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Ключевые слова
Общий электроэнергетический рынок ЕАЭС / Евразийский экономический союз / интеграционные процессы / энергетическая интеграция / электроэнергетика / законодательство об электроэнергетике / гармонизация законодательства. / The common electricity market of the EAEU / Eurasian Economic Union / integration processes / energy integration / electricity / electricity legislation / harmonization of legislation.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Черкесова Л. И.

Евразийская экономическая консолидация в рамках ЕАЭС – наиболее перспективный для России проект региональной интеграции. Энергетический сегмент интеграционных процессов является стратегически важной составляющей, поскольку от уровня развития энергетики зависит эффективность всех отраслей экономики. Договор ЕАЭС ставят своей целью создание общих энергетических рынков Союза. При этом наиболее интенсивно развивается интеграция электроэнергетики. В статье анализируются энергетические положения Договора о Евразийском экономическом союзе, Концепции и Программы создания общего электроэнергетического рынка ЕАЭС. Дается краткий анализ динамики развития законодательства Российской Федерации в сфере электроэнергетики и определяется вектор его трансформации на фоне развития электроэнергетической интеграции ЕАЭС. Обозначены, во-первых – один из наиболее весомых на сегодняшний день фактор влияния и, во-вторых – назревшая необходимость дальнейшего изучения данного вопроса. Высказаны отдельные выводы и предложения по повышению эффективности интеграционных процессов ЕАЭС в сфере электроэнергетики и гармонизации законодательства.

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Похожие темы научных работ по экономике и бизнесу , автор научной работы — Черкесова Л. И.

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Eurasian economic consolidation within the EAEU is the most promising project of regional integration for Russia. The energy segment of integration processes is a strategically important component, as the efficiency of all sectors of the economy depends on the level of energy development. The EAEU treaty aims to create common energy markets for the Union. At the same time, the integration of the electricity industry is developing most intensively. The article analyzes the energy provisions of the Eurasian Economic Union Treaty, the Concept and Programs to create a common electricity market of the EAEU. A brief analysis of the dynamics of the development of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of electricity is given and the vector of its transformation is determined against the background of the development of the electricity integration of the EAEU. Firstly, one of the most significant influence factors to date and, secondly, the urgent need for further study of this issue is marked. Separate conclusions and proposals have been made to improve the efficiency of the EAEU integration processes in the sphere of electricity and harmonization of legislation.


здесь, проблем содержится в положениях постановления Пленума Верховного Суда РФ от 09.07.2013 N 24, которые либо не используются правоприменителем, когда это необходимо либо используются, но им даётся неправильная оценка либо используются при отсутствии к тому оснований.

Список литературы

1. Ахунов Д.Р. Уголовно-правовые аспекты противодействия преступлениям коррупционной направленности в Российской Федерации: учебное пособие / Д. Р. Ахунов, О. В. Артюшина; МВД РФ, Казанский юридический институт МВД России. -Казань: КЮИ МВД России, 2019. - 94 с.

2. Воробьев А.В. Уголовно-правовые меры борьбы с преступлениями коррупционной направленности против интересов службы в органах местного самоуправления: Дисс. ... канд. юрид. наук. -Калининград, 2016. - 282 с.

3. Доклад Председателя Верховного суда РФ В.М. Лебедева к совещанию судей судов общей юрисдикции и арбитражных судов РФ от 09.02.2021 // https:// www.vsrf.m/ffles/29654/(дата обращения: 03.03.2021)

4. Икрянникова А.С. Соучастие в коррупционном преступлении: опыт криминологического исследования: Дисс. ... канд. юрид. наук. - Волгоград, 2016. - 290 с.

5. Любавина М.А. Квалификация взяточничества (ст.ст. 290, 291, 291.1, 291.2 УК РФ): учебное пособие. — Санкт-Петербург: Санкт-Петербургский юридический институт (филиал) Академии Генеральной прокуратуры Российской Федерации, 2018. — 156 с.

6. Марьина Е.В. Коррупционные преступления: отраслевое и межотраслевое согласование

норм: Автореф. дис... канд. юрид. наук. - Самара, 2010. - 24 с

7. Международный день борьбы с коррупцией // https://sledcom.ru/news/item/1521088/ (дата обращения: 03.03.2021)

8. Онуфриенко А.В. Система преступлений коррупционной направленности: Дисс. ... канд. юрид. наук. - М., 2015. - 234 с.

9. Орлов П.П. Предупреждение коррупционных преступлений в сфере земельных отношений: Дисс. ... канд. юрид. наук. - М., 2020. - 303 с.

10. Подгрушный М.А. Борьба со взяточничеством как коррупционным преступлением в современной России: уголовно-правовые и криминологические аспекты: Дисс. ... канд. юрид. наук. - Чебоксары, 2014. - 238с.

11. Справка Костромского областного суда от 30.12.2019 «О результатах обобщения судебной практики рассмотрения судами Костромской области уголовных дел о преступлениях коррупционной направленности за 2019 год» // СПС Консультант плюс (дата обращения: 03.03.2021)

12. Справка по результатам обобщения судебной практики применения судами Пермского края законодательства Российской Федерации в части, касающейся ответственности за взяточничество и иные коррупционные преступления, утв. президиумом Пермского краевого суда 04.12.2020 // СПС Консультант плюс (дата обращения: 03.03.2021)

13. Справка по итогам обобщения практики рассмотрения судами Свердловской области уголовных дел коррупционной направленности за I полугодие 2019 года, утверждена президиумом Свердловского областного суда 25.09.2019// СПС Консультант плюс (дата обращения: 03.03.2021)


Черкесова Л. И.

Кандидат юридических наук Ведущий научный сотрудник Институт государства и права РАН



Cherkesova L.

Сandidate of Legal Sciences, Lead Researcher of the Sector of Business and Corporate Law of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Евразийская экономическая консолидация в рамках ЕАЭС - наиболее перспективный для России проект региональной интеграции. Энергетический сегмент интеграционных процессов является стратегически важной составляющей, поскольку от уровня развития энергетики зависит эффективность всех отраслей экономики. Договор ЕАЭС ставят своей целью создание общих энергетических рынков Союза. При этом наиболее интенсивно развивается интеграция электроэнергетики.

В статье анализируются энергетические положения Договора о Евразийском экономическом союзе, Концепции и Программы создания общего электроэнергетического рынка ЕАЭС. Дается краткий анализ

динамики развития законодательства Российской Федерации в сфере электроэнергетики и определяется вектор его трансформации на фоне развития электроэнергетической интеграции ЕАЭС. Обозначены, во -первых - один из наиболее весомых на сегодняшний день фактор влияния и, во-вторых - назревшая необходимость дальнейшего изучения данного вопроса. Высказаны отдельные выводы и предложения по повышению эффективности интеграционных процессов ЕАЭС в сфере электроэнергетики и гармонизации законодательства.


Eurasian economic consolidation within the EAEU - is the most promising project of regional integration for Russia. The energy segment of integration processes is a strategically important component, as the efficiency of all sectors of the economy depends on the level of energy development. The EAEU treaty aims to create common energy markets for the Union. At the same time, the integration of the electricity industry is developing most intensively.

The article analyzes the energy provisions of the Eurasian Economic Union Treaty, the Concept and Programs to create a common electricity market of the EAEU. A brief analysis of the dynamics of the development of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of electricity is given and the vector of its transformation is determined against the background of the development of the electricity integration of the EAEU. Firstly, one of the most significant influence factors to date and, secondly, the urgent need for further study of this issue is marked. Separate conclusions and proposals have been made to improve the efficiency of the EAEU integration processes in the sphere of electricity and harmonization of legislation.

Ключевые слова: Общий электроэнергетический рынок ЕАЭС, Евразийский экономический союз, интеграционные процессы, энергетическая интеграция, электроэнергетика, законодательство об электроэнергетике, гармонизация законодательства.

Keywords: The common electricity market of the EAEU, Eurasian Economic Union, integration processes, energy integration, electricity, electricity legislation, harmonization of legislation.

Economic and political integration processes around the world continue to evolve. At the same time, the result of the consolidation of states on economic criteria is the transformation of political, technological and legal designs in all sectors of the economy. In this regard, it was necessary to apply scientific approaches to the study of the role of integration processes in the transformation of Russian law, because only a fundamental and truly academic state and legal theory, using the entire arsenal of methodological means, detached from ideology, can become not only a natural consequence and a constructive condition for the positive development of the political-legal process, but to act as factors of unity and harmony of society, experiencing a crisis.

Such research is also very important at the moment, given the new global challenges. In particular:

- the creation by China, Australia, Japan and 12 other countries in the Asia-Pacific region of the world's largest free trade area, the Comprehensive Regional Economic Partnership (CREP). The relevant document was signed on November 12, 2020 following the summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations countries in the Vietnamese capital Hanoi.

- Russian President Vladimir Putin's proposal to create a global integration economic project, including all countries in Europe and Asia, made at the 75th session of the UN General Assembly - A great Eurasian partnership, to strengthen international cooperation to address the socio-economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic, - both within the UN and in the G20 format, as well as other integration associations, «as the global economy will have to be restored... for a very long time».

Taking into account that the electricity industry is a strategically important industry, affecting the functioning of almost all areas of the economy, on the de-

gree of development of which depends on the socio-political and financial and economic level of the state, the study of trends in the development of Russian legislation in the field of electricity, including under the influence of integration processes, seems extremely relevant.

The current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of electricity is characterized by dynamic development, due to the ongoing changes associated with the rapid pace of socio-economic transformation in the country and the world, the processes of globalization and regional integration, as well as the transition to a society of information technology and the change of values.

The beginning of a long path of the evolution of state-legal regulation at the legislative level of legal relations in the field of electricity was put against the background of intensively developing processes of market economy formation - a little more than 20 years ago. The start of the process of reforming the industry was given by the Government of the Russian Federation in July 2001. At the same time, the main areas of energy reform of the Russian Federation [19] are to carry out reform in three stages in 8-11 years.

It was during this period that fundamental legislation in this area of regulation was enacted. In particular, the Federal Laws of 26.03.2003 № 35-FZ «On Electricity» (further - The Electricity Act) [6], of 23.11.2009 № 261-FZ «On energy conservation and on improving energy efficiency and amending the separate laws of the Russian Federation» [7], of 21.11.1995 № 170-FZ "On the Use of Atomic Energy" [8], of 17.08.1995 № 147-FZ "On Natural Monopolies" [9].

A particularly significant event in this process was the adoption of the Electricity Act, which outlined a comprehensive approach to the legal regulation of these

legal relations. In essence, the Electricity Act is a codified act that legally enshrines the rules of conduct in the electricity sector.

The electricity law legitimized the Russian Unified Energy System, established the principles and mechanisms of the organization and operation of the electricity industry, enshrined its structure, subject-object composition and conditions of activity, as well as regulated civil-legal relations. And what is very important is the existence of an extensive conceptual apparatus, which legislates the definitions of concepts used in the electricity industry. In addition, the law contains a list of methods of government regulation and control in the field of electricity.

The Electricity Act has been developed with a vast array of by-laws, most of which have been submitted by the Government of the Russian Federation and, in fact, the legal provision for the reform of the electricity industry has been completed. Legislation on electricity, which meets the needs of the state and society at that time, has been formed.

However, the subsequent law enforcement and judicial practice revealed some shortcomings in the regulation of these legal relations: ambiguity of interpretation, gaps in legal regulation, internal contradictions, and in some cases the inconsistency of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In addition, economic impact factors (global economic challenges, integration processes, infrastructure development, technologies, emerging risks and other) required adequate response and appropriate adaptation of legislation.

The above circumstances are due to significant changes in the legislation in the field of electricity over the past period of time. In particular, 60 federal laws have been amended in the electricity act over the past 17 years. Most of them are point-of-the-point, but were also quite significant - in 2007 and 2010 [10; 11]. As a result, to date, the vast majority of the rules of the Electricity Act are set out differently from the original version.

As we can see, Russia's legislation in the field of electricity is developing dynamically. At the same time, given that the electric power industry is a strategically important area of economic activity for the country, its chaotic development is unacceptable. As a result, we can observe the development of strategic planning processes that form models of the development of the industry, systemically defining the main goals, objectives, priorities and directions, as well as implementation mechanisms. The basic policy documents that take into account Russia's transition to a new model of socio-economic development [4] are: The Energy Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation [3]; Approval of the Russian Federation's Energy Strategy for the period up to 2035 [15].

These documents provide for a set of measures to accelerate the transition of the energy sector to a higher quality level (high-efficiency, flexible and sustainable energy), the implementation of which will lead to large-scale changes - diversification of the energy sector and the transition to a more efficient model of public administration (re-formatting, both architecture and prin-

ciples of public administration), which will entail significant, we can even say, radical changes in the regulatory regulation of the law in the field of electricity.

At the same time, while exploring the formation of Russia's electricity legislation, it is unacceptable to distance yourself from the current world integration processes, which to a greater or lesser extent affect the issues of transformation of the Russian electricity legislation.

Against the backdrop of globalisation, the dynamic economic integration processes around the world, which represent a new level of consolidation of states, is a trend of the modern age.

The formation of integration associations is carried out both on regional and industry grounds.

The most popular in terms of efficiency in solving the fundamental socio-economic problems today are regional integration associations, of which there are about twenty in the world.

The legal basis for the economic consolidation of states is interstate agreements (contracts) that contain regulations on the integration of various areas of economic activity, and accordingly, when they are implemented in the legal systems of the participating countries, there are also integration processes. At the same time, it draws attention to the fact that interstate economic integration agreements usually declare harmonization of the legislation of the parties and its subsequent unification.

Thus, we can say that the world integration processes are one of the factors that give rise to the transformation of legislation, both in the Russian Federation and in other countries of the world.

Electricity legislation is no exception. Let's consider the prospects for its change in the context of the integration processes of the EAEU, which are dominant for Russia, taking into account the historical commonality of the peoples of the post-Soviet space, as well as the preserved economic and technological ties.

Let us not dwell on the analysis of the energy impact of this regional integration association during its evolution and development phases, as, in our opinion, its functioning is within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union Treaty of May 29, 2014 [18] (further, the EAEU Treaty), enshrining the concept of the law of the EAEU and the most detailed normative position on rapprochement in the energy sphere, with a favorable development of events can significantly affect the energy legislation of Russia.

The energy provisions are contained in part three of the EAEU Treaty, which regulates the formation of a single economic space. Energy is devoted to Section XX, which pays special attention, taking into account the general electricity infrastructure of the post-Soviet space and the existing interaction in Soviet times [13, c. 7], traditionally, electricity has been given as the most promising segment of the energy sector of economic activity. It is extremely important that the EAEU Treaty, declaring a coordinated energy policy (the least degree of rapprochement) and mutually beneficial cooperation (which we understand is a fairly generalized concept), fixed the decision on the gradual formation of

common energy markets [1, c. 47-48], as well as harmonization of technological and commercial rules of energy infrastructure (also sounds not quite specific and may involve almost complete legal regulation).

As mentioned above, the EAEU Treaty pays quite a lot of attention to electricity. In addition to the general provisions on cooperation and cooperation in the energy sector contained in Article 79 of the EAEU Treaty and the general principles and rules of section XIX (natural monopolies), electricity issues are regulated in detail by Articles 81, 82 and 104 of the EAEU Treaty on the formation of a common electricity market and access to natural monopolies in this area.

In addition, the electricity relations are devoted to annexes 1 and 21 of the EAEU Treaty, which define the areas of natural monopolies in the electricity industry, where the rules of access to them are regulated in detail, as well as the basis of pricing and tariff policy.

Moreover, the main strategic goal, the target of energy integration within the EAEU in the field of electricity - is the creation of a cost-effective common market (but not a single - as it was originally assumed) electricity EAEU, united by common political, economic, organizational and regulatory principles and rules of operation and interaction. At the same time, the common electricity market, according to Article 81 of the EAEU Treaty, is a set of economic relations of economic entities on the purchase and sale of electricity (power), based on parallel to the existing national energy systems of member states, regulated by the energy legislation of the EAEU [16, c. 147-148].

The EAEU treaty defines organizational and technological (the procedure of filing applications, determining technological opportunities, planning, etc.), economic (including pricing and tariff regulation) and legal (for example, requirements for contracts) criteria for the formation of a common electricity market, its structure, we can say - the model of regional electricity integration [14, c. 222], implementation of which will require the transformation of the principles of the national electricity systems of the participating countries, and as a result - a change in national legislation in the field of electricity.

At the same time, it is noteworthy that the EAEU Treaty, in the part relating to both electricity and energy in general, contains a significant number of references to the national legislation of member states, which shows the still-existing high degree of dependence of regulatory regulation of the EAEU (energy law of the EAEU) on the energy legislation of the EAEU member states, which shows the still-existing high degree of dependence on regulation of the EAEU electricity industry (energy law of the EAEU) on the energy legislation of the EAEU member states [12, c. 32].

In order to implement the provisions of the EAEU Treaty on the formation of the common electricity market and in compliance with Article 81 of Article 81 of the EAEU Treaty in May 2015, the Concept for the formation of the common electricity market of the Eurasian Economic Union (more - Concept) was approved [20], and in December 2016 - The Eurasian Economic Union's Common Electricity Market Program (More -Program) [21].

The concept is a comprehensive regulatory document of the EAEU, setting the rules of the game for the transition period - the period of formation of the common electricity market, which defines: goals, objectives, principles and stages of the formation of the common electricity market (sections II-IV, XIII Concepts); Functional, management and subject-object structure (sections of the V-VIII Concept); Pricing mechanisms (section IX Concepts); Regulatory Regulators of the Common Electricity Market (Section XII Concept).

Based on the analysis of the provisions of the Concept, the following key features of the overall electricity market it is emerging from the EAEU are:

- the overall electricity market of the EAEU operates on the basis of parallel power systems of member states;

- the subjects of the overall electricity market of the EAEU are: organizations are participants in wholesale electricity markets of member states, which are engaged in the purchase and sale of electric energy; Infrastructure organizations (system, network and financial operators and centralized bidders);

- reciprocal electricity trade is carried out: on a contractual basis by agreement of the parties (free bilateral agreement) and on centralized tenders (surplus);

- pricing in the overall EAEU electricity market is based on market-based pricing mechanisms for member states;

- prices (tariffs) for electricity when free bilateral agreements are concluded are determined by agreement of the parties;

- prices (tariffs) for the services of natural monopolies (infrastructure organizations) are determined in accordance with the laws of member states, but not above domestic;

- access to natural monopolies is free, taking into account the priority of the internal needs of Member States.

Thus, it can be concluded that the model of the general electricity market of the EAEU in the format of the Concept has a minimum regulatory component and is based on the regulatory and regulatory regulation of the electricity sector already existing in the EAEU member states, and the implementation of the legal basis of this model of the common market in the electricity legislation of Russia today will affect, perhaps, only the regulatory and regulatory issues of non-dissregula-tion of access to natural services. In this regard, it seems reasonable that some researchers of this problem believe that this kind of model of the general electricity market does not require the unification of the legislation of member states, but involves harmonization [14, c. 223].

The program of forming the common electricity market of the Eurasian Economic Union, adopted in 2016, essentially reveals the provisions of the Concept in more detail, as well as forms a roadmap for the creation of a common electricity market for the EAEU (plan of measures to form the common electricity market of the EAEU). And what is most significant from a legal point of view is the existence of a special section defining the list of EAEU regulations that form a system of laws governing legal relations relating to the common

electricity market (Section VIII of the Program), which include:

- an international treaty on the formation of the Union's common electricity market, including uniform rules for access to the services of natural monopolies in the electricity sector;

- a set of rules of the General Electricity Market of the Union, including: rules of mutual trade in electric energy; Rules for determining and distributing bandwidth The provision on the development of interstate electric networks; Information exchange rules other acts governing the Union's overall electricity market.

However, the lack of documents in such strategically important for the development of electricity integration as the EAEU Treaty (in terms of electricity), the Concept and the EAEU Common Electricity Market Program, the scientific and technical component (joint research and development in the field of electricity), which, of course, can negatively affect the possibilities of the electricity sector on a higher, innovative way of development [2; 5, c. 40-41].

It should be taken into account that the model of the general electricity market of the EAEU is an intermediate option. In the future, the implementation of the planned measures to create a common electricity market of the EAEU is supposed to deepen integration processes in the field of electricity, and with a favorable development of events it is possible to return to the idea of forming not a common, but a single electricity market of the EAEU, which, accordingly, will require no longer harmonization, but unification of the legislation of member states and, obviously, will lead to significant changes in the legislation in the field of electricity.

In conclusion, I would like to point out the following.

Taking into account the strategic importance of the electric power industry, one of the fundamental factors of the effective development of the Eurasian Economic Union can be considered integration processes in the field of electricity and the creation of a single market for electric energy of the EAEU.

Electricity integration is currently in its early stages of development, as the co-ordinated electricity policy and the creation of a common electricity market are the minimum level of convergence.

Given the varying degrees of electricity development of the EAEU member states, as well as the priority of national interests, we can say that the level and intensity of electricity integration processes is directly dependent on the effective interaction of state authorities of member states and goodwill of compromises on a mutually beneficial basis.

An important factor is the regulatory system of laws regulating the relations relating to the common electricity market, which, together with the provisions on the electricity supply of the EAEU Treaty, can in fact be qualified as the EAEU electricity legislation.

The development and effectiveness of the energy law of the EAEU is directly dependent on the political will of the EAEU members, the degree of their real interest in strengthening energy cooperation within the EAEU and the fair implementation of adopted EAEU programs in practice.

The existence of independent regulation of certain legal relations in the electricity sector within the EAEU in conjunction with the basic principle of the formation of the common electricity market of the EAEU - harmonization of electricity legislation - is a factor in influencing the development and transformation of Russian legislation in the field of electricity.

At this stage of the development of electricity integration, the impact of integration processes on Russian electricity legislation will be minimal. Further deepening of integration processes can lead to the complete unification of the electricity markets of the EAEU member states and, accordingly, will increase the degree of influence on the national energy legislation, will contribute to its significant transformation.

Consideration should also be given to the inclusion of an energy component in integration processes, such as nuclear power, in which the Russian Federation has a key position on the world stage [17, c. 124].

Given the strategic importance of Eurasian integration, and the further dynamic development of the consolidation of the EAEU member states in the field of electricity, it seems necessary to monitor the enforcement of the EAEU legislation on electricity and constantly improve the legal regulation, eliminating shortcomings and gaps. At the same time, we believe it is very important to take into account the opinion of not only business, but also the scientific community in this work. At the same time, the key factor in the successful functioning and development of the EAEU integration processes in the electricity industry is the harmonization of the legislation of the EAEU member states, with its subsequent unification.


1. Borisova Yu. M. Future common electricity market in the EAEU countries: problems and prospects. Problems of the post-Soviet space. 2019; № 6(1) P. 4352.

2. Cedric A.V. Common Energy Market of EAEU Countries: Analysis, Risks and Barriers to Integration, Recommendations // Materials II International Scientific Conference « Economic Development Trends in the XXI Century », ред. Koroleva A. A. 2020, Belarusian State University, Minsk.

3. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 13.05.2019 № 216 «On the approval of the Energy Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation» // SZ RF 2019, № 20, ай. 2421.

4. Doctrine of Energy Security of the Russian Federation (p. 15 Section II) / Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 13.05.2019 № 216 «On the Approval of the Doctrine of Energy Security of the Russian Federation» / SZ RF 2019, № 20, ай. 2421.

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