MAIN STORE TRAININGS ON SUBJECT PHYSICS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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physics / school / method / subject / synthesis / analysis

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Turaeva L.Yu.

This article discusses the methods of teaching physics.

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Текст научной работы на тему «MAIN STORE TRAININGS ON SUBJECT PHYSICS»

down and moves through the mucous membrane of the pelagic limb with a slim movement.

Patients who are walking every day wash their ears in the morning. In patients with long-term sleep, the nurse will occasionally cleanse the ears so as not to assemble greenhouse gum, otherwise it may reduce the hearing capacity. When the greenhouse girdle is formed, a few drops of 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide drops into the ear, and then propka cotton by means of a rotating motion. In the event of excessive accumulation of greenhouse glands, the ear can be sprinted with a larger syringe or rubber dot. The patient's hands are seized and sealed under the ear. Then the nurse pulls the back of the ear with his left hand and pulls it upward, with the right hand and the syringe tip into the outer hatch, and then injected with a large pressure on the upper back wall of the solution. The ear can hold the patient's head in a healthy direction for drifting. The patient's ear with a left hand extends slightly, holds the pipette in the right hand, and drops falling to the rhythm. Then the cotton pill is put on the ear. These treatments are extremely simple, but medical nurses require skilled and patient care.


1. Haffner S.M. / Impaired glucose tolerance, insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease // Diadet Med. - 1997. - Vol. 14 (Suppl. 13). - P. 12-18.

2. Linne Y. / Effects of obesity on women's reproduction and complications during pregnancy // Obes Rew. - 2004. -Vol. 5, № 3 - P. 137-143.

УДК 534

Turaeva L. Yu.

Schools of Tamerlane Uzbekistan, Tashkent city MAIN STORE TRAININGS ON SUBJECT PHYSICS

Abstract: This article discusses the methods of teaching physics.

Keywords: physics, school, method, subject, synthesis, analysis

The primary goal of the school is to equip students with a strong knowledge of the fundamentals of science, the formation of a scientific worldview, the development of the creative abilities of students and their comprehensive upbringing. The determining role in achieving these tasks belongs to the methods of instruction that are used in the lessons.

The teaching work of the teacher is very diverse, and yet it is subject to certain regularities that can only be understood when systematizing the experience of many teachers and the results of special scientific and pedagogical studies. In the educational process, the teacher participates with the students, he organizes their teaching and cognitive activities in various ways and ways. And it is these ways of interrelated activities of the teacher and students in a certain way ordered and directed at achieving the stated goal of education, called teaching methods.

Didactics deals with the development of teaching methods and their classification.

It is believed that the assimilation of knowledge occurs on three levels:

1. intelligent perception and memorization;

2. application of knowledge on the model and in a similar situation;

3. creative application of knowledge.

In the process of teaching physics, the teacher in various ways directs the process of learning by the students taking into account the specifics of their subject. The methods he applies are called methodological methods. In the methods of physics, these methods are classified for such signs:

1. for the way information is transmitted from the teacher to the students;

2. the character of the teacher's activity;

3. the nature of the activities of students.

Behind these signs, teaching methods are divided into three large groups: verbal, visual and practical.

To verbal (verbal) methods include story, explanation, conversation, lecture. To visual methods include a demonstration experiment, a demonstration of models, schemes, drawings, movies and filmstrips, and the like.

Practical methods include front-line laboratory work and laboratory practical work, extra-hour experiments and observations, and problem solving. Classification of teaching methods, taking into account the means of instruction that are used in the lessons, became widespread. On this basis, the following methods are distinguished:

1. verbal;

2. demonstration;

3. laboratory;

4. A robot with a book;

5. problem solving;

6. Illustrative;

7. Methods for monitoring and recording the knowledge and skills of students.

Each of the classifications makes sense under certain specific conditions, they all have the right to exist and are considered equal. Each method is implemented in practice by applying a variety of techniques in their relationship.

The methods that are used in teaching physics should in a certain way reflect the methods of physics as a science. Studies in physics are carried out by theoretical and experimental methods.

The methods of theoretical physics are divided into model hypotheses, mathematical hypotheses and principles.

Examples of model hypotheses are models of ideal gas, Brownian motion, and the like. The method of model hypotheses is based on visual images and representations that arise during observations, and also by analogy.

The method of mathematical hypotheses uses mathematical extrapolation. On the basis of experimental data, a mathematical expression of the functional relationship between physical quantities is found. From mathematical equations, logical conclusions are obtained which are verified experimentally. If the

experience confirms the conclusions, then the hypothesis is considered correct, in the other case the hypothesis is discarded. An example of a mathematical hypothesis is Maxwell's equations, which underlie classical macroscopic electrodynamics.

The method of principles is based on the extrapolation of experimental or theoretical data, which is confirmed by all public practice. An example of such extrapolation are the laws of conservation of energy and momentum, the laws of thermodynamics.

The teaching method of theoretical cognition consists of the following stages:

1. Observation of phenomena or their renewal in memory;

2. analysis and generalization of facts;

3. formulating the problem;

4. Hypothesis promotion;

5. Theoretical deduction of consequences from the hypothesis.

The central place in this method belongs to the formulation of the problem and the hypothesis. Hypothesis is a guess, it arises intuitively, and does not appear as a logical consequence.

The experimental method is closely related to the theoretical one and includes:

1. formulation of the tasks of the experiment;

2. development of a working hypothesis;

3. Development of a method for research and experiment;

4. observation and measurement;

5. systematization of the results;

6. analysis and generalization of experimental data;

7. conclusions about the reliability of the working hypothesis.

In the educational process, the theoretical method is realized when introducing and interpreting the basic concepts, laws and theories. The experimental method is realized in different types of educational physical experiment.

Teaching methods appeared as a generalization of the great experience of teachers acquired in the process of teaching physics in the school. Therefore, all the methods of cognition and logical thinking were found in them, which became the theoretical basis of each teaching method.

Knowledge passes through the generalization of a number of facts or data, by "from the individual to the general." The results of several different but similar experiments, several theoretical references become the basis for a single theoretical conclusion. In teaching, it provides a deep understanding of the teaching material, but does not lead to truth in the shortest possible way. Applied at the first stage of training.

Certain theoretical conclusions or theses of the theory are used to analyze or explain partial conclusions, which in general enter into one theory. Deduction develops theoretical thinking, the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice, it saves time. It is used primarily at the second stage of teaching physics next to induction.

The highest form of thinking is thinking by concepts. Therefore, the entire

work of the physics teacher is aimed at the formation of physical concepts. By the physical concept is meant the statement or formulation, in which the common features or properties of physical bodies or physical phenomena are reflected in their interconnection and interdependence. To the physical concept, the teacher guides the student through the generalization of a certain amount of the acquired knowledge by abstracting from specific objects, phenomena, manifestations.

On the basis of physical concepts, a theory is constructed-a set of ideas that arose as a scientific generalization of knowledge about physical phenomena. Knowledge of physical theories makes it possible to explain known phenomena and to envisage their development under changing conditions. Each theory has a core and a shell. The core is a relatively stable part of the theory, which does not change significantly for a long time. The study of physical theories promotes the development of scientific thinking among students, arming their knowledge with cause-effect relationships that exist in nature between individual physical phenomena.

Two interrelated and mutually opposed methods of thinking. On the one hand, this is the decomposition of the primary object into its constituent parts, the second is the derivation of the output on the basis of individual manifestations.

Analogies are conclusions based on similarity. In the educational process, analogies allow the effective use of previously learned material or the knowledge of students, obtained during the study of other subjects or in everyday life. A vivid example of this is the hydrodynamic analogy of the electric circle, in which the electric current is simulated by the flow of water, the conductors by pipes, the voltmeter by a pressure gauge, etc.


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2. "Tat.HM Tyrpucuga^ru K£HyH. - E. 2.

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