Научная статья на тему 'Pedagogical support of university educational activities'

Pedagogical support of university educational activities Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Nabiev Valery Sharifyanovich, Diakonova Olga Olegovna

The article touches upon the topical issues of pedagogical support organization interaction, diagnostics of the results, monitoring and evaluation of educational achievements of bachelors. The authors consider the particular approaches to designing and implementing educational activities considering the factors that determine the integrity of educational process. The article sets the evaluation criteria and success indicators of the competence (kompetentnost) formation by means of traditional and innovative teaching in a university.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Pedagogical support of university educational activities»

Pedagogical support of university educational activities

Nabiev Valery Sharifyanovich, Ulyanovsk state pedagogical university named after I. N. Ulyanov, Candidate of Pedagogical sciences, associate professor, Department of Pedagogics and social work E-mail: paradoks.nabiev@mail.ru Diakonova Olga Olegovna, Ulyanovsk state pedagogical university named after I. N. Ulyanov, Assistant professor, English language Department E-mail: olgadiakonova@yandex.ru

Pedagogical support of university educational activities

The study was funded by the Russian Foundation for Humanities and the Ulyanovsk region in the framework of a research project № 15-16- 73003/15

Abstract: The article touches upon the topical issues of pedagogical support organization interaction, diagnostics of the results, monitoring and evaluation of educational achievements of bachelors. The authors consider the particular approaches to designing and implementing educational activities considering the factors that determine the integrity of educational process. The article sets the evaluation criteria and success indicators of the competence (kompetentnost) formation by means of traditional and innovative teaching in a university.

Keywords: pedagogical support, educational environment, technological aspect, competencies (kompetencia), individual educational potential, competence (kompetentnost), edutainment.


The learning process in the university is traditionally viewed as the assimilation of knowledge, development of abilities and mastering skills dealing with educational and inprocess problems. However, the education with competencies (kompetentnost) featured in it raises new pedagogical and routine conditions for fulfillment of goals and objectives of the educational activities. This educational format also determines the rate of correspondence between the gained results and the requirements of state educational standards that should be compiled throughout mastering the competencies (kompetencia) and developing the competencies (kompetentnost).

Mismatches between the process maintenance of bach-elours’ educational achievements and the uncertainty of the educational results initiate the particular search for the solutions of this problem. Somehow or other, the mismatches are determined upon training and educational plans in the holistic educational process and successful pedagogical support of activities with the subjects seeking to achieve the goals of modern education regarded as a competence (kompetentnost).

Main part

Undergraduate bachelours of teacher training education undergo the competence formation since their first day at the university with the student status. Probably the reason is the following. Leaving their schools not long ago the students are aware of themselves being freshmen and they already have a strong motivation for success. They strive to meet the new status and showing their educational abilities and the desire to learn and study. That is absolutely true that the outstanding results can’t be shown immediately. But still it is the initial period of subjectivity formation that characterize the specificity and dynamics of change of activity-related and personal components

constituting the competence (kompetentnost). Whereas these components deal with achievements and failures, successes and difficulties in the education throughout the entire process [1].

The freshmen (that have just left schools) regard the beginning of their studies in the university as a real opportunity to realize the importance of previous results and life plans that determine the next stage of their development in the new social context. As for the university stuff, collaborative educational activities are traditionally regarded as a particular position, the initial setting of the active actions, the starting point of planning goals and objectives of education and upbringing modified for revealing the entire educational potentials of the students’ personalities [2].

Collaborative educational activities in conditions of productive interaction are of a great importance for the process participants. The expected results such as manifestations of personality should be regarded as the change of attitude towards yourself and the immediate surroundings. The fact that students show the ability to adapt to the new environmental conditions, use the means of interpersonal communication to enhance the educational space and produce the active interaction from the desired and actual perspectives confirms the following consumption. It is possible to form the competencies (kompetentnost) of undergraduate bachelours of teacher training education with help of academic discipline means.

We suggest considering the holistic educational process as the stages and the content of supportive activities within the organization of pedagogical interaction. The holistic educational process includes:

• setting goals and objectives of joint activities in both space and time learning content (university, training direction, training group, semester etc.);


Section 5. Pedagogy

• analyzing the baseline settings and the choice of targets and success indicators of the implementation of educational and upbringing plans (learning environment, educational content, educational needs of students etc.);

• correlating the parameters of resource support activities and the conditions of implementation capacity of the educational environment in the context of compliance with the students’ demands or expectations;

• choosing the strategies and tactics of pedagogical maintenance and pedagogical support according to the predetermined conditions of pedagogical interaction;

• predicting the possible undesirable development tendencies of object-subject relations and leveling the probability of risk in order to reduce it to the minimum level;

• systematizing the success factors of the subj ect-subj ect relations and modeling the typical probabilistic outcomes of pedagogical situations of interaction;

• structuring the content of bachelaureate education in accordance with the objectives and results of the education or upbringing and both competencies (kompetencia) and descriptors of competence format;

• choosing the methods and maintaining the variability of didactic means and organizational forms of productive interaction between the subjects of education matching the different levels, ex. individual, communicative group of students, whole educational community;

• current and long-term planning, substantive content filling of educational tasks, diagnosing the quality of results of educational and training activities of the subjects;

• analyzing and systematizing the data, assessing the solution of pedagogical tasks in ensuring the competencies (kompetentnost), correcting directions of formation and managing the process.

Pedagogical support is a focused, highly organized and effective interpersonal interaction of subjects, based on the principles of dialogicity, compromise, priority selection for mutually acceptable solutions, meaningful definition of goals, objectives, content of activities etc.

Within the competence approach to the educational process the educational goal setting includes the wide range of formation problems and objectives. They involve both traditional indicators of productivity (knowledge and skills) and personality and psychological characteristics [2, 48]. The new activity priorities predetermine the increasing importance of productive categories of the educational process such as “attitude", “activity”, “Interaction", “interest", “involvement", “creativity" and others [3, 127].

At the same time, pedagogical support involves technological aspect of activity organization (diagnosis, monitoring

and evaluation of educational achievements of bachelours). The choice of criteria and indicators for evaluation of educational competencies (kompetencia), components and structural elements of professional competence (kompetentnost) of an individual and formation level should be carried out at the technological basis [1].

The particular attention should be paid to the modern technologies of the subjective interaction within the educational process and the usage of the non-traditional means of education, entertaining and gaming techniques and technologies, etc. In the modern educational university space it is desirable not to neglect the variety of teaching characteristics of edutainment and to create the period schemes according to the interactive rules of drama/hermeneutics or social/gam-ing directing. These very educational novations may change the educational process and add the valuable specifications. For example, the studying atmosphere is supposed to become comfortable, playful, positive but still businesslike, emotional and intense. As a result all the changes let the pedagogical workers be the leaders in solving many different educational problems [4]. Interactivity of electronic educational systems may also be set by the quality characteristic of pedagogical support of intellectual, cognitive (etc.) processes or by the type of computer based technologies used for educational activities (ex. computer tutorial, computer training system, computer system monitoring knowledge level, IC technologies) [3, 134].


Problematic issues enlisted here will be determined by solving the urgent pedagogical support problems ofeducational and training activities of the educated subjects using multimedia software during the classes, as well as organizing interpersonal and group interaction between the participants through the usage of latest educational technologies (gaming, socio/gaming, drama/hermeneutic, role play, business, case study, training, theatrical, etc.) [3, 129]. It is necessary to take the full advantage of technological resources in order to make the educational process emotional and affective. They also allow to find the most significant and unique educational potentials inherent by the nature of the individuality of each student or to pay special attention to the unconscious mechanisms of learning picked out through the free creative activities [5, 50-52].

There comes the question: which characteristics of organizing the effective interpersonal interaction of subjects may be identified and classified as the key factors of pedagogical support? It is obvious that the special attention should be paid to the optimally balanced educational environment which helps to overcome the communicational barriers, to develop the personal responsibility and to form the professional competencies (kompetentnost).


1. Набиев В. Ш. Военно-специальная компетентность: дидактические условия формирования личности: монография. - Саарбрюкен: Изд-во «LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Germany», 2011. - 140 с.

2. Набиев В. Ш. Предикат компетентностного подхода: генезис целей, содержания и результатов образовательной деятельности в вузе.//Сборник докладов XXII-й Международной научной конференции «Актуальные вопросы


Bologna process and features of teaching in technical higher education institution of Kyrgyzstan

современной психологии и педагогики» (Россия, 26 июня 2015 г.). - Липецк: Научное партнерство «Аргумент», 2015. - С. 45-49.

3. Набиев В. Ш. Педагогическое обеспечение электронного контента современных обучающих систем.//Электронное обучение в непрерывном образовании. - 2015. - Т. 2., № 1 (2). - С. 125-135.

4. Дьяконова О. О. Опыт использования эдьютейнмента в рамках учебных курсов.//Альманах современной науки и образования. - 2011. - № 9. - С. 61-62.

5. Дьяконова О. О., Букатов В. М. Эдьютейнмент в образовании взрослых и интерактивные технологии обучения в современной школе.//Педагогика. - 2014. - № 8. - С. 44-52.

Sartbekova Nurjan Koodoevna, Kyrgyz State University of constructions, transport and architecture named after N. Isanov,

Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek E-mail: nursart@mail.ru

Bologna process and features of teaching in technical higher education institution of Kyrgyzstan

Abstract: The role and value of Bologna Process in Kyrgyzstan are considered in this article. Features of teaching English in technical higher education institution reveal.

Keywords: Bologna Process, state standard, two-level system, integration, internationalization, professional education, guarantee, quality, features of teaching, competence.

Сартбекова Нуржан Коодоевна, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, Кыргызский государственный университет строительства, транспорта и архитектуры имени Н. Исанова, Кыргызстан, г. Бишкек E-mail: nursart@mail.ru

Болонский процесс и особенности преподавания в техническом вузе Кыргызстана

Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются роль и значение Болонского процесса в Кыргызстане. Раскрываются особенности преподавания английского языка в техническом вузе.

Ключевые слова: Болонский процесс, государственный стандарт, двухуровневая система, интеграция, интернационализация, профессиональное образование, гарантия, качество, особенности преподавания, компетенция.

В последние годы роль английского языка в качестве международного еще более усилилась. Согласно информациям всех международные организации английским пользуются как официальным языком, приблизительно 90 % научных статей пишутся сегодня на английском языке.

Еще одной причиной повышения внимания к языковой подготовке студентов технических вузов является присоединение Кыргызстана к Болонскому процессу [1]. 16 сентября 2011 года в городе Болонья (Италия), в здании старейшего университета Европы — Университета Болоньи — состоялось подписание ректорами 37 университетов из 10 стран мира Великой хартии университетов. В числе подписантов ректоры 11 ведущих вузов Кыргызской Республики. В результате чего эти вузы присоединились

к Болонской конвенции (к 721 университету из 79 стран мира). Ранее к Болонскому процессу присоединилось два кыргызстанских вуза. Присоединение к Болонскому процессу позволит вузам республики перейти к двухуровневой системе образования. В августе 2012 года постановление об установлении с 2012-2013 учебного года двухуровневой структуры высшего профессионального образования, с присвоением академических степеней «бакалавр» и «магистр», за исключением некоторых специальностей подписал премьер-министр Кыргызской Республики. Болонская декларация подписана в июне 1999 года министрами образования 29 европейских государств. В сентябре 2003 года к Болонскому процессу присоединилась Россия. В мае 2005 года в состав государств, участвующих в Болонском


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