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World science
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monitoring / physical education / sports / sports training / multi-year process / athletes / innovative approach / three-component system

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Goncharova O.V.

The article discusses points of views on the organization and implementation of monitoring in the field of physical culture and sports, in particular in the system of highly qualified junior athletes training. The article presents consideration of the problems in monitoring of the long-term system of athletes training, based on a three-component innovative approach to the system of sports training, which will allow to carry out more competent and balanced scientific and methodological steps in managing the athletes training during the educational and training processes.

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Goncharova O. V.,

Uzbek State University of physical culture and sport, Chirchik, Uzbekistan DOI: https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_ws/31102020/7217


Received: 04 September 2020 Accepted: 17 October 2020 Published: 31 October 2020


monitoring, physical education, sports, sports training, multi-year process, athletes, innovative approach, three-component system.


The article discusses points of views on the organization and implementation of monitoring in the field of physical culture and sports, in particular in the system of highly qualified junior athletes training. The article presents consideration of the problems in monitoring of the long-term system of athletes training, based on a three-component innovative approach to the system of sports training, which will allow to carry out more competent and balanced scientific and methodological steps in managing the athletes training during the educational and training processes.

Citation: Goncharova O. V. (2020) Organization and Conducting Monitoring in the Field of Physical Culture and Sport World Science. 8(60). doi: 10.31435/rsglobal_ws/31102020/7217

Copyright: © 2020 Goncharova O. V. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

Introduction. The pedagogical process in the field of physical culture and sports, including the system of long-term training of both athletes of high-class and the sports reserve, is entirely based on the multilevel hierarchy of the training process control system [3,4]. It is an extremely complexly organized phenomenon; its effective management comprehensively depends on the possibility of systematic monitoring. The basis of the management of the efficiency of athletes training system should include three main levels, which allow to fully integrate the entire system, taking into account the clear hierarchical sequence of opportunities for improvement and determination of the optimal relationships between the controlling and controlled elements of the system.

One of the aspects of research in this direction is the study of the interrelations of physical qualities, the regularities of their elements connections, manifested under competitive conditions, with technical skill, state of the body systems, means and methods of implementing of a specific technical action, taking into account the achieved level of physical fitness. Hence, the study of the monitoring problem in the field of physical culture and sports is relevant today, it is not fully studied and requires further study.

The objective of the study is to characterize the problems and present the importance of developing a unified monitoring classification system in the field of physical culture and sports.

The main presentation of the material. The problem of monitoring application in the management system of long-term sports training is one of the most difficult in sports and the most in demand. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that the last decades have been characterized by an unprecedented increase in sports achievements and their high density at a sub-record level, an enforcement of competitive struggle at major intercontinental competitions, a significant increase in the volume and intensity of loads, etc. All this requires, of course, both a revision of the forms and principles of the structure of sports training to optimize the training process, as well as the possibility of a correct assessment of the development of motor qualities and technical-tactical skill of athletes [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].

Current sport, in particular competitive activity in many sports, is characterized by short duration of technical and tactical actions that require the athlete to maximize muscular efforts in a time deficit, so the monitoring system allows to correctly evaluate the efficiency of the training system. Optimization of the training process using innovative approaches implies the purposeful achievement of the planned result with a minimum expenditure of time and energy [5,6]. Let us consider the proposed stages of the innovation process in the system of highly qualified athletes training (Fig. 1).


\ //and

Fig 1. Optimization of the educational and training process using innovative stages of the training

system for highly qualified athletes.

As can be seen from Fig. 1, monitoring is one of the basic stages of the innovative process of the athletes training system. Along with it, model characteristics of competitive and training activities, the development of technologies integrating all aspects of the educational and training process with various types of athletes training and, of course, the introduction of the results of innovative development into the educational and training process of the long-term system of training athletes are given.

During recent years, a significant expansion of the of competitions calendar in all sports has been observed. Competitions are the basis of the sports peculiarity, and therefore their specific role in the process of athletes training is extremely high. It should be noted that with increase in qualifications, the importance of competitions increases appropriately. During the competition, demands made to the athletes cause the maximum specific stress of functional systems. Therefore, the need to increase the effectiveness of the training process is beyond doubt, since the further growth of technical and tactical skills is based on the athletes potential of the specific performance power and the feasibility innovations in the system of sports training. Figure 2 shows the main components of the innovative process for high-class athletes training.

The issues of the sports training development are the subject of interest of a number of scientific teams and scientists of various scientific profiles, as well as experienced teacher-trainers. With regard to sports, this means interrelations between theory and practice by combining three components: integration, interactivity and intermodality (Fig. 2). The fruitfulness of the long-term training system depends directly on the interconnection of current knowledge of the training system using present day technical means with a mandatory monitoring system for feedback and orientation to the model characteristics of highly qualified athletes. The selection of effective training means and their distribution within a particular stage (period, cycle) in order to achieve the required sports result with minimizing the training work to the possible limit depends on these factors. Thus, the volume and intensity of the load is considered as the main criterion for optimizing of the training process.

Fig. 2. Three-component innovative approach to sports training

For a long time, the topical problem of the present-day system of athletes training under current conditions has been the problem of the effectiveness of regulatory control of such a complex-structural algorithmic system due to the lack of development of a unified classification of monitoring. Thus, the organization of monitoring in the field of physical culture and sports is stipulated by solution of a number of the following vulnerable factors:

• Definition of monitoring indicators;

• Selection of monitoring participants;

• Frequency of monitoring data collection;

• Determination of the procedure for evaluating the selected indicators;

• Accumulation of quantitative data and their processing;

• Development and testing of the model on the basis of collected monitoring material;

• Making management decisions based on the received data;

• Development and establishment of proper standards for various types of training: general physical training, special physical training, technical and tactical training, competitive activity, etc.

It is important to emphasize that one of the fundamental tasks of the system of long-term training of athletes during the educational and training process and competitive activity is a complex control, including the measurement and assessment of various indicators in micro, meso and macro cycles of training in order to determine the multifaceted level of the athlete's readiness at each stage, including psychological, medico-biological, physiological, sociological and other directions of examination. Thus, in order to objectify the control of the athlete's state, it is vitally important to use various instruments, measuring devices, sensors and other systems that register and analyze information about a working athlete in the shortest possible time intervals with mandatory feedback in order to make the necessary corrections into the planned training process [4]. It is necessary asp to note the age-related patterns of the organism development as a whole and individual functional systems and, first of all, such factors as heterochronism and sensitivity of development periods, the degree of variability and conservatism of qualities and properties in the process of natural growth and under the influence of directed training, the significance of individual rates of biological maturation in the general system of sports training. The leading position will be aimed at obtaining the necessary minimum of information, the so-called "feedback" about the athlete's state, since it is unthinkable to talk about the management of the training process without taking it into account. Therefore, basic attention should be paid to this particular factor in the overall management system.

Currently, dynamic study of present-day sports includes five types of control signs and parameters of athletes' states: in-process control, operational control, stage complex examinations, in-

depth comprehensive examinations and examinations of competitive activity. For monitoring organizing and conducting, it is necessary to determine objective criteria for each of the listed types of control, taking into account the different types of the trainees state. Each type of control is carried out with the help of all kinds of tests and standard indicators, that is confirmed by the facts indicating the unequal informativeness of identical tests in their different controlling.

Summarizing the above stated material, it is necessary to conclude the following: the outlined above-described tendencies to strive to objectively assess the impact of physical activity on the athlete's body led to the development of factors for optimizing the educational and training process using innovative stages of the training system for highly qualified athletes based on a three-component innovative approach to sports training. Despite the significant backlog of scientists on theoretical aspects, at present a unified system of classification of monitoring in the field of physical culture in general and sports in particular has not been created. Consequently, we consider the prospects of future studies in association with the development of monitoring technology in the field of physical culture and sports.


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