Mansur Boysariyev
Doctorate student, National University of Uzbekistan m.boysariyev@gmail.com
In the article short history of the diasporas of Azerbaijan in Uzbekistan, economic, political, cultural relations between Azerabaijan and Uzbekistan, and other issues are analyzed based on sources, scientific literatures, archival documents.
Keywords: Diaspora, diasporology, Azerbaijan, ^ture, history, deportion immigrants, Cultural Centers.
Nowadays, different period of less known nations' history is globally being important point. Because, there are almost more than 3 million nations and among them they live around 200 of countries. Therefore, there are some countries in the world those known as poliethnic. In addition, there are some subjects developing and known as Diasporology which deals all the activities and things about diaspory. Furthermore, at the moment we are living globalizing situation in its importance than we expected.
However, all human being and civilization, communities, independent communications and basic tendency shows its importance. Consequently, diasporology and this sort of activities are affecting on its development. Diasporology and social-humanitarian subject's authors dealing, but until this time in the territory of Uzbekistan Azerbaijan's diaspory history is one of the most important themes.
One of the evidence of the long-standing ties of peoples and tribes living in the territory of modern Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan are the monuments of local culture. A stone amulet in the form of two intertwining snakes from the village of Sokh, made by Fergana masters, is surprisingly similar to a stone object from Persian Azerbaijan (II millennium BC). In the VIII-XII centuries cities of Azerbaijan maintained trade and economic ties with the Central Asian region along the routes of land caravan roads and also along waterways through which merchants, craftsmen, scientists, singers and dancers went through Bukhara, Samarkand, Shash. Later, in the era of Temur,
according to written sources, a large number of captured masters from Azerbaijan were delivered to the large cities of Maverannahra [1].
Masons and specialists in architectural decoration of the highest category participated in the construction and artistic decoration of the Bibi Khanum Cathedral Mosque in Samarkand and the Ak-Saray Palace in Shakhrisabz. The name of one of them - Muhammad Yusuf Tabrizi - is immortalized in the pattern of the ornament. Under the influence of the art of India and Azerbaijan, the priority in erecting monumental buildings in Maverannahr of this era was often given to stone.
We find the description of Samarkand and Bukhara in the works of Azerbaijanian scientist of the 15th century. Abdar Rashid Bakuvi. The Azerbaijanian philosopher and writer of the 16th century lived and worked in Bukhara. Mirzadzhan Shirazi, who died there in 1585 in Samarkand and Bukhara at the end of the 16th -beginning of the 17th centuries. The work of another Azerbaijanian philosopher Yusif Karabagi took place.
In its heyday, trade relations between Maverannahrom and the cities of Azerbaijan are possible in the late medieval times. Baku has kept one of the many caravanserais designed specifically for Bukhara merchants. It is called - "Bukhara". More recently, decorative Bukhara fireplaces, which were associated with the popular interiors of Uzbek houses, were used to decorate the housing construction of Azerbaijan [2]. One of the main export items to Central Asia was oil, but in the 20s. XVIII century for several reasons, its export was sharply reduced. A new round in the relationship between the peoples of the two regions falls on the second half of the XIX century, when the experience of Azerbaijanians in the development of minerals and the construction of railways became in demand in Turkestan. It was especially useful in the development of the first oil in Chimion in 1904. Since then, skilled workers of Azerbaijan have begun to participate in industrial oil production in the Fergana Valley and other oil fields in Turkestan.
At the beginning of the last century, Turkestan-Azerbaijan relations continued to develop on a cultural field. The journalist, writer and translator Sayd Riza Ali-zade in 1906 opened the Samarkand New Method School, in the 20-30s. prepared and translated textbooks. The enlightener Mirza Muhammad Akhun-zade opened a school in Samarkand with him. Twice (in 1911 and 1916), the Azerbaijan Theater successfully toured in Tashkent. His troupe included famous actors S. Rukhulla, Yu. Narimanov and others. In 1912, Mirza Jalal-Yusif Zade was the first editor and publisher of the Bukhara newspapers Bukhoroi Sharif and Turon. The diaspora of Azerbaijan in Uzbekistan began to grow noticeably after the events of 1917 — a large number of engineering and technical personnel from Baku are attracted to the formation of the oil industry of the national economy.
In the 20-30s. in Uzbekistan, under the Council of National Minorities, the Azerbaijan Central Bureau, which worked jointly with representatives of Iranian nationality, began active work. Under him, there were four schools, two preschool institutions, three working houses, clubs, and a library. The editor of the newspaper "Zarafshan" in 1923-1925. was Ali Ismail Zadeh.
In 1944, citizens of Azerbaijan nationality were deported to Uzbekistan from Georgia. In October 1957, all restrictions on movement were removed from this group of Azerbaijanians and the right to return to their ethnic homeland was granted. However, the favorable climate of Uzbekistan, the similarity of languages and way of life prompted a significant part of Azerbaijanians to remain on Uzbek soil. Most of them worked on collective farms and state farms in the Tashkent and Syrdarya regions, in the city of Gazli, taking an active part in the economic development of the region.
The number of Azerbaijanians in Uzbekistan continued to grow in the following decades, when, in addition to the oil industry, gas began to develop rapidly. The Tashkent earthquake in 1966 was the reason that prompted many Azerbaijanians to come here to construction sites. Later, some started families here and stayed in Uzbekistan [3].
Quite a lot of young people came from Azerbaijan to get knowledge in higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan. The natural growth of the population of Azerbaijan in Central Asia has always remained high. In 1970, only in the Tashkent region lived 10 thousand Azerbaijanians. Almost the same number was registered in the capital of the republic. However, it must be born in mind that a certain part of them were actually Meskhetian Turks.
Uzbek Azerbaijanians cherish their folk traditions and rites. Back in 1961, they, together with the inhabitants of the republic, celebrated the spring holiday of Navruz. According to I.Mammadov, the chairman of the Azerbaijan Cultural Center in Tashkent, on the day of Navruz Bayram, they dye eggs, prepare national sweets: baklava, shakerbur, shakrek-churek, shoogohal, holva, sheker-nuri, etc. On the night of Navruz it is set at the threshold a full bucket of water so that next year there will be plenty. And one more peculiarity of Navruz: on this holiday everyone should make peace - both children and adults.
The Azerbaijanians worked in industrial enterprises in cities, engaged in agriculture in rural areas. A lot of Azerbaijanians are traditionally engaged in trade and work in the service sector. There are pilots, engineering and technical workers, teachers, doctors, and others. Masons restorers of Azerbaijanian nationality living in Khorezm are famous.
After the acquisition of state independence, the process of intensive development of mutually beneficial relations between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan.
Diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan were established on October 2, 1995. The embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan began its function in the Republic of Uzbekistan in the middle of 1996, in may 1998 - the embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Republic of Azerbaijan. A special role in the development of bilateral relations is played by the visits of heads of state. From this point of view, the first official visits of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islom Karimov to Azerbaijan and in 1997, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliev to Uzbekistan deserve special attention. Like in Baku, 19 documents were also signed in Tashkent.
Currently, the legal framework of cooperation between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan consists of more than 110 documents covering various areas of interaction. Currently, the main documents regulating relations between the two states are:
"Treaty of friendship and cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan", signed in Baku on May 27, 1996;
"Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan on economic cooperation for 2001-2010", written in Tashkent on April 18, 2001;
"Declaration on further strengthening the strategic partnership between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan", signed in Tashkent on March 23, 2004.
A new stage of cooperation between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan begins with the arrival of the new President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
Sh.Mirziyoyev is not only in favor of expanding cooperation with the countries of the South Caucasus. Azerbaijan, as a country with stable relations with Uzbekistan, is considered by Sh.Mirziyoyev as a tried and trusted partner.
Today, more than 40 thousand Azerbaijanians live in Uzbekistan - full citizens who live in peace and harmony with other peoples, actively participate in the social, social, economic and other spheres of life of the republic. Over the years of independence, more than 30 Azerbaijanians in Uzbekistan - teachers, builders, military personnel, masters of culture and art have been awarded high state awards. There are seven national cultural centers of Azerbaijan in the republic. Their activities are coordinated by the Association of Azerbaijanian Cultural Centers established in 2003, including the Tashkent Gardashlyk Cultural Center, which has been operating since 1989 [4].
The first Azerbaijanian corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan and a deputy of the Supreme Council of the Republic was an
ophthalmologist Kafar Abdullayev. A well-known surgeon in Uzbekistan was Sadyk Alievich Masudov. The main conductor of the opera house in Samarkand, and then the operetta theater in Tashkent, worked for many years Gary Kirimov, and the director of the Bolshoi Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. Navoi - People's Artist of Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, Laureate of the State Prize named after Hamza Firuddin Safarov [5].
A member of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan is the author of many works of art Ihtiar Rizo. Uzbekistan is well aware of the work of the Azerbaijani poet, scientist and teacher Maksud Sheikh-zade. The poet was born in Baku, but created and died in Tashkent. A memorial plate is installed on the house where he lived. A well-known historian, professor Yu.Aleskerov, lived in Samarkand. Immigrants from the Azerbaijanian diaspora of Uzbekistan are sculptor E.Aliyev, theater and film artist F.Akhadov. In 2013, at the initiative of the Heydar Aliyev Azerbaijan Cultural Center at the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the center for culture and literature was opened at the Nizami Tashkent state pedagogical University. As part of the project of the Heydar Aliyev Azerbaijan Cultural Center at the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Uzbekistan, the Uzeyir Hajibeyli Cabinet of Uzbek-Azerbaijani musical culture was opened at the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan in 2016. In 2017, Samarkand state University opened the Azerbaijan-Uzbekistan friendship Center named after the famous Azerbaijani educator and teacher Seyid Rza Alizadeh.
In 2019, the center for Azerbaijani culture, education and research named after Muhammad Fuzuli was established at the Tashkent state University of Uzbek language and literature named after Alisher Navoi. As part of the International conference "Development of the Uzbek language, Turkology and international cooperation in this field", the University opened the Azerbaijan center for culture, education and research named after the great poet of Azerbaijan Muhammad Fuzuli.
National cultural centers, celebrating their national holidays, memorable dates of their history within the diasporas, also take an active part in city and national events.
All over progression of Azerbaijanians diasporas in Uzbekistan shows that analyzing broadly the diasporas of Azerbaijanians in Uzbekistan and make solution on their mysteries this subject not only popular and scientific but also important practically. In Uzbekistan, like other peoples, Azerbaijanis have the opportunity to live and develop their own cultures, languages, customs and traditions.
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4. Мустафаев X. Азербайджанцы // Под открытым небом. Фрунзе, 1991. С. 97—103.
5. Пугаченкова Г. А., Ремпель Л.И. История искусств Узбекистана. М., 1965, С. 24, 43 .