PEDAGOGICAL PHENOMENON OF SPORTS IN THE FORMATION OF MODERN SOCIETY'S VALUES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Modern European Researches
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Fedjukov Sergey V., Kloktunova Natalya A., Ramazanova Anita Y., Fedjukov Vadim V.

The article discusses the role of sport and physical activity of the individual in the development of socially important personality traits. Particular attention is paid to features and some aspects of life of people who are constantly engaged in sports. The authors considered in detail the concept of resilience, as well as its components. The information presented in the article shows that people involved in sports become ready to overcome difficult life situations.

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The article discusses the role of sport and physical activ'ty of the indiv'dual in the development of socially important personality traits. Particular attention is paid to features and some aspects of life of people who are constantly engaged in sports. The authors considered in detail the concept of resilience, as well as its components. The information presented in the article shows that people involved in sports become ready to overcome difficult life situations.


pedagogy, the process of education, psychological stress in training, public health, personality characteristics

AUTHORS Sergey V. Fedjukov

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assistant Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Educational Technologies and Professional Communication of Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky, Saratov 112, st. Big Cossack, Saratov, 410012, Russia fedukovsv@mail.ru

Natalya A. Kloktunova

Candidate of Sciences in Sociology, Head of Department of Pedagogy, Education Technologies and Professional Communication, Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky, Saratov

112, st. Big Cossack, Saratov, 410012, Russia pedagog.sgmu@mail.ru

Vadim V. Fedjukov

Candidate of Pedagogics Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Pedagogy, Educational Technologies and Professional Communication of Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky, Saratov Russia 112, st. Big Cossack, Saratov, 410012, Russia fedyukovvadim@yandex.ru.

Anita Y. Ramazanova

Senior lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy, Educational Technologies and Professional Communication of Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky, Saratov Russia 112, st. Big Cossack, Saratov, 410012, Russia anitusi@mail.ru

1. Introduction

1.1 The urgency of the problem

The study of the behavior of young adults in modern society, their actions in difficult situations, stress resistance and the ability to cope with difficulties is becoming more urgent in view of the information richness, and, w'th it, the acceleration of the pace of life.

A constant stream of fresh information through the Internet, TV and radio shows us the constant changes in different areas of our life. Is it possible to catch everywhere? And is it necessary? How to allocate power, realize and unleash the potential? How to cultivate the personality traits that will be helpful in solving difficult life issues? The present article will focus on sport and its unique educational opportunities.

It should be noted immediately, that sport is an activity that takes a lot of time, physical and moral strength. Stress, injuries, grueling training, psychological tension during the training and competition, all of the above are signs of the constant fight against internal and external conditions. The life of an athlete is connected with the rising to the challenge, with the desire to overcome laziness, fatigue, fear and, with them, his competitors and, of course, himself. This fight creates his own level of resilience. Some have a lower level of resilience, while others have it higher. It all depends on discipline and commitment.

1.2 Status of problem

Pierre de Coubertin, an initiator of the revival of the Olympic Games, a French public figure, teacher, historian told about sport: «O Sport, you are Progress! To serve you, a man must improve himself both physically and spiritually. You force him to abide by a greater discipline; you demand that he avoid all excess. You teach him wise rules which allow him to exert himself with the maximum of intensity without compromising his good health. O Sport, you are Audacity! The meaning of all muscular effort can be summed up in the word "dare". What good are muscles, what is the point of feeling strong and agile, and why work to improve one's agility and strength, unless it is in order to dare? But the daring you inspire has nothing in common with the adventurer's recklessness in staking everything on chance. Yours is a prudent, well-considered audacity [1,2].

Why do people behave differently, when faced with life challenges? What qualities do not allow a person to give up, but rather stimulate him to overcome these difficulties? What is resilience?

According to the scientists involved in the study of the issue, resilience is a system of beliefs about oneself, about the world, about relations with the world. Resilience is a characteristic of a person. It characterizes a person's mental health and includes three basic life attitudes:

- engagement,

- confidence in the ability to control the situation,

- willingness to take risks.

There is a connection: the more pronounced these characteristics are, the less likely is internal stress in difficult situations. In other words, a person who regularly takes physical exercise, facing a stressful situation, perceives it as insignificant or less significant. He is ready for such a challenge.

This statement was confirmed by the study of the resilience level of the Far Eastern Federal University students. A test was carried out by the method of S. Maddi in the adaptation of D. Leontiev (statistical processing of the results using the Mann-Whitney U-criterion). The object of research is the level of resilience of students. The aim is to compare the indicators of the level of resilience of students who regularly takes physical exercise (student - athletes) and students who do not engage in sports (students - not athletes) [3].

2. Materials and methods

2.1 Objectives of the research

The study is based on the determination of the levels of the three main indicators of resilience:

- engagement,

- confidence in the ability to control the situation,

- willingness to take risks.

A high level of vitality is characterized by self-confidence, activity, resistance and the ability to work effectively without losing peace of mind in a critical situation.

The low level of resilience is characterized by a lack of self-confidence and ability to overcome difficulties.

According to the study, it turned out that

level of engagement:

students - athletes - 85%

students - not athletes - 15%,

level of control of the situation:

students - athletes - 80%

students - not athletes - 40%,

risk acceptance rate: students - athletes - 85% students - not athletes - 65%

Thus, it turned out that the relative indicators of the overall level of resilience: students - athletes - 100% students are not athletes - 50%

The difference is obvious. Studies have shown that young people who regularly practices physical activity, have twice the higher level of readiness for life challenges. Of course, the level of resilience of each person requires a separate in-depth analysis, but patterns identified during the study cannot be ignored.

2.2 Areas of study

What is the pedagogical phenomenon of sports?

Consider the features and some aspects of life of people who are constantly engaged in sports:

- demands to comply with the daily regime and the regime of life,

- training process in conditions of increased physical acti^ty,

- overcoming stresses of training and competition,

- nurturing a sense of responsibility for themselves, for the results, for the team,

- health care, finding ways of rehabilitation after injuries,

- compliance with the requirements for study and work.

To achieve the result, it is necessary to create a number of pedagogical conditions for the athlete, the observance of which will allow to approach the intended goal. Consider these conditions:

- immersion in the training process for a long period of time,

- concentration of power during the pre-competition period,

- mobilization of power during performance at competitions,

- recovery from competitive stress,

- trauma treatment.

Each condition involves the emergence of a certain mental state of an athlete. These can be normal reactions - anxiety, emotional experience, intense thinking about tactics and techniques, relaxation. However it makes sense to concentrate more on abnormal reactions that need to be overcome. These are stresses, apathy, physical and emotional exhaustion, aggression, phobias [4,5]. Such conditions affect the psyche of an athlete and lead to a drop in results. How to overcome this condition? The athlete needs to analyze the condition and assess his own psychological preparation. Consider a number of major stress factors:

- low training and competitive achievements,

- psychological pressure,

- conflicts with the coach, team and family conflicts,

- poor sleep before the start,

- excessive demands on the expected result,

- fatigue caused by moving to the venue of the competition,

- fear of the rival, caused by the pre^ous defeat from this rival,

- unfair or unqualified judging,

- fear of injury,

- the postponement of the competition, of the start, which results in increased excitement, lack of cohesion, apathy and burnout,

- negative reaction of fans, trainer, relatives.

Every unsuccessful performance requires careful analysis from the athlete. If you do not work on the errors, then the failure can happen again and the progress will stop. For

justice, it is important to note that non-athletes in their daily lives also face difficulties and also learn to overcome them. But people immersed in the sports, solve such problems regularly. They develop a kind of stress immunity.

3. Results

3.1 The results of the physiological formation

What prevents you from doing sports regularly? Often people underestimate the role of sport in their own development and formation. There is not enough time for sports or there are other equally good reasons to postpone going to gym. Many people do not pay enough attention to their physical culture, and with it forget about the observance of diet, sleep and hygiene. They have a lot of bad habits. It necessarily weakens the immune system, leads to the aging and premature loss of physical and mental well-being. Often we have to deal with the opinion that sport is a specialized activity that requires certain inclinations and abilities. This is true, but only partly. It is in this belief that the priority is the development of the physical abilities of the individual, his body development. But to a much greater extent this statement is wrong, because man is not only and not so much physical being. Much more important is the development and formation of personality, which cares about his body. Therefore, sport helps shape a harmonious personality. Regardless of the type of sports activity [6].

The importance of physical culture for the harmonious development of a young person cannot be overestimated. However, it is important to pay attention to its role in the personality formation in term of general culture. The values of physical culture should be formed so that they contain elements of morality, aesthetics, and as a result, are shown in a holistic human form. Body development should not interfere, but rather promote the development and formation of personality [7].

3.2 The results of the social formation

Physical culture solves a three-fold problem in the life of every person. Firstly, it is the correct value orientation in the way of life, secondly, it is physical fitness and education, and thirdly, it is the need for regular exercise for the purpose of self-improvement. In ethical terms, the sport solves a number of vital issues. This is the development of independence in decision-making, increasing the level of communicability, sociability and desire for creativity. What qualities are formed in young people who regularly go in for sports? The joy of victory and the bitterness of defeat let them learn and perfect themselves. Sports competitions form in a person a sense of duty and responsibility to the team and fans, give the opportunity to realize their honor and dignity, teaches to do honesty competition, awaken feelings of compassion and empathy [8].

Sports activity is inextricably linked with the development of the athlete's intelligence. Any training process is a creative search for appropriate tactics and techniques of training, the choice of distribution methods, the study of physiology, nutrition, sports medicine. Sport activities develop the skill of emotional management and physical condition. It develops such distinctive character traits as breadth, depth, criticality and flexibility of thinking. Communication at the level of all-Russian and international competitions develops cognitive activity and promotes rapprochement between people.

Also important is the aesthetic development of man. Sport promotes knowledge of beauty of physique and movement. The pursuit of this beauty reveals the unlimited spiritual and physical capabilities of man.

4. Conclusion

However, returning to the issue of resilience, it is necessary to note such an important manifestation of human nature as willpower. Manifestation of willpower is inconceivable without active overcoming of the whole complex of objective and subjective difficulties. In the highest degree of tension a person manifests his willpower and overcomes himself. The ability to show willpower in a daily fight against yourself creates objective conditions for formation of important personality traits - courage, persistence, resoluteness, purposefulness, initiative and self-discipline [9].

A person engaged in sports achieves not just a specific competitive result or a momentary goal in the form of a victory or a number of points scored, he achieves disproportionately more - he becomes ready to overcome difficult life situations.


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