Научная статья на тему 'SECURITIES MARKET IN RUSSIA'

SECURITIES MARKET IN RUSSIA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Ramazanova P.M.

For many centuries, all developed countries have used the issue of their own debt securities to cover the budget deficit and finance large projects. Today this market in our country is at the stage of active development and that is why its analysis is so relevant.

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Текст научной работы на тему «SECURITIES MARKET IN RUSSIA»

2. Azizkhodzhayeva N.N. Pedagogical technologies in the preparation of the teacher. T. 2000

3. Azizkhodzhayeva N.N. Pedagogical technologies and pedagogical skills. T., "Chulpon", 2005.

4. Allaerov I.A. The didactic basis of active learning management dissiplines. T., "Fan," 1994.

5. Ro'ziyev E.I., Ashirboyev A.O. Muhandislik grafikasini o'qitish metodikasi. T., "Fan va texnologiya", 2010.

Ramazanova P. M. master student

1 course, faculty of "informatics and information technology" Technologies,

Dagestan State University, Makhachkala, Russian Federation SECURITIES MARKET IN RUSSIA

Annotation: For many centuries, all developed countries have used the issue of their own debt securities to cover the budget deficit and finance large projects. Today this market in our country is at the stage of active development and that is why its analysis is so relevant.

Keywords: government securities; federal loan bonds; problems of development of the government bond market; financial market.

The securities market is a system of special economic relations between market participants on the issue and circulation of securities. It can also be defined as a meeting place for buyers and sellers of securities; as a mechanism to facilitate the initial sale and, subsequently, the resale of financial assets2.

In the modern economy, the state is becoming one of the main issuers of securities. Worldwide centralized issuance of securities is widely used:

- as an instrument of state regulation of the economy;

- leverage on money circulation and money supply management;

- a means of non-emission deficit of the state and local budgets;

- a method of attracting funds of enterprises and the public to solve specific problems.

The holders of government securities, buying them, finance the state and at the same time receive a fixed income during the tenure of these securities. On the government securities market of the Russian Federation are applying:

1) Bank of Russia bonds (OBR);

2) government long-term bonds (GDO);

3) government short-term bonds (GKO), used for short-term financing of the current budget deficit;

4) federal loan bonds (OFZ);

5) bonds of internal currency loan (OVVZ);

6) government savings loan bonds (OGSZ);

7) treasury bonds (KO);

8) municipal securities as a way to attract financial resources by local government bodies in the event of a local budget deficit or for extrabudgetary purposes by issuing debt securities2.

The Russian government securities market is characterized by the following features that hinder its development:

1. Low share of private investors.

2. The short-term nature of government securities, whose maturity due to high inflation is usually no more than a year. The number of speculative operations is growing and financial support for real sectors of the economy is declining.

3. Falling public confidence in the state and in private financial institutions as a result of crisis, shock therapy and default.

4. Low yield of government securities. More attractive for small investors are the securities of mutual investment funds and successful joint-stock companies, the annual yield on which exceeds 20%;

5. Insufficiency of special financial instruments targeted at private investors in the stock market. Until now, on the Russian stock market, the state as an issuer has not developed a financial instrument accessible to a wide range of Russians, and a collective investment scheme (investment funds, non-state pension funds or insurance organizations) with a yield sufficient to maintain and moderate savings.

6. Differentiation of GS taxation depending on the type, which leads to the need for its unification. Taxation of income in the form of interest on government securities is carried out at a rate of 15%, and exchange rate difference - at a rate of 20%. All types of income on corporate bonds are taxed at 20%. As a result, it is difficult to compare returns and complicate the accounting of investments in securities, since investors cannot offset the financial result of operations with government and corporate bonds.

7. The lack of a unified technology of primary placement of GS and their secondary trading on the basis of state (or semi-state) depositary services.

8. Lack of structure of regional GS markets, which impedes the use of free financial resources of the territories.

These factors indicate the stagnation of the government securities market in Russia and the lag in development compared with economically developed countries. For example, in Japan, Germany, and the USA, strategic investors dominate the government securities market, who invest in the development of production.

In 2016, the domestic debt of the Russian Federation, expressed in government securities, amounts to 5,676.431 billion rubles (as of 01/04/16). At the same time, there are 7 types of federal loan bonds in circulation (see table 1): with a variable coupon (OFZ-PK) in the amount of 1,467.577 billion rubles, with a fixed coupon yield (OFZ-PD) in the amount of 2,732.442 billion rubles ., with indexable par value (OFZ-IN) in the amount of 155.288 billion. rub, with amortization of debt (OFZ-AD) in the amount of 788.574 billion rubles,

government savings bonds with a constant interest rate of coupon (GSO-PPP) in the amount of 310.55 billion rubles, government savings bonds with a fixed interest rate coupon income (GSO-FPS) in the amount of 132 billion rubles, as well as bonds of internal bond loans of the Russian Federation (OVOZ) in the amount of 90 billion rubles.

The whole last year RGBI has been in a long-term positive trend, which undoubtedly indicates an increase in the investment attractiveness of the market, as well as an improvement in the efficiency of its operation.

At present, the Russian government securities market continues to evolve, focusing on the successful experience of foreign countries and adopting it.

Analyzing the Russian government securities market, we can identify the following groups of problems that hinder its development:

1. Problems associated with legislative regulation.

2. Infrastructure problems.

3. A narrow range of instruments of the government securities market.

4. Problems of public confidence in the government securities market and the financial market as a whole.

There are several ways to classify government securities according to criteria. In terms of circulation, it is customary to single out:

• short-term, issued for a period of usually up to 1 year;

• medium-term, the circulation period of which extends over a period of usually from 1 year to 5-10 years;

• long-term, having a lifespan usually over 10-15 years. According to the form of negotiability:

• marketable securities that can be freely resold after their initial placement,

• non-market ones that cannot be resold by their holders, but may be returned in due time to the issuer.

By way of payment (receipt) of income:

• interest-bearing securities (the interest rate can be fixed, that is, unchanged for the entire period of the existence of a bond, floating, stepped);

• discount securities, which are placed at a price lower than the nominal, and this difference (discount) forms the bond yield;

• indexed bonds whose face value increases, for example, by the inflation index;

• winning, income on which is paid in the form of winnings;

• combined bonds, for which income is generated by a combination of the previously listed methods.

In accordance with the scenario conditions and the main parameters of the forecast of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation in 20132015. the implementation of the debt policy is planned to be carried out in conditions of a moderate acceleration of the growth rates, as well as a stable level of inflation. According to the data of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, by 2015 the GDP may reach 82.9 trillion rubles, the GDP growth rate will be 4.5%, and inflation will be 5% 8. The deficit of the

federal budget will remain and will have relatively low values: 0.8% of GDP in 2013, 0.2% in 2014. Exit to a deficit-free budget in 2015 is planned.


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2. E.G. Grigoriev, N.I. Kravtsov. Financial markets: study guide; M-Education and Science Ros. Federation, St. Petersburg state econ University, Kaf. money and prices. papers. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics, 2014.

3. Soldatov Yuri Igorevich Government securities market in Russia // Economic Journal. 2014. № 3 (35). URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n7rynok-gosudarstvennyh-tsennyh-bumag-v-rossii

4. Dobrikova I.S. Government securities market: current state and development prospects

5. Anufrienko M.S. Government securities of the Russian Federation // Economics and management in the XXI century: development trends. 2015. №20. Pp. 102 -107.

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UDC 39 (575)

Raximboyeva D. Namangan State University. Uzbekistan, Namangan FAMILY TRADITIONS AND THEIR PLACE IN YOUNG PEOPLE

Annotation: This article discusses family traditions and their place in the worldview of young people.

Keywords: family, youth, tradition, worldview, morality, nation

Every nation has its traditions and values and it serves as the moral element of the nation. In particular, the traditions and values of our people, which have rich history, have been formed within the national mentality, and for centuries they have been transformed from generation to generation as moral values. It is possible to observe this in the family, which is present in the family.

Today, it is evident in its new look. In the report of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan I.A. Karimov at the extraordinary ninth session of the Supreme Council of the Republic: "... The future begins today. If the current educational issue is ignored, the future will be lost. We have nothing to do with discipline. Spiritual and moral purification, such as faith, piety, honor, kindness, and so on, do not come automatically. The foundation of all of us lies in adoration. " The protection of today's youths from destructive ideas has become the central problem of this trend. In this regard, it is necessary to emphasize the role of our ancestors in our traditions and values. One of our eastern national values is to

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