Научная статья на тему 'Organizing and providing the scientific experiment to study the holistic characteristics of the educational process in a university'

Organizing and providing the scientific experiment to study the holistic characteristics of the educational process in a university Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Nabiev Valery Sharifyanovich

The article deals with the topical issues of organization and methodological support of a particular experiment. The study is into holistic educational process in a university, it takes into account the system, activity and competence approaches. The article substantiated providing, organizational and pedagogical conditions, evaluation criteria and indicators of success formation of professional qualities of future bachelors (specialising in 050100 “Teacher training education”). The article shows the stages and content of the research activities implementing the goals and objectives of a scientific experiment.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Organizing and providing the scientific experiment to study the holistic characteristics of the educational process in a university»

Nabiev Valery Sharifyanovich, Ulyanovsk state pedagogical university named after I. N. Ulyanov, Candidate of Pedagogical sciences, associate professor, Department of Pedagogics and social work E-mail: paradoks.nabiev@mail.ru

Organizing and providing the scientific experiment to study the holistic characteristics of the educational process in a university

The study was funded by "Russian Foundation for Humanities" and the Ulyanovsk region. The project is "Theory of educational potential and assessment of educational achievements of students at the university (examplified by baccalaureate education, 050100 — Teacher Training Education)" № 15-16-73003

Abstract: The article deals with the topical issues of organization and methodological support of a particular experiment. The study is into holistic educational process in a university, it takes into account the system, activity and competence approaches. The article substantiated providing, organizational and pedagogical conditions, evaluation criteria and indicators of success formation of professional qualities offuture bachelors (specialising in 050100 "Teacher training education"). The article shows the stages and content of the research activities implementing the goals and objectives of a scientific experiment.

Keywords: methodological support, educational process, holistic characteristics, professional and activity qualities, individual educational potential.


The study of actuarially successful models of educational activities and holistic characteristics of the educational process in a modern university is necessary for systematic determination of factors and conditions that mediate the formation of professional and activity-related qualities of students on the basis of competence approach as well as the learning outcomes which satisfy the requirements of the federal state educational standards of the third and subsequent modifications, the emergence of which is expected in connection with the development of higher education in Russia.

Competence-format of training and educational activities of a university tutor and the specific implementation of the joint and autonomous learning activities of a student within the lesson have specific requirements for organizing, controlling, diagnosing and evaluating the educational achievements. The author considers that the main principles of training activities are the individual approach, reliance on the internal potentials and hidden reserves,

pedagogical lesson design, subject-subject interaction and teacher support.

During the preparation of a scientific experiment to study the holistic characteristics of the educational process in a university there was used the arbitral principle of forming the composition ofparticipants. The inclusion of relatively independent tutors into the realization of the basic educational programs of future bachelors (university tutors and their students of various areas of training) enabled to verify the preliminary results of the author's experimental work and to confirm the validity of teaching activities and other working conditions, the logics of competency approach, and etc.

Main part

The variety of modern scientific approaches to the study of higher vocational school pedagogy is conditional on variability of goal-setting activities, a multiple array of situational decisions of basic and additional tasks of training and education, as well as the difference between the contexts in which certain pedagogical phenomenon show their essential

characteristics in the reality of existing and rapidly changing educational process.

In our study, systemic, activity, competence, qua-limetric, subjective (etc.) approaches are defined as the main approaches of pedagogical reality acknowledgement.

The founders of systematic approach V. G. Afa-nasyev, L. von Bertalanfy, I. V. Blauberg, V. N. Sa-dovsky, E. G. Yudin etc. gave the universal methodological principles of perception and assessment of the reality to modern researchers. The use of systematic approach in this case is connected to a full and accurate scientific understanding of the significant components of the holistic educational process which determine the success of competence acquisition, development ofvocational and activity-related qualities, competence formation of future Bachelor getting the teacher training education.

A significant contribution to the creation and development of activity approach as a learning mechanism for coupling the internal states of the individual and the external manifestations of individually-significant qualities of the personality was made by such researches as B. G. Ananiev, V. V. Davydov, L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, S. L. Rubinstein,

D. B. Elkonin, etc. Activity approach in assessing the holistic characteristics of the educational process in a university was used due to the author's choice of the research building logics and meaningful content of the experiment.

When creating the author's theory of the individual educational potential and providing the justification of organizational and pedagogical conditions, selecting the evaluation criteria of educational achievement quality indicators based on competency approach we followed the best practices of leading domestic and foreign scientists. The most profound research of competences was made by the foreign authors (J. Raven, J. Cullman, R. Collins,

E. De Bono, V. De Lanshere, G. Folger, A. Freley, G. O'Toole, S. Schneider, L. Spencer etc.). In Russian psychological and pedagogical literature the special attention is paid to specific aspects of competence formation in the particular subject areas, as well as communication, and knowledge and professional competencies (V. S. Bibler, V. V. Davydov,

I. A. Zimnyaya, S. Yu. Kurganov, A. M. Matyushkin, N. F. Talyzina, M. A. Kholodnaya, A. V. Hutorskoy, D. B. Elkonin, P. M. Erdniev etc.) [2].

Working hypothesis of the experimental work was the following. The qualitative change ofthe process according to the present conditions will be determined by the changing nature of the subjective educational activities (teachers and students), the increase of the collective (group) respect and personal educational significance. In this context, subject-subject interaction of the educational process participants as a universal mechanism for implementing the experimental work was one of the organizational and pedagogical conditions of successful content development ofbasic Bachelor educational programs.

Methodological support of the experiment was determined by:

• the need to improve the quality of the educational process implemented on a "here and now" principle;

• the uniqueness of individual approaches to the development and adjustment of goals, objectives and content of subjective pedagogical interaction based on the analysis of specific qualimetric indicators of a particular training group and estimated targets of individual personality characteristics;

• the trial run of practice-oriented mechanisms of substitution, transformation and adaptation of success indicators (knowledge, skills, experience) which were integrated into the content of the new competency format and the suggested descriptors of educational competencies.

The condition for the successful experimental verification of the working hypotheses of the study was the necessity to ensure the holistic educational process.

We define the holistic educational process as a process organization, which provides a versatile and harmonious development of activity-related and personal qualities/characteristics of students in a university, sets goals of education and training, defines the means to achieve them, and their diagnostic procedures, develops indicators of their correlation and selects the evaluation criteria of resultative quality formation [3, 6]. As a generalized readiness indicator of future BEs to perform official (occupational) duties

there was considered the characteristics of the educational activity, and the levels of interactional relations (individual, interpersonal, group, and etc.) used for selecting the criteria and indicators for the assessment of educational competencies and formation of professional competence [1].

The components of professional competence are the related resultative categories of educational activities of subjects: functional knowledge, conscious skills, creative skills and structured elements of professional experience. Personal components ofprofes-sional competence may vary in composition over a wide range, depending on the natural inclinations of the individual and the age of individual orientation, interests, habits, preferences and so on. The elements of the personal component of professional competence may be the following: cognitive activity, style of individual communication (communicative activities), professional identity, creativity, and etc. [5, 132].

The process supporting of the experimental part of the study was defined as:

• targeting and goal setting at all stages of planning, implementing and evaluating the results;

• content clarification of the activity of teachers and students in the context of the original requirements and teaching conditions;

• implementation of complex measures of control, diagnosis and assessment of educational achievement;

• systematization of information, statistical data processing and reporting, brainstorming, individual reflection, and etc.

During the experiment there was confirmed the thesis that the resulting vector which mediates and effects the formation of the result is determined by setting goals by each participant of the subjective interaction, constructing the individual routes of promotion; obtaining a meaningful content of the educational activities within the semantic and emotional context; making an adequate choice of criteria and indicators of successful results; using diagnosis and control appropriate for competence approach; introducing the level grades, selection and usage of educational achievement measurement means presented in terms of "competence (kompetencia)" and "competence (kompetentnost)" [3, 13].

It is proved that the use of environmental educational resources (potentials) and inclusion ofpersonal potential ofstudents has the following impact "complements the holistic process, increases the importance of pedagogical support while planning and implementing goals, determines the success of the implementation of educational objectives based on teaching and providing conditions, as well as individual opportunities ofthe learners" (c) in author's translation [4, 589].

The author notes the importance of the condition correlating the educational potentials of the students with the parameters of organizational and pedagogical conditions implemented by the teacher. It involves an adequate choice of methods of training and education, using the principles of: dialogic, sense of certainty; systemic and systematic; sequences and cycling; subjectivity, compromise, individuality and solidarity. The total motive of pedagogical support activities aimed at the formation of BE's competence is determined by the mutual desire of tutors and students to achieve success [3, 13].

The content of the experimental part of the study at the implementation phase of the experiment was [6]:

• setting goals and objectives of joint activities in both space and time learning content (university, training direction, training group, semester etc.);

• analyzing the baseline settings and the choice of targets and success indicators of the implementation of educational and upbringing plans (learning environment, educational content, educational needs of students etc.);

• correlating the parameters of resource support activities and the conditions of implementation capacity of the educational environment in the context of compliance with the students' demands or expectations;

• choosing the strategies and tactics of pedagogical maintenance and pedagogical support according to the predetermined conditions of pedagogical interaction;

• predicting the possible undesirable development tendencies of object-subject relations and leveling the probability of risk in order to reduce it to the minimum level;

systematizing the success factors of the subject-subject relations and modeling the typical probabilistic outcomes of pedagogical situations of interaction;

structuring the content of bachelaureate education in accordance with the objectives and results of the education or upbringing and both competencies (kompetencia) and descriptors of competence format; choosing the methods and maintaining the variability of didactic means and organizational forms of productive interaction between the subjects of education matching the different levels, ex. individual, communicative group of students, whole educational community; current and long-term planning, substantive content filling of educational tasks, diagnosing the quality of results of educational and training activities of the subjects; analyzing and systematizing the data, assessing the solution of pedagogical tasks in ensuring the competencies (kompetentnost), correcting directions of formation and managing the process.


Empirically it was confirmed that as the bases to ensure the integrity of the educational process there should be considered a solution of the complex inconsistencies of traditional assessment tools and methods of evaluation of educational achievements, given in view of the specifics of innovative educational activities in the context of competence approach.

The quality of students' results is determined by the didactic conditions of assimilation/development of competencies; practice-oriented transfer mechanisms (substitution, transformation, adaptation, interpretation), traditional characteristics of educational achievement, indicators of professional competence formation; selection of criteria and indicators of educational achievement assessment in the structure of correlated components and competency components; algorithms for diagnosis/assessment of personal qualities and professional activity-related characteristics of the students, as well as taking into account the requirements of the federal state educational standards on the basis of criteria and evaluation indicators.


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