PERSPECTIVE OF SCIENTISTS ABOUT NON-EQUIVALENCE PROBLEMS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Pohanduy Mohammad Arif Qadiri, Mohammad Ibrahim Qani

Translation is becoming crucial element and part of our life, today’s world extremely needs arts of translation because the world today is as small as before; people around the world have been trying to conduct better connection and relation among each other, technology unexpectedly has developed and closed people around the world, therefore, translation is most important regard-able in order to solve communicative challenges and difficulties among people around the world, hence, non-equivalence is one of the most important part of transition to escape from ambiguity and it helps to understand opponent clearly, using discussed debates and viewpoint of scientists help readers to translate properly untranslatable or non-equivalence from source language in to target language.

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.
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5. Забони адабии хозираи точик // Лексика. - Душанбе: Нашри УДТ-1981. - 451 с.

6. Зехнй, Т.Н. Санъатхои бадей дар шеъри точикй. / Т.Н. Зехнй - Сталинобод 1960. - С. 41-45.

7. Маджидов X. Некоторые вопросы фразеологии современного таджикского языка. Сборник работ аспирантов, серия фил. наук. / Х. Маджидов. Вып.4. - Душанбе, 1966.- С.74-75.

8. Мачидов Д. Аломатхои фарккунандаи вохидхои фразеологии забони точикй //Масъалахои забони точикй. / Д. Мачидов - Душанбе, 1967. - С. 61-78.

9. Мачидов Д. Хусусиятхои лексикй - семантикии вохидхои фразеологии феълии забони адабии хозираи точик / Д. Мачидов - Душанбе, 1968. - 249 с.

10. Мягкова ЕЮ. «Язык и эмоции» в когнитивных исследованиях // Семантика слова и текста. Психолингвистические исследования. /ЕЮ. Мягкова - Тверь, 1998. - C. 38 -44.

11. Попова З.Д., Стерни И.А. Понятие «концепт» в лингвистических исследованиях. / З.Д Попова., И.А Стерни -Воронеж, 1999. - С.32-34.

12. Hampson A.M. A Dictionary ofEnglish Phrases. / A. M Hampson - Detroit. 1970. -356 p.

13. Wood F T., Hill R. Dictionary of English Colloquial Idioms. / F.T. Wood., R. Hill -London, 1979.-800p.


Фразеологические единицы в языке являются одним из важнейших разделов лингвистики и играют важную роль в формировании лексико-семантической структуры языка. Следует отметить, что фразеологизмы - это относительно общее описание чувств людей к явлению. Поэтому для описания различных эмоциональных ситуаций и отношений они используются в тексте наряду с эмоциональными фразеологизмами и другими языковыми средствами и в основном раскрывают, уточняют и дополняют содержание фразеологизмов. Фразеологические единицы, выражающие страх, относятся к темам, которые специально не изучались на таджикском и английском языках. Исследования также показывают, что при сравнительном анализе фразеологизмов, выражающих страх в таджикском и английском языках, существует много общего.

Ключевые слова: фразеологизмы, страх, английский язык, таджикский язык, эмоция, пословица, словосочетания, синонимы, семантика.


Phraseological units in language are one of the most important parts of linguistics andplay an important role in the formation of lexical and semantic structure of language. It should be mentioned that phraseological units are a relatively general description of people's feelings about a phenomenon. Therefore, in order to describe different emotional situations and relationships, they are used in the text along with emotional phraseological units and other linguistic means and mainly reveal, clarify and complete the content of phraseological expressions. Phraseological units expressing fear are among the topics that have not been studied comparatively in the Tajik and English languages.

Keywords: phraseological units, fear, English, Tajik, emotion, proverb, phrases, synonyms, semantics.

Сведения об авторе:

Джонмардов Зулфикор Абдуфотехович - ассистент кафедры иностранных языков Таджикского государственного финансово-экономического университета. Адрес: 734067, Республика Таджикистан, Душанбе , улица Нахимова 64/14, Тел: (+992) 938510543. E-mail: jonmardov93@gmail. com

About the author:

Jonmardov Zulfiqor Abdufotehovich - Assistant of the Department of Foreign Languages, The Tajik State University of Finance and Economics. Address: 734067, Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Nakhimov st. 64/14, Phone: (+992) 938510543. E-mail: [email protected]


Pohandoy Mohammad A. Q., Mohammad I. Q.

Faryab University, Afghanistan

Translation plays crucial and important role in today's world and non-equivalence is one of the most important parts and elements of transition; therefore, I tried to compile important and useful theories, perspective and common problems in translating non-equivalence words from source language into target language, in this article you can find very effective points to escape from ambiguity, the article aims at

explaining and simplifying non-equivalence struggles and difficulties. The universal features of language material desires to describe world picture of different language speakers, therefore, improving non-equivalence ambiguities and difficulties where most of language translators and speakers are facing problems is significantly important; this article is compiled from different effective sources I hope it may help readers.

The Common Problems of Non-equivalence

The more common types of non-equivalence problems and difficulties for the translators and some attested strategies for dealing with them is divided in some factors: a) a word of warning b) extra linguistics

The problem of non-equivalence has been drawing the attention of many researchers. Jakobson claims that «there is ordinarily no full equivalence between code units» (as cited in Munday, 2001). Jakobson also explains the differences between structures, terminology, grammar and lexical forms of languages are the main reasons of non-equivalence. Jacobson states that «equivalence in difference is the cardinal problem of language and the pivotal concern of linguistics.» (as cited in Munday, 2001). In his theory, the general principle of cross-language difference and the concept 'semantic field' has been established.

Catford (1996) found that there are two factors which affected the equivalence i.e. linguistic and cultural factors, leading to two kinds of equivalents i.e. linguistic and cultural equivalents.

This finding of Catford is very significant because it consists of both important approaches toward equivalence, namely, linguistic and cultural approaches. On the contrary, there were some arguments against Catford theory. Snell-Hornby (1988) claims that textual equivalence introduced by Catford is «circular» and his examples are «isolated and even absurdly simplistic» (p. 19-20). Furthermore, she criticizes equivalence in translation is an illusion because there are many aspects, including textual, cultural and situational ones, get involved in the equivalent degree of the translation. House (1977) also agrees that not only functional but situation factor need to be taken into consideration during the process of translation.

Equivalent effect, as judged by Newmark, is «the desirable result, rather than the aim of any translation» (p.134). Accordingly, the equivalent effect is a result which all translators long to achieve. Further, Newmark (1988) argues that the text may reach a 'broad equivalent effect' only if it is 'universal' that means cross culture share common ideas.

As Researchers indicate (I.M.Vereshagin, V.G. Kostomarov and others), that in order to establish availability of national cultural specifics of meaning of a word can be done through comparison the semantics of words of two languages (or more). Comparative Researches of languages showed that national cultural differences appear especially on the lexical phraseological levels.

A number of researchers agree that in Translation studying of non-equivalent vocabulary is linked with the notion of «transferability» and «equivalent», with the problem of non-equivalent and vocabulary translation means which denotes items or phenomena of national culture.

Classification of non-equivalent vocabulary can be conducted by genetic trait.

1. Word of life (all neologisms)

2. Names of items and phenomena's of traditional life.

3. Historicisms

4. Lexis of phrasedogical units

5. Folklore words

6. Slang words/youth slang, criminal slang, military slang, any professional slang

7. Social-political vocabulary

8. Reduced, colloquial vocabulary

A.O. Ivanov divides all non-equivalent vocabulary into three big groups.

1. Referentially-non-equivalent, which includes term, individual (author), neologisms, semantic lacunas, words of wide semantics, complex words;

2. Pragmatically-non-equivalent, uniting abnormalities, foreign inclusions, abbreviations, words with suffixes of subjective evolution, interjections, imitation a sound and associative lacunas;

3. Alternatively-non-equivalent vocabulary including proper names, circulation, realia and phraseologisms.

Non-equivalence happens at word level. It means that target language (TL) has no direct equivalence for a word which occurs in the source language. There are many possible problems of non-equivalence between two languages. Non-equivalence occurs when the message in the source language is not transferred equally to the target language.

According to Mona Baker (1992:20), non-equivalence at word level means that the target language has no direct equivalent for a word which occurs in the source text.

Culture-specific concepts: Based on this problem, the source-language word may express a concept that is totally unknown in the target language culture. The concept may be abstract or concrete; it may relate to a religious belief, a social custom, or even a type of food. For example, the word privacy is a very «English» concept, which is rarely understood by people from other cultures.

It is possible to come across a word which communicates a concept in the source target that is unknown in the target culture. This concept could be abstract or concrete; it could refer to a social custom, a religious belief, or even a type of food.

The Source-Language Concept is not Lexicalized in the Target Language: This problem occurs when the source language expresses a word which easily understood by people from other culture but it is not lexicalized. For example, the word savoury has no equivalent in many languages, although it expresses a concept which is easy to understand. It means that a concept that is known by people in some areas does not always have the lexis in every area.

The Source Language Word is Semantically Complex: The source-language word can be semantically complex. This was fairly common problem in translation. Words did not have to be morphologically complex to be semantically complex (Bolinger and Sears, 1968:55). In other words, a single word which consisted of a single morpheme could sometimes express a more complex set of meaning than a whole sentence.

The Source and Target Languages Make Different Distinctions in Meaning: What one language regards as an important distinction in meaning another language may not perceive as relevant. The target language may make more or fewer different distinction in meaning than the source language.

The Use of Loan Words in the Source Text: Once a word is loaned into a particular language, we cannot control its development or its additional meaning. For example, dilettante is a loan word in English, Russian, and Japanese; but Arabic has no equivalent loan word. This means that only the prepositional meaning of dilettante can be rendered into Arabic; its stylistic effect would almost certainly have to be sacrified. Loan words also pose another problem for the unwary translator namely the problem of false friends, or faux amis as they are often called (Baker: 1992). Translators should be more careful when they face the loan words in the process of translating a text.

In the English-speaking translation studies there are two more translation strategies not having the equivalents in the Russian language. They are direct translation and oblique translation which have been introduced into the science by the linguists J.-P. Vinay и J. Darbelnet. The classification offered by the French translation studies theorists can be considered to be quite a detailed one. These two strategies include seven methods, namely, the notion direct translation includes:

> borrowing (заимствование)

> calque (калькирование)

> literal translation (дословный, буквальный перевод).

Oblique translation consists of:

> transposition (транспозиция)

> modulation (модуляция)

^ equivalence (эквивалентность)

> adaptation (адаптация)

For the term direct translation the authors suggest to use its synonym (literary). As for the term oblique translation according to the authors' opinion it does not have the equal meaning withyTee translation.

As for the presence of the term oblique translation in the Russian term system of translation studies, here we come across the lexical gap, i.e. the only meaning which can be found for the word combination oblique translation in the Russian language relates to the field of mathematics and the meaning («наклонный перенос») has nothing to do with the theory of translation. In the English-Russian dictionaries the terminological word combination has not been included yet.

1. If a specific linguistic unit in one language carries the same intended meaning/message encoded in a specific linguistic medium in another, then these two units are considered to be equivalent. Equivalence is considering the essence of the translation.

2. The choice of a suitable equivalent in a given context depends on a wide variety of factors. Some of these factors may be strictly lingusitcs (ex. collocations and idioms), others may be extra linguistics (ex. pragmatics). Non-equivalence means that the target language has no direct equivalence for a word which occurs in the source text. The type and level of difficulty posed can vary tremendously depending on the nature of non-equivalence.

3. The particular issues addressed are the bi- directionality of translation equivalence, the coverage of multi-word units, and the amount of implicit knowledge presupposed on the part of the user in interpreting the data. Non-equivalence is a fact among languages.

4. Translators constantly face countless cases of more straightforward and clearer examples of non-equivalence in translation. When this happens they manage to translate and not only to «transfer» the words. An adequate approach to deal with cases of non-equivalence would be to use a combination of translation strategies.


Translation is becoming crucial element and part of our life, today's world extremely needs arts of translation because the world today is as small as before; people around the world have been trying to conduct

better connection and relation among each other, technology unexpectedly has developed and closed people around the world, therefore, translation is most important regard-able in order to solve communicative challenges and difficulties among people around the world, hence, non-equivalence is one of the most important part of transition to escape from ambiguity and it helps to understand opponent clearly, using discussed debates and viewpoint of scientists help readers to translate properly untranslatable or non-equivalence from source language in to target language.


1. Иванов А.О. Безэквивалентная лексика. / А.О. Иванов - Спб.: Союз, 2007, - 256с.

2. Zokirova S.M. The notion of non-equivalence Vocabulary in Translation, / S.M. Zokirova - IJSELL, 2016

3. Baker, M. In Other Words: A Course Book on Translation. / M. Baker - London: Routledge. 1992

4. Catford, J.C. A Linguistic theory of translation; / J.C. Catford - An Essay In Applied. 1965

5. Newmark, PA Textbook ofTanslation, /PA Newmark // U.K. Prentice Hall International Ltd, 1988

6. Widhiya Ninsiana. Problem Solving of Non-equivalence Problems in English, IAIN, 2010

7. Pham Thanh Binh. Stratetgies to Deal With Non-equivalence at Word Level in Translation, Hanoi University, 2010

8. House, J. Universality versus culture specificity in translation 'Alessandra Riccardi' Translation studies:perspectives on an emerging discipline. / J. House -UK, 2002. -с. 92-110

9. https://www.slidesliare.net/Eve 55/the-problem-of-non-equivalence


Перевод становится важнейшим элементом и частью нашей жизни. Сегодняшний мир крайне нуждается в искусстве перевода, потому что сегодня мир так же мал, как и раньше; люди во всем мире пытались улучшить связь и отношения между собой, технологии неожиданно развились и закрыли людей по всему миру, поэтому перевод является наиболее важным для решения коммуникативных проблем и трудностей между людьми во всем мире , следовательно, неэквивалентность является одной из наиболее важных частей перехода от двусмысленности, и она помогает ясно понять оппонента, используя обсуждаемые дебаты и точку зрения ученых, помогая читателям правильно переводить непереводимое или неэквивалентность с исходного языка на целевой. язык.

Ключевые слова: перевод, англо-русская неэквивалентность, неэквивалентная лексика, альтернатива неэквивалентной лексике, проблемы перевода.


Translation is becoming crucial element and part of our life, today's world extremely needs arts of translation because the world today is as small as before; people around the world have been trying to conduct better connection and relation among each other, technology unexpectedly has developed and closed people around the world, therefore, translation is most important regard-able in order to solve communicative challenges and difficulties among people around the world, hence, non-equivalence is one of the most important part of transition to escape from ambiguity and it helps to understand opponent clearly, using discussed debates and viewpoint of scientists help readers to translate properly untranslatable or non-equivalence from source language in to target language.

Keywords: translation, English - Russian non-equivalence, non-equivalent vocabulary, alternative of non-equivalent vocabulary, challenges in translating.

Сбедения об авторах:

Похандой Мохаммад Ариф Кадири - Исламская Республика Афганистан, Министерство высшего образования, Университет Фарьяб, член Литратора Гимонитарные факультета, E-mail: [email protected] Мохаммад Ибрахим Кани - Исламская Республика Афганистан, Министерство высшего образования, Университет Фарьяб, член Литратора Гимонитарные факультета, E-mail: [email protected]

About the authors:

Pohanduy Mohammad Arif Qadiri — Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Ministry of Higher Education, Faryab University, Member of Literature and Humanities Faculty, E-mail: muhammadarefqaderi@gmail. com

Mohammad Ibrahim Qani — Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Ministry of Higher Education, Faryab University, Member of Literature and Humanities Faculty, E-mail: [email protected]


Амонй М.Д.

Таджикский государственный педагогический университет им. С. Айни.

Яке аз масъалахои мубрами забоншиносии муосир, ки тули солхои зиёд диккати забоншиносонро ба худ чалб кардааст - омузиши мукоисавии категорияи инкор ба шумор меравад. Дар холате, ки мавзуи мазкур доманахои зиёд дораду бахсу мунозирахои давомдорро металабад, таассуфовар аст, ки рочеь ба ин масъала адабиётх,ои ангуштшумор вучуд доранд.

Инкор чузъи маъноиро дар чумла ифода карда, нишон медихад, ки оё алокаи байни калимахои таркибии дар чумла ба вучуд омада дар асл чой доранд ё надоранд ва ё чумлаи тасдикии мукобилмаънои он аз чониби гуянда аз хакикат дур кабул карда мешавад. Асосан гуфтори инкорй дар холатхое истифода мешавад, ки чумлаи тасдикии ба он мувофикаткунанда пештар истифода шуда бошад. Инкоркунй - яке аз хусусиятхои ба хамаи тасвири нихоии забоншиносии чахонй хоси категорияхои коннотатсионии аз чихати семантикй таксимнашудаест, ки онхоро бо усули чузъхои семантикии соддатар муайян кардан имконнопазир аст. Пеш аз он ки доманахои мавзуъро васеътар кушоем, аввал бояд ба маънии худи калимаи «инкор» расид.

Дар Энсиклопедияи Бузурги Академй вожаи «инкор» чунин маънидод карда шудааст:

Инкор - радкунй, инкоркунии фикр, акида, посух, савол ва дигарон.

Инкор - дар мантик хамчун натичаи мухокимаи нисбии ба даст овардашуда.

Инкор - дар грамматика мавчудияти предмет, дорои нишонахои сифатй, харакат ва ё холат, ё ки ифодакунандаи норизогй ба гуфтор.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Инкор - дар як катор коидахои философхо намуди алокаи байни ду холати инкшофёфтаистодаи предмет ва ё равиш.

Инкор - дар психология механизми химоякунандаи психика, ки дар раванди икрор нашудан ба маълумоти маъкулнабуда ё нолозима ба кор бурда мешавад [13].

Антонимхои инкор дар забонхои точикй, англисй ва забони русй: тасдиц, исбот -подтверждение - confirmation, verification, substantiation; исрор, исбот кардан - утверждение -affirmation, assertion; ицрор, эътироф, ба гардан гирифтан - признмие - vowal, recognition, acknowledgement [13].

Муродифоти инкор дар забонхои точикй, англисй ва русй: абнегатсия - абнегация - abnegation; негатсия - негация - negation; эътирофнашуда, шинохтанашуда - непризнание - nonrecognition, disavowal, regection, error, Precognition; цабулнашуда - неприятие - denial, refutation, disproof, rebuttal, contradiction, refutal; радъ, радъкунй, радъшуда - отказ - refusal, to deny, denial, repudiation, denunciation, renunciation, non; худинкоркунй - самоотрицание - sefegation [13].

Инкор метавонад дар навбати худ бо исм, сифат, феъл ва зарф хешигарй дошта бошад:

исм - инкор, инкоркунанда, инкоршаванда;

сифат - инкорй, манфй;

феъл - инкор кардан, радъ кардан, манъ кардан;

зарф - инкоршуда [13].

Воситахои асосии ифодаи инкор дар забонхои мукоисашаванда пеш аз хама бо калимахои манфй, пешояндхои манфй, хиссахои нутк бо шаклхои инкории феъл, шакли манфии фишурдашуда, имову ишора ва интонатсия махсуб меёбанд. Инчунин инкор метавонад ба таври чудогона, яъне хамчун чузъи маъноии калима ё хамчун чумлаи пурра ифода карда шавад, монанди: не, на.

Лозим ба ёдоварист, ки инкор хамчун воситаи манъ ё манъ кардани тасаввурот, фикр ё ки барои изхори ихтилофу норизогй ба ягон чиз ва инчунин барои радъ кардани фикри шахсе истифода карда мешавад.

Тахкику омузиши категорияи инкор таърихи тулонй дорад. Харчанд тахкики категорияи инкор аз тарафи забоншиносон аз замонхои хеле пеш шуруъ шуда бошад хам, бахсу баррасии он то ба имруз идома дорад.

Инкор - яке аз мафхумхои асосй дар сохахои мухталифи илм махсуб меёбад. Амсоли лингвистика, фалсафа, мантики расмй ва математикй. Хар яке аз ин илмхои мустакил падидахои категорияи инкорро аз руи хусусиятхои он илм муайян мекунанд. Хамин тавр, масъалаи инкор масъалаи мураккаби бисёрчабха буда, тахкикоти бештарро дар ин замина такозо мекунад.

Тахкикоти категорияи инкор дар забони англисй ва точикй масъалаи мубрам ба хисоб меравад, зеро фахмиши дакики сохторхо ва истифодаи дурусти шаклхои инкоркунй барои муоширати

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