Научная статья на тему 'Pedagogical support of competence formation: methodological bases and experimental context'

Pedagogical support of competence formation: methodological bases and experimental context Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Nabiev Valery Sharifyanovich

The article considers the problem of competence approach methodological basis. It discusses the topical issues of organizing a holistic educational process. The article presents the original solutions created by the author and the results of experimental verification of the specified conditions of pedagogical maintenance of educational and training activities.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Pedagogical support of competence formation: methodological bases and experimental context»

Pedagogical support of competence formation: methodological bases and experimental context

Section 9. Pedagogy

Nabiev Valery Sharifyanovich, Ulyanovsk state pedagogical university named after I. N. Ulyanov, Candidate of Pedagogical sciences, associate professor, Department of Pedagogics and social work E-mail: [email protected]

Pedagogical support of competence formation: methodological bases and experimental context

The study was funded by "Russian Foundation for Humanities" and the Ulyanovsk region. The project is "Theory of educational potential and assessment of educational achievements of students at the university (examplified by baccalaureate education, 050100 — Teacher Training Education" № 15-16-73003

Abstract: The article considers the problem of competence approach methodological basis. It discusses the topical issues of organizing a holistic educational process. The article presents the original solutions created by the author and the results of experimental verification of the specified conditions of pedagogical maintenance of educational and training activities.

Keywords: educational environment, educational process, wholeness, subjectivity, interaction, attitude, result, individual educational potential.


Competence approach initiates the search for the new patterns of educational process, revealing the specifics of its organization from the standpoint of active subjective interaction between the participants. Within the educational process there takes place the development of the content of basic educational programs (BEP). Baccalaureate programs should be released in the atmosphere of trust, mutual support and responsibility for the result, through the acquisition of personal sense and value importance of education, the development of communicative skills and ability to apply the knowledge in solving educational practice-oriented tasks.

Main part

The content change of higher education is determined by the new educational standards binding the process organisation with the achieved results which satisfy the quality criteria. First of all, it is important to mention the competence formation as it is ensured with the shift of the education system from the traditional teaching practices which use the knowledge determinants of success to the practice of competence development with the help ofvarious tools and pedagogical support technologies, and to the organization of interpersonal and group interaction between the participants during the whole educational process [2; 3; 6].

Methodological bases of holistic educational process in a university should be considered using the example of undergraduate bachelors getting the teacher training education and in the context of experimental verification of the didactic and providing conditions of the educational activity, as well as the educational environment capabilities (the specially designed educational environment) and the expected results of education.

Common problems of competencies are marked in the researches of the following foreign authors (J. Raven, J. Coolman, R. Collins, E. de Bono, V. de Lanshere, J. Folger, A. Freley, J. o'Tool, S. Shneider, L. Spencer, etc.). Russian scientists explore the questions of competence formation in different subject areas, in communication and pay special attention to the knowledge and professional competences (V. S. Bibler, V. V. Davidov, I. A. Zimniaia,

S.Iu. Kurganov, A. M. Matushkin, N. F. Talyzina, M. A. Kholodnaia, A. V. Khutorskoi, D. B. Elkonin, P. M. Erdniev and etc.) [2].

Competencies reflect the requirements of general legal units of the federal state educational standard applied to the content of undergraduate bachelor educational programs. However, the aim of modern higher education is the competence. Competence (kompe-tentnost) is defined as the integral characteristics of the professional activity qualities or the degree of professional personal satisfaction. Competencies are revealed throughout the particular features of their owners and within their relation to the results of individual and collective activities.

The methodological basis for developing the professional pedagogical education is the vocational and educational environment, defined as the form of relationship of an individual with the world of professions and the methods of getting professional education [1].

It is believed that the educational environment of high school educational institution creates the necessary conditions for the holistic educational process. However, not always the educational goals are implemented successfully. Therefore, the attitude should be considered as a condition for the successful competence formation.

V. V. Serikov rightly observes that if the teacher is subjectively removed, and his "child" (holistic educational process) is not the author's self-expression or self-realization, the wholeness is destroyed on a subjective level, where it is born or designed: "... education loses its wholeness, when the subject is alienated from the process, when something he is doing, is not his own existence" [4, 16].

Studying a holistic education process for compliance with the criteria and indicators of successful/qualitative competence formation is related to the uncertain issues of theory and practice of higher pedagogical education:

• undeveloped methodological grounds of competence approach related to the goals, objectives and content of the educational activities;

• lack ofpractice-oriented mechanisms of substitution, transformation and adaptation ofthe knowledge and skills represented by descriptors and determinants of educational content of the competence format;

Section 9. Pedagogy

• unset grounds for adequate choice of criteria/indicators for evaluating the educational competencies, matching the components and the components of professional competence;

• uncertainty of federal state educational standard imposed on the results of educational and training activities of subjects of education.

It is obvious that the choice of bases for the competence formation should be considered comprehensively, throughout the interconnection of the conditions of the relevant areas of pedagogical maintenance of the educational activities: predictive, motivational, communicative and technological ones.

The targeted objects of pedagogical maintenance of competence formation in training future bachelors while preparing the experimental part of the study were the personally significant value orientations on achieving educational results, developing communicative skills and so on. Content and event fulfilment of educational activities of the school staff and interdependent educational relations of educational subjects were presented as the logical bases of active and interactive subjective relations. These are:

• emotionally positive willingness for joint creativity at the levels of subject-subject interaction (collective, group, individual);

• nature and extent of the communicative propensity of the participants (interest, attention, understanding, acceptance, activity, responsibility);

• adaptability, as a manifestation of abilities and skills of orientation in the surrounding educational environment of the university;

• ability to mobilize internal forces through self-assertion and personal formation in situations associated with overcoming the difficulties, solving the educational problems and challenges of the life plan.

According to V. V. Stolin [5], the change of consciousness as a natural result of education and self-identity is determined by the evaluation criteria, and through the awareness and the "feeling'7'attitude" parameters beginning with the level of reality perception (self-esteem change), up to the level of natural creativity and responsibility manifestations [2, 60]:

• desire and need to arouse the interest, to feel the complicity, care and support (health);

• awareness of personal success while implementing the actions, which are defined by the terms of educational and professional work, and comparing himself to "other"/"the others" (self-organization);

• presentation of himself as a phenomenon determined by the level of educational achievements and integrative character of the ability manifestations (self-esteem);

• feeling the needs for further professional development and personal development (self-actualization).

According to the research of the holistic educational process, we note the peculiarity of manifesting the communicative-activity relationship: attention, interest, understanding, acceptance, responsibility, activity and so on. Personal characteristics of the activity levels correlate with the position choice: passive, regulatory, sub-situational, individual and creative ones.

Thus, the success of the educational activities within a holistic educational process should be viewed throughout: being aware of personal significance of higher education, taking the responsibility for the profession choice; planning/realizing the goals and objectives of the nearest and further prospects for personal growth; personifying the educational values, developing communicative abilities and activities; applying knowledge and skills in solving the educational and practice-oriented tasks in an atmosphere of trust, mutual accountability for the results; expanding the educational experience and activities of communication, transferring a rough basis of the formation of skills and abilities in a variety of uncertain situations and professional outcomes.


Results of experimental studies confirm the thesis that the holistic educational process at the methodological level is determined by the didactic conditions in the technological context of the requirements for pedagogical maintenance. The following ones include:

• goal setting, choice of teaching objectives and means of training and education;

• combination of traditional and innovative approaches, methods of training and education;

• variability of using forms of conducting classes;

• use of practice-oriented diagnostic techniques, the organization of control, evaluation of training and educational achievements of the students, including the assessment of subjective education of students-level indicators;

• approximation of the characteristics of the educational results to normative (standardized) quality indicators.


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