Научная статья на тему 'Innovative technologies of sports selection and orientation as the basis of elite sport '

Innovative technologies of sports selection and orientation as the basis of elite sport Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
selection / orientation / diagnostics / prediction / methodology / training / heredity / sports specialization / education

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Aleksey P. Popovich, Valentina I. Gordievskaya, Tatyana A. Kolomiychuk, Anna V. Shchepanova, Anastasiya N. Kuptsova

The level of achievements in modern sport is extremely high. In order to be successful at sports arena it is necessary to have specific morphological features and unique abilities. Selec-tion and orientation form the structure of a long-term training in sport. During selection and ori-entation, complex observations and program research works are held in order to gather full in-formation about the athlete: his health state, anthropometric data, morphological-functional pecu-liarities, central nervous system (CNS) peculiarities, and ability to learn and master motor tech-nical-tactical activity, adaptability to the loads. Mastering the process and technology of selec-tion, diagnostics, estimation and prediction, we can make the conclusion about the future success of the athlete in this or that kind of sport. Research methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. We show the importance of heredity, morphological, physiological and psychological factors during sports selection and in training process. Different authors describe the stages of sports selection. Complex observations, testing help to gather information about an athlete: his health state, anthropometric data, morphological-functional peculiarities, central nervous system (CNS) peculiarities, ability to learn and master motor technicaltactical activity, adaptability to the loads. Information about the athlete’s consti-tutional-morphological features is necessary in order to determine his propensity for this or that sports activity. Conclusion. Higher educational establishments, which specialize in teaching training staff, should take into account the demands of a modern sport and make curriculum in accordance with the federal state educational standards (FSES). They are directed not only to-ward physical culture and sport theory and methodology but also fundamental disciplines (Phys-iology, Genetics, Morphology, Medicine and others) study. The specialists, who have this knowledge, are highly demanded not only in elite sport, but also in work with the athletes-beginners.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Innovative technologies of sports selection and orientation as the basis of elite sport »

DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2019-14-1-59-66

Innovative technologies of sports selection and orientation as the basis of

elite sport

Aleksey P. Popovich1*, Valentina I. Gordievskaya2, Tatyana A. Kolomiychuk2, Anna V. Shchepanova2, Anastasiya N. Kuptsova2

1Ural State Forestry Engineering University, Russia, Ekaterinburg ORCID: 0000-0003-0149-4885, [email protected] 2Yeltsin Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-9007-1405, [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1208-2392, [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0866-2987, [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0061-530X, [email protected]

Abstract: The level of achievements in modern sport is extremely high. In order to be successful at sports arena it is necessary to have specific morphological features and unique abilities. Selec-tion and orientation form the structure of a long-term training in sport. During selection and ori-entation, complex observations and program research works are held in order to gather full in-formation about the athlete: his health state, anthropometric data, morphological-functional pecu-liarities, central nervous system (CNS) peculiarities, and ability to learn and master motor tech-nical-tactical activity, adaptability to the loads. Mastering the process and technology of selec-tion, diagnostics, estimation and prediction, we can make the conclusion about the future success of the athlete in this or that kind of sport. Research methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. We show the importance of heredity, morphological, physiological and psychological factors during sports selection and in training process. Different authors describe the stages of sports selection. Complex observations, testing help to gather information about an athlete: his health state, anthropometric data, morphological-functional peculiarities, central nervous system (CNS) peculiarities, ability to learn and master motor technical-tactical activity, adaptability to the loads. Information about the athlete's consti-tutional-morphological features is necessary in order to determine his propensity for this or that sports activity. Conclusion. Higher educational establishments, which specialize in teaching training staff, should take into account the demands of a modern sport and make curriculum in accordance with the federal state educational standards (FSES). They are directed not only to-ward physical culture and sport theory and methodology but also fundamental disciplines (Phys-iology, Genetics, Morphology, Medicine and others) study. The specialists, who have this knowledge, are highly demanded not only in elite sport, but also in work with the athletes-beginners.

Keywords: selection, orientation, diagnostics, prediction, methodology, training, heredity, sports specialization, education.

For citation: Aleksey P. Popovich*, Valentina I. Gordievskaya, Tatyana A. Kolomiychuk, Anna V. Shchepanova, Anastasiya N. Kuptsova. Innovative technologies of sports selection and orien-tation as the basis of elite sport. The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2019; 14(1): 52-57. DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2019-14-1-59-66

The level of achievements in modern sport is extremely high and in order to be successful at sports arena it is necessary to have specific morphological features and unique abilities. In the system of training highly-qualified athletes there is the problem of sports selection. "Sports se-lection"

notion includes searching for children. They have propensity for high results achievement in the definite kind of sport. "Sports orientation" is more specific notion and it means the most prospective orientations choice during the specialization or functional in sports activity dis-tribution.

"Selection and orientation" form the structure of a long-term training in sport. There are several stages of sports selection in the theory of sports and physical culture. For example, V.N. Platonov defines 5 stages: initial; preliminary: transitional; main; final; [1].

During selection and orientation complex observations and program research works are held in order to gather full information about the athlete: his health state, anthropometric data, morphological-functional peculiarities, central nervous system (CNS) peculiarities, ability to learn and master motor technical-tactical activity, adaptability to the loads.

Great Hippocrates tried to classify a person according to constitutional-morphological features in order to define his propensity for this or that activity [2]. Plato in his book "State" un-derlined individual peculiarity of each person and introduced the test in order to select for mili-tary service [3]. Scientifically substantiated measurements of individual differences and propen-sity for successful learning started to develop in the 19th century. Mastering the process and technology of selection, diagnostics, estimation and prediction, we can make the conclusion about the future success of the athlete in this or that kind of sport or in a person's labor activity. The specificity of selection includes the following methodologies: pedagogical, sociological, psychological, medical-biological. The stages of a long-term training are divided into the following: preliminary, initial, profound, improvement, sports longevity. They make a long-term training continuous during the whole sports career of a person. At each stage of a long-term training this or that methodologies and means dominate.

Transfer from one stage to another depends on biological age, physical development, re-sistance and adaptation to the training and competitive loads. General criteria of propensity for the definite kinds of sports activity is mainly conditioned by the genetic factor. For example, morphological features of body length, the upper and lower extremities length-85-90 %; shoul-der, forearm, hip, shin length- 80-85%; body weight, pelvis and hips width-70-80 %. [4]. For example, speaking about handball the most effective are the tests created by

Yan Chervinskiy. They include 4 hand and finger measurements and relativity proportions [4,5].

The effectiveness of the training programs and the training process itself are based on the principles of physical culture and sport theory. They take into account "critical and sensitive" periods of morphological-functional systems and a person's organs. The knowledge of biological and physiological basis helps a coach to plan a training process taking into account the athletes' hereditary factors and individual dynamics of body length and mass at the age of 1 to 16 by means of alignment charts formation [5,6]. At the same time, anatomic-physiological peculiarities of an athlete are the main during training lessons organization. Quickness and flexibility are genetically dependent physical qualities. It is difficult to change them during the process of edu-cational-training lessons. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the athletes with not so developed physical qualities. But they have increased hydrodynamic and aerodynamic characteristics of skeleton in general. It is especially important for the following kinds of sport: swimming, cycle race, rowing, throwing and others. Such qualities as dexterity and general endurance are successfully developed under the outer influence. "Critical" periods are characterized by inner organs development and "sensitive" periods are easily influenced by outer motor activity [7,8].

The main objectives at the initial stage are the following: coordinating abilities, dexterity development and the technique of the chosen kind of sport mastering. The volume of the training process increase happens owing to the number of training lessons increase. The intensity of train-ing lessons increase happens within 3-5 % in terms of planning "macrocycles" [5,9].

High results in the sphere of sport, investments, financing, spend by this sphere, help sci-entists to study the stages of sports selection on the basis of this kind of sport, model characteristics of competitive activity analysis. They define the qualities, which are the most important in terms of high results achievement. They also search for gifted athletes. Athletes have these quali-ties.

The information about the athlete's genetics is also used. The athlete's inborn capacities for the

definite sports activity are studied. Such kind of characteristics are transformed into the program of a long-term training. It reflects at the stages, both the initial morphological character-istics, the dynamics of positive changes and adaptive abilities of an athletes' organism to the giv-en load of the training and competitive activity [6,10].

The importance of hereditary, morphological, physiological and psychological factors in sports selection and training process is great. Physical qualities of a person are genetically demonstrated within 70 %. Critical and sensitivity periods are also taken into consideration dur-ing training.

Critical periods mean increased activity of genes. They control these or that organs and features development. Sensitive periods are periods of genetic control decrease and responsive sensitivity of an organism increase to the outer training loads. During recent years in the sphere of molecular genetics of sport scientists came to the conclusion that the same genes function in-dividually [6,11].

The abilities of a child, which condition his sports future, have genetic basis, the same as in other spheres of a person's life. Only society can help to develop musical, art, sport talent or the absence of conditions can prevent talent development. And even genetically dependent phys-ical qualities of a gifted athlete such as strength, quickness, power can be not realized because of the coach.

Phenotype can give a lot of information in the training process and competitive activity. It is divided into two kinds:

-final or finished;


Two complementary kinds of selection were held. One of them presents the kind of sport and specialization selection on the basis of genetic characteristics. The second presents pheno-typic prediction with step-by-step correction at each stage of training.

Modern science helps to define the limits of a man's organism. They should be taken into account in his upbringing and during sports trainings. These limits are not unlimited and are closed within the genotype of hereditary constitution of a person. Scientists study the role of ge-netic information with

the orientation to the individual's sports abilities and skills in a chosen kind of sport [8,12].

As we described in this article, there is some connection between height and weight, pro-pensity for the definite kind of activity even during the latent period of motor reaction, relative muscles power and maximum frequency of heart rate. It influences anaerobic abilities of an ath-lete. We should take into account the fact that marathon runners, as a rule, come from large fami-lies. In large families the following qualities are formed: independence, persistence, diligence, discipline [8]. The specificity of any kind of sport demands the definite physical parameters and psycho-emotional qualities study. The result of this should be an athlete's biological passport creation. This passport includes the following profiles: hematologic, endocrinologic, steroid, "metabolomic" and "transcriptomic". For example, in the kinds of sport, which are based on en-durance and speed-power qualities, great role play anthropometric and physiological results, psychology, biochemistry, kinesiology [5,8].

We can also define two groups of athletes: quickly trained athletes and slowly trained athletes. The first group includes athletes from the families. Where the number of male relatives prevails. They go in for mass kinds of sport. This group includes athletes with the 1st blood group. Slowly trained group includes children. They are the youngest in the family. They have more sisters than brothers. Results prediction in sport can be realized owing to morphological-functional, individual-topological results and the effectiveness of competitive activity [9].

The main aim of selection and sports orientation is not motor qualities determination and their registration at the given age period, but their potential and skills, propensity for the definite kind of sport and the definite playing specificity determination. Morpho-functional peculiarities and motor skills interactions determine sports talent of the athlete-beginner. Physical abilities of a man are based on molecular-genetic factors of an individual. Psychological and psychic condi-tions are based on genetic capacities of an individual for this kind of sport. They are the main criteria during an athlete's long-term training planning. During the initial

selection it is reasonable to use simple pedagogical estimation (table 1). At the same time the stress is tests for the level of children motor abilities on speed qualities, coordination testing.

Table 1 - General physical training indices

Control tests Boys, 10 years-old Boys, 11 years-old

Perf. Good Sat. Perf. Good Sat.

1. head start 30 meters running, sec 5,3 5,4-5,7 5,8-6,2 5,1 5,2-5,5 5,6-6,0

2. Shuttle 6 meters to 5 meters, sec 12,0 12,2-12,4 12,5-12,8 11,8 11,9-12,2 12,3-12,6

3. Standing high-jump, cm 40 39-33 32-26 42 41-35 34-29

4. Standing long-hump, cm 180-165 164-150 149-140 186 185-168 167-150

5. 1 kg medicine ball throwing over the head, m 11 10-9 8-6 13 12-10 9,8

6. Tennis ball throwing, m 24 23-20 14-16 26 25-22 21-18

These tests provide sufficient information. They are directed toward the athlete's general physical readiness determination.

On the basis of a complex selection among young athletes, during a long-term training organization, it is necessary to provide training program complication from one "macrocycles" to the following one.

The directions of difficulty increase are the following:

- total volume of the training loads increase;

- specialization dominance in accordance with the stage of training and orientation to elite sport;

- the number of training lessons increase, including microcycles;

-using special means, exercises and sports specialization during the trainings. They are based on coordination development.

Taking into account individual peculiarities

of training for the highest achievements is till 10% every day. In modern sport the tenden-cy of the loads increase from stage to stage lasts till the "stage of the highest sportsmanship preservation", after which the volume and the intensity of the loads decrease [9].

One of the most important factors, which determine and condition further achievements of a young athlete, is the starting age of going in for sports determination. In many schools for children and teen-agers all over the world there is the tendency of artificial elite sport rejuvena-tion. All this influences the programs of sports schools, the system of competitions and other sides of training. They lead to negative consequences, including anatomic-physiological principles of sports selection violation [5].

Age is a the key component. It is very important for further success in elite sport, in terms of systematic trainings [10] (table 2).

further total volume of work increase at the stages

Table 2 - Favorable age for starting training different kinds of sport

Kind of sport Age, years

Boys Girls

Swimming 8-11 7-10

Rowing 13-16 13-16

Handball 12-14 11-13

Weightlifting 13-15 12-14

Competitive gymnastics 8-9 6-8

We mentioned that in many countries in terms of the work with the reserve artificial elite sport rejuvenation is held. It is reflected in program and normative documents of a sports school for children and teen-agers. The specificity of each kind of sport defines the most optimal time of systematic lessons start. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account all characteristics of a child. We mentioned them above.

Analyzing the performances of great athletes during the last ten years, we define three main variants of age-related dynamics of the highest sportsmanship formation. The first variant can include the representatives of boxing, track and field, rowing, swimming, handball, football. It means that after 10-12 years of training, the age of these athletes is 20-24 years-old. The se-cond variant includes the category of athletes. They managed to win the most important competi-tions till they are 20. It is interesting that the representatives of NorthWestern Africa succeeded in long-distance running. There is the World Championship of 1993 among them. Khayle Gebre-selassie won 10000 meters running. He was comparatively young. And the 3rd variant is a slow tempo of the result development and achievement for this athlete. It is connected with late bio-logical development and slow adaptive processes in an organism. There are about 10% of such kind of athletes. They are the World or Continent winners and champions [1].


The authors wanted to pay attention to the fact that the first two stages of a long-term training are very important for the elite sport. Great responsibility during children selection into sports sections is the prerogative of a coach-teacher. The athlete's achievements depend on the following factors: methodically competent tests, evaluation criteria and psychological-pedagogical atmosphere at a training lesson. At every stage of a long-term training there should be a highly-qualified coach and teacher. Higher educational establishments specialize in teaching training staff, should take into account the demands of a modern sport and make curriculum in accordance with the federal state educational standards (FSES). They are directed

not only to-ward physical culture and sport theory and methodology but also fundamental disciplines (Phys-iology, Genetics, Morphology, Medicine and others) study. The specialists, who have this knowledge, are highly-demanded not only in elite sport, but also in work with the athletes-beginners.


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Author's information:

Aleksey P. Popovich* - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Ural State Forestry Engineering University, 620100,Russia,Ekaterinburg, Sibirskijtrakt,House37, e-mail: Alexigß7popovich@ mail.ru

Valentina I. Gordievskaya - Associate Professor, Yeltsin Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 620078, Kominterna str., House 14, e-mail: [email protected]

Tatyana A. Kolomiychuk - Senior Lecturer, Yeltsin Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 620078, Kominterna str., House 14, e-mail: [email protected]

Anna V. Shchepanova - Senior Lecturer, Yeltsin Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 620078, Kominterna str., House 14, e-mail: [email protected]

Anastasiya N. Kuptsova - Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Yeltsin Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 620078, Kominterna str., House 14, e-mail: [email protected]

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