a long time ago between the member states, the results of which have become significantly noticeable for the national economies of all signatories and continue to show their results even today. [6].

In the global market, the level following the free trade zone is usually considered the general market, but there are precedent situations when these levels are subject to certain changes in the organization. For example,

in the case of EAEU, the customs union following the common market was formed much earlier in a class sense, which was later followed by the common market. It is enough to mention the fact that EAEU was called the Customs Union during its creation and establishment as an international economic organization, during which the volume of exports of specific types of products by member countries and the difference in the total value of income to member and non-member countries differed significantly, as that within the organization there was almost no customs duty anymore.

At the time when the member countries of the organization saw a sharp increase in the volume of goods circulation, which led to an increase in the number of goods in circulation under preferential conditions, along with an increase in the percentage of the gross domestic product of the beneficiary

states, a goal was formed to register another level of growth in the economic integration hierarchy, which in this case was followed by the general market comes to mind, where preferential conditions are created for almost all types of products, when the circulation takes place only "inside" the organization.

Although the organization has not yet fully transitioned to the general market, it has set itself the goal of reaching that level. EAEU, in the declaration on further development until 2030 and 2045, as "Eurasian economic direction" separately and specifically refers to one of the goals that the organization has set itself to achieve, that is, to establish a common market system by 2030, and by 2045 to make a complete transition to that institute in the period between

National economy

As a result of the joint integration process in almost all economic-oriented international organizations, dangers arise along with positive changes, which over time turn into threats and are directed against the national economies of the states. Since integration itself is considered the formation of a common market, this entails risks that each country transfers control over a certain part of its national economy to a given organization, which has negative consequences for the given state, because it is no longer able to control it at its own discretion. the sphere and conduct a policy arising from its state and national interests in that sphere.

In this context, according to the document, referring to a separate point, EAEU emphasizes that in the vision up to 2030 and 2045, it does not pursue any goal of applying any measures to national economies, but on the contrary, with its policy, it contributes so that the member countries within the framework of the organization, facilitating the above movement of the mentioned entities in the most simplified version, to register progress in their annual indicators of the gross domestic product and give a boost to the development of the national economy. [7].

Although this approach is considered fundamental for the EAEU, as the importance of national economies is recorded in the organization's charter, through the corresponding point of this document, it once again points to one of the important guidelines along which the Union moves and for the advancement of which it puts forward

additional and legal acts reinforcing previous agreements.


These realities have a very serious political impact for the international community, because it is of great importance for each state to join the economic integration process while maintaining its own national economy. Through this activity, the EAEU gains great political weight, which in the future provides opportunities for the latter, expanding the scope of its activities, to increase the scope of its powers and change its status in international relations, which creates visible prospects for the EAEU in the near future. become a separate pole and make new innovations with its economic and political strategy on wide international platforms, where new opportunities will open before it and they will serve to increase the volume of trade circulation between the organization, member countries and strengthen the national economy of each beneficiary state with their new and precise methodology and new operational concept.


1. Декларация о дальнейшем развитии экономических процессов и на период до 2045 года, https://docs.eaeunion.org/docs/ru-ra/01443175/ms 26122023

2. Главы государств ЕАЭС подписали Декларацию о дальнейшем развитии экономических процессов «Евразийский экономический путь», https://shorturl.at/SFNR6

3. Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member Nations, https://shorturl.at/AS3Gv

4. Open borders in EU, https://www.siue.edu/GEOGRAPHY/ONLINE/Voge ler/OpenBorders.htm

5. Как Бишкек и Астана в рамках ЕАЭС спорят из-за молока и мяса, https://shorturl.at/0SmO9

6. Страны ЕАЭС заключили соглашение о системе определения происхождения экспортных товаров, https://tass.ru/ekonomika/19360331

7. О развитии Евразийского экономического союза (ЕАЭС/ЕВРАЗЭС), https://shorturl.at/MOlTV

Сдана/<?шйШф11 07.09.2024 Рецензирована/0-рш^пиф1 f 20.09.2024 Принята/^йцтй^Щ f 26.09.2024

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