KEY PARTIES OF TRAINING ON THE SUBJECT OF PHYSICS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Nosirova M.M.

This article discusses the methods of teaching physics.

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the venous outflow occurs through the unpaired thyroid plexus (Latin plexus thyroidus impar), which opens in brachiocephalic veins (lat. vena brachiocephalica) through the inferior thyroid veins (lat. vena thyroidea inferior).

The interstitial fluid (lymph) located between the cells of the thyroid gland flows through the lymphatic vessels to the lymph nodes. This lymphatic outflow of the thyroid gland is provided with a well-organized system of lymphatic vessels. There are many branches between individual lymphatic vessels and nodes.


1. A. Benninghoff, D. Drenckhahn (Hrsg.): Anatomie. 16. Auflage. Urban & Fischer bei Elsevier, München 2004. Band 2, ISBN 3-437-42350-9

2. J. Siewert, M. Rothmund, V. Schumpelick (Hrsg.): Praxis der Viszeralchirurgie. Endokrine Chirurgie. 2. Auflage. Springer, Heidelberg 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-22717-5.

UDC 352

Nosirova M.M.

Teacher of physics at school №10 of Yangikurgan district


Abstract: This article discusses the methods of teaching physics.

Keywords: physics, school, method, subject, synthesis, analysis

The main task of the school is to equip students with a solid knowledge of basic science, the formation of a scientific worldview, the development of creative abilities of students and their comprehensive education. The decisive role in the achievement of these tasks belongs to the teaching methods that are used in the classroom. Teacher's educational work is very diverse, and yet it is subject to certain patterns that can be understood only when systematizing the experience of many teachers and the results of special scientific and pedagogical research. In the educational process, the teacher participates with the students, he organizes their learning and cognitive activity in various ways and ways. And it is these methods of interrelated activities of the teacher and the students that are in a certain way ordered and aimed at achieving the goal of education, called methods of teaching. The development of teaching methods and their classification is engaged in didactics. It is believed that the assimilation of knowledge occurs at three levels: 1. meaningful perception and memorization; 2. application of knowledge on the model and in a similar situation; 3. creative application of knowledge.

In the process of teaching physics, the teacher in various ways guides the process of cognition by students taking into account the specifics of their subject. The methods he uses are called privately methodical. In the methodology of physics, these methods are classified according to the following features: 1. for the method of transmitting information from the teacher to the students;2. the nature of the teacher; 3. for the nature of the activities of students. Behind these signs, teaching methods are divided into three large groups: verbal, visual, and practical.

By verbal (verbal) methods include story, explanation, conversation, lecture. Visual methods include a demonstration experiment, a demonstration of models, schemes, drawings, films and filmstrips, and the like. Practical methods include frontal laboratory work and laboratory workshops, extracurricular experiments and observations, problem solving. The classification of teaching methods taking into account the teaching aids used in the classroom has become widespread. On this basis, the following methods are distinguished: 1. verbal; 2. demo; 3. laboratory; 4. robot with a book; 5. problem solving; 6. illustrative; 7. methods of control and accounting of knowledge and skills of students.

Each of the classifications makes sense in certain specific conditions, they all have the right to exist and are considered to be equal. Each method is implemented in practice by applying a variety of techniques in their relationship. The methods that are used in teaching physics should in a certain way reflect the methods of physics as a science. Studies in physics are carried out by theoretical and experimental methods. The methods of theoretical physics are divided into model hypotheses, mathematical hypotheses and principles. Examples of model hypotheses are models of ideal gas, Brownian motion, and the like. The method of model hypotheses is based on visual images and representations that arise during observations, as well as by analogy. In the method of mathematical hypotheses, mathematical extrapolation is used. Based on the experimental data, a mathematical expression is found for the functional relationship between physical quantities. From mathematical equations, logical conclusions are obtained, which are verified experimentally. If experience confirms the conclusions, then the hypothesis is considered correct, otherwise the hypothesis is rejected. An example of a mathematical hypothesis is the Maxwell equations, which underlie classical macroscopic electrodynamics.

The method of principles is based on the extrapolation of experimental or theoretical data, which is confirmed by all social practice. An example of such an extrapolation is the laws of conservation of energy and momentum, the laws of thermodynamics. The educational method of theoretical knowledge consists of the following stages: 1. observation of phenomena or their renewal in memory; 2. analysis and synthesis of facts; 3. formulation of the problem; 4. hypotheses; 5. theoretical derivation of consequences from the hypothesis. Central to this method is the formulation of the problem and the hypothesis. The hypothesis is a guess, it arises intuitively, and does not appear as a logical consequence. The experimental method is closely related to the theoretical one and includes: 1. formulation of the tasks of the experiment; 2. the nomination of a working hypothesis; 3. the development of a research method and an experiment; 4. observation and measurement; 5. systematization of the results; 6. analysis and synthesis of experimental data; 7. conclusions about the reliability of the working hypothesis. In the educational process, the theoretical method is implemented with the introduction and interpretation of basic concepts, laws and theories. The experimental method is implemented in different types of educational physical

experiment. The teaching methods appeared as a generalization of the great experience of teachers acquired in the process of teaching physics in school.

Therefore, they found displays all the methods of knowledge and logical thinking, which became the theoretical basis of each teaching method. Cognition takes place by generalizing a certain number of facts or data, by "from the individual to the general." The results of several different, but similar experiments, several theoretical references become the basis for one theoretical conclusion. In training provides a deep understanding of the educational material, but leads to the truth is not the shortest way. It is applied at the first stage of training.

Certain theoretical conclusions or theories of the theory are used to analyze or explain the partial conclusions, which as a whole belong to one theory. Deduction develops theoretical thinking, the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice, provides time savings. It is used mainly in the second stage of teaching physics next to induction.

The highest form of thinking is thinking concepts. Therefore, all the work of a physics teacher is aimed at the formation of physical concepts. The physical concept is understood to mean a statement or a formulation in which the general features or properties of physical bodies or physical phenomena are displayed in their interrelation and interdependence. The teacher leads the student to the physical concept by generalizing a certain amount of knowledge gained by abstraction from specific objects, phenomena, manifestations. A theory is built on the basis of physical concepts - a set of ideas that emerged as a scientific generalization of knowledge about physical phenomena. Knowledge of physical theories makes it possible to explain known phenomena and to foresee their development when conditions change. Each theory has a core and a shell. The core is a relatively stable part of the theory that does not change significantly over a long time. The study of physical theories contributes to the development of students' scientific thinking, arming them with knowledge of the causal relationships that exist in nature between individual physical phenomena. Two interrelated and mutually opposing methods of thinking. On the one hand, it is the decomposition of the primary object into its component parts; from the second, the derivation of a conclusion on the basis of individual manifestations.

Analogies - conclusions based on similarity. In the educational process, analogies make it possible to effectively use previously learned material or the knowledge of pupils, obtained in the study of other subjects or in everyday life. A vivid example of this is the hydrodynamic analogy of the electric circle, in which the electric current is simulated by the flow of water, the conductors by pipes, the voltmeter by a pressure gauge, etc. These are objects or constructions that have a formal similarity with natural objects or logical constructions. There are material models (model of engine, pump, electron tube) and sign or ideal (graphs, formulas, graphs).


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Ramazanova P. M. master student

1 course, faculty of "informatics and information technology" Technologies,

Dagestan State University, Makhachkala, Russian Federation SECURITIES MARKET IN RUSSIA

Annotation: For many centuries, all developed countries have used the issue of their own debt securities to cover the budget deficit and finance large projects. Today this market in our country is at the stage of active development and that is why its analysis is so relevant.

Keywords: government securities; federal loan bonds; problems of development of the government bond market; financial market.

The securities market is a system of special economic relations between market participants on the issue and circulation of securities. It can also be defined as a meeting place for buyers and sellers of securities; as a mechanism to facilitate the initial sale and, subsequently, the resale of financial assets2.

In the modern economy, the state is becoming one of the main issuers of securities. Worldwide centralized issuance of securities is widely used:

- as an instrument of state regulation of the economy;

- leverage on money circulation and money supply management;

- a means of non-emission deficit of the state and local budgets;

- a method of attracting funds of enterprises and the public to solve specific problems.

The holders of government securities, buying them, finance the state and at the same time receive a fixed income during the tenure of these securities. On the government securities market of the Russian Federation are applying:

1) Bank of Russia bonds (OBR);

2) government long-term bonds (GDO);

3) government short-term bonds (GKO), used for short-term financing of the current budget deficit;

4) federal loan bonds (OFZ);

5) bonds of internal currency loan (OVVZ);

6) government savings loan bonds (OGSZ);

7) treasury bonds (KO);

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