UDC 37
L.S. Khadartseva, L.F. Dzilikhova
Financial university under the government of Russian Federation
Vladikavkaz, Russia,
HIGHER SCHOOL TEACHER'S PERSONALITY [ХадарцеваЛ.С., ДзилиховаЛ.Ф. Личность преподавателя вуза]
The paper considers the role and the meaning of the Higher School teacher's personality in the process of students' training and their professional education. Teacher's professional level is determined by his/her state of creative potential, which combines teaching activities, profound theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Besides, considerable attention is paid to the teacher's individuality which is constantly striving to enrich his/her moral, intellectual and professional potential, i.e., to the process of formation and continuous, ongoing development of ethic and cultural characteristics of a teacher as an active participant of a modern educational process. The teacher must constantly be in a state of ongoing self-development and self-education, so that to meet higher social requirements to his/her personality. These requirements are based on the fact that the teacher is the organizer and the driving force of the upbringing process and the process of professional training.
Key words: higher education, Higher School teacher, teaching activities, extensive theoretical knowledge, practical skills, business ethics, ethic rules.
"The most important phenomenon, the most instructive subject, the most vivid
example is always the teacher himself'
Friedrich Adolph Wilhelm Diesterweg
It is known that one of the tasks of modernization of Russian education is to improve the competence of students. The attainment of this goal is only possible through increased professional competence of a teacher. Pedagogical professionalism is expressed by high creative potential, and combines teaching activities, extensive theoretical knowledge with practical skills. Highly qualified teacher does not only give lessons, but also involves the students in teamwork, instilling thereby the habit of self-reliance, the ability to think and analyze. All teachers are well aware of one of the basic methodological postulates: good lesson is not the lesson where teacher worked hard, but the lesson where the students actively worked.
Highly professional teacher is first and foremost a transmitter of special knowledge. There are many examples when universities invite to work well-known experts and scholars in a particular branch of knowledge, however, such specialists
are often inconsistent teachers because teacher's personality provides a combination of deep knowledge of specialty with knowledge of methods and techniques of teaching. Namely this combination ensures the development of creative abilities, forms a common cultural competence, creates a holistic aspect of knowledge and of fundamental concepts.
Along with teaching, research, social and educational activities the teacher of higher school is called upon to implement the educational work. A teacher of higher school as a teacher, a scholar and an educator, as well as a reputable person, affects the personality of a future specialist. Unfortunately, less attention is paid to educational work in higher education since the focus has shifted to teaching and research. But the indisputable fact is that the process of formation of a person is holistic and this requires the triune of training, research and educational work. Higher School Teacher combines scientific and pedagogical creation. The peculiarity of pedagogical creativity lies in the fact that the object and at the same time the subject of his professional activity is a student - the future specialist. All other forms of creative activity are inferior to the pedagogical creativity in their complexity and importance due to the fact that in the process of educational activities a teacher creates both a person and a future specialist. Higher school teacher combines scientific and pedagogical creation. The results of creative searches of the teacher are not immediately assessed and embodied in knowledge, skills and behavior of the future specialists. Strong analytical, predictive, reflexive and other teaching abilities make it probable to anticipate future results of his professional and educational activities. Teacher of higher school as a scientist and educator in his educational work should show the students a creative approach to his professional activity, provide full educational help and support. This support is soft, directional, not imperative, but still it makes certain changes in the student's personality. Providing such support, teacher encourages students to realize their ideas, raises the level of their creativity. The teacher puts students in the position of assistants, travel companions, partners, giving them the freedom to choosing their solutions. He should make training material available to students present them with clear and understandable problem, conduct classes so that they were interested and excited the audience independent think.
It becomes obvious that the effectiveness of the activities of a teacher is caused, first of all, by the ability to create a learning environment. And the path to
that goal is not a fight with the students, but the awakening of each student's wish to organize joint activities. To create interaction with the students, a teacher should focus on the increased activity of students, on establishing feedback. In this aspect, it is difficult to deny the words of the American writer William Arthur Ward: "The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
Teachers with didactic abilities are always able to make the difficult things easy, complex things - simple, incomprehensible ones - clear and understandable. Professional skills, as we understand them today, include the ability to communicate clearly and simply, to present knowledge, and, moreover, to clever and subtle conduct a student's cognitive activity, guide it in the right direction, to teach independently acquire the professional knowledge. In addition to a deep knowledge of his subject, a teacher is able to penetrate into the inner world of a student. He is distinguished by psychological observation and a keen understanding of the student's personality.
The most essential moral requirement for a teacher is a sense of love to his students. What is more, love to all students - both stupid and smart! Higher school teacher, who does not love his students, is professionally unfit. For such teachers, each lecture, each class is a torture, and for students a torture is communication with such teachers. One should always bear in mind that each student is a person with his or her individual peculiarities. It is unacceptable when a teacher is sure in advance that the student is stupid or dumb. Just seeing the individual mind and abilities of students, we can uncover opportunities for those who have individual psychological problems or bad previous experience of training in a college or school. No matter how negligent learner is, the teacher cannot afford to humiliate or insult him without compromising his personal authority.
The main pedagogical features of a teacher must be his/her correctness, tact and morality. Another important quality of a professional teacher is self-regulation, i.e., the ability to control oneself. The teacher should not only be able to manage his/her emotional or psychological state, but also to teach the students; he/she should organize communication with them as a creative process, not suppressing their initiatives and creating conditions for full creative self-expression. Friendliness, tact, encouragement, approval - all these create a special microclimate in the study group, an environment of trust and confidence of the
trainees in their own abilities and promotes achieving goals. Students, as a rule, are very sensitive to the manifestation of injustice on the part of a teacher. His every action has an appropriate response in their consciousness, a certain effect on their behavior. Just because of this a competent teacher should be able to combine rigor, integrity and respect for the students and binding sense of tact. Tactfulness is a sense of proportion in the behavior and actions, including the respect for the dignity of others, justice, patience and composure in dealing both with students and with colleagues. Pedagogical tactfulness is an important component of moral culture of a teacher. Professional tactfulness shows itself in the following:
• the appearance of the teacher;
• the ability to control emotions and not lose self-control in difficult situations;
• combination of reasonable demands with empathetic attitude toward students;
• a good knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of students;
• a critical assessment of his/her work.
A good-mannered teacher comes to class on time, never is late for business meetings and conferences; timely returns everything that he/she has borrowed, never gossips or repeats rumors, unverified facts, especially if they can do harm to others.
Next pedagogical category is the authority of a teacher. The authority level of a teacher is determined by the depth of his/her knowledge, erudition, attitude to work, etc. The authority of the teacher depends on the whole complex of his/her personal and professional qualities, his moral dignity. On the basis of the research the scientists defined a complex of inherent characteristics of an authoritative and non-authoritative teacher. On one hand, the authoritative teachers are characterized as personalities marked with respect for their students, high professionalism, deep knowledge of the subject, the ability to accessibly present teaching material, high level of general culture and erudition, fairness, objectivity and impartiality, kindness, accuracy. On the other hand, incompetence, negligence, poor teaching, injustice, bias in the assessment of knowledge, arrogance, rudeness, ill will, the desire humiliate a student, excessive emotionality, lack of pedagogical skills, lack of balance were attributed to the negative qualities. Teacher's speech culture plays a very important role in successful teacher-student communication and interaction that is the knowledge of speech standards, the ability to use language forms correctly facilitates the assimilation of information, trains voice culture and literacy of future specialists, develops their thinking. The teaching material should be organized in a
best way to activate the audience attention to the maximum extent. Accordingly, the teacher should avoid complex verbal constructions and formulations. At the same time we must bear in mind that too dry and inexpressive speech is also inaudible for students. To revive the class, it is very useful to resort to a joke or friendly irony. The teacher's speech must be lively, imaginative, with a complete lack of stylistic, grammatical and phonetic errors. These qualities are a constituent part of communicative competence of a teacher, that is, his/her ability to communicate, to cooperate and to establish contacts with the trainees in different situations, to choose appropriate ways of interaction in business and non-formal situations.
Another ethical problem is as follows: should teachers care about their image? What should be his/her attire? Is there a need for a dress-code for teachers? A teacher's image is one of the success factors of his/her pedagogical activity. Teacher's image contributes to solving the task of attracting trainees' attention to teacher's personality, to create a positive attitude towards him/her. A teacher should always look clean, modern and worthily. A teacher by his/her appearance should cause sympathy from both students and colleagues, so the choice of clothing should be very careful and adhere to one of the most important rules of etiquette: to look good means to show respect to others.
It should be borne in mind that 85% of people form their first impression of a person from his/her appearance. Visual attractiveness is the primary component of teacher's image. Teacher's looks can create a business or relaxed attitude to the classes, help or hinder mutual understanding, facilitate or complicate pedagogical communication. Everything: colors of clothing, correct make-up, hairstyle and manicure are of importance. The teacher's attire must necessarily reflect his high status, as there between students and teachers should exist and be constantly supported a certain psychological distance a teacher and a student. Though it is desirable to combine the requirements of fashion with business dress-code, the teacher should observe the following rule: to be dressed too trendy is a sign of bad taste; to fall behind fashion is unacceptable, so one should dress fashionably, but in the way not to look extravagant.
The most appropriate style for a higher school teacher is the classic style or otherwise it is called "the English style", or even otherwise, "the expensive simplicity". This style is characterized by easy and at the same time refined and elegant solutions, aristocratic colors, by the use of expensive textile and careful
forethought of general appearance. All costume elements should be restrained, as the classical style does not accept anything superfluous or extravagant. Classic clothing is quite conservative. It leaves open only feet below the knees, neck and hands. It is characterized by dignity and perfection of style.
Classic style should be diluted with additional accessories and elements. Flashy details, lurid and cheap finery made of plastic and wood, bright colors of the main suit are unwelcome. Accessories - bags, shoes, scarves, jewelry, sunglasses -should be stylish, expensive and noticeable.
Teacher's business suit should be of high quality, stylish and respectable. Fluffy and stretched sweaters, strongly fitting trousers or jeans, transparent and décolleté things, miniskirts and high slits on the skirt, false nails are considered incompatible fluffy with high status. The color of clothes is also important. Classic black-and-white palette has always been a sign of high class. The brighter and more colorful the color of clothing is, the lower is the alleged status of its wearer. According to survey, 98% of students believe that the appearance of the teacher must comply with his profession, i.e., a teacher should be well and neatly dressed. A model teacher should be intelligent, charming and attractive. Clothes should not be vulgar and extravagant.
Equally important is a teacher's way of life, his/her relationships with colleagues and people in the household, his moral principles, esteem, social behavior and character. Strange as it may seem, students show keen interest in teachers' private lives. According to on research 70 students out of 100 answered "yes" the question "Is your teachers' private life of any interest for you?"
Thus, the integral components of the teacher's image are his/her cultural level, spontaneity, charm, empathy, inner spirit and composure.
Another important aspect is the common ethical principles and the nature of business communication inside the teaching staff. Ethics of business communication is a set of moral rules, regulations and notions that guide and regulate the behavior and relations of people in the process of professional interaction. In educational field, ethics is one of the most important aspects of the professional activity. In business communication, there are three main types of relationships:
1. Ethics of business communication at the level of "the head - subordinate".
• try to transform your organization into a cohesive team with high moral principles of communication;
• strengthen self-esteem in your subordinates;
• privileges that you make to yourself, should be extended to other team members.
2. Ethics of business communication at the level of "subordinate - the head".
• do not try to impose your views to your head or to your colleagues;
• express your suggestions or comments tactfully and politely;
• be committed and reliable, but do not be a sycophant; have your own principles;
• you should not apply to solve your problems "over the head", your immediate supervisor, in this case, loses his/her credibility and dignity
3. "horizontal" level, i.e., ethics of business communication (between the heads
the same rank or between the subordinates)
• do not claim special privilege or any special treatment;
• try to establish a clear division of rights and responsibilities in implementation of the overall work;
• treat your colleague as a person, who must be respected, rather than as a means to achieve your goals.
Summarizing all the above, we can conclude that a teacher should be able to watch not only the growth of the students, but also his/her personal and professional development. A teacher must be in a constant state of self-development and self-education with the aim of permanent absorption of scientific and cultural values. He/she sets goals and determines the content of education. Personal development is a continuous process of personal and creative enrichment.
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_11 марта 2016 г.