2. Ариян, М.А. Социально развивающая методическая система обучения иностранным языкам: проектирование и реализация: Автореферат дис. ...д-ра пед наук. - Н. Новгород, 2009. - 43 с.
3. Бобнева, М.И. Социальное развитие личности: Психологическая проблема / М.И. Бобнева // Общественные науки. - 1980. - № 1. - С. 89-101.
4. Клюева, М.И. Коммуникативно-познавательные кейсы как средство формирования иноязычной профессионально-коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся в вузе по направлению подготовки "Туризм": Автореферат дис. ...канд. пед. наук. - Н. Новгород, 2016. - 26 с.
5. Павлова, Л.В. Методическая система развития гуманитарной культуры студентов бакалавриата в компетентностной парадигме иноязычного образования: Автореферат дис. ...д-ра. пед. наук. - Н. Новгород, 2016. - 45 с.
6. Присмотрова, О.С. Формирование профессионально ориентированной иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции магистрантов нелингвистического вуза Автореферат дис. ...канд. пед. наук. -Н. Новгород, 2018. - 26 с.
UDC: 796.925
candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, professor Akhatov Azat Munirovich
Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism (Kazan); candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, associate Professor Volchkova Venera Ildusovna Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism (Kazan); candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate Professor Akhmadiev Marat Gabdulbarovich Kazan National Research Technological University (Kazan)
Аннотация. Статья посвящена проблеме педагогической организации технико-тактической подготовки студентов-спортсменов в борьбе на поясах. Исследуются возможности формирования классификации технических элементов данного вида борьбы, которая дает представление о педагогической организации преемственности обучения разнообразным техническим приемам в борьбе на поясах не только относительно уровней, но и групп элементов.
Ключевые слова: педагогическая организация, борьба на поясах, техническая подготовка, тактическая подготовка в борьбе на поясах, студенты-спортсмены, технические приемы в борьбе на поясах.
Annotation. The article is devoted to the problem of the pedagogical organization of technical-tactical training of student-athletes wrestling on belts. The possibilities of forming the classification of technical elements in this type of fight, which gives an idea of the pedagogical organization of the continuity of training in various techniques in wrestling on belts, not only in relation to levels, but also groups of elements, are explored.
Keywords: pedagogical organization, wrestling on belts, technical training, tactical training in belt wrestling, student-athletes, techniques in wrestling on belts.
Introduction. Belt wrestling has long been known in the international arena as a sport uniting many national wrestling. In 2003, in order to bring the belt wrestling to the international arena, "uniform rules" were developed, based on the principle: to use techniques that do not lead to the injury of an opponent. Since December 2003, Championships, Cups and Championships of Russia, Continental Championships, Championships, Cups, Universiade and World Championships are held annually. The increased popularity of belt wrestling in many countries of the world is forcing specialists to reconsider their views on the pedagogical organization of wrestling techniques to improve the quality of the training process. In conditions of tough competition on the world stage, the criterion of the effectiveness of the pedagogical organization of training athletes is its effectiveness, which can be improved by searching for and implementing the optimal technique of technical and tactical training, which is of certain importance for the integrated training of athletes-students in wrestling. This question becomes the most relevant in the existing psychological and pedagogical conditions.
Formulation of the purpose of the article. The purpose of the article is to study the ways of the effectiveness of the pedagogical organization of technical and tactical training of student-athletes in wrestling on belts.
Objectives of the study:
1. To identify the most effective throws of students - athletes in the conditions of competition in wrestling.
2. Identify and group throw combinations.
3. Identify the conditions of execution of throws and their combinations.
4. To develop a methodology for the pedagogical organization of technical and tactical training of athletes-students.
5. To test the effectiveness of the developed methodology in a pedagogical experiment.
In the course of a long analysis of scientific and methodological literature, we reviewed the systems that are recommended for use in the process of pedagogical organization of teaching students technical and tactical actions. We analyzed programs for youth schools and schools for various types of wrestling; we developed a system of training sequence and improving the pedagogical organization of technical and tactical actions, taking into account the peculiarities of the rules of Greco-Roman, free-style wrestling, sambo and judo.
The novelty of the research lies in the fact that based on the methodology of the pedagogical organization of technical and tactical training of students-athletes of the Sports Academy there are studies of the technical and tactical activities of high-class athletes to identify the conditions for successful implementation of throw combinations in wrestling.
Presentation of the main material of the article. In our opinion, technical and tactical actions are considered learned when an athlete easily performs them in the ring with an equal or superior rival in terms of fitness. Therefore, the main tool of the pedagogical organization of improving and consolidating the mastered technical-tactical action as the main attacking action is its use in training and competitive fights. The modern system of pedagogical organization
of training at all stages of the development of technical and tactical skills, and especially the system for monitoring the preparedness of athletes, should be considered as one of the most important areas in wrestling. According to scientists, the modern style of a wrestler is the pace, accuracy, and diversity of equipment, which imposes relevant requirements on the development of technical and tactical skills of athletes. We believe that a significant problem today in the world of belt wrestling is the increase in the effectiveness of the training process, including the quality of training.
Among the measures aimed at raising the level of all forms of pedagogical organization of classes, the greatest interest is the further development and widespread use in practice of technical and tactical approaches in the training process. Evaluation of the use of this approach belt wrestlers usually occurs in the conditions of competitions at various levels [15]. To perform technical and tactical elements, an athlete must, first, momentarily weigh the point of loss of balance by the opponent or prevent its manifestation; secondly, to very quickly solve a tactical problem by choosing a specific action under the prevailing conditions, and to use it accordingly; thirdly, to quickly implement the decision.
A different approach from the point of view of the use and effectiveness of the pedagogical organization of teaching techniques was proposed by 3. Olshevsky in his dissertation work "The content and sequence of teaching basic technology at the coaching department of the Institute of Physical Culture in the Polish People's Republic" [8, 17, 13].
According to the authors, in the process of pedagogical organization of determining the level of technical and tactical training of fighters, it is necessary to clarify the connection between competitive activity and the content of technical and tactical training [8, 11, 9, 7]. Attention is drawn to the fact that to establish a basic strategy for athletes, it is necessary to take into account the degree of use and effectiveness of technical and tactical actions during fights [8, 16].
At present, we are looking for ways to increase the effectiveness of the pedagogical organization of training athletes-students in wrestling in competition with national and international competitions. We study the numerous performance of various throws in wrestling on belts, as well as the main conditions for the successful execution of combinations.
It is assumed that it is better to focus on the pedagogical organization of technical training at the initial stage of the training process [8]. The importance of the expedient construction of a wrestler's technical training process is exacerbated by the fact that the shortcomings of this element are not highlighted at a younger age [8]. This happens because this disadvantage is compensated by a high level of fitness [8]. However, shortcomings in adolescence [6], gaps in technology are found even in high-class athletes, and the defects made in the early stages are difficult and sometimes impossible to fix, because on the one hand, the formed incorrect skill prevents the creation of a new, correct, and on the other hand, the time convenient for the formation of dexterity, which is the basis of the technique, is lost.
We have formed a classification of technical elements in belt wrestling based on the biomechanical complication of movements, which gives an idea of the pedagogical organization of the continuity of training in various belt wrestling techniques not only in relation to levels, but also groups of elements. It was also very important for us to understand the sequence of the pedagogical organization of teaching techniques within the levels and groups and in accordance with the stages of long-term sports training. There is also the question of the development of the "crown" technique and personal style of the struggle, without which it is very difficult to achieve victory in the international arena [1, 3, 4]. The starting point of this technique should be varied using different methods of distracting the opponent. However, we must not forget that the "corona" technique must be minimally variable, that is, its main variables (time, space and force) can be stable in the corresponding interval of change. For example, it is better to perform a throw as accurately and quickly as possible, working to outrun an opponent [12]. In addition, the possession of "corona" attacks is an important condition for the development of a combination style of struggle - the most dangerous for rivals. Thus, further improvement of the effectiveness of the pedagogical organization of technical and technical-tactical exercises is the development of its own style of conducting competitive struggle and the "crown" technique.
The developed methodology and practical recommendations were used in the preparation and participation of student-athletes in the Championship of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Championship of Russia in 2018, held in Zainsk. According to the results of the Championship of the Republic of Tajikistan, 12 students-athletes of the Academy were selected for participation in the Championship of the Russian Federation. Students Nurutdinova R. (2nd place), Abramov A. (2nd place), Latipov T. (1st place), Karimullin D. (2nd place), Zakirov I. (1st place), and also graduate student Suleymanov G. (1st place ), following the results of the Russian Championship, were included in the Russian national team for participation in the World Championship, which will be held on October 25-27, 2018 in the city of Kazan, the Republic of Tatarstan.
The experimental methodology was aimed at improving the pedagogical organization of the combination style of throwing. In the conditions of competition, a successful attack is possible only when creating a comfortable dynamic situation, one of which is its unexpected manifestation as a result of attacks by an opponent or other actions of both fighters, where its occurrence was not planned [10].
In our opinion, the use of the "crown" attacker reception greatly enhances the chances of fighters to achieve victory in the world arena. It is very important that the initial element of the "corona reception" be as varied as possible [12]: the athlete must be proficient in a variety of ways to distract an opponent. However, the "corona" method itself must be more stable in the variations of movements so that the variables "time-space-force" are stable in the optimal range of variation. A vivid example of the latter can be a throw made by a wrestler accurately and quickly enough to work ahead of the opponent [17].
It is necessary to clarify that the use of "corona" attacks by a wrestler is one of the most important conditions for creating a combined style of struggle, which is considered to be the most dangerous and unpredictable for the opponent. So, in order for an action to be successful in competitions in wrestling on belts, it is necessary to work it out in various situations and conditions as close as possible to the fight [12, 17].
Only in the case when an athlete has successfully applied a technical-tactical action in a competitive battle with the best-trained opponent, can this technique be considered mastered [18]. Therefore, the use of mastered technical-tactical actions as the main attacking actions in training and competitive fights can be considered the main means of its improvement and consolidation [14].
Conclusions. So, taking into account all the above, the pedagogical organization of the classification of technical elements and tactical actions of athletes in belt wrestling, presented in our work, is based on a systematic approach and has a methodological focus. This allows you to pre-make a clear plan for learning motor techniques, in particular, at the initial stages of preparation, taking into account the biomechanical complication of movements. In our opinion, such a classification is accompanied by didactically competent planning of training for motor techniques for the following reasons: it increases the positive motivation to the training sessions; prevents physical and psychological burnout of fighters; creates the effect of a positive transfer of motor elements.
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кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Ахкиямова Гузелия Равиловна
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего
образования «Набережночелнинский государственный педагогический университет» (г. Набережные Челны)
Аннотация. Статья посвящена вопросу реализации на практике модели формирования культуры безопасности у учащихся. Отмечена, важность использования межпредметной связи в урочной и внеурочной работе в процессе преподавания предмета ОБЖ, что способствует созданию целостной научной картины мира; необходимость в высококвалифицированных учителях ОБЖ, что является важной задачей достижения планируемых результатов обучения в соответствии с ФГОС.
Ключевые слова: безопасность жизнедеятельности, межпредметные связи, урочная работа, внеурочная деятельность.
Annоtation. Article is devoted to a question of realization in practice of model of formation of a safety culture at pupils. It is noted, importance of use of intersubject communication in task and after-hour work in the course of teaching subject Fundamentals of Health and Safety that promotes creation of a complete scientific picture of the world; need for highly skilled life safety teachers that is an important problem of achievement of the planned results of training according to FGOS.
Keywords: safety, interdisciplinary connections, lesson work, extracurricular activities.