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Ключевые слова
teacher / education / conflicts / psychology

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Nafisa Jabborkulova

Today, along with developments, updates, changes and technological processes in every field, the use of new technologies and Internet resources is increasing in the educational system. Nowadays, students can learn and study independently through various sources. He has the opportunity to get some knowledge from his parents or tutor. Although he has not fully mastered the subject, he studies a part of it and compares the knowledge given by the teacher on this subject. If the teacher gives shallow knowledge or wrong information, the student will lose respect for the teacher. Of course, he brags about it to his classmates

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ISSN: 2181-1385

Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,12 | ASI-Factor: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,7 | UIF: 6,1



Nafisa Jabborkulova

j -nafisa@samdu.uz Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov, Samarkand city,


Today, along with developments, updates, changes and technological processes in every field, the use of new technologies and Internet resources is increasing in the educational system. Nowadays, students can learn and study independently through various sources. He has the opportunity to get some knowledge from his parents or tutor. Although he has not fully mastered the subject, he studies a part of it and compares the knowledge given by the teacher on this subject. If the teacher gives shallow knowledge or wrong information, the student will lose respect for the teacher. Of course, he brags about it to his classmates.

Keywords: teacher, education, conflicts, psychology.

Conflicts generally lead to not listening to the lesson and disrespecting the subject, and eventually losing the desire to master the subject. As a result, various forms of conflict arise between the teacher and the student. The frequent repetition of such a situation causes the teacher's attitude to his profession to fade, and a professional deformation situation is observed in the teacher. Therefore, prevention of conflicts in pedagogical activities and their elimination remains an urgent problem in pedagogical and psychological research.

The word "conflict" came in the 19th century from the Latin language "konfliktus" - "conflict". It is possible to live without using the word conflict, but it is impossible to live without conflict. Perhaps it is not surprising that this word is used to summarize all the words of disagreement, conflict, struggle, conflict and so on.

There cannot be a person among us who has not had a conflict. That is why the phrase "if there is no conflict in your life, check your pulse" is used. The bottom line is that conflict is as simple as an event in our lives. In addition, if there are no conflicts in the family, workplace or state, this means that growth and development in a peaceful life has stopped. Therefore, it is necessary to study these conflicts and eliminate them when they arise, and try not to have a


negative impact on the development of our lives.

January, 2023

The socio-psychological causes of conflicts arise as a result of the conditional interaction of people, as a result of their participation in social groups.

The conflict of an individual with himself is considered the most difficult of psychological conflicts, that is, it occurs in the inner world of a person. Man always faces such conflicts. Such conflicts are important processes of the development of a person in terms of their constructive nature. But internal conflicts pose a serious threat to a person, they can lead to severe experiences, i.e. as a result of stress, to the last point - suicide. Therefore, it is important for everyone to know the exact cause of internal conflicts and ways to eliminate them.

Internal conflict is a conflict of the inner psychological world of a person.

Such conflict takes the form of severe experiences. It is observed in the following specific cases: fear, depression, stress, often internal conflict turns into neurosis. Internal conflict is not always easy to identify, sometimes a person does not even realize that he is in this state.

Various scientists have presented their main psychological concepts about internal conflict: according to Z. Freud, man is naturally prone to conflict, and the internal conflict of a person is the result of the struggle between eros and thanatos. According to Z.Freud, this struggle increases human feelings, ambivalence with the opposition of social existence and leads to a state of conflict.

In his theory, Z.Freud reveals not only internal conflicts, but also the defense mechanism. In addition, Freud advanced the mechanisms of projection, rationalization, repression, and regression.

According to Alfred Adler's dissatisfaction theory, personality is formed at the age of five. During this period, he feels the influence of an unpleasant factor. These, in turn, cause him to feel dissatisfied with himself. Later, this situation is reflected in his actions, activities, outlook, etc. This shows the inner conflict of the person. Adler showed not only the mechanism of formation of internal conflict of a person, but also the ways of solving these conflicts (compensation of self-dissatisfaction).

Scientist Carl Jung emphasizes the origins of extroversion and introversion education, in his book "Psychological Types" published in 1921, he provided clear evidence of human typology. K. Jung divides human typology into 4 functions: thinking, feeling, sensing and intuition. Each function takes place in two directions: extraversion and introversion. Based on this, a person can be divided into the following types: thinker-extrovert, thinker-introvert; feeler-extrovert; intuitive-extrovert; intuitive-introvert. Thus, an extrovert is based on the external world. His inner world is built on the basis of his outer world. For an introvert, his inner feelings are important. Extrovert

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is realized by relying more on the internal conflicts of the individual.

Among conflict prevention institutions, the role of the family and neighborhood in our context is unique. The initial social experience and elements of social behavior in a person are formed in the family, in the system of family relations. That's why there is a saying in our people that "a bird does what it sees in its nest". That is, the initial patterns of personality traits are acquired in the family, and this pattern is polished and improved under the influence of other groups in society. In our Uzbek conditions, along with the family, the neighborhood plays an important educational and socializing role. That's probably why sometimes they ask which neighborhood a person is from and then make a conclusion, that is, there is a difference between neighborhood and neighborhood, and this difference is reflected in people's psychology. For example, if a good bride comes from one neighborhood, they will look for a girl from this neighborhood. That is, the social environment in this neighborhood helped the girls to grow up to be strong, smart and fair.

For example, in some neighborhoods it is customary to sweep the street doors at dawn, and not all families break this custom. A similar system of norms defines the differences, advantages and disadvantages of each street-neighbourhood, and the latter have a direct impact on the socialization of young people growing up in this neighborhood.

Another important center of socialization is school and other educational institutions. It is here that the processes of socialization and upbringing are combined in a special way. Our social imagination is such that we perceive the school as a place where we receive education, where the child acquires a system of knowledge. But in fact, this is a place where socialization takes place through educational means. Here, we are not referring to educational subjects such as "Spiritual lessons" and "Etiquette" that were deliberately established and introduced in recent years. It is about the educative role of each lesson, general school conditions, general environment.

For example, let's say that during the lesson, the teacher is busy explaining a new lesson with all his attention. In his eyes, only the lesson, the content of the subject and the intended goal are the main ones. But in fact, the way the teacher behaves in this process, his clothes, his subjective attitude to the subject, and, moreover, his attitude to the students in the whole class, is a factor that determines everything and is important for social experience.

From this point of view, a teacher who meets the tastes, expectations and requirements of students is recognized by children, otherwise the influence of the teacher will have only a negative resonance. Similarly, the environment formed in each class plays a big role.

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In some classes, mutual cooperation and friendly relations are well established, there are favorable conditions for creative discussions and debates in the group. This environment naturally directs the social behavior of its members only in a positive direction. As conflicts occur in every social institution, conflicts of various forms occur in educational institutions.

The main goal of the field of pedagogy is the purposeful formation and development of a well-rounded person, and the main essence of the activity is directed to the delivery and assimilation of social experience. Therefore, it is here that there should be positive socio-psychological conditions that provide the necessary mental stability for the pedagogue, student, and parents.

The main manifestations of conflicts: student-student;

The main reason for such conflicts is the teenager's attempt to take the leading position in the class team (microgroup), his aggressiveness and rudeness (the main source is the anomalous situation in family relations and the interaction between teachers and students). Adolescent conflicts cannot be completely eradicated. The intensity of conflicts between students will change along with the process of socialization of a teenager, which is carried out purposefully in an educational institution - first of all, assimilation of existing spiritual and moral values. Spiritually mature persons change their behavior during the conflict.

• Internal rules (code of conduct) in the educational institution play an important role in preventing conflicts. The personality of the teacher has a great influence on the conflict behavior of students. According to the results of the research, the communication style and pedagogical tactics of the first teacher can have a noticeable effect on the students' interpersonal relations with their classmates and parents. (O. G. Osadko, 1993).

• It is necessary for the teacher to participate in the resolution of conflicts between students, depending on the situation, conflict resolution can be administrative measures or simple positive advice.

• It is possible to achieve a positive result in resolving the conflict by giving the disputants tasks to be performed in cooperation or by involving the leading students of the class. Student-teacher conflict. M. M. According to Rybakova (1991), conflicts between teacher and student are distinguished:

• Activity conflict occurs between the teacher and the student as a result of refusal to perform educational tasks or not performing them well. Sometimes the teacher's high demand for mastery of his subject and, as a result, the use of the punishment method through assessment, lead to conflicts, which in turn leads to a decrease in the student's interest

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in cognitive activities.

• The correct solution of pedagogical problems by the pedagogue: because the school is a micro-view of society, where students learn the norms of interpersonal relations.

• Conflict participants (teacher-student) have different social positions and their behavior is determined on this basis.

• Due to the different life experiences of the participants, the degree of making mistakes in conflict resolution also causes them to differ.

• Different perception of the conflict (the conflict is expressed differently from the point of view of the teacher and from the point of view of the student).

• Mistakes made by the teacher in conflict resolution lead to further problems and now other students join in or participate.

In the pedagogical process, conflict prevention is more effective than solving it. The relationship between the student and his parents is important for the pedagogue in the positive resolution of conflicts.

Teachers are given advice on how to manage conflicts:

- Being able to be objective with students while managing your own emotions and patiently listen to their point of view.

- Applying positive criticism tools to students.

- It is necessary not to insult the personality of the student, perhaps to criticize his behavior.

- Do not drive the student out of the classroom as much as possible;

- Solving problems without contacting the administration as much as possible.

-Do not respond to aggression with aggression, because you are a teacher.

- The opportunity to give yourself and the child the right to make mistakes -because only people who do nothing do not make mistakes.

-Don't be afraid of conflicts, instead learn to take responsibility for solving them positively.

Social-psychological training is widely used today to overcome the above-mentioned problems. According to surveys, the use of psychological training in European countries is 80-85% in production enterprises and organizations. Social psychological training is widely used in world practice as a method of psychological influence. Social psychological training makes it possible to solve the internal problems of interpersonal mutual understanding, increasing the empathic potential of communication. In a broad sense, socio-psychological training (IPT) refers to the practice of psychological influence based on active methods of working with groups. At the same time, the

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ISSN: 2181-1385

Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,12 | ASI-Factor: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,7 | UIF: 6,1

application of specific forms of education, skills and competences in dealings, self-development and control are also considered.

The concept of "training" in English means "teaching", "exercise", social psychological training is the preparation of a person for various areas of social activity, in which the main focus is to reflect the process of increasing the level of knowledge of a person or a whole group in the field of communication or communication in a purposeful way. . IPT is one of the methods of active teaching and psychological influence by responding to one's own behavior and the behavior of others in the group. In such groups, maximum favorable conditions are created for the participant to be able to see the attitude of others towards him, the attitude of the leader of the group.

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