PATIENTS - A SINGLE HEALTH TREATMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Ключевые слова
deontology / disinfectant solution / pintset / rubber punch / boric acid / sodium hydrochlorate / syringes / pipette / greenhouse / hydrogen peroxide

Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Sobirjonova M.V.

Care of the patients is an integral part of the treatment process and includes a set of measures that will facilitate the patient's condition and ensure successful treatment outcomes.

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Текст научной работы на тему «PATIENTS - A SINGLE HEALTH TREATMENT»

connection with the development of the principle of continuing professional education in Russia, as well as the principle of life-long learning, new textbooks and manuals for postgraduate education in foreign languages should appear. As an example of the creation of such a new generation manual, we cite the book "Get Ready for Academic Mobility!" Published in 2013 in the framework of the European Tempus-IV project. How to Participate in an International Conference. A Tutorial on Intercultural Communication for the Medical Profession »[3].


1. Markovina I. Ju. Inostrannyj jazyk v medicinskom vuze: potrebnosti i perspektivy // Sistema obuchenija v techenie zhizni dlja prepodavatelej medicinskih vuzov: materialy Itogovoj mezhdunarodnoj konferencii po proektu Tempus IV 159328-TEMPUS-1 -2009-1 -FR-TEMPUS-SMHES, Irkutsk, 16-19 oktjabrja 2012 g. / pod red. Zhil'bera Massara i dr. : sbornik statej. - Omsk : Poligraficheskij centr KAN, 2012. - S. 140-150.

2. Markovina I. Ju., Shirinjan M. V. Inostrannyj jazyk v nejazykovom vuze na postdiplomnom jetape obuchenija: potrebnosti i perspektivy (na primere medicinskih vuzov). - M. : IPK MGLU «Rema», 2012. - S. 54-61.-(Vestn. Mosk. gos. lingv. un-ta; vyp. 645. Ser. Pedagogicheskie nauki).

3. Get Ready for Academic Mobility! How to Participate in an International Conference: A Tutorial on Intercultural Communication for the Medical Profession / Irina Markovina, Svetlana Pisklakova, V. Zhura. - M. : Medical Information Agency Publ., 2013. - 112 p.

UDK 61

Sobirjonova M. V.

Teacher of Fergana medical college Uzbekistan, Fergana city PATIENTS - A SINGLE HEALTH TREATMENT

Annotation: Care of the patients is an integral part of the treatment process and includes a set of measures that will facilitate the patient's condition and ensure successful treatment outcomes.

Key words: deontology, disinfectant solution, pintset, rubber punch, boric acid, sodium hydrochlorate, syringes, pipette, greenhouse, hydrogen peroxide.

Care of people's health is an important social task of national importance. All conditions have been created in our country to receive free, affordable and qualified medical care. Care of patients is an indispensable component of the treatment process and includes a set of measures that will facilitate the patient's condition and ensure the successful completion of the treatment. The patients are mainly nurse nurses and nurses. When patients are being interviewed by younger nurses, smaller nurses often use uncertainty terms, which can cause illness, and may cause mental disorders to affect their condition.

The medical nurses should always be patient, open-minded, kind, and

conscientious. Statistical surveys provide a broader and deeper application of socio - hygienic, medical - biological factors and medical assistance to affected populations through a brief overview of the birth, death, morbidity, size and legality of the population available and processed.

Any discomforts should not be disclosed to patients during work, even when they have internal experiences and concerns. Being too cold and formal is not good enough to be ashamed of patients. The behavior and outlook of the nurse nurse should be respected by the nurse, and she should know that she has everything she can, she will be able to do, and that she will be able to trust her health and her life freely. The health care workers are faced with the challenges of improving the health of the rural population, developing them, organizing high-quality and high-quality medical care, improving the morbidity, disability and improving the inclusiveness of the workforce.

Medical nurses often communicate with relatives and friends of the patient, so they should be advised that they should not go beyond the rules of medical deontology, and should mainly refer to the patient's condition, diagnosis, and referral to a physician. An important aspect of medical nurses is their ability to constantly improve their skills, enrich their knowledge, and acquire new skills. The importance of caring for the skin is crucial when looking at patients who are especially ill. It causes it to become soothed, itching, itching causes irritation of the skin and damage its integrity, which in turn permits microbes to enter the skin.

As a result, the nursing nurse should first of all observe the patient's hygiene and help the body to take the necessary precautionary measures

To remove the patient's skin, one end of the towel wetens to a disinfectant solution, slightly squeezed out of the neck, the back of the ears, and the front surface, back and chest of the chest indrawing. The patient's feet are washed in a rectangle and then washed with nails if necessary.

Patients who are walking will wash the teeth every morning and evening after meals, and rinse the mouth with weak mouths (salt and salt in a glass of water). Patients with a severe condition can not nest their teeth, so the nursing nurse should always wipe the patient's mouth after eating. To do this, take a piece of cotton with a pintlet, dip the patient's tongue and teeth, immersed in a 5% solution of boric acid, 2% sodium hydrochloric acid, or simply boiling hot water. The patient then thoroughly rinsles his mouth. This rubber is done with a fault.

It is washed with sterile gauze soaked in warm solution of 3% boric acid.

In eye diseases eye drops are dropped and eyelids designed for the eye. Drugs should be sterile. Before dropping the drops, the nurse should wash his hand with soap and should be rinsed with alcohol so that the patient does not suffer from infection. The technique of dropping drops into the eye is as follows: with the left hand lower the lower squirrel downwards and order the patient to look in the opposite direction, drops to the first drop of the nose, then drops the second drop and is asked to close his eyes.

The eye pipette is washed with warm water and placed in a special container. The eyeballs are poured into a lid with a special glass lid. The patient's eyelid is

down and moves through the mucous membrane of the pelagic limb with a slim movement.

Patients who are walking every day wash their ears in the morning. In patients with long-term sleep, the nurse will occasionally cleanse the ears so as not to assemble greenhouse gum, otherwise it may reduce the hearing capacity. When the greenhouse girdle is formed, a few drops of 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide drops into the ear, and then propka cotton by means of a rotating motion. In the event of excessive accumulation of greenhouse glands, the ear can be sprinted with a larger syringe or rubber dot. The patient's hands are seized and sealed under the ear. Then the nurse pulls the back of the ear with his left hand and pulls it upward, with the right hand and the syringe tip into the outer hatch, and then injected with a large pressure on the upper back wall of the solution. The ear can hold the patient's head in a healthy direction for drifting. The patient's ear with a left hand extends slightly, holds the pipette in the right hand, and drops falling to the rhythm. Then the cotton pill is put on the ear. These treatments are extremely simple, but medical nurses require skilled and patient care.


1. Haffner S.M. / Impaired glucose tolerance, insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease // Diadet Med. - 1997. - Vol. 14 (Suppl. 13). - P. 12-18.

2. Linne Y. / Effects of obesity on women's reproduction and complications during pregnancy // Obes Rew. - 2004. -Vol. 5, № 3 - P. 137-143.

УДК 534

Turaeva L. Yu.

Schools of Tamerlane Uzbekistan, Tashkent city MAIN STORE TRAININGS ON SUBJECT PHYSICS

Abstract: This article discusses the methods of teaching physics.

Keywords: physics, school, method, subject, synthesis, analysis

The primary goal of the school is to equip students with a strong knowledge of the fundamentals of science, the formation of a scientific worldview, the development of the creative abilities of students and their comprehensive upbringing. The determining role in achieving these tasks belongs to the methods of instruction that are used in the lessons.

The teaching work of the teacher is very diverse, and yet it is subject to certain regularities that can only be understood when systematizing the experience of many teachers and the results of special scientific and pedagogical studies. In the educational process, the teacher participates with the students, he organizes their teaching and cognitive activities in various ways and ways. And it is these ways of interrelated activities of the teacher and students in a certain way ordered and directed at achieving the stated goal of education, called teaching methods.

Didactics deals with the development of teaching methods and their classification.

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