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Ключевые слова
innovative thinking / philosophical and categorical analysis of the concepts / youth and society

Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Abdurahmonov H.I.

The main factor that forms the worldview of young people is not the presence of these specific knowledge, but the systematization of them, the development of a reserve of knowledge for the perception of the world and the formation of an unusual attitude to it. Innovative worldview plays an important role in the formation of such an unusual relationship.

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UDK 37.02

Abdurahmonov H.I.


Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute Independent Researcher "Uzbekistan temiryullari" JSC Tashkent Institute of railway engineers


Annotation: The main factor that forms the worldview of young people is not the presence of these specific knowledge, but the systematization of them, the development of a reserve of knowledge for the perception of the world and the formation of an unusual attitude to it. Innovative worldview plays an important role in the formation of such an unusual relationship.

Key words: innovative thinking, philosophical and categorical analysis of the concepts, youth and society.

From the development of philosophical thought, it is known that the problem of worldview is an important phenomenon that determines not only the true human essence of any thinking people, but also their meaning of life. Because what is the nature of the essence of the world in which each person lives? How did this world itself come into being and what did it consist of? What place does a person occupy in the world? What is the essence of man? Is there any meaning in a person's life or not? What should a person aspire and live without? What is life? What is death? What reality does a person expect after death? Or is there no reality? What is eternity, is it or not? How to achieve it, if there is one? What is human thinking? Is it possible to know existence with the help of contemplation? How should human thinking treat itself to a kurshib existence, first of all to a social being? That is, how should he behave in nature and in society? Should he live violently or enslaved? and seeks to find answers to many other similar questions.

The answers to these questions of the moment come from entertaining all generations of mankind. Over the course of the periods, the scope of these questions continued to grow. For example: in the era of "communism" our society lived with a bright perspective, now - in what conditions of independence should we strive for the finish? In general, how to evaluate the current political, economic, social life on land. What is the purpose of shaping the worldview of young people in the current period? What should be taken seriously when assessing the causes and consequences of the formation of the threat of "mass

"Мировая наука" №8(41) 2020 science-j.com

culture", which negatively affects the worldview of young people?, What is the importance of effective use of national education and training system in the formation of free thinking in young people? What is the negation of the universal and national worldview? how to identify and evaluate the opportunities of youth contemplation? new questions are in the sentence.

Today, important views on the fact that it is necessary to commit revolutions in the minds of young people, to humanize their worldview are being put forward by such scientists as the concomitant Timothy Lyre, Robert Wilson, Stanislav Grof[1]. Another group of scientists come to the conclusion that humanity is not capable of humanizing its worldview. Because the human worldview manifests itself throughout its entire development, very far from moral criteria, its tendency to serve the ideology in secret (nobility) and limited (denial of spirituality, ideology). Therefore, he cannot fulfill the task of real and complete vision of existence, nature, understanding and showing the right path to the evolution of mankind. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the severity of the current flow of information, the weakening of the ability to reflect due to computer technology, the increasing number of theoretical molds, constructions, models, images, schemes and other "wastes", which are voluntarily or inadvertently included in the idea that impedes the Real knowledge of reality, and other similar.[2] For example, it is necessary to strive to know not only the system in general, but also the living society. In a word, in order to be suitable for humanity, science must come out of its crisis, transform (transform) on the basis of humanistic ideas.[3]

At the heart of the religious worldview stands the idea of God. All things come from God, and will return to him again, will be strengthened by him, and will be destroyed. This form of worldview is characterized by the recognition by man of the principle of the supernatural world, expressed in an emotional-figurative form. The third form of worldview is called the usual worldview. This form of worldview arises from the way of life of a person, his life circumstances. It serves to satisfy the daily needs of man. Also in the first case, the human worldview is nurtured by the environment and its own spiritual senses. In the second case, he will be able to consistently get acquainted with the ideas put forward in the issues of the world view up to him, analyze them, compare and draw his own conclusions.

In the formation of the worldview, not only knowledge, ideas, but also emotions play a big role. In most cases, the issue, which is not understood by deep knowledge, is quickly and well understood through emotion and leaves an indelible mark in the small worldview. But the role of both knowledge and feelings in the formation of satiety can not be calculated more or less from each other. After all, without knowledge, if only feelings develop in vain, then this will not be different from insanity. On the contrary, people with strong knowledge often become indecisive, indifferent, hard-hearted, sadistic, carefree. So, from a philosophical-logical point of view, it is clear that the reason for the current

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spiritual crisis is precisely the materialism from the scientific worldview. In particular, it is now clear to everyone that the scientific worldview of the environmental crisis occurred as a result of the ascent of the dominant position alone, and this situation has clearly demonstrated that it is a limited worldview. Indeed, "modders cannot see far away. After the fur man closes his eyes, life is complete, that's all. He does not live until his death. Therefore, people do not respond to anyone else, anywhere, ever, for any crime committed during their lifetime. Believed in such a "philosophy"...someone(dan)...any crime, betrayal and pride can be expected."[4] all conflicts in society arise from the shallowness of knowledge, from the depth of feelings. Superficial in knowledge, stutter leads to the limitation of the human worldview. This case is called dogmatism in the scientific language. It means that human knowledge must always grow in harmony with life itself.

Innovation (innovation) is the process of the emergence and assimilation of new forms and types of social relations, structures and practices aimed at eliminating the boundaries established by tradition through the introduction of whole new meanings, patterns, activities and interpersonal actions designed to change or eliminate previous social practices by partially or completely updating them. This means that innovation is always inclined to take the place of traditions and eventually move to the usual and traditional level that is accepted and allowed in society. Innovative changes imply the restructuring of Social Social Order, and, consequently, the violation of old values and the norms that rely on them, or the replacement of them with new, more relevant values at a certain stage of society's life. The innovation process has davriy tone. Social development is a continuous movement towards the gradual institutionalization (or rejection) of samples of innovations, which are strengthened by tradition, and then, at a new stage, to replace them with other innovations that are necessary for the social system.

What is innovation contemplation? This means the ability to understand the meaning and essence of things and events. This is necessary for any field specialist, because the ability to find a new and original solution to any issues related to the profession. People with the same talent will have innovation and creative thinking. A person with an innovative mindset makes fewer mistakes in his work activities. In any situation, he stands ready to find a non-standard decision. Unfortunately modern education system does not focus on non-standard thinkingurni developmenttirishga. Many people think on the basis of stereotypes, use templates that they also take when making decisions. It is necessary to teach people the technology of analyzing the situation, to adopt optimal Solutions, and also to teach innovative thinking. Because, "the welfare of citizens is a direct link to innovation development in that same society in any state."

The new style of thinking in scientific literature and official documents is called innovation. "Innovative thinking" corresponds to modern concepts and topics of technical and technological development. However, it should be noted that this concept has not been clearly formulated, which in turn hinders mutual

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understanding and mutual clear and constructive conclusion and implementation in practice. The origin of the term "innovation" comes from the latin language. The romans understood innovation, "renewal", "change"in a broad sense.

Innovative activity is a holistic result of many processes with a complex structure. Therefore, it is important to take into account various aspects of it. One of the main issues, especially in the preparation of young people for innovative activities, for the successful implementation of this process, it is necessary first of all to formulate the ability to think differently in young people. This aspect of thinking in a new way is distinguished by its distinctive features that "serve" the innovative activity and ensure its effectiveness. We call such a new thought process an innovative thought.

A distinctive feature of innovative thinking is that it is inextricably linked not only with a high worldview of young people, but also with creative activity. It is not true that such a vision can only be attributed to models of intelligence, that the mind is the only force that drives this process and is the final result of material changes in the environment. Because innovative thinking is increasingly promoted in a person by personal motivation, self-awareness, proper evaluation of their creative abilities, their effective use. Today we are moving on to the path of innovative development aimed at radical renewal of all spheres of life of the state and society. It is not surprising, of course.


1.Журнал «Политический класс», № 9, сентябрь, 2006. 2.Эмих. Н.А. Культурная парадигма современного Российского образования // Автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени к.ф.н. Чита. 2006. 8- 9- б.

3.Беляев М.И. Мелогия. Концепция руссого национальноо государства. Москва:2006.www.milogiya2007.ru/rusnaz1.htm

4.Еайбуллох, ас-Салом. "Узим билан сух,бат" туркумидан. // Тафаккур. 2002.№2. 37- б.

5.В.В.Казютинский.Проблема будущего фундаментальной науки.К,аранг: ttp: //www.inauka.ru/analysis/article77366.html

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