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Ключевые слова
studying a foreign language / correspondence system of education / correspondence student / reading of the text / translation of technical literature / content of the text / terms of language / words and phrases / grammar / speech skills. / изучение иностранного языка / заочная система обучения / студент-заочник / чтение текста / перевод технической литературы / содержание текста / языковые термины / слова и фразы / грамматика / речевые навыки.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Galkieva Zinfira Khaidarovna, Galkieva Diana Albertovna

In the article, the author outlines the aim of learning English by students of the correspondence department as a practical mastery of the language as a means of obtaining information for the further use of the knowledge gained in practical activities, the features of the special texts' translation at English classes of part-time students of the Engineering faculty, the skills necessary for reading and translating special literature and extracting the necessary information from it. The author pays special attention to typical linguistic and speech errors and the ability of students to master the material in speech activity. The principle, necessary in the material's selection, the presence of certain difficulties that activate the independent students' activity are described. To become a special text a real and productive basis for teaching all types of speech activity, it is proposed to teach correspondence students to work with the text, paying attention to all 3 stages: pre-text, text and post-text. The author believes the greatest number of exercises' use while reading and translating English texts is more conducive for expanding the lexical stock, the ability to understand the of unfamiliar words' meanings from the context, consolidating various sections of grammar, and improving speech skills.

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В статье автором обозначены цель изучения английского языка студентами заочного отделения как практическое овладение языком в качестве средства получения информации для дальнейшего использования полученных знаний в практической деятельности, особенности перевода специальных текстов на занятиях английского языка студентов заочников инженерного факультета, умения, необходимые студентам для чтения и перевода специальной литературы и извлечения из нее необходимой информации. Особое внимание автор уделяет типичным языковым и речевым ошибкам и умению студентов владеть материалом в речевой деятельности. Описан принцип, необходимый при отборе материала, наличие определённых трудностей, активизирующих самостоятельную деятельность студентов. Чтобы специальный текст стал реальной и продуктивной базой обучения всем видам речевой деятельности, предлагается научить студентов заочников работать с текстом, обращая внимание на все 3 этапа: предтекстовый, текстовый и послетекстовый. Автор полагает, что использование наибольшего количество упражнений, при чтении и переводе текста на английском языке в большей мере способствует расширению лексического словаря, умению понимать значения незнакомых слов из текста, закреплению различных аспектов грамматики, совершенствованию речевых навыков.


VМеждународная научно-практическая конференция

УДК 80

Галькиева Зинфира Хайдаровна Galkieva Zinfira Khaidarovna

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor ФГБОУ ВО «Оренбургский государственный аграрный университет»

FSBEI HE "Orenburg State Agrarian University", Галькиева Диана Альбертовна Galkieva Diana Albertovna

Студент ФГБОУ ВО «Оренбургский государственный медицинский университет»

Student of FSBEI HE «Orenburg State Medical University»




Аннотация: В статье автором обозначены цель изучения английского языка студентами заочного отделения - как практическое овладение языком в качестве средства получения информации для дальнейшего использования полученных знаний в практической деятельности, - особенности перевода специальных текстов на занятиях английского языка студентов - заочников инженерного факультета, умения, необходимые студентам для чтения и перевода специальной литературы и извлечения из нее необходимой информации. Особое внимание автор уделяет типичным языковым и речевым ошибкам и умению студентов владеть материалом в речевой деятельности. Описан принцип, необходимый при отборе материала, наличие определённых трудностей, активизирующих самостоятельную деятельность студентов. Чтобы специальный текст стал реальной и продуктивной базой обучения всем видам речевой деятельности, предлагается научить студентов - заочников работать с текстом, обращая внимание на все 3 этапа: предтекстовый, текстовый и послетекстовый. Автор полагает, что использование наибольшего количество упражнений, при чтении и переводе текста на английском языке в большей мере способствует расширению лексического словаря, умению понимать значения незнакомых слов из текста, закреплению различных аспектов грамматики, совершенствованию речевых навыков.

Abstract: In the article, the author outlines the aim of learning English by students of the correspondence department - as a practical mastery of the language as a means of obtaining

«Научные исследования и инновации» information for the further use of the knowledge gained in practical activities, - the features of the special texts' translation at English classes of part-time students of the Engineering faculty, the skills necessary for reading and translating special literature and extracting the necessary information from it. The author pays special attention to typical linguistic and speech errors and the ability of students to master the material in speech activity. The principle, necessary in the material's selection, the presence of certain difficulties that activate the independent students' activity are described. To become a special text a real and productive basis for teaching all types of speech activity, it is proposed to teach correspondence students to work with the text, paying attention to all 3 stages: pretext, text and post-text. The author believes the greatest number of exercises' use while reading and translating English texts is more conducive for expanding the lexical stock, the ability to understand the of unfamiliar words' meanings from the context, consolidating various sections of grammar, and improving speech skills.

Ключевые слова: изучение иностранного языка, заочная система обучения, студент-заочник, чтение текста, перевод технической литературы, содержание текста, языковые термины, слова и фразы, грамматика, речевые навыки.

Keywords: studying a foreign language, correspondence system of education, correspondence student, reading of the text, translation of technical literature, content of the text, terms of language, words and phrases, grammar, speech skills.

The purpose of studying English by students of the correspondence department is practical mastery of the language as a means of obtaining information for further use of the acquired knowledge in practical activities. Practical mastery of English by correspondence students means the ability to read and translate special literature with a dictionary and extract the necessary information from it.

A feature of studying a foreign language in the correspondence system of education is that most of the language material must be worked out independently. For example, at the Engineering Faculty, at least 36 hours are for classroom studies, and 304 hours for independent work. Thus, each classroom lesson of 2 hours should be preceded by at least 8 hours of independent work.

Out-of-class reading by part-time students should be preceded by similar work on the text in the classroom under the guidance of a teacher. The first text that is selected for this purpose should not be too difficult, related to the student's specialty and contain new information. Work with the text includes: removing language


VМеждународная научно-практическая конференция difficulties; primary comprehension of the text; analytical reading; secondary comprehension of the text.

The correspondence student writes down all unfamiliar words and expressions in a notebook. In addition to removing lexical difficulties, there is a gradual process of accumulation of terminology in the specialty, which will be found in subsequent texts. Here, grammatical difficulties are also removed, that is, the skills of recognizing grammatical structures are developed.

Further, students perform tasks for the initial introductory reading of the text, where the ability to predict the main content of the read text by the title is formed. Work on the text should be completed with assignments aimed at developing students' ability to briefly express their attitude to what they read:

1. Read the text and highlight those sentences in it that show the author's attitude to this issue.

2. Choose a question that matches the answers provided.

3. Concisely convey the main content of the entire text by arranging the following sentences in a logical sequence.

4. List the new information in the text.

5. Make an outline of the text.

Upon completion of these stages, students receive a different text with unfamiliar words written in the margins. They are given the task of reading the text in a certain time and either answer a number of questions about its content, or briefly convey the content in Russian. You can offer several small texts and give the task to determine which of them contains the necessary information. At the same time, students learn to read and extract information from literature in their specialty.

The teacher controls the ability to comprehend, divide the text into parts, shorten the text, argue. Particular attention is paid to typical linguistic and speech errors, the emphasis is not so much at understanding the text as at the ability to master this material in speech activity. When choosing the material, the principle of accessibility and feasibility is taken into account, preference is given to texts that are simple in terms of

«Научные исследования и инновации» language, which, however, do not exclude the presence of certain difficulties that activate the independent activity of students.

In the department teaching aids for part-time students of the Engineering Faculty, technical texts for reading and translation are proposed for the credit and examination session. Translation of technical literature is fraught with difficulties. Firstly, in the English language there are grammatical phenomena inherent only to it, which cause difficulties when translating texts from English into Russian. Secondly, the language of English technical literature differs significantly from the literary and spoken language. It is complicated by the presence of detailed complex sentences with infinitive turns, common definitions and introductory constructions. Besides; the rapid pace of development of many areas of science and technology causes the formation of a large number of new special concepts and corresponding terms.

Part-time students are offered two types of reading:

1) learning reading;

2) reading with a general coverage of the content.

Accurate and complete understanding of the text is carried out by studying reading, which involves the ability to independently carry out lexical and grammatical analysis of the text. The result of the student reading is an adequate translation of the text into the native language using a dictionary. At the same time, the skills of using industry-specific terminological dictionaries and dictionaries of abbreviations should be developed.

When reading a text intended to understand the general content, it is necessary, without referring to a dictionary, to understand the main meaning of what was read.

Both types of reading consist of the following skills:

a) guess about the meaning of unfamiliar words based on derivational features and context;

b) see international words and determine their meaning;

c) find familiar grammatical forms and constructions and establish their equivalents in Russian.

VМеждународная научно-практическая конференция

The text intended for translation should be considered as a semantic whole. The translation is started with the title, as it usually expresses the main theme of the given text. If the translation of the title is difficult, it can be done after the translation of the entire text.

To understand the general content of the text, you need to read it in its entirety or a significant part of it, and then proceed to individual sentences. The sentence is not a simple sum of words. It represents a complete thought, and the words in the sentence are linked by certain grammar rules. Therefore, to understand a sentence means to find out not only the meaning of each word, but also to establish in what connection the words are with each other. Therefore, after translating the title of the text, it is necessary to make a grammatical analysis of the sentences, which will help to translate them correctly, and only then proceed to translate the entire text into Russian.

The original translation should be literal, making it easier to understand the main meaning of the text. Then words and phrases are selected that most clearly convey the material's idea being translated, and words' grammatical connection in the sentence is established.

If after the work done, the meaning of the sentence is understood, they edit it, read it together with the previous phrase and, after making sure of the correct semantic connection, move on to the next sentence.

When the text is fully translated, it is read in its entirety and stylistic corrections are made. After making sure that the translation accurately conveys the thought of the English text and complies with the Russian technical language's norms, the work can be considered finished.

To successfully cope with the translation of a technical text, every correspondence student must:

1. Remember the required minimum of words.

2. Be able to determine the meaning of a word by context.

3. Learn to translate words by derivational forms.

4. Correctly translate terms and typical phrases.

5. Recognize and translate grammatical forms and constructions.

«Научные исследования и инновации»

6. Observe the correct sequence of actions in the translation process.

7. Be able to translate complex sentences.

8. Do not forget about the differences in the languages with which you work, and comply with all the requirements of the language into which you translate, without prejudice to the meaning of the original.

9. Learn to quickly use the necessary dictionaries.

10. To proceed in translation from the context as a whole.

In order for the text to become a real and productive basis for teaching all types of speech activity, it is important to teach students how to work with the text, and therefore it is preferable to pay attention to all 3 stages of work: pre-text, text and posttext.

Techniques for operating with the material of the text and the corresponding exercises at the pre-text stage are intended to differentiate linguistic units and speech patterns, their recognition in the text, mastery of various structural materials (wordformation elements, temporal forms of the verb, etc.) and linguistic guess for the formation of skills forecasting.

At the text stage, it is supposed to use various methods of information extraction and transformations of the structure and linguistic material of the text.

At the post-text stage, operating techniques are aimed at identifying the main elements of the content of the text and at preparing for monologic and dialogical statements on this topic.

Pretext stage

1. What parts of speech do the following words belong to ... What effects do the suffixes -ly, -less have on the meaning of the words?

2. Paraphrase the following sentences paying attention to the underlined phrases.

3. The title, the 1st sentence and the 1st words of some paragraphs of a text have been given below. Guess what the author tells about.

Text stage


1. Write down synonyms for each of the adjectives in the text.

VМеждународная научно-практическая конференция

2. Find in the text words with -ing endings and decide if they are Gerunds, Participles or the forms of Progressive tenses.

3. Change as many sentences as you can into the Passive Voice.

4. Find the sentences with the following phrasal verbs and word combinations ... Make up your own sentences using these phrasal verbs and word combinations.

5.Rearrange the following plan according to the text ...

6. Translate the first 3 passages of the text into Russian. Then do the reverse translation. Check with the original.

Post-text stage

1. Answer the following questions ...

2. Complete the following sentences from the text ...

Thus, working through the text, using the largest number of exercises, we can safely say that reading and translating texts in a foreign language greatly contributes to the expansion of lexical stock, the ability to understand the meanings of unfamiliar words from the context, consolidate various sections of grammar, and improve speech skills.


1. Davison, C., & Williams, A. (2001). Integrating language and content: Unresolved issues. In B. Mohan, C. Leung, & C. Davison (Eds.), English as a second language in the mainstream (pp. 51 70). New York: Longman/Pearson.

2. Denham, L., & Figueras, N. (2009). Introduction to Original APAC Monograph. In BritLit: Using literature in EFL classrooms, e-book published by the British Council or contributors, p. 9.

3. Derwing, T., DeCorby, E., Ichikawa, J., & Jamieson, K. (1999). Some factors that affect the success of ESL high school students. The Canadian Modern Language Review, 55, 532 547.

4. Early, M., Thew, C., & Wakefield, P. (1986). English as a second language, K 12: Resource book. Vol. 1, Victoria, BC: Ministry of Educat ion.

«Научные исследования и инновации»

5. Early, M., & Hooper, H. (2001). Implementation of the Vancouver School Davison (Eds.), English as a second Language in the mainstream (pp. 138 150). New York: Longman/Pearson.

УДК 37

Жилинская Мария Сергеевна Zilinskaa Maria Sergeevna

Студент Student

Иванова Елена Александровна Ivanova Elena Aleksandrovna

канд. пед. наук, доцент Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Амурский государственный университет Amur State University



Аннотация : Формирование российской гражданской идентичности является одной из приоритетных целей, определяемых государственными образовательными стандартами общего образования. В многофункциональном государстве российская гражданская идентичность может выступить механизмом адаптации личности в современном гражданском обществе, который позволяет минимизировать противоречия, возникающие на основе религиозных, этнических, культурных и социальных различий между людьми. Поэтому актуальным становится создание программы по её формированию.

Abstract: The formation of the Russian civil identity is one of the priority goals defined by the state educational standards of general education. In a multifunctional state, the Russian civil identity can act as a mechanism for the adaptation of the individual in modern civil society, which

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