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Ключевые слова
depressed state / aggressive state / students / negative emotions / features of manifestation

Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Rysynets T., Loiko L., Rybinska V., Mazur O.

The article considers the levels of manifestation of depressed and aggressive state of students. Features of manifestation of the specified negative emotional states are described. The causes and consequences of the manifestation of depressive and aggressive emotional states are indicated.

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Rysynets T.,

Pirogov National Medical University, Vinnitsia (Ukraine) PhD in Psychological Sciences, assistant professor of the Department

of Normal Physiology, Vinnitsia Loiko L.,

Pirogov National Medical University, Vinnitsia (Ukraine) PhD in Psychological Sciences, assistant professor of the Department

of Normal Physiology, Vinnitsia Rybinska V.,

Pirogov National Medical University, Vinnitsia (Ukraine) PhD in Medical Sciences, assistant of the Department of Medical Psychology and Psychiatry with the course of postgraduate education, Vinnitsia

Mazur O.

Pirogov National Medical University, Vinnitsia (Ukraine) Assistant of the Department of Medical Psychology and Psychiatry with the course of postgraduate education, Vinnitsia


The article considers the levels of manifestation of depressed and aggressive state of students. Features of manifestation of the specified negative emotional states are described. The causes and consequences of the manifestation of depressive and aggressive emotional states are indicated.

Keywords: depressed state, aggressive state, students, negative emotions, features of manifestation

Formulation of the problem. Many factors of college life contribute to risk factors of depression. Many students are unprepared for university life. Today's students face high debt. They also have fewer job prospects after graduation than previous generations. These added concerns can lead to depressive episodes in college students.

Depressed students are at a greater risk of developing problems such as substance abuse. Depressed college students are more likely to binge drink, smoke marijuana, and participate in risky sexual behaviors to cope with emotional pain than are their nondepressed peers.

Aggression has long fascinated and concerned societies, especially as it is manifested in social contexts. As Chesney-Lind & Eliason emphasize "psychological definitions of aggression include all behaviors that are intended to hurt or harm others."

Negative aggression behavior arises among students so an approach is needed to reduce it. Aggression behavior in adolescents is still a complex problem behavior. Negative aggression behavior, is the behavior of someone who intentionally hurt others both physically and psychologically using [1].

Analysis of recent research and publications. The most common negative emotional states of students are depression and aggression. Modern scientists have paid enough attention to the study of these negative emotional states [2,4]. The negative emotional states of students caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and, as a consequence, the social isolation caused by quarantine measures have become relevant for the study [3].

Depression and aggression are perceived as polar emotional states that should reflect the opposite negative reaction of students to the difficulties that arise in the process of their lives and learning. But there is a separate type of depression that combines both negative emotional states. Agitated (anxiety) depression is characterized by the absence or weak detection of motor retardation, the presence, along with the affect of sadness, a pronounced affect of anxiety and can be manifested in aggressive outbursts of unrestrained behavior. This variant of the depressive syndrome is also relevant for the study of modern scientists.

Mental states of a person depend as much as possible on the moral and business atmosphere in the team, the group. Students face one of the largest risk groups, as students will only have to embark on a thorny path of formation in society.

Presenting main material. The purpose of this study was to investigate depressive states and aggression in students and the peculiarities of their manifestation.

To determine the level of depression, we used the method of differential diagnosis of depressive states -author V. Zung. The questionnaire is designed for the differential diagnosis of depressive states and conditions close to depression.

In order to determine the level of aggression of the subjects in the sample, we used the method of diagnosing the aggression of A. Assinger. This technique allows you to diagnose the aggression of the individual in relation to others.

Therefore, from the above information we can conclude that our chosen methods fully meet our objectives, because they determine exactly the parameters that we need to investigate.

The study was conducted on the basis of Pirogov National Medical University in Vinnitsia city. The sample in this study was 90 young people.

From the results of the above method, it can be observed that young people are more prone to mild depression (49.9%). The level of mild depression is situ-ational in nature, and is characterized by affective saturation of experiences with a desire to inhibit their external manifestations. - This may be due to:

1. Lack of attention from the opposite sex.

2. Possibly with non-recognition by classmates or friends.

3. Identity crisis - finding yourself both in the profession and in life in general. The crisis moment of student age, according to K. Jung, is the collision of a young man with the demands of real life, which do not always correspond to his own ideas. If he has illusions that contrast with reality, then immediately there are problems. This is often due to very high expectations, underestimation of external difficulties, unfounded optimism or, conversely, negativism.

4. Masked depression.

In 33.3% of subjects there is no depression, which indicates their emotional stability, a positive background of feelings, initiative. Such people have a sense of self-worth, independence, social courage, ease of communication.

Conclusions. At the stage of empirical research, the method of differential diagnosis of depressive states by V. Zung (adaptation by TI Balashova) was the first to be used.

Using the above method, we were able to determine the level of depression of the subjects in the sample, our results are listed in drawing 1.

Subdepressive state, has one or two symptoms, and mostly appears somatically (headaches, respiratory disorders, etc.), in our sample it is 16.8%. Masked depression in adolescence can manifest itself in:

• Hostility;

• Increased labor and social activity;

• Cravings for travel;

• Increased sexuality, etc.

Subdepression, in which patients have a variety of somatic complaints (insomnia, psychiatry - headache, heart pain, muscle pain or back pain, gastrointestinal disorders, changes in appetite, asthenia). Such people tend to seek help from doctors of various profiles, looking for the cause of their physical disorders. Interestingly, there are almost no complaints of low mood, or they are secondary and are seen as a natural reaction to somatic disorders, which are actually neurotic.

As for the level of true depression, it is not found in any of the subjects in our sample.

The second method we performed was the method of diagnosing A. Assinger's aggression. The author divided personal aggression into three levels, which can be conditionally described as low, medium and high. So, dividing the results by levels, we obtained the results presented in drawing 2.

Drawing 1. Percentage of depression in the sample (n = 90)

Drawing 2. Percentages of the level of aggression in the subjects (n = 90)

A study of aggression in adolescence confirms that almost all students are characterized by aggression, which manifests itself in one form or another and at one level or another.

The average level of aggression is 66.6% of the sample. Such young men are emotionally restrained. According to the results of the study in the group there may be a tendency to such types of aggression as guilt, which expresses the possible belief of the subject that he is a bad person who does bad things, as well as suspicion of mistrust and caution towards people, based on the belief that others intend to harm.

Young people with a high level of aggression (17.9%) have the following common features: poverty of value orientations, their primitiveness, lack of hobbies, narrowness and instability of interests. They are characterized by emotional rudeness, resentment against both peers and against moral ideas.

First of all, the internal difficulties of this age are reflected, starting with psycho-hormonal processes and ending with the restructuring of the self-concept. They have uncertainty about the social status of youth. As a result, there are contradictions due to the restructuring of social control mechanisms. Cruelty and aggression have always been characteristic features of group behavior of young people. Aggression is increasingly the result of general anger and low self-esteem due to life failures and injustices.

In 15.5% of the sample there is a low level of aggression. Such indicators can be associated with the presence of strong-willed qualities and the ability to control their emotions. Such students are resistant to failure, do not stop there. They are able to resist the negative effects of the environment, react destructively to conflict and stressful situations.

Psychological factors that affect the level of aggression are the ability to create positive supportive interpersonal relationships, to think optimistically with a sense of humor. Factors such as the ability to adequately perceive the surrounding reality, the ability to control strong emotions and impulses also influence.

As can be seen from the results of the study, modern students have polar negative emotional states such as depression and aggression are most pronounced at the average level. This is due to both the peculiarities of age and the peculiarities of their educational activities.

Conclusions. According to the results of the study, we determined that the main motives for aggressive behavior of modern adolescents are the following: maxi-malism in the requirements for others (parents, teachers); sharpness and tactlessness in defending one's own position and the right to independence in communicating with adults; rudeness in behavior, due to the need for recognition and understanding in the team of peers; instability in behavior and communication with persons of the opposite sex, due to the peculiarities of puberty, etc. But it should be emphasized that each individual must have a certain degree of aggression, because aggression is an integral characteristic of human activity and adaptability in the environment.

One of the main factors in the acquisition of increased aggression by a person is considered to be the shortcomings of family upbringing, observation of patterns of aggressive behavior of others in real life, on movie and TV screens or computer games. Significant role in the origin and formation of human readiness for aggression, as well as in its implementation is given to situational factors, such as the influence of climatic conditions, ambient temperature, increased noise, large crowds, odors and tightness in the room, discomfort, encroachment on personal space, hostile social environment, pain, stress, anticipation of revenge for their own aggressive actions, alcohol consumption, sexual arousal.

The current existence of a quarantined society in the context of the global COVID-19 pandemic is also causing negative emotional states. Fear for one's own life and the lives of relatives and friends, or a negative experience of the disease most often cause depression and constant restrictions due to quarantine measures cause aggressive conditions.


1. Maria Kryza-Lacombe, Elise Tanzini. He-donic and Eudaimonic Motives: Associations with Academic Achievement and Negative Emotional States Among Urban College Students. Journal of Happiness Studies volume 20, pages1323-1341, 2019.

2. Péter Simor, Kendra N. Krietsch, Ferenc Kö-teles. Day-to-Day Variation of Subjective Sleep Quality and Emotional States Among Healthy University Students—a 1-Week Prospective Study. International

Journal of Behavioral Medicine volume 22, pages625-634, 2015.

3. Pototska I., Rysynets T., Loiko L., Loiko Y. The impact of social isolation on the emotional state of students. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science. VOL.2. №62/2021. - P. 65-69.

4. Wahyu Nanda Eka Saputra, Agus Supriyanto. Peace Counseling Approach (PCA) to Reduce Negative Aggressive Behavior of Students. Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(2): 631-637, 2020


Martynova Y.,

Pirogov National Medical University, Vinnitsia (Ukraine) PhD in Medical Sciences, assistant professor of the Department of Medical Psychology and Psychiatry with

the course of postgraduate education, Vinnytsia

Rudenko H.,

Pirogov National Medical University, Vinnitsia (Ukraine) Assistant of the Department of Medical Psychology and Psychiatry with the course of postgraduate education, Vinnytsia

Matsko N.,

Pirogov National Medical University, Vinnitsia (Ukraine) Assistant of the Department of Medical Psychology and Psychiatry with the course of postgraduate education, Vinnytsia

Ilnytskyi H.

Pirogov National Medical University, Vinnitsia (Ukraine) Assistant of the Department of Medical Psychology and Psychiatry with the course of postgraduate education, Vinnytsia


Мартинова Ю.Ю.

Вгнницький нацюнальний медичний унгверситет iM. М.1. Пирогова, Втниця (Украта) К.мед.н., доцент кафедри медично'1 психологИ та ncuxiampii з курсом niслядиnломно'i освти, Вiнниця

Руденко Г.С.

Вiнницький нацюнальний медичний yHiверситет iM. М.1. Пирогова, Втниця (Украта)

Асистент кафедри медично'1' психологп та психiатрii з курсом пiслядипломно'i освти, Вiнниця

Мацько Н.Г.

Вiнницький нацюнальний медичний yнiверситет iм. М.1. Пирогова, Втниця (Украта)

Асистент кафедри медично'1' психологи та психiатрii з курсом пiслядипломно'i освти, Вiнниця I. м>1111ц|>кмй Г.О.

Вiнницький нацюнальний медичний yнiверситет iм. М.1. Пирогова, Втниця (Украта)

Асистент кафедри медично'i психологп та психiатрii з курсом пiслядипломно'i освти, Втниця


The article presents the results of an ontogenetic study of empathy in adolescence and early adolescence. The forms and levels of empathy are described. The studied dynamics of empathy development reflects age features and describes the leading activity of each of the studied age periods. Анотащя

У статп представлеш результати онтогенетичного дослвдження емпатшносл в шдлггковому та ран-ньому юнацькому вщг Описуються форми та piBrn прояву емпатп. Дослщжена динамжа розвитку емпатп вщображае вiковi особливосп та описуе провщну дiяльнiсть кожного з дослвджуваних вшових перiодiв.

Keywords: empathic development, age periodization, adolescents, adolescents, sensitivity, ontogenesis. Ключовi слова: емпатшний розвиток, вшова перюдизащя, шдлггки, юнаки, чутливють, онтогенез.

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