Список использованной литературы:
1. Ефремова, Г.И. Патриотическое воспитание школьников./ Ефремова Г.И//Воспитание школьников. -2005. - № 8. - С.17.
2. Маслова, Т.М. Патриотическое воспитание младших школьников/ Т.М. Маслова// Начальная школа. -2007. - № 4. С. 11-12
3. Харламов,И.Ф. Педагогика./ И.Ф. Харламов. - М.: Педагогика, 1999. - 520с.
© Аникина Е.В., Козлова М.М.,2016
УДК 378.14
С.П. Безроднова
студентка РГСУ г. Москва, РФ
The article considers the system of self-study students physical education through athletics and swimming
Physical education of students, athletics, swimming.
Nowadays pace of civilization development make life better for people but at the same time reduce their physical activity, which in conjunction with a bad environment causes essential harm to human body. The number of diseases has gone up because of decrease in immunity, the diseases of old age spilled over to younger people and as a consequence - the reduction in life expectancy.
A decreased physical activity is one of the most negative factors that militate against the normal productive human activity. Preservation and recruitment of students' health, formation of their need for physical improvement and healthy lifestyle is one of the main concerns of all types of educational institutions [1, p. 90]. The process of physical education at the university, as well as the whole educational process, is regulated and provided by federal documents (the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 1 December 1999 № 1025 approximate training program, the state educational standard).
It provides the background for recruitment of students' health, improvement of physical education quality at the universities. For the effective physical education in the country is educational institutions are required: modern physical education program using the latest technologies, forms and methods of physical-sports practices in universities [2, p. 95]. Drawing up the program on track and fields (walking, running) you can vary the ways in which the student body adapts to different speeds and running surfaces. Not only the human body react negatively on multiple repetitive strain; but in such circumstances, fail even mechanisms.
If you follow the recommendations, the body can be optimally adapted to the requirements of racing, which will reach its full potential [3, p. 105]. To achieve a better technology in swimming, you should work for its effectiveness. And although the right technique - is the foundation of good swimming, it is often difficult to detect the problem by simply twisting the mileage in the pool. The mistakes while making a stroke can slow the progress of the swimmer, and even cause injury if such an experience is practiced for a long time.
That is why swimming exercises have become a fundamental part of training at all levels of swimming education. Regular fulfillment and practice of the exercises is a major student-swimmer tool in developing better stroke technique. Getting special exercises for multiple repetition, as well as direct comments on the results, the
student learn how to maximize the effectiveness of swimming at the minimum of effort.
Without a doubt, there is no more effective way to be a good swimmer than the classes in the water, though some of the components, which are practiced outside the pool, play an essential role in the preparation either. There are classes on land, based on understanding of the connection between the muscular structure of the body and performing the stroke technique. In swimming muscles have the main functions of movement or body stabilization. It is necessary to choose the exercises absolutely discreetly. Two concepts should be taken into account: the transfer of skills and insulation. The first means that performing exercise directly contributes to the development of some techniques and skills used in swimming.
The isolation of muscles suggests that while performing the exercises, a specific muscle or a small muscle group is worked out, it needs to be strengthened because of: 1) lack of development or muscle imbalance; 2) exposure of the body injury; 3) not functioning in a proper way while swimming. You must select the model of training on land. This may be a traditional work in the gym, or cyclic training. In the traditional approach, the student makes a few approaches to the simulator, each consists of a certain number of repetitions, and then moves on to the next exercise. This training program is the best for students older age. Systematic swimming exercises develop and strengthen body, its cardiovascular and respiratory systems, activate metabolism, strengthen the musculoskeletal system, improve thermoregulation system, increase mental performance.
The expansion of social problems of the industry "physical culture and sport" in the formation of healthy lifestyle youth will inevitably require the giving to education in the field of physical culture and sports, a full-fledged University status. Today was a clear need for specialists in various fields, high-quality training which is only possible in a multidisciplinary University of physical culture [4, p. 527]. In accordance with the current list of directions of training and specialties the educational process of training of future specialists in physical culture is carried out in universities on 3 blocks of the training-methodical complex. Список использованной литературы:
1. Алифиров А.И., Дмитриев Г.И. Влияние средств физической культуры на формирование здорового образа жизни / Алифиров А.И., Дмитриев Г.И. // В сборнике: Современные технологии формирования здорового образа жизни студенческой молодежи Материалы студенческой конференции. Кафедра физического воспитания и спорта. - 2011. - С. 90-95.
2. Алифиров А.И. Исследование профессиональной ориентации выпускников казачьего кадетского корпуса // Социальная политика и социология. - № 4-1 (96). - 2013. - С. 93-96.
3. Алифиров А.И., Михайлова И.В. «Искусственный интеллект» в шахматах / Алифиров А.И., Михайлова И.В. // Инновационная наука. - 2016. - № 3-2. - С. 105-106.
4. Савченко Д.В., Тузов И.Н. Психологические особенности и реабилитация спортсменов с последствиями травм опорно-двигательного аппарата / Савченко Д.В., Тузов И.Н. // Электронный научный журнал. - 2015. - № 2 (2). - С. 527-530.
© Безроднова С.П., 2016
УДК 37.017.7
С.П. Безроднова
студентка РГСУ г. Москва, РФ
The article discusses the dynamics of level of physical preparation of students in physical education within