Abstract: currently, much attention is paid to teaching senior students of universities studying energy, the ability to read original texts in order to adequately understand. The article describes some of the methods of teaching reading, emphasizes the need to study power engineering vocabulary, grammatical constructions, the ability to read aloud and translate texts as the basis for further reading skills to oneself. One of the requirements for the results of mastering the undergraduate and graduate programs in the field of intercultural competencies says that graduates must possess the ability to use freely a foreign language as a means of business communication. About 90% of scientific articles on economics, power engineering, mechanics, and other fields are published in English. Therefore, the task of English teachers in a technical university is to teach future specialists not only to express their thoughts, but also to uphold their positions during discussions with foreigners, as well as to teach students to read scientific articles, monographs, abstracts, abstracts, reports, etc. Keywords: training, students, reading, vocabulary, energy, text, necessity, translation, basis, read, method, computer, business, contacts.
Алимова Ш.М.
Алимова Шарипа Мирзаевна — старший преподаватель, кафедра обучения языкам, факультет управление в производстве, Ферганский политехнический институт, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в настоящее время большое внимание уделяется обучению студентов старших курсов университетов, изучающих энергетику, умению читать оригинальные тексты с целью адекватного понимания. В статье даны описания некоторых методов обучения чтению, подчеркивается необходимость изучения лексики в сфере энергетики, грамматических конструкций, умения читать вслух и переводить тексты в качестве основы дальнейшего умения читать про себя. Одно из требований к результатам освоения программы бакалавриата и магистратуры в области межкультурных компетенций гласит, что выпускники должны овладеть способностью свободно пользоваться иностранным языком как средством делового общения. Примерно 90% научных статей по экономике, электроэнергетике, механике и других сфер публикуются на английском языке. Поэтому задача преподавателей английского языка в техническом вузе - научить будущих специалистов не только высказывать свои мысли, но и отстаивать свои позиции во время дискуссии с иностранцами, а также научить студентов читать научные статьи, монографии, рефераты, аннотации, доклады и т.д.
Ключевые слова: обучение, студенты, чтение, лексика, энергетика, текст, необходимость, перевод, основа, читать, метод, компьютер, бизнес, контакты.
УДК 372.881.1
The professional activity of a specialist of the 21st century - the century of information - is inconceivable without knowledge of a foreign language, without the ability to communicate in a foreign language. New trends in world development, involving the expansion of professional communication and business contacts at the international level, the rapid introduction of computers, the Internet, new means of telecommunication into the life of a modern person, are changing qualitatively the work and language needs of graduates of the university of culture and arts.
A foreign language has great potential in the formation of skills in different types of reading. However, they are not fully implemented if the training is conducted without taking into account the target orientation, the content of the professional activities of future specialists, without taking into account the specific features of professional training. The existing isolation of language training from the
content of professional activities of specialists reduces the interest in learning the language, does not create the necessary motivation for students [1].
Students recognize that reading is an important part of learning a foreign language, although most still believe that verbal communication is more important and more in demand. Very often, students read only for the purpose of homework. In this case, one should not be surprised that the motivation of students is low. Students can be motivated to read only by making this process more interesting. If the text is filled with important content for the reader, his mind is open to absorb the meaning of the article. But we know that some text is easily understood by one person, but it seems difficult for another. The vocabulary is of primary importance. The author and the reader must possess knowledge of the same words in order for communication between them to take place. If the reader's vocabulary is much smaller than the author of the text, it will be difficult to understand the content. When reading a text in a foreign language, this problem is basic. Students themselves believe that their main problem when reading texts in their specialty is an insufficient supply of vocabulary, explain the meaning of the word.
It is difficult for students to cope with the new text on their own, because the text can contain many new words. How to help them understand the content of the text? The meanings of the new words can be clarified, although this will only help to some extent. Traditionally, teachers explain vocabulary before reading a text. The difficulty is that when a student is given a translation of a new word, this does not mean that he will correctly understand the meaning of this word when he meets it in the text. It is usually necessary to repeat new words several times before reading the text. It is wise to let students remember only two new words so that the load on the memory is not too big.
Authentic texts, with the help of which students receive information about the economic life of other countries, are very valuable, because they help to shape the economic horizons, understand economic phenomena, and find solutions in practical activities. The ability to read and understand authentic articles will help students in their future research work and professions related to economics and other spheres.
Along with grammatical difficulties, authentic texts contain a large number of special vocabulary of the professional sublanguage. An important role in replenishing professional terminology is played by borrowings from the English language. And this is due to the leading position of the United States in the scientific, technical and economic fields.
Common terms include professions (broker, bookmaker, dealer, provider, supervisor), as well as highly specialized ones (freelancer, vendor, developer). According to S. V. Grinev-Grinevich, such borrowings do not lead to "spoilage" of the language, but only excessive enthusiasm for borrowing can be harmful. [2]
In order to be able to read and understand authentic texts in economics, it is necessary to develop senior students' skill in translating texts in their specialty. Texts on economic specialties in English contain a sufficient number of grammatical difficulties. For example: the use of infinitive constructions, participial and gerundial turnovers. It is necessary to teach students to do linguistic analysis of the text that underlies the translation.
We always think that the text contains certain ideas that we need to bring out. However, this is only partially true, because readers have different goals in reading, opinions, and knowledge. Many of the texts that we use in the lessons may not cause discussion, debate, and students perceive the ideas of the text in a different way than their teachers. In many respects, this refers to economic texts, because a teacher of a foreign language is not always well versed in the problems of the international economy. The teacher's task is to help students understand what the author intended to convey to the reader. Thus, at any stage in the study of a foreign language by students of economic or other specialties, reading is associated with the extraction of meaning, and the teacher must not only own the teaching methodology, but also have basic knowledge in the field of economics [1].
References / Список литературы
1. Mamadalieva H.A., Tursunova O.C. Communicative approach in teaching a foreign language // Questions of science and education, 2018. № 2 (14). [Electronic Resource]. URL: (date of access: 13.11.2019).
2. Grinev-Grinevich S.V. Terminology: textbook for students of higher educational institutions. Moscow: publishing center "Academy", 2008. C. 304.
3. Khodjaeva G.D., Abdukodirov U.N., Kuchkarova M.Y. Innovative assessment of students' experience in higher educational institutions / / Bulletin of science and education, 2019. № 19-3 (73). [Electronic Resource]. URL: (date of access: 13.11.2019).