ORGANIZATION OF CONTINUOUS LANGUAGE TEACHING IN A MEDICAL UNIVERSITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
continuous language teaching / foreign language in a medical university / methods

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Sayfutdinova A.S., Tastemir A.A., Baktybaeva T.P., Alipbaeva G.O.

The article discusses a number of examples of effective application of new approaches, including abroad, in the teaching of a foreign language to future physicians. The discussion also suggests a new aspect of the problem of teaching foreign languages in medical schools, namely: the training of specialists with higher education in the context of additional vocational education, advanced training, cycles of thematic improvement.

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the views of people, society and its features, patriotism and human values are remarkable.

In the first Middle Ages, he was the first to propagandize the social system based on patriotism and humanity, the leadership of the state, the people's happiness, and the peaceful coexistence of all peoples. It also creates consistent teachings about society and its origins, factors, people, its goals and objectives.

Used sources:

1. Фалсафа энциклопедик лугат. - Т.: Уз МЭ нашриёти, 2010. - Б. 179-180.

2. ^осимов Б. Исмоилбек Гаспирали. -Т.: Маънавият, 2006. - Б.27.

УДК 371

Sayfutdinova A.S.

PhD, Associate Professor Head of the Department of Foreign Languages South Kazakhstan Medical Academy Kazakhstan, Shymkent Tastemir A.A.


South Kazakhstan Medical Academy Kazakhstan, Shymkent Baktybaeva T.P.


South Kazakhstan Medical Academy Kazakhstan, Shymkent Alipbaeva G.O.

Senior teacher, Head teacher South Kazakhstan Medical Academy Kazakhstan, Shymkent ORGANIZATION OF CONTINUOUS LANGUAGE TEACHING IN A



The article discusses a number of examples of effective application of new approaches, including abroad, in the teaching of a foreign language to future physicians. The discussion also suggests a new aspect of the problem of teaching foreign languages in medical schools, namely: the training of specialists with higher education in the context of additional vocational education, advanced training, cycles of thematic improvement.

Key words: continuous language teaching, foreign language in a medical university, methods

The goal of professionally oriented foreign language teaching should be considered the acquisition by future physicians of the bases of foreign competence necessary for professional intercultural communication, mastering the basics of oral

and written forms of communication in a foreign language for use as a means of information and communication activity and further self-education, which will ensure participation of this discipline in the formation of the following general cultural and professional competences of the physician:

- Ability and readiness to analyze socially significant problems and processes, to use in practice the methods of humanitarian, natural-science, medical-biological and clinical sciences in various types of professional and social activities;

- Ability and readiness for logical and reasoned analysis, public speech, discussion and controversy, editing of professional texts, implementation of educational and pedagogical activities, cooperation and conflict resolution, tolerance;

- Ability and readiness for written and oral communication in the state language and possession of one of the foreign languages at the level of everyday communication;

- The ability and readiness to form a systematic approach, to the analysis of medical information, relying on the comprehensive principles of evidence-based medicine based on finding solutions using theoretical knowledge and practical skills in order to improve professional activity;

- Ability and readiness to work with medical and technical equipment used in working with patients, owning computer equipment, obtaining information from various sources, working with information in global computer networks; the use of the possibilities of modern information technologies for solving professional problems;

- Ability and readiness to study scientific medical and para-medical information, domestic and foreign experience on the subject of research, prepare abstracts, reviews, reports; participate in the solution of individual research and scientific and applied problems, observe the basic requirements of information security;

- Ability and willingness to participate in the development of modern theoretical and experimental research methods with the purpose of creating new promising means, in organizing work on the practical use and implementation of research results.

Practically all the competencies mentioned by us presuppose that the graduate has the ability to work with information (including from foreign sources), starting from finding the necessary information and ending with the ability to extract and record the data, as well as use them in professional activities.

Naturally, knowledge and skills in the field of a foreign language, although focused on the future profession, but received in the university at the undergraduate level, and even at the very beginning of training, can be considered only the most general basis for its further study and use, depending on the needs specialist. Five years after mastering the basic course of a foreign language, some graduates of a medical college will have an opportunity to officially study a foreign language in the framework of postgraduate study. Note that for this you must first pass the entrance exam in a foreign language. And this examination can not and should not

be based on the language material studied by students at the first year of the university. Other graduates (and most of them) begin professional activity, whose compulsory components today are information activities and self-education. Both are impossible without using a foreign language. It can be stated with certainty that the basic knowledge and skills in the field of foreign languages received in the first year are not enough for a graduate of a medical university to begin professional development in conditions of real activity and in accordance with modern requirements[1].

The low number of hours allocated by new standards to a foreign language makes the task of developing the student's educational autonomy really urgent. Today our students are not confident enough in the conditions when they need to assess their educational needs and opportunities, set learning goals. Students of foreign universities, unlike Russian ones, are well oriented in the learning situation, which provides freedom of choice. Thus, it is typical for European medical universities to conduct classes in a foreign language at foreign language centers, and not at departments. The programs provide for students to independently learn the selected modules on the basis of the methodological recommendations contained in the issued portfolio. In the center there is always an on-duty teacher-consultant. Having passed a number of lessons independently, working at a convenient time with computer programs, the student continues to study in the group on the topic chosen by him and in accordance with the level of knowledge. However, with limited classroom time devoted to learning a foreign language with new standards, foreign experience can be reasonably borrowed by our non-linguistic universities. The development of students' learning autonomy will help to avoid excessive adherence to patterns and stereotypes in teaching, to carry out an individual selection of the volume and content of the material offered for study to each student. In addition to individual selection of material, the teacher, who performs largely advisory functions, will solve actual problems of choosing adequate innovative teaching technologies, quality websites, CD and DVD materials, printed and other educational materials in terms of their linguistic and professional value ., for example.

Let us also emphasize the current trend of continuous language training of a medical specialist on the basis of variational trajectories of training. In particular, they presented the results of surveys of specialists with medical education in different regions in relation to the possession of foreign languages and the need for their study [2]. These surveys strongly support the continuation of the study of foreign languages at the postgraduate level of medical education.

In conclusion, we emphasize that new promising approaches to the study of foreign languages in non-linguistic universities, which have been formed, including in connection with the start of the implementation of new federal state educational standards, need appropriate methodological support. We need new generation textbooks and manuals that take into account the specifics of the new standards, including interactive types of study assignments, a large number of various tasks designed for the independent work of students, including using the Internet. In

connection with the development of the principle of continuing professional education in Russia, as well as the principle of life-long learning, new textbooks and manuals for postgraduate education in foreign languages should appear. As an example of the creation of such a new generation manual, we cite the book "Get Ready for Academic Mobility!" Published in 2013 in the framework of the European Tempus-IV project. How to Participate in an International Conference. A Tutorial on Intercultural Communication for the Medical Profession »[3].


1. Markovina I. Ju. Inostrannyj jazyk v medicinskom vuze: potrebnosti i perspektivy // Sistema obuchenija v techenie zhizni dlja prepodavatelej medicinskih vuzov: materialy Itogovoj mezhdunarodnoj konferencii po proektu Tempus IV 159328-TEMPUS-1 -2009-1 -FR-TEMPUS-SMHES, Irkutsk, 16-19 oktjabrja 2012 g. / pod red. Zhil'bera Massara i dr. : sbornik statej. - Omsk : Poligraficheskij centr KAN, 2012. - S. 140-150.

2. Markovina I. Ju., Shirinjan M. V. Inostrannyj jazyk v nejazykovom vuze na postdiplomnom jetape obuchenija: potrebnosti i perspektivy (na primere medicinskih vuzov). - M. : IPK MGLU «Rema», 2012. - S. 54-61.-(Vestn. Mosk. gos. lingv. un-ta; vyp. 645. Ser. Pedagogicheskie nauki).

3. Get Ready for Academic Mobility! How to Participate in an International Conference: A Tutorial on Intercultural Communication for the Medical Profession / Irina Markovina, Svetlana Pisklakova, V. Zhura. - M. : Medical Information Agency Publ., 2013. - 112 p.

UDK 61

Sobirjonova M. V.

Teacher of Fergana medical college Uzbekistan, Fergana city PATIENTS - A SINGLE HEALTH TREATMENT

Annotation: Care of the patients is an integral part of the treatment process and includes a set of measures that will facilitate the patient's condition and ensure successful treatment outcomes.

Key words: deontology, disinfectant solution, pintset, rubber punch, boric acid, sodium hydrochlorate, syringes, pipette, greenhouse, hydrogen peroxide.

Care of people's health is an important social task of national importance. All conditions have been created in our country to receive free, affordable and qualified medical care. Care of patients is an indispensable component of the treatment process and includes a set of measures that will facilitate the patient's condition and ensure the successful completion of the treatment. The patients are mainly nurse nurses and nurses. When patients are being interviewed by younger nurses, smaller nurses often use uncertainty terms, which can cause illness, and may cause mental disorders to affect their condition.

The medical nurses should always be patient, open-minded, kind, and

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