Научная статья на тему 'Organization and planning of vocational guidance in the education system of Uzbekistan'

Organization and planning of vocational guidance in the education system of Uzbekistan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
vocational guidance / diagnosis / profession / forms / methods

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Avazov Komil Khollievich

This article describes the organization and planning of vocational guidance in secondary schools of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The forms and methods of vocational guidance at school are presented. The use of modern information technologies in the organization of vocational guidance for students is considered.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Organization and planning of vocational guidance in the education system of Uzbekistan»




K. Kh. Avazov

This article describes the organization and planning of vocational guidance in secondary schools of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The forms and methods of vocational guidance at school are presented. The use of modern information technologies in the organization of vocational guidance for students is considered.

Key words: vocational guidance, diagnosis, profession, forms, methods.

Vocational guidance is a scientific-practical system of state measures to prepare the oncoming generation for the conscious choice of a profession. Its necessity is obvious: firstly, vocational guidance (VG) ensures one of the integral human rights - the right to the freedom of professional self-determination in accordance with one’s interests, abilities and the needs of the labour market; secondly, VG can (if properly provided) influence the change of the situation on the labour market for the better, and promote economic development of society, and create prerequisites for providing workforce support of the social-economic development of the region and the country as a whole.

The Republic is currently carrying out state regulation of the structural changes and VG development dynamics in the system of lifelong education and staff training. It also determines the sphere of competence in vocational guidance of the education management authorities of all levels in accordance with the Law “On Education” [1]. The VG problems are addressed in different kinds of learners’ activities (cognitive, socially useful, communicative, play, productive work). For this purpose, school and municipal plans of work in vocational guidance are prepared annually. This area of VG is recorded in the plan of every supervising teacher. The responsibility for VG in schools rests with deputy directors for spiritual-educational work. In organization of the work, the supervising teachers are also helped by social teachers, psychologists, and organizing teachers [2]. One of the sides of the VG system is diagnosis of the occupational orientation of students of the 7th -9th forms carried out by psychologists. Supervising teachers perform further work with parents and learners on the basis of this information [2].

Regional women’s committees, local councils of the Nurony (Veteran) Foundation, mahallas - local self-government authorities, and the Kamolot youth civic movement also participate in VG of young people [3]. One of the essential elements for learners in the VG system is teachers committees at schools. These committees interview every high school student. The objective of the work of such a school committee is to provide the child with recommendations for choosing a profession based on observation of the child’s psychological possibilities and inclinations during studies. This process takes account of the child’s health assessment by a doctor who is a member of the committee [4]. Educational institutions of the country together with specialists, psychologists, parents, and teachers carry out surveys of children regarding their professional interests, level, and the completeness of their ideas about certain specialties.


The forms of VG work are: (a) excursions to educational institutions of secondary special, vocational education; (b) Doors Open Days; (c) My Profession - My Pride festivals; (d) exhibits on the topic of “Your Specialty - Your Future”; (e) the social event “A Properly Chosen Profession - The Basis of a Strong Family”; (f) and essay contests (“The Profession of My Dreams”, etc.).

Apart from traditional practical classes in general education institutions, such as talks and discussions, various pedagogical games, conferences, and other pedagogical technologies are also used. Classes on vocational guidance for 8th-9th form students are held based on the state standard. In the 8th form, students are given an idea about the methods and ways of choosing their profession, the medical requirements for choosing the specialty of their profession, etc. [5]. One of the components of VG in general education schools is a mandatory story about professions at every lesson in all 24 school subjects. School psychologists have developed special games and VG programs for this purpose. The school psychologists hold creative competitions, trainings, surveys, discussions, homerooms, meetings with parents and representatives of different professions, excursions, and creative workshops. Schoolchildren study in interest-based circles. They also meet representatives of economic branches, and go on excursions to industrial production facilities [5].

In terms of improving the quality of VG organization, special attention is paid to work with parents who directly influence the professional choice and development of their children. Work with parents is organized in different forms. The most effective ones are: (a) individual consultations by the specialists of the social psychological-pedagogical service of general education institutions; (b) topic-related parent meetings of vocational guidance orientation with invited representatives of educational institutions, enterprises and organizations; (c) joint meetings of parents and students (class, school, district) [5].


1. Эгамбердиева Н. Шарипова, Н. Юкори синф укувчиларини касбга йуналтириш техналогияси. - Тошкент.- Укув кулланма., 2011. - б2 б.

2. Умаров С. Б. Умумий урта таълим мактаблари укувчиларини касб-хунарга йуналтириш техналогиялари. - Тошкент, 2005 дисс.пфн. - 160 б.

3. Жураев Т. Укувчиларни касб хунарга йуналтириш тизими: Муаммо ва ечимлари. Узбекистон Халк Таълими Вазирлигининг «Укувчиларни касб-хунарга йуналтириш тизими: муаммо ва ечимлари» мавзусидаги республика илмий-амалий конференциясининг якунлари тугрисидаги. буйруги. 11.12.07. - № 135. - Ташкент // Мактаб хаети, 2008. - № 1. - 2б.

4. Электронный ресурс: Хасанов Э. Кадры новой формации готовят для всех отраслей. WWW// UZBEKISTANTODAY, 2009.

5. Электронный ресурс: Э. Рахматуллаев Профориентация на современном этапе. WWW.ZIYO.NET 2009.

Translated from Russian by Znanije Central Translastions Bureas


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