OUTSTANDİNG SCİENTİSTS OF THE AZERBAİJANİ DİASPORA Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Azerbaijani diaspora / intelligence flow / Azerbaijani scientists / scientific research / Azerbaijani intelligentsia

Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Minara Aghamaliyeva

At various times, there was a brain drain from Azerbaijan to many countries of the world. There are both objective and subjective reasons for this. The process of “brain drain”, which has deep historical roots, has become even more relevant currently. Azerbaijani scientists are engaged in research in science centers of the USA, Europe, Russia, in short, in various countries of the world. They have contributed to world science through their hard work, education and scientific inventions in the fields of science they are engaged. The pa-per reflects the activities of outstanding scientists of the Azerbaijani diaspora.

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UDC -327

Minara Aghamaliyeva

Institute of History named after A.A. Bakikhanov, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Baku, Azerbaijan DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2023-1160-14-16 OUTSTANDiNG SCiENTiSTS OF THE AZERBAiJANi DiASPORA


At various times, there was a brain drain from Azerbaijan to many countries of the world. There are both objective and subjective reasons for this. The process of "brain drain", which has deep historical roots, has become even more relevant currently. Azerbaijani scientists are engaged in research in science centers of the USA, Europe, Russia, in short, in various countries of the world. They have contributed to world science through their hard work, education and scientific inventions in the fields of science they are engaged. The paper reflects the activities of outstanding scientists of the Azerbaijani diaspora.

Keywords: Azerbaijani diaspora, intelligence flow, Azerbaijani scientists, scientific research, Azerbaijani intelligentsia

All the peoples of the world have migrated from time to time for various reasons. The history of the formation and existence of the diaspora originates from the emergence of the emigration process. Scientists and artists of the Azerbaijani people also took part in the emigration process. Migrating scientists, poets, artists, artisans created a legacy in a foreign country, and left it not to their own people.

The massive brain drain from our country dates back to the VII century after the emergence and spread of Islam. From this period, great works of art began to form in the countries where artists, scientists, poets and writers lived. Various representatives of art from Azerbaijan, including the intelligentsia, played an important role in the life of Arab countries that experienced a flourishing period under the influence of the Ghaznavids of Turkic origin and Seljuk rulers. For example, the first teachers of Khatib al-Baghdadi and the rector of the "Nizamiyah" Madrasah Abu Ishaq al-Shirazi were Azerbaijanis. One of such scholars is Hussein ibn Faraj ibn Muhammad Abu Abdullah ibn Salmasi, widely known and lovingly mentioned in the work of Khatib al-Baghdadi "historical Baghdad". Huseyn Salmasi, who taught Khatib al-Baghdadi and played a great role in education and the development of science, glorified Azerbaijan not only with his knowledge, but also with high human qualities. History confirms reports of noble deeds of a scientist from the city of Selmas. He financially helped the needy, distributed his fortune to the poor of Baghdad [6, p. 16].

The great writer Khatib Tabrizi, who lived more than half of his life in Baghdad and left a mark on the history of this city, is also one of the Azerbaijani scientists. Khatib Tabrizi wrote dozens of works in almost fifty-five years of his work, starting from his hometown of Tabriz and continuing until the end of his life in Baghdad. Among the scientists representing Azerbaijan in the east and who have achieved significant scientific achievements are lawyer and theologian Abusaid Ahmed Bardai, Abul-Qasim

Bardai, Abu Tahir ibn Salmasi, philosopher Abulhasan Zanjan, lawyer Osman Derbendi, who was born in the city of Barda, and dozens of other scientists. Geographer, historian Abdur Rashid Bakuvi, who was born in Baku around 1355-1360 and lived in Cairo, left his mark not only in Cairo, but also in Mecca, Medina, Baghdad and other cities. The scholar's book "A summary of the monuments and wonders of powerful rulers" ("Kitab Talhis al-asar wa Ajayb al-Malik, Al-Qahar") is his only work that has come down to us [8, p. 51].

Outstanding researcher Zakir Mammadov revealed the rich heritage of Azerbaijani philosophers and thinkers published in various countries of the world, as well as stored in the form of manuscripts. Thus, the scientist's work "medieval Azerbaijani philosophers and thinkers", published in 1986, highlights the life and scientific work of a number of Azerbaijani scientists and thinkers who lived in the Middle Ages [7].

After the occupation of the Caucasus by Russia in the XIX century, Russia also entered the geography of the brain drain process from Azerbaijan. If before this period there was a purely Eastern scientific and cultural mentality, then since the XIX century these processes have been enriched by Russian and Western elements. In a number of Russian cities, including Kazan and St. Petersburg, the process of scientific study of Turkic languages, the formation of relevant faculties and departments has begun. The creative work of such intellectuals as M.Topchubashev, M. Kazimbek in the capital of the empire testified to the formation of new generations of the Azerbaijani intelligentsia. Since the beginning of the XIX century, many Azerbaijanis have worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Azerbaijani Nasirov, Tbilisi-born Mirza Abu Turab Vezirov and others held high positions in St. Petersburg [11, p. 3].

An Azerbaijani scientist who lived in Russia M.,C.Topchubashev is one of the influential



representatives of the history of science and public thought of the XIX century. After serving in the Russian Foreign Ministry, Mirza Jafar then worked as a professor of Persian at the Main Pedagogical Institute, St. Petersburg University. He was the head of the Department of Oriental Archaeology at the Russian Archaeological and Numismatic Society, made scientific articles, numerous reports [9].

Of particular note is the Azerbaijani scientist who worked in Russia in the XIX century, professor of Kazan and St. Petersburg Universities, founder and dean of the Oriental Faculty of St. Petersburg University, Professor Mirza Kazym-Bek. Corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, the British Royal Asiatic Society, the Paris Asiatic Society, the American Academy of Sciences, the German Society of Orientalists Mirza Kazim bey, was a great orientalist of his time. Among his scientific studies, the grammar of the Azerbaijani language is of great importance [5, p. 23].

Socio-political events in the world at the beginning of the twentieth century also affected Azerbaijan, the fall of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in 1920 provoked a massive wave of emigration from the country, as a result of which 50% of creative people left their homeland [4, p.124]. Among them was the outstanding philosopher and publicist A.Huseynzade, orientalist scientist A.Agaoglu, public statesman M.Rasulzade, as well as such intellectuals as A. Jafaroglu, S.Rustambeyli, H. Baykara, A. Yurtolyubov, I. Melikova.

At the end of the 80s of the XX century, political processes in the country, the economic crisis complicated the financial situation of scientists, which led to the emigration of scientific personnel, necessary specialists abroad. In 1988 alone, about 14,000 scientists left Azerbaijan for other countries. And in 1990-1993, this figure reached 15 thousand [4, p. 133]. Many of the intelligentsia, who moved mainly to Russia, Turkey, Iran, Europe and Canada, were important specialists, considered representatives of the advanced scientific schools of the USSR in the field of natural, technical and exact sciences.

Among the countries to which Azerbaijanis emigrate, the Russian Federation occupies a special place. Today, up to three thousand Azerbaijanis work in scientific institutions in Moscow. The number of Azerbaijani intelligentsia continues to grow in Sweden, France, Great Britain, Germany, Turkey, USA, Ukraine, Belarus, Canada, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium and other countries. Currently, 284 economic scientists from Azerbaijan work in 19 developed regions of the world with promising economic potential [15]. According to the statistics of the State Committee for Work with the Diaspora, there are more than 500 Azerbaijani scientists in 39 countries of the world, 197 of them in Russia, 134 in Turkey, 26 in the USA.These scientists work mainly in the field of mathematics, medical sciences, physics [13].

Today, the number of Azerbaijani scientists who have achieved great success in their fields of activity and adequately represent their homeland is growing in different countries. Among them are Azerbaijani

scientist Mesud Efendiyev, who received the Humboldt Prize in Germany, Professor of Chemistry at York University of Great Britain Garib Murshudov, Member of Parliament of Hungary Gabor Gubadov, Doctor of Medical Sciences at the Cologne University Clinic Nuran Abdullayev. In 2005, the team in which Bakhtiar Siradzhov worked, the only Azerbaijani scientist who worked at the IAEA in Austria, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Dilbadi Gasimov, a member of the Strasbourg Bar Association, who represents Azerbaijan in France, always defends the interests of Azerbaijan, gives interviews about Azerbaijan's fair struggle. He is also the co-founder of the kapaz publishing house, which operates in France.

Speaking about the intelligentsia representing Azerbaijan in foreign countries, we can proudly name Professor Tofik Melikli of the Moscow State Linguistic University, director of the French Higher International Music Academy, Professor Adila Aliyeva, one of the best specialists in the production of medicines in the USA Teymur Hajiyev [1]. Based on these facts, we can say that achievements and authority Azerbaijani scientists will be allowed to form a strong lobby in the future.

On December 14, 2019, the French-Azerbaijani Dialogue Association, with the financial support of the Azerbaijani Diaspora Assistance Fund, held a meeting of Azerbaijanis working in the field of science and engaged in scientific activities in France. The meeting was attended by 50 Azerbaijani scientists, doctoral students, students from all regions of France. An exchange of views on the future goals and objectives of the scientific diaspora in France took place at the event. The decision to create a scientific diaspora to unite our scientists working in the scientific centers of France confirms the appearance of a certain layer of scientists in this country [13].

It should be noted that the scientific diaspora was an integral part of the development process of every developed country. Scientists who have obtained positions abroad are highly qualified, competitive human resources. Recently, the role of the scientific diaspora in the development of science and education has been great. One of the steps taken towards the development of Azerbaijani science and education is the issue of establishing ties and cooperation with individual representatives of the scientific diaspora in foreign countries. The scientific diaspora is important from the point of view of studying the world experience in various fields of science, establishing relations of cooperation and exchange of experience [2, p. 104].

It would be appropriate to highlight the important achievements of prominent representatives of the Azerbaijani scientific diaspora. One of such intellectuals is Adil Bagirov, Doctor of Political Sciences, Vice President for International Affairs of the World Energy Strategy, member of the American Council on Education, head of the Board of Education of Dayton, Ohio. A.Bagirov is the author of many scientific articles.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Bayramov Bakhysh, Head of the Department of Biophysics St. Petersburg Polytechnic University,



honorary member of the St. Petersburg Union of Scientists, the European Physical Society and a number of international scientific organizations. A well-known scientist in the field of physics is a full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the author of important inventions.

Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Rector of the Moscow State Socio-Humanitarian Institute Vagif Bayramov is the author of more than 100 scientific papers.Huseynov received the title" Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation", was awarded a diploma of the European Academy of Natural Sciences [12]. We are proud to name hundreds of Azerbaijani scientists who are considered the elite of Azerbaijani science, working in different countries of the world.

By order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev in 2016, the leadership of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (ANAS) launched the project of the information system "Diaspora of Azerbaijani scientists". For this purpose, the information system "Diaspora of Azerbaijani scientists", created in 2019 by the staff of the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS, was launched. By order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev in 2016, the leadership of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (ANAS) launched the project of the information system "Diaspora of Azerbaijani scientists". For this purpose, the information system "Diaspora of Azerbaijani scientists", created in 2019 by the staff of the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS, was launched.

The website, created in cooperation with the State Committee for Work with the Diaspora, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education, the Foundation for the Development of Science under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS, as well as a number of educational institutions of the country, contains information about scientists living in foreign countries. The main purpose of the website is to form a unified information base about Azerbaijani scientists living abroad, to get acquainted with their scientific

achievements, as well as to expand cooperation opportunities. [14]. Of great importance is the creation of a database of scientists, researchers temporarily or permanently residing abroad. It can also serve to study and apply the professional experience of Azerbaijani scientists in our country.


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