Section 4. Philology and linguistics
Turakhodjaeva Mohidil, Basic Doctoral Student in English Philology, The National University of Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Abstract. The study of the scientific and local nomenclature of botanical lexemes has always attracted the attention of philologists. The interest in the study of this lexical group was explained by the need to understand their distribution in different languages, their derivational features, their semantic basis and etymology. The article discusses the peculiarities of research directions in the study of plant names in English, and different views of scholars on the issue.
Keywords: botanical nomenclature, terminology, plant names, taxonomy, structural-semantic, motivological, lexicographic, cognitive, linguo-cultural.
Plant names, on the one hand, represent the pe- led to the study of the scientific nomenclature of culiarities of man's perception of the natural world, people's worldview and cultural traditions, and on the other hand are paradigmatic lexical-semantic group relations that form a group of objects with a stable quantitative structure as a very ancient system [1, 11]. Research on the botanical terminology involves a lot of materials, such as botanical literature, folk medicine materials and ethnographic sources, and the history of its structural-semantic study is closely linked with the history of the development of botany.
The structural-formal, systemocentric approach that dominated linguistics in the twentieth century
botanical lexemes, the direction of research in English literary language and various dialects in terms of structural-semantic, etymological, onomasiological, motivological and lexicographic aspects.
Towards the end of the last century, the change of the scientific paradigm and the emergence of an-thropocentric research in it, the need to conduct linguoculturological, ethnolinguistic and cognitive directions with new approaches to the lexicon of botany based on different views [2, 17].
Therefore, the development of the field is characterized by the following areas of research:
Scheme 1.
Botanical lexicon of English studied in the context of complex research in the field of botanical nomenclature [3; 4; 5].
C. T. Parmar's monograph, "The morphology of plant names in the Celtic languages", is devoted to the morphological analysis of plant lexemes. While studying plant names in Celtic languages, he analyzes the derivative models and morphological features of phytonym components in different dialects of languages [6].
One of the studies devoted to the naming of plants in Anglo-Saxon culture was U. Krishke's monograph, "The old English complex plant names: a linguistic survey and a catalogue", addresses important issues related to the lexical layer of Old English botany. The morphological and semantic features of botanical lexemes should be studied, taking into account their diachronic stratification, according to the author [7, 34]. The results of such an analysis shed light on important aspects of Anglo-Saxon culture and civilization, from which point of view this lexical layer can be described as a linguistic representation of the world in Anglo-Saxon texts [8].
The author's article "On the semantics of Old English compound plant names: motivations and associations" analyzes the morphological and semantic-cognitive basis of the complex structure of ancient English plants in the nomenclature herba-tum and nomenclature arborum in the glossary "Elf-ric's Glossary" [8].Using semantic and grammatical analysis of ancient Indian Sanskrit grammar in the semantic and morphological analysis of lexemes of this group, the author divides complex structural names of plants into three groups: 1) dvandva -additional units; 2) tatpurusa - endocentric units; 3) bahuvrihi - exocentric structures [7,98].
According to the author, this system provides information on the grammatical and semantic aspects of the plant. These structures are formed based on the relationship between the primary and secondary elements. For example, there is no primary or secondary element in the additive composition of"bitter-sweet",
all of which are semantically and morphologically equal. In endocentric structures such as "coffee tree", the lexeme "tree", which is a key element, has a grammatical and semantic connection, but the coffee lexeme has a semantic advantage over the main element because it defines a plant species [7, 101].
Anglo-Saxon Plant Names Survey (ASPNS) -The Anglo-Saxon Plant Names Survey is of great importance as a research project of the Institute of Historical Studies ofLanguages, University of Glasgow, UK [9]. In this project, the characteristics of species and family naming of plants in Anglo-Saxon society were studied and analyzed in the following prisms: linguistic (e.g., lexicographic or dialectal studies), geographical (e.g., land use methods), economic (e.g., food security), scientific (for example, in the field of medicine) and social (for example, in the field of clothing) [10, 42].
In the study "Plant names and folk taxonomies: frameworks for ethnosemiotic inquiry" by D. Hermann and S. Moss, we can see a cognitive approach to the analysis of plant lexemes. Focusing on the many facets of plant naming in English, the authors emphasize that ethnobiological (especially ethno-botanical) research can be effectively conducted as a result of the intersection of different disciplines related to onomosiology, such as lexicography, cognitive anthropology, and cognitive linguistics [11, 3]. This study is unique in that it analyzes nearly a hundred major vegetable names. These plant names are described as elements of a folk taxonomic system, so such a local nomenclature can be helpful in systematizing words, as well as in conducting research on the relationship between conceptual categories.
The collective monograph "Agricultural English", co-authored by G. Rata, I. Samfira and F. Sala, is also noteworthy. This monograph is a collection of studies on agricultural terminology in English, analyzing lexical systems in several fields such as biology, botany, ecology, gastronomy. In particular, the section "Morphology" analyzes the methods of making lexemes related to the agricultural terminosystem [12, 103].
A number of studies on the subject have also been conducted in Russian linguistics. As a result ofresearch by linguists such as L.I Milovidova, V. V. Kopocheva, L. D. Pocheptsova, O. P. Ryabko, and I. I. Kireeva [13; 14; 15; 16; 17], research on the lexicon of botany in English began to develop rapidly.
In the study of botanical lexicon within the structural-semantic systematic approach, different views on the problems of variation, synonymy, polysemy and homonymy belonging to literary language or dialects within the lexical-semantic group of plant names are proposed. In this direction, O. P. Ryabko conducted effective research and revealed the nominative and structural-semantic features of plant vocabulary in English on the example of complex substantive units [16].
The author pays special attention to the interpretation of the nominative-field properties of modifiers and auxiliary components of complex structural nominations, as well as the characteristics of plant names by appearance (shape, color, size, smell, taste, growth style), qualitaty (positive or negative), classifies on the basis of space and time and purpose (including scope of application: for medicine, pharmacology, perfumery, construction, decorative purposes) [16, 6].
The structural-semantic features of the complex structural terms analyzed in this study may serve as a basis for determining the motivational aspects of plant nomenclature.
However, it is important to note that the author did not consider the boundaries between the sci-
entific and international nomenclature of botanical vocabulary and therefore did not identify any differences between the nominative parameters that characterize them. Such a trend is observed in almost all studies that analyze the issue from a structural-semantic and structural-morphological point of view.
In the work by I. I. Kireeva, the structural-semantic and pragmatic features of the linguoculturologi-cal code "Flora" in English are considered. In it, the author evaluates the lingvoculturological code as a collective experience of words in the vernacular, phraseological units, expressed in various discourses and reflecting the structural identity of a culture with a national color, such as customs, traditions, lifestyle, and so on. According to the author, the lingvoculturological code is a system of signs with a single figurative basis, acting as a sign and attached to the lexical-phraseological unified language [17, 5].
Giving a detailed description of the symbolic features of English plants, I. I. Kireeva notes that the basis of the English linguocultural code "Flora" is the botanical culture of the Celts, who lived in the British Isles in the VI-V centuries B.C [17, 6].
It can be inferred that plant names, which are a living symbol of the material and spiritual culture of the people, have been attracting the attention of not only botanists, but also ethnographers and linguists, dialectologists since the second half of the last century. Apparently, a lot of extensive research has been done on plant lexemes in English, and most of them are evolving in the field of linguistic cognitology.
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