Научная статья на тему 'The influences of English into Azerbaijani during globalization'

The influences of English into Azerbaijani during globalization Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Aghayev D.

Globalization has become a popular theme in various fields of study. It is mentioned about not only in the context of science or technology but also in the deepest structure of the societies both in the developed countries and developing countries. One of those fields is linguistics. Today many sociologists and linguists from different countries, especially the official languages of which are not English investigate their mother tongue or official language to detect if they have been undergone by the influences of English as English has become a global language. Azerbaijani which is the official language of the Azerbaijan Republic has witnessed these influences lately after restoring its independence.

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Глобализация стала популярной темой в различных областях обучения. Об этом говорят не только в контексте науки или техники, но и в самой глубокой структуре обществ как в развитых странах, так и в развивающихся странах. Одним из таких полей является лингвистика. Сегодня многие социологи и лингвисты из разных стран, особенно официальные языки, которых не являются англичанами, исследуют свой родной язык или официальный язык, чтобы определить, были ли они подвергнуты влиянию английского языка, поскольку английский стал глобальным языком. Азербайджанский язык, который является официальным языком Азербайджанской Республики, стал свидетелем этих влияний в последнее время после восстановления его независимости.

Текст научной работы на тему «The influences of English into Azerbaijani during globalization»

34. First Lady Melania Trump hosts White House meeting with tech giants to discuss cyberbullying. NY Daily News 2018; 20 marta. Available at: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/melania-trump-hosts-cyberbullying-meeting-tech-giants-article-1.3886569

35. Dziemianowicz Joe "Rocktopia" review: rock-classical concert hits Broadway. NY Daily News. 2018; 27 marta. Available at: http://www. nydailynews.com/entertainment/theater-arts/rocktopia-review-rock-classical-concert-hits-broadway-article-1.3899581

36. McCarthy Tyler, Fox News. Playboy Playmate will avoid jail time for body-shaming incident. 2018; 17 yanvarya. Available at: https://nypost. com/2018/01/17/playboy-playmate-will-avoid-jail-time-for-body-shaming-incident/

37. Lieu Amy, Fox News. With new year, California becomes "sanctuary state". New York Post. 2018; 22 yanvarya. Available at: https://nypost. com/2018/01/02/with-new-year-california-becomes-sanctuary-state/

Статья поступила в редакцию 21.05.18

УДК 81

Aghayev D., doctoral postgraduate, Azerbaijan University of Language (Baku, Azerbaijan), E-mail: Deyanet089@gmail.com

THE INFLUENCES OF ENGLISH INTO AZERBAIJANI DURING GLOBALIZATION. Globalization has become a popular theme in various fields of study. It is mentioned about not only in the context of science or technology but also in the deepest structure of the societies both in the developed countries and developing countries. One of those fields is linguistics. Today many sociologists and linguists from different countries, especially the official languages of which are not English investigate their mother tongue or official language to detect if they have been undergone by the influences of English as English has become a global language. Azerbaijani which is the official language of the Azerbaijan Republic has witnessed these influences lately after restoring its independence.

Key words: globalization, linguistics, English, Azerbaijani, influences.

Д. Агаев, докторант, каф. английской лексикологии, Университет языков, Азербайджан, г. Баку,

E-mail: Deyanet089@gmail.com


Глобализация стала популярной темой в различных областях обучения. Об этом говорят не только в контексте науки или техники, но и в самой глубокой структуре обществ как в развитых странах, так и в развивающихся странах. Одним из таких полей является лингвистика. Сегодня многие социологи и лингвисты из разных стран, особенно официальные языки, которых не являются англичанами, исследуют свой родной язык или официальный язык, чтобы определить, были ли они подвергнуты влиянию английского языка, поскольку английский стал глобальным языком. Азербайджанский язык, который является официальным языком Азербайджанской Республики, стал свидетелем этих влияний в последнее время после восстановления его независимости.

Ключевые слова: глобализация, лингвистика, английский язык, азербайджанский язык, влияния.

I. Globalization

As the meaning of the process 'globalization', the word has also spread all over the world regardless whether the area has joined to the process or not. That means this term is being spoken everywhere. In the result, the process has begun more or less in all the points of the world. Actually, the world itself is global geographically. We have just one planet that we have been located in. So the positive and negative processes happen in one area definitely make traces for the other areas. Beginning from the recent century we have come across the slogans 'Protect our nature', 'Protect the Earth', 'don't waste the water', 'don't pollute the air', etc. These challenges are aimed to save the Earth where we all have been living. Among these challenges there are some more to make peace, to avoid the wars, for example, 'Love your neighbor' urge you not to make any quarrels, wars, or anything negatively. Certainly, these challenges are global.

The process of globalization is investigated throughout the world, as well as in Azerbaijan. Some of the scholars such as R. Mehdiyev, R. Aslanova, N. Valiyeva have investigated the notion. While R. Me-hdiyev approached the theme on the coordination with philosophy, R. Aslanova with culturology, N.Valiyeva showed the relation between globalization and linguistics. As well as other scholars from different countries R. Mehdiyev also considers the roots of globalization as the international financial (monetary) system of Bretton-Woods (located in New Hampshire, the USA) established in 1944 [1, p. 126]. R. Asla-nova states that globalization can't create unique culture while each individual person has got his own genotype and logical progress. So, one can claim the mutual influences among the cultures while talking about globalization. Here the main things are the mutual influences, communication, dialogs and etc. among different cultures [2, p. 21]. Actually, because as a term the notion is quite new, so the multiple research works are also missing in Azerbaijan and in the local language.

The process means to cover the whole world. So how it happens in Azerbaijan, according to N.Valiyeva, in modern period means of mass media are very important and essential. By bringing the letters and calls by readers, listeners and viewers to the practice of the editorial of the mass media it was possible to determine the type of

mutually directed communication [3, p.50]. Every day we see what happens in other countries in daily life broadcasted in the TV programs of news, sport, music, animal, quiz, cartoon, movie and etc. So, globalization comes in every country firstly by the mass media. Then we surf on the web, sign up in the social networks, getting friends from foreign countries, log in, furthermore, chat with foreigners, calling them on the net and so on, this is the second biggest way of spreading globalization.

II. The spread of English

We distinguish international and global languages. All international languages are improving and leading to becoming global languages. So global languages are the peak spread of languages. It is already a century that English has become a global language. D.Crystal distinguishes 75 countries and other dependencies where English is used as L1 (first language) or L2 (second language). From the table we see the figures indicating the numbers of total L1 (1,828,442,800) and L2 (97,841,450) users [4, p.109]. Though the figures are concerning the year 1990, it still covers the same countries. Besides the list of countries in the table there are additional countries which the English language has spread not officially, but globally.

The history of the spread of English in Azerbaijan is taken to start since XIX century. During those times, then in the ADR (Azerbaijan Democratic Republic) and after the Soviet Empire established English was not as popular as other foreign languages such as French, for instance. Persian, Arabian and Russian were not considered as foreign languages for some reasons. Persian was used in literature and there was some proximity to the two nations: Azerbaijanis and Persians. Arabian was used as a language of religion. Its scripture was close to Persian. They were so similar that even today, while speaking about the borrowings in the word stock of the Azerbaijani language, the two languages - Persian and Arabian are taken as one, like Arabian-Persian. Finally, Russian was used as an imperial, official language. Even today there are a vast majority of people living in Azerbaijan who either can write, speak or at least read in Russian. So, after the 3rd decade of the 20th century, there were attempts to study English at an academic level. Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages was meant to cover all the important

international languages. Even those times German was much more popular than English. As mentioned above, after the Bretton-Woods conference the US monetary unit was accepted as a unique unit within the global market. Since that time as the monetary unit of the USA its official language also spread throughout the world. Therefore the spread of English can't be accepted as the prestige of the UK, but the USA. So, after the WW2 the spread of English was in its high level in Azerbaijan. After the establishment of foreign language centers within universities and institutes, the studies in middle schools were also organized. The spread of English in Azerbaijan saw its highest level after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Since that time Azerbaijan is an independent country which can connect to the world easily. That means the country takes part its significant role in the global world.

Today English is used in every region, city, and town of Azerbaijan. From the airport or any customs which can be considered as a gate of a country to the hotels, restaurant, museums, governmental offices, hospitals, markets, malls, theatres, cinemas, parks, means of transport, newspapers, magazines and etc. one can find the useful information in both official language and English. As the scripts are the same, i.e. Latin, the two ways information can easily be written or read. Other languages which are used in different scripts have too many difficulties while expressing the translation or transliteration in English. Kroon (et al.) shows an example to the difficulty when information in Chinese should be given in English: The English concept of a 'fire extinguisher box' in the standard UK or US English consists of three separate words 'fire', 'extinguisher', and 'box'. The manually printed or painted English texts on the red boxes, however, showed different versions of these words. Where the four Chinese characters read (in Pinyin): mie huo qi xiang (literally: kill-fire-device-box), we noticed: 'fire extinguisher box', 'fire exting uishr box', and 'fireextin-guisherbox' [5, p.10]. There were so many mistakes like that, even in the word 'FIRE'; you can see it as 'FIRF'.

In Azerbaijan any visitors can easily observe the various signs in English: exit, enter, entrance, closed, open, WC, parking, emergency, ambulance, warning, attention and etc. Sometimes these words are used only in English. And there are too many indicators in English which are used simultaneously in Azerbaijani.

III. The influences of English into Azerbaijani

Through all kinds of spreading the globalization, the process brings foreign words into the Azerbaijani word stock. Borrowings are such words that are flowing into the language when the terms don't exist in the target language. It happens when the terms are brand new and there's no time to translate them better or at all. It is such a process that the notion spreads and is accepted and understood, without its using one can't, but the user can't wait for its translation officially defined by the linguistic society. We use 'email', 'SMS', 'internet', 'Skype', 'WhatsApp', 'Viber', "Instagram", 'Line', 'Twitter', 'notification', 'registration', 'parole', 'nick', 'verification', 'analog', 'digital', 'server', 'check-up', 'devaluation', 'rating', 'monitoring', 'invest', 'roaming' and etc. The list is getting impossible to be covered in an article day by day. Most of the modern borrowings are belong to the technical, communication, medical, economic and financial fields.

The major fields that have been imposed to the influences can be defined as below: public-politics, economics, culture and art, science-techniques, medicine, geography, animal and herb names, religion, household-dress names, meal (food) names, juridical, diplomatic, sports, military and so on [6, p.91-92]. Statistically, English borrowings were 269 by number, but right after the compilation of the major dictionary published in 2006, the authors added 98 more English-based words or expression officially [7, p.695-708]. Besides, there are much more unofficially used English words that haven't been added to the Azerbaijani word stock. We can find them as 'En-

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glish-origin borrowings used in media'. Q. Maharramli defined their numbers as about 450 in his research. Among 28 foreign languages, 113 of total 2200 borrowings could be translated [8, p. 5, 250-251]. As we see from the figures, unofficial English borrowings are more than official ones included in the Azerbaijani word stock. But considering this research also needs to be updated because it dates back to 1990-2000, and then we can easily claim that nowadays the numbers of English borrowings either officially or unofficially must be more than 1000 by number.

IV. The acts implementing to protect the Azerbaijani language

Modern Azerbaijan has implemented too many projects to get connected to the chain of the globalization. These projects lead the country to be the important part of the world community. By implementing these projects like Eurovision Song Contest, Olympic Games, European Games, Formula 1, Jazz Festival, International Mugham Contest, so many contest on different sports; chess, football, handball, water sports, beach games, as well as on music; jazz, mugham, or concerts on pop, rock, jazz, rap and other types Azerbaijan has reached a special target where the modernity and globalization require.

Although there is a steady progress towards the globalization by getting accustomed to the global language, the Azerbaijani government has implemented proper acts to improve and protect the state language. Due to the Constitution, laws, decrees, and orders strongly applied on the usage, protection, and improvement officially and suggestion or recommendation unofficially are directed to save the state language from any threats of loss within the process of globalization. One of the most recent steps towards that dates back to April 9, 2013, when Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the president of the Azerbaijan Republic signed an order on State Program on "The use of Azerbaijani language in the context of globalization in accordance with time requirements and the development of linguistics in the country". This order is very important for the protection the state status of the language, its operability, and literary norms.

Besides, there are certain attempts to make the Azerbaijani language be loved and protected. Within the country and across the borders where the world Azerbaijanis live there is a popular saying by Mr. Haydar Aliyev, the nationwide leader of Azerbaijan, he told: "I have always and also today been proud that I am an Azerbaijani". By this saying everything including the language, the culture, and the music and so on belong to Azerbaijan are advised to be protected. Language protection is accompanied by different events. For example, in some cities (Mingachevir, Nakhchivan) of the country, there are the statues of Mother Tongue. These events are aimed to make the state and mother tongue be loved. At the same time, they are too important to protect the Azerbaijani regardless of the spread of global languages.

V. Conclusion

The influences of English into Azerbaijani is inevitable. And it is not a good idea to make barriers in order to prevent its use in Azerbaijan. Because as an open country which has joined to the world community the use of English is natural. So one can think that idea impossible. English is used parallel to the state language of Azerbaijan in most introductory boards of governmental and private institutions. English is not accepted as a threat; on the contrary, most companies require foreign language knowledge from applicants and employees as a preference.

The influences appear in both official and local levels. That's because the modern century is a century of internet and technology. Every part of globalization is not observed without its influences. As the language is the first means of implementation in the frame of spread it starts to get borrowings from the appropriate fields.

1. Mehdiyev R. Azarbaycan: qloballasma dovrunun talablari. Baki: XXI. Yeni Ns^rlsr Evi, 2005.

2. Aslanova R. Qloballasma va madanimuxtaliflik. Baki: Elm, 2004.

3. Vsliyeva N. Qloballasan dunyada multikulturalizm saraitinda dilin inki§afi. Baki: Avropa, 2017.

4. Crystal D. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1995.

5. Kroon S., Blommaert J., Jie D. Chinese and globalization. Tilburg Papers in Culture Studies. Paper 111, Tilburg: Tilburg University, 2014.

6. Yaqubova T. Azarbaycan matbuat dilinda alinmalar (1990-2000). Baki, MBM, 2008.

7. Orucov 0., Abdullayev B., Rshimzads N. Azarbaycan dilinin izahli lugati. 4 cildds. IV cild. Baki: §srq-Qsrb, 2006.

8. Mshsrrsmli Q. Mediada i§lanan alinma sozlar. izahli lugst. Baki: Elm, 2008.

Статья поступила в редакцию 15.05.18

УДК 821(091)

Mazanaev Sh.A., Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor, Dagestan State University (Makhachkala, Russia),

E-mail: mariatdgu@bk.ru

Aigubova M.B., postgraduate, Department of Russian Literature, Philological Faculty, Dagestan State University (Makhachkala,

Russia), E-mail: mariatdgu@bk.ru

TIME STRUCTURE OF ROMAN B. PASTERNAK "DOCTOR ZHIVAGO". Spatial-temporal organization of the novel has a number of features. The time in the novel is represented by a series of intersecting layers that create a complex unity of the narrative structure: author's time, time of lyrical experience, character time, reader time, eternity. The whole novel permeates the principle of the uneven movement of time, the relativity of various phenomena. The sense of time for the heroes in different periods of life is subjective. In parallel, and simultaneously with the life of the heroes, the time of nature develops. The temporary arrangement of the novel includes several interdisciplinary strata that create an inner unity.

Key words: time, artistic space, structure, temporary organization, counterpoint.

Ш.А. Мазанаев, д-р филол. наук проф., ФГБОУ ВО «Дагестанский государственный университет», г. Махачкала,

E-mail: mariatdgu@bk.ru

М.Б. Айгубова, магистрант каф. русской литературы, ФГБОУ ВО «Дагестанский государственный университет»,

г. Махачкала, E-mail: mariatdgu@bk.ru


Пространственно-временная организация романа имеет ряд особенностей. Время в романе представлено рядом пересекающихся пластов, которые создают сложное единство повествовательной структуры: авторское время, время лирического переживания, время персонажей, читательское время, вечность. Весь роман пронизывает принцип неравномерного движения времени, относительности различных феноменов. Ощущение времени для героев в разные периоды жизненного пути субъективно. Параллельно и одновременно со временем жизни героев развивается время природы. Временное устройство романа включает в себя несколько взаимопересекающихся пластов, которые создают внутреннее единство. Автор делает вывод о том, что особенности художественного пространства в романе Бориса Пастернака «Доктор Живаго» определили характер движения времени. С одной стороны, насыщенность событий обусловила его интенсивность, с другой - субъективное восприятие окружающего мира Живаго - его психологический тип.

Ключевые слова: время, художественное пространство, структура, временная организация, контрапункт.

Динамика повествования в романе «Доктор Живаго» представляется последовательной линейной структурой, подчиняющей реализацию различных мотивов в тексте. Действие романа охватывает период с 1903 по 1929-й годы. Внешне повествование представляется традиционным, в нем показана судьба человека в эпоху революции. Сюжет романа составляют события, которые даны через субъективное восприятие их главным героем.

В художественном сознании время нередко акцентирует внимание обращением к категории вечности. Время и пространство у Б. Пастернака концентрируется на мельчайших деталях действительности окружающего мира.

По мнению Л.И. Ермолова, в романе можно выделить два способа передачи времени: прямым указанием на временную дату и передачу времени через движение образов природы. Временная организация обозначена через вечность, через время памяти, воспоминания автора, воспоминания героев, с помощью линейного и циклического времени. В первом случае в романе даются указания на крупные даты - годы, времена года, месяцы, так и на более мелкие единицы времени - дни, части суток, часы и минуты.

Данные указания служат некими связками между эпизодами, они фиксируют хронологию изображенных событий. Когда в произведении показывается развернутая в настоящем времени сцена, то движение времени передается через развитие и движение образов.

В раннем периоде, в детстве, не было понимания времени, только попытка осознать пространство. Автор пытается выразить данную мысль через религиозные суждения главного героя о пространстве и времени. Философско-художественный параллелизм между религиозным сознанием и восприятием главного героя наиболее полно отражается пространственно-временными параметрами повествования. Поэтому автор вводит символ пространства и времени через мотив тревоги. Поезд предстает пространственным образом времени.

Пространственно-временная организация романа имеет ряд особенностей. Время в романе представлено рядом пересекающихся пластов, которые создают сложное единство повествовательной структуры: авторское время, время лирического переживания, время персонажей, читательское время, вечность.

Весь роман пронизывает принцип неравномерного движения времени, относительности различных феноменов. Временной контрапункт принимает у Б. Пастернака две главные формы. Одна представлена неравномерным течением временного

потока, который придает событиям неровный, изменчивый ритм. Например, поезда, они в романе движутся неравномерно, что влечет за собой внезапные смены освещения, перспективы, слышимости, внутреннего состояния героя. Вторая состоит в совмещении нескольких событийных рядов, движущихся с различной скоростью, в различных ритмах и направлениях.

Принцип относительности проецируется здесь уже не на индивидуальные судьбы, а на движение исторических эпох. Неравномерность течения времени в разные эпохи подчеркивается характерными деталями: упоминанием двойного календаря и двойного счета часов. С такой же естественностью, как индивидуальные судьбы, исторические события, жизнь природы и космический порядок, в контрапунктные построения включается художественное время: течение различных стихотворных размеров и различных типов повествования.

Наиболее полным отражением этого принципа выступает построение романа в целом. Роман строится путем совмещения и наложения различных типов художественной речи, которые протекают в различном временном и смысловом ритме.

Преобладающей в пространственно-временной организации является категория времени. Пространственные характеристики реальности поглощены временными, время преобладает над пространством, становится более значимой категорией в произведении. Прерывистое, стремительное изображение событий в романе передает мир всеобщего круговращения, существо истории.

Важной чертой временной организации в романе является наличие нескольких временных уровней, определяющихся двумя взаимосвязанными сюжетами: лирическим сюжетом авторского проживания, вбирающим в себя вымышленный событийный сюжет героев. Внутри двух этих измерений можно обозначить и другие временные пласты: время памяти, время воспоминания автора и героев; линейное время (временной отрезок реальности), время циклическое (время природы, эволюционное время жизни в философии доктора Живаго, время православного календаря), вечность. При этом структура произведения предусматривает как составной элемент и время читателя.

На уровне авторского присутствия можно выделить время повествования, связанного с организацией событий, описанных в романе. Автор живет в двойном времени: времени, в котором роман пишется и времени воспоминания.

В романе эта особенность повествования проявляется по-разному. Некоторые годы жизни героев помещены в пару

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